标签:cc++ c++ c++基础 编程语言 typedef
/************************************************************************* > File Name: char_count.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年05月24日 星期六 21时15分10秒 ************************************************************************/ #include <iomanip> #include <ios> #include<iostream> #include<string> #include <map> using namespace std; //Counting Words, Restricting Words to Letters and Letter-like Characters int main() { typedef map<string, int> count_map; typedef count_map::iterator count_iter; typedef string::size_type str_size; count_map counts; string word; // Read words from the standard input and count the number of times // each word occurs. string okay("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789-_"); while (cin >> word) { // Make a copy of word, keeping only the characters that appear in okay. string copy; for (string::iterator w(word.begin()); w != word.end(); ++w) if (okay.find(*w) != string::npos) copy.push_back(*w); // The "word" might be all punctuation, so the copy would be empty. // Don't count empty strings. if (not copy.empty()) ++counts[copy]; } // Determine the longest word. str_size longest(0); for (count_iter iter(counts.begin()); iter != counts.end(); ++iter) if (iter->first.size() > longest) longest = iter->first.size(); // For each word/count pair... const int count_size(10); // Number of places for printing the count for (count_iter iter(counts.begin()); iter != counts.end(); ++iter) // Print the word, count, newline. Keep the columns neatly aligned. cout << setw(longest) << left << iter->first << setw(count_size) << right << iter->second << '\n'; return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: char_io.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年05月24日 星期六 16时29分46秒 ************************************************************************/ #include<ios> #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; // 下面代码中的get函数和noskipws操作子具体作用请自行查阅资料吧。 // 其实就是为了处理空白字符。 int main() { // cin >> noskipws; char ch; while(cin.get(ch)) cout << ch; return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: char_exc.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年05月24日 星期六 16时41分56秒 ************************************************************************/ #include <algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<string> #include <limits> #include <vector> using namespace std; int main() { typedef vector<int> intvec; typedef intvec::iterator iterator; intvec xs, ys; // store the xs and ys { // local block to keep I/O variables local int x(0), y(0); // variables for I/O char sep(' '); // Loop while the input stream has an integer (x), a character (sep), // and another integer (y); then test that the separator is a comma. // 当读入的分隔符不是逗号的时候,结束输入,开始输出 while (cin >> x >> sep and sep == ',' and cin >> y) { xs.push_back(x); ys.push_back(y); } } cout << "The data you input are: " << endl; for (iterator x(xs.begin()), y(ys.begin()); x != xs.end(); ++x, ++y) std::cout << *x << ',' << *y << '\n'; return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: char_isalnum.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年05月26日 星期日 10时13分27秒 ************************************************************************/ /** Testing a Character by Calling isalnum */ #include <iostream> #include <istream> #include <locale> #include <map> #include <ostream> #include <string> int main() { using namespace std; typedef map<string, int> count_map; typedef count_map::iterator count_iter; count_map counts; string word; // Read words from the standard input and count the number of times // each word occurs. while (cin >> word) { // Make a copy of word, keeping only alphabetic characters. string copy; for (string::iterator w(word.begin()); w != word.end(); ++w) if (isalnum(*w, locale(""))) copy.push_back(*w); // The "word" might be all punctuation, so the copy would be empty. // Don't count empty strings. if (not copy.empty()) ++counts[copy]; } // For each word/count pair, print the word & count on one line. for (count_iter iter(counts.begin()); iter != counts.end(); ++iter) cout << iter->first << '\t' << iter->second << '\n'; return 0; }
std::cin.imbue(std::locale::classic()); std::cout.imbue(std::locale::classic());
/** Creating and sharing a single locale object. */ #include <iostream> #include <istream> #include <locale> #include <map> #include <ostream> #include <string> int main() { using namespace std; typedef map<string, int> count_map; typedef count_map::iterator count_iter; locale native(""); // get the native locale cin.imbue(native); // interpret the input and output according to cout.imbue(native); // the native locale count_map counts; string word; // Read words from the standard input and count the number of times // each word occurs. while (cin >> word) { // Make a copy of word, keeping only alphabetic characters. string copy; for (string::iterator w(word.begin()); w != word.end(); ++w) if (isalnum(*w, native)) copy.push_back(*w); // The "word" might be all punctuation, so the copy would be empty. // Don't count empty strings. if (not copy.empty()) ++counts[copy]; } // For each word/count pair, print the word & count on one line. for (count_iter iter(counts.begin()); iter != counts.end(); ++iter) cout << iter->first << '\t' << iter->second << '\n'; return 0; }
/** Folding Uppercase to Lowercase Prior to Counting Words */ #include <iostream> #include <istream> #include <locale> #include <map> #include <ostream> #include <string> int main() { using namespace std; typedef map<string, int> count_map; typedef count_map::iterator count_iter; locale native(""); // get the native locale cin.imbue(native); // interpret the input and output according to cout.imbue(native); // the native locale count_map counts; string word; // Read words from the standard input and count the number of times // each word occurs. while (cin >> word) { // Make a copy of word, keeping only alphabetic characters. string copy; for (string::iterator w(word.begin()); w != word.end(); ++w) if (isalnum(*w, native)) copy.push_back(tolower(*w, native)); // The "word" might be all punctuation, so the copy would be empty. // Don't count empty strings. if (not copy.empty()) ++counts[copy]; } // For each word/count pair, print the word & count on one line. for (count_iter iter(counts.begin()); iter != counts.end(); ++iter) cout << iter->first << '\t' << iter->second << '\n'; return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: char_count_founction.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年05月25日 星期日 20时13分27秒 ************************************************************************/ #include<iomanip> #include<ios> #include<iostream> #include<locale> #include<map> #include<string> using namespace std; // Using Functions to Clarify the Word-Counting Program typedef map<std::string, int> count_map; ///< Map words to counts typedef count_map::iterator count_iter; ///< Iterate over a @c count_map typedef string::size_type str_size; ///< String size type /** Initialize the I/O streams by imbuing them with * the given locale. Use this function to imbue the streams * with the native locale. C++ initially imbues streams with * the classic locale. * @param locale the native locale */ void initialize_streams(std::locale locale) { cin.imbue(locale); cout.imbue(locale); } /** Find the longest key in a map. * @param map the map to search * @returns the size of the longest key in @p map */ str_size get_longest_key(count_map map) { str_size result(0); for (count_iter iter(map.begin()); iter != map.end(); ++iter) if (iter->first.size() > result) result = iter->first.size(); return result; } /** Print the word, count, newline. Keep the columns neatly aligned. * Rather than the tedious operation of measuring the magnitude of all * the counts and then determining the necessary number of columns, just * use a sufficiently large value for the counts column. * @param iter an iterator that points to the word/count pair * @param longest the size of the longest key; pad all keys to this size */ void print_pair(count_iter iter, str_size longest) { const int count_size(10); // Number of places for printing the count cout << setw(longest) << left << iter->first << setw(count_size) << right << iter->second << '\n'; } /** Print the results in neat columns. * @param counts the map of all the counts */ void print_counts(count_map counts) { str_size longest(get_longest_key(counts)); // For each word/count pair... for (count_iter iter(counts.begin()); iter != counts.end(); ++iter) print_pair(iter, longest); } /** Sanitize a string by keeping only alphabetic characters. * @param str the original string * @param loc the locale used to test the characters * @return a santized copy of the string */ string sanitize(string str, locale loc) { string result; for (string::iterator s(str.begin()); s != str.end(); ++s) if (isalnum(*s, loc)) result.push_back(tolower(*s, loc)); return result; } /** Main program to count unique words in the standard input. */ int main() { locale native(""); // get the native locale initialize_streams(native); count_map counts; string word; // Read words from the standard input and count the number of times // each word occurs. while (std::cin >> word) { string copy(sanitize(word, native)); // The "word" might be all punctuation, so the copy would be empty. // Don't count empty strings. if (not copy.empty()) ++counts[copy]; } print_counts(counts); return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list2001_argument_parameter.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年05月27日 星期二 10时25分48秒 ************************************************************************/ #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<iterator> #include<string> #include<vector> using namespace std; // function void modify(int x) { x =10; } int triple(int x) { return 3*x; } void print_vector(vector<int> v) { cout << "{" ; copy (v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," ")); cout << "}\n"; } void add(vector<int> v, int a) { for(vector<int>::iterator iter(v.begin()); iter!=v.end(); ++iter) { *iter = *iter *a ; } } int main() { int a(42); modify(a); cout << "a" << a << endl; vector<int> data; data.push_back(10); data.push_back(20); data.push_back(30); data.push_back(40); print_vector(data); add(data, 30); print_vector(data); return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list2002_reference.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年05月27日 星期二 10时46分28秒 ************************************************************************/ #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<iterator> #include<string> #include<vector> using namespace std; // function void modify(int& x) { x =10; } /**当triple的参数为引用时候,不可以直接调用triple(14). *一言以蔽之,不能给数字赋值,只能给变量赋值. *在C++术语中,粗略的讲,变量出现在赋值的左侧时称为左值.仅能出现在赋值的右侧的称为右值. *整数字面量是一个很好的右值的例子. */ int triple(int x) { return 3*x; } /**按引用传递值,并且阻止函数改变参数. *@const& v 声明参数v为不可变类型 *参数从右往左读,首先是参数v,然后他是一个引用,引用的是一个const对象 */ void print_vector(vector<int> const& v) { cout << "{" ; // copy (v.begin(), v.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(cout," ")); string separator(""); // 取代上面的ostream_iterator, 使用const_iterator,可以防止向量的内容被改变, // 同时有可以实现迭代. for(vector<int>const_iterator i(v.begin()); i!=v.end(); i++ ) { cout << *i << separator ; separator = ", "; } cout << "}\n"; } void add(vector<int>& v, int a) { for(vector<int>::iterator iter(v.begin()); iter!=v.end(); ++iter) { *iter = *iter *a ; } } int main() { int a(42); modify(a); cout << "a" << a << endl; vector<int> data; data.push_back(10); data.push_back(20); data.push_back(30); data.push_back(40); print_vector(data); add(data, 30); print_vector(data); return 0; }
/** Sanitizing a String by Transforming It */ /** Test for non-letter. * @param ch the character to test * @return true if @p ch is not a character that makes up a word */ bool non_letter(char ch) { return not isalnum(ch, std::locale()); } /** Convert to lowercase. * Use a canonical form by converting to uppercase first, * and then to lowercase. * @param ch the character to test * @return the character converted to lowercase */ char lowercase(char ch) { return std::tolower(ch, std::locale()); } /** Sanitize a string by keeping only alphabetic characters. * @param str the original string * @return a santized copy of the string */ std::string sanitize(std::string str) { // Remove all non-letters from the string, and then erase them. str.erase(std::remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), non_letter), str.end()); // Convert the remnants of the string to lowercase. std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), lowercase); return str; }
首先上面的那个的bool non_letter(char ch)函数是一个谓词的例子,谓词是一个返回bool结果的函数。具体的请参阅相关资料,不再深入探讨。
/************************************************************************* > File Name: word_pal.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年05月30日 星期五 20时26分41秒 ************************************************************************/ #include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<iterator> #include<locale> #include<string> using namespace std; /** 测试非字母 * @param ch 带测试的字符 * @return 如果@p ch 不是字母返回true */ bool non_letter(char ch) { return not isalpha(ch, locale()); } /** 转换为小写 * 使用规范形式,先转换为大写,后转换为小写. * @param ch 待测试的字符 * @return 转换后的字符 */ char lowercase(char ch) { return tolower(ch, locale()); } /** 比较两个字符,不考虑大小写 */ bool same_char(char a, char b) { return lowercase(a) == lowercase(b); } /** 确定@p str 是否包含回文 * 只测试字母,不包括空格和标点 * 空字符串不是回文 * @param str 带测试的回文 * @return 当@p str 顺读和倒读都一样的时候返回true */ bool is_palindrome(string str) { string::iterator end(remove_if(str.begin(), str.end(), non_letter)); string rev(str.begin(), end); reverse(rev.begin(), rev.end()); return not rev.empty() and equal(str.begin(), end, rev.begin(), same_char); } int main() { locale::global(locale("")); cin.imbue(locale()); cout.imbue(locale()); string line ; while(getline(cin, line)) { if(is_palindrome(line)) { cout << "这是一个回文: " << line << endl; } } return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list2301_int.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年06月03日 星期二 15时38分25秒 ************************************************************************/ /** Discovering the Number of Bits in an Integer */ #include<iostream> #include <limits> #include<string> using namespace std; // numeric_limits获得整数的位数,并有一个返回值is_signed,即当数字有符号时返回true int main() { cout << "bits per int = "; if (numeric_limits<int>::is_signed) // 如果有符号,加一,加上符号位 cout << numeric_limits<int>::digits + 1 << '\n'; else // 否则直接输出 cout << numeric_limits<int>::digits << '\n'; cout << "bits per bool = "; if (numeric_limits<bool>::is_signed) cout << numeric_limits<bool>::digits + 1 << '\n'; else cout << numeric_limits<bool>::digits << '\n'; return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list2302_long.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年06月03日 星期二 15时44分42秒 ************************************************************************/ /** Revealing the Number of Bits in Short and Long Integers */ #include<iostream> #include <limits> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "bits per int = "; if (numeric_limits<int>::is_signed) cout << numeric_limits<int>::digits + 1 << '\n'; else cout << numeric_limits<int>::digits << '\n'; cout << "bits per bool = "; if (numeric_limits<bool>::is_signed) cout << numeric_limits<bool>::digits + 1 << '\n'; else cout << numeric_limits<bool>::digits << '\n'; cout << "bits per short int = "; if (numeric_limits<short>::is_signed) cout << numeric_limits<short>::digits + 1 << '\n'; else cout << numeric_limits<short>::digits << '\n'; cout << "bits per long int = "; if (numeric_limits<long>::is_signed) cout << numeric_limits<long>::digits + 1 << '\n'; else cout << numeric_limits<long>::digits << '\n'; cout << "bits per long long int = "; if (numeric_limits<long long>::is_signed) cout << numeric_limits<long long>::digits + 1 << '\n'; else cout << numeric_limits<long long>::digits << '\n'; return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list2303_print_overide.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年06月03日 星期二 16时08分45秒 ************************************************************************/ /** Using Type Casts */ // 重载print函数,输出不同的数值类型 #include<iostream> #include <locale> #include<string> using namespace std; typedef signed char byte; void print(byte b) { // 操作符<<将signed char 当作变异的char,并尝试打印一个字符 // 为了将该值打印为一个整数,必须将其转换为整数类型 // static_cast() 表达式称为类型转换 cout << "byte=" << static_cast<int>(b) << '\n'; } void print(short s) { cout << "short=" << s << '\n'; } void print(int i) { cout << "int=" << i << '\n'; } void print(long l) { cout << "long=" << l << '\n'; } int main() { cout.imbue(locale("")); print(0); print(0L); print(static_cast<short>(0)); print(static_cast<byte>(0)); print(static_cast<byte>(255)); // -1 print(static_cast<short>(65535)); // -1 print(32768); print(32768L); print(-32768); print(2147483647); print(-2147483647); // The following lines might work on your system. // If you are feeling adventuresome, uncomment the next 3 lines: print(2147483648); // long类型 print(9223372036854775807); print(-9223372036854775807); return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list2303_typePromotion.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年06月03日 星期二 16时17分39秒 ************************************************************************/ /** Overloading Prefers Type Promotion over Type Conversion */ /** 类型转换 * 类型转换分为两步. * 当使用signed char和short类型时,编译器总是将他们转换为int,然后执行运算.这被称为类型提升. * 但是,对于一组重载函数且编译器需要知道调用哪个时,编译器首先做的事情是找一个精确的匹配, * 如果找不到,就会考虑类型提升之后的匹配,仅当这种匹配也失败的时候,才会搜索类型转换后能够匹配上的. * 因此,编译器优先考虑基于类型提升的匹配. */ // 具体如下面的程序. #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; // print is overloaded for signed char, short, int and long void print(signed char b) { cout << "print(signed char = " << static_cast<int>(b) << ")\n"; } void print(short s) { cout << "print(short = " << s << ")\n"; } void print(int i) { cout << "print(int = " << i << ")\n"; } void print(long l) { cout << "print(long = " << l << ")\n"; } // guess is overloaded for bool, int, and long void guess(bool b) { cout << "guess(bool = " << b << ")\n"; } void guess(int i) { cout << "guess(int = " << i << ")\n"; } void guess(long l) { cout << "guess(long = " << l << ")\n"; } // error is overloaded for bool and long void error(bool b) { cout << "error(bool = " << b << ")\n"; } void error(long l) { cout << "error(long = " << l << ")\n"; } int main() { signed char byte(10); short shrt(20); int i(30); long lng(40); // 精确匹配各个类型 cout << "第一次匹配的结果" << endl; print(byte); print(shrt); print(i); print(lng); // 前三个都自动提升为int类型 // 因为guess函数没有相应的类型参数,所以无法精确匹配,需要提升类型 cout << "第二次匹配的结果" << endl; guess(byte); guess(shrt); guess(i); guess(lng); // 由于error参数没有相应的类型,所以需要类型提升,先将signed char和short // 提升为int类型,但是guess没有int类型的参数,需要进行类型转换,此时guess函数中 // 参数有long和bool两种,而类型转换,编译器认为所有转换的优先级相同,所以,此时编译器不知道 // 该转换为long还是bool,即是不知道该调用那一个guess函数,因此会出现错误. // 要避免错误,只需要添加一个guess函数,参数为int即可. cout << "第三次匹配失败的结果" << endl; // error(byte); // expected error // error(shrt); // expected error // error(i); // expected error error(lng); return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list2401_float.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年06月03日 星期二 17时14分59秒 ************************************************************************/ /** Floating-Point Numbers Do Not Always Behave as You Expect */ #include<iostream> #include<string> #include <cassert> using namespace std; // 浮点数的比较!显示出浮点数在精度上的注意事项. int main() { float a(0.03f); float b(10.0f); float c(0.3f); cout << "a*b = " << a*b << endl; cout << "c = " << c << endl; assert(1 == 1); return 0; }
/************************************************************************* > File Name: list2401_float_print.cpp > Author: suool > Mail: 1020935219@qq.com > Created Time: 2014年06月03日 星期二 17时29分32秒 ************************************************************************/ /** Demonstrating Floating-Point Output */ // 浮点数输出示例,三种格式的浮点数输出. #include <ios> #include<iostream> #include<string> using namespace std; /// Print a floating-point number in three different formats. /// @param precision the precision to use when printing @p value /// @param value the floating-point number to print void print(int precision, float value) { cout.precision(precision); cout << "科学计数法格式输出" << endl; cout << scientific << value << '\n'; cout << "定点数格式输出" << endl; cout << fixed << value << '\n'; // Set the format to general. cout.unsetf(ios_base::floatfield); cout << "一般格式输出"<< endl; cout << value << '\n'; } /// Main program. int main() { print(6, 123456.789f); print(4, 1.23456789f); print(2, 123456789.f); print(5, -1234.5678e9f); return 0; } /* 三种格式的浮点数输出说明 首先是precision(int)的说明: 关于setprecision(int),MSDN上的解释为: 即当输出的数据类型为浮点型时,setprecision(int)表示设置输出数的有效位数, 当输出的是定点数或用科学计数法表示的数时,setprecison(int)表示设置输出数小数点后的位数。 故通常控制浮点数输出时小数点后的位数的做法为:先将要输出的数设置为定点数,然后使用setprecision(int). 然后关于科学格式: 指数被打印为e或者E,随后是基数为10的指数.且指数有符号,即使指数为0,也至少有两位数字 关于定点格式: 不打印指数,小数点前有多少位打印多少位,小数点总是被打印,精度取决与小数点后的数字的位数. 关于默认格式: 如果指数小于或者等于-4,或者说大于精度,数字会以科学格式打印. 否则,以无指数格式打印,但是不像传统的定点输出,小数点后的0会被移除. 需要时,值会以四舍五入的来适应分配的精度. */
Over, 第一部分C++基础!
标签:cc++ c++ c++基础 编程语言 typedef