CCache is a compiler cache for C/C++. It speeds up recompilation by caching the result of previous compilations and detecting when the same compilation is being done again. We can use this tool to speed up cocos2d-x android compilation.
The following instructions are tested on Mac:
You can use homebrew:
brew install --HEAD ccache
Or install by source:
git clone
cd ccache
make install
If bash prompts it can not find autoheader, you need install automake:
brew install automake
But, if bash complains it can not find brew, you need install one:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
make sure ccache can be found in your $PATH, run command:
If you can not see the help message, check your installation.
To use CCache, you need setup some environment variables:
vim ~/.bash_profile
Add following lines:
export USE_CCACHE=1
export NDK_CCACHE=/usr/local/bin/ccache
Then run command:
ccache -M 10G
This command will set max cache size to 10G, If your mac have a large hard disk, you can set the cache size to 50G.
Then, find your NDK path, if you forget where you put it, try the following command:
which ndk-build
This is the result on my mbp:
So my NDK_ROOT is:
Open file: $NDK_ROOT/build/core/
find the following section,Add ccache as shown:
# IMPORTANT: The following definitions must use lazy assignment because
# the value of TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX or TARGET_CFLAGS can be changed later by
# the toolchain‘s script.
ifneq ($(findstring ccc-analyzer,$(CC)),)
TARGET_CC = ccache $(TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX)gcc #Add ccache support
ifneq ($(findstring c++-analyzer,$(CXX)),)
TARGET_CXX = ccache $(TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX)g++ #Add ccache support
TARGET_CXXFLAGS = $(TARGET_CFLAGS) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
Switch to cocos2d-x root path, run:
python build/ -p 10 cpp-tests
Open another bash window, run:
ccache -s
this command will print the ccache statistics,
cache directory /Users/heliclei/.ccache
primary config /Users/heliclei/.ccache/ccache.conf
secondary config (readonly) /usr/local/etc/ccache.conf
cache hit (direct) 13588
cache hit (preprocessed) 11145
cache miss 4696
called for link 1
called for preprocessing 14
preprocessor error 1
can‘t use precompiled header 1629
no input file 5
files in cache 32222
cache size 5.4 GB
max cache size 30.0 GB
If both cache hit & cache size are 0, that means ccache doesn‘t work, you need check your configuration.
How to use CCache to speed up cocos2d-x android compilation,布布扣,
How to use CCache to speed up cocos2d-x android compilation