1 const 传达的意思应该是这个变量是常量不能更改
2 const 在 * 左边表示数据是const,在右边表示指针是const
// char greeting[] = "hello"; char* p = greeting; //const *: const data //* const: const pointer char const *p1 = greeting; // const data char * const p2 = greeting; // const pointer const char * const p3 = greeting; // const data and pointer //not correct p1 is const data //(*p1)++; //correct p1 is const data p1++; //correct p2 is const pointer (*p2)++; //not correct p2 is const pointer //p2++; //not correct p3 is const data and pointer //(*p3)++; //not correct p3 is const data and pointer //p3++;
//1 const return value avoid the error like this // if( a+b = c) {...} //2 const parameter // it can avoid unintentioned change of parameter inside the function const Rational operator+ (const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs) { Rational tmp; tmp.real = lhs.real + rhs.real; tmp.img = lhs.img + rhs.img; return tmp; } class Rational { public: float real; float img; Rational():real(0),img(0){}; };
4 const 成员函数
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef ConstMemberFuncH #define ConstMemberFuncH //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <cstddef> //for std::size_t //1 const member function is used to operate const object // eg. we have a class Textblock and it has a operator[] which is const // when we have a const Textblock, the operator[] const will be used //2 // a const member function can change static class member // b const member function can not change non-static class member // c use mutable decleared variable can be changed in const member function //3 const member function can only call const member function // can not call non-const member function //4 const object can only call const member function // const object can not call non const member function class TextBlock { public: static int TextBlockStaticNum; char* text; //1 const member function is used to operate const object // eg. we have a class Textblock and it has a operator[] which is const // when we have a const Textblock, the operator[] const will be used const char& operator[](std::size_t position) const { return text[position]; //validate 3 //not correct //3 const member function can only call const function // can not call non-const function // print(); is the non-const function of vector }; char& operator[](std::size_t position) { //return text[position]; //call const operator[] and remove constness for return //not recommended return const_cast<char&>( // remove the const from the return of const [] static_cast<const TextBlock&>(*this) // add const to *this [position] // call const [] ); }; //2 // a const member function can change static class member // b const member function can not change non-static class member // c use mutable decleared variable can be changed in const member function int nonStaticOrMutable; mutable int textLen; const void constMemberFunctionTest(int Num) const { //a change static member TextBlockStaticNum = 1; //b //not correct //can not change non-static class member //nonStaticOrMutable = 1; //c use mutable decleared variable can be changed in const member function textLen = 2; }; //3 const member function can only call const member function // can not call non-const member function void print() { ; } TextBlock( char charArray[]) { text = charArray; TextBlockStaticNum = 0; textLen = 0; nonStaticOrMutable=0; }; } ; //1 const member function is used to operate const object // eg. we have a class Textblock and it has a operator[] which is const // when we have a const Textblock, the operator[] const will be used //Test function extern void ConstAndNonConstObjCallConstMemberFunction(); //2 // a const member function can change static class member // b const member function can not change non-static class member // c use mutable decleared variable can be changed in const member function extern void ConstMemFunctionChangeClassMember(); //4 const object can only call const member function // const object can not call non const member function extern void ConstObjCanNotCallNonConstMember(const TextBlock & ctb) { //not correct //print is not a const member function //ctb.print(); //correct const char t = ctb[0]; }; #endif
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma hdrstop #include "ConstMemberFunc.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma package(smart_init) #include "ConstMemberFunc.h" void ConstAndNonConstObjCallConstMemberFunction() { TextBlock tb("test"); const TextBlock ctb("test"); //call non const operator[] //correct tb[0] = ‘1‘; //call const operator[] //not correct, since ctb is const operator //ctb[0] = ‘1‘; //normally this is used as a function call //e.g. void print(const TextBlock ctb) //we do not change ctb in this function } void ConstMemFunctionChangeClassMember() { TextBlock tb("test"); tb.constMemberFunctionTest(5); const TextBlock ctb("test"); ctb.constMemberFunctionTest(2); }
effective c++ 条款3 use const whereever you can,布布扣,bubuko.com
effective c++ 条款3 use const whereever you can