标签:style blog color os name c++
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // FileName : meffect_item5.h // Version : 0.10 // Author : Ryan Han // Date : 2013/11/18 // Comment : prefix and postfix // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef MEFFECT_ITEM5_H #define MEFFECT_ITEM5_H #include <iostream> using namespace std; class A{ friend ostream& operator <<(ostream &os, const A &a); public: A(int initvalue=0, int initstep=1):value(initvalue), step(initstep){} //prefix A& operator++(){ cout << "A& operator++() was called" << endl; value+=step; return *this; } //postfix const A operator++(int){ cout << "const A operator++(int) was called." << endl; const A oldA = *this; ++(*this); return oldA; } private: int value; int step; }; #endif
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // FileName : meffect_item5.cpp // Version : 0.10 // Author : Ryan Han // Date : 2013/11/18 // Comment : prefix and postfix // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include <iostream> #include "meffect_item5.h" using namespace std; ostream& operator<<(ostream &os, const A&a) { return os<<a.value; } int main(){ int i = 5; //postfix return a const value //i++++; //prefix return a reference ++++i; A a(0,10); cout << a++ << endl; cout << ++a << endl; A b(0,10); cout << b.operator++(9) << endl; cout << b.operator++() << endl; return 0; }
标签:style blog color os name c++