标签:js 自动提示控件
先说一下我们这个自动提示的功能的要求,在input控件中输入一些值,在对应的下方会有对应合适的选项,类似百度自动提示的功能。我的这个控件为了可以在很多地方可以不做修改的进行引入,所以支持方法配置,样式配置,不需要任何其他js库,使用ajax实现等功能,在调用的时候只需一个div 给出对应的id和方法名就可以的,还可进行其他样式的配置。源代码不是很长,实现的功能也不够完善。
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/magusauto.js"> </script> </head> <body> <div id="magusauto" method="*.trend"></div> </body> </html>
这个html文件简单到不是程序员都可以看懂了。 最为核心的地方就是
<div id="magusauto" method="*.trend"></div>
其中 id不可变,js要根据这个id找到对应的div,然后在其后面添加控件,method 是可配置的。对应后台调用的action ,返回结构是使用‘|’进行分割的字符串。
/** * Created by se7en on 2015-06-02. * * 控件是为了实现类似于百度自动提示的功能 * * 为了实现可重用,控件提供样式美化,参数可配置数据自动获取 */ // ********************** 显示隐藏Tip层 *******************************// var _key; String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); }; String.prototype.replaceAll = function(pattern,str) { return this.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "gm"), str); }; function ShowTip() { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).onmouseleave = function() { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = "none"; } document.onclick = function() { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = "none"; } document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).ondblclick = function(e) { _key = (e == null) ? event.keyCode : e.which if (_key != 39 && _key != 40 && _key != 37 && _key != 38 && _key != 13 && _key != 17) { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = ""; document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).innerHTML = " 正在获取提示..."; VCreateAjax(MagusObject.method, BackArray, "KeyWord=" + document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).value); } } document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).onkeyup = function(e) { _key = (e == null) ? event.keyCode : e.which if (_key != 39 && _key != 40 && _key != 37 && _key != 38 && _key != 13 && _key != 17) { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = ""; document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).innerHTML = " 正在获取提示..."; // 类似ajax的一个方法 VCreateAjax(MagusObject.method, BackArray, "KeyWord=" + document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).value); } } document.onkeyup = function(e) { _key = (e == null) ? event.keyCode : e.which if (_key == 13) { var pointnametext = document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).value; if (pointnametext && pointnametext.trim() != "" && !trend_Util.checkNameRE(pointnametext.trim())) { defaultTrendGroup.addName(pointnametext.trim()); document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).value = ""; } } } } function HideTip() { var _key; document.onkeyup = function(e) { _key = (e == null) ? event.keyCode : e.which if (_key != 39 && _key != 40 && _key != 37 && _key != 38 && _key != 13 && _key != 17) { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = "none"; } } } function HideTTip() { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = "none"; } // ********************** 显示隐藏Tip层 ************************************* // // ********************** Ajax初始化函数 IE7.0 **********************// function VCreateAjax(VUrl,VBack,VVar) { http_request_name = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// Mozilla, Safari,... http_request_name = new XMLHttpRequest(); } if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE try { http_request_name = new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { http_request_name = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { http_request_name = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { } } } if (http_request_name.overrideMimeType) { http_request_name.overrideMimeType('text/html'); } } if (!http_request_name) { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).innerHTML = "<img src='../images/Icon_warning_01.gif' border='0'> 不能创建XMLHTTP对象,请升级您的浏览器或操作系统!"; return false; } http_request_name.onreadystatechange = VBack; http_request_name.open('POST', VUrl, true); // 这里用GET方法传递参数,不然会出现完成该操作所需的数据还不可使用的页面错误 http_request_name.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); http_request_name.send(VVar); } // ********************************回调函数************************************ function BackArray() { if (http_request_name.readyState == 4) { if (http_request_name.status == 200) { // 返回VCreateAjax 的URL 的Tip2.jsp的资源 var resSource = http_request_name.responseText; if (resSource != "") { document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).innerHTML = ""; var strSplits = resSource.split('|'); var DIVStr = ""; var FormatStr = ""; var sum = strSplits.length - 1; var elementText = document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).value; // 搜索有内容 if (sum > 1) { for (i = 1; i < sum; i++)// cut 0, and the end element { FormatStr = strSplits[i].replace(elementText, "<b><font color='black'>" + elementText + "</font></b>") DIVStr += "<div id='" + i + "' hideFocus style='cursor:pointer;line-height:20px;' onmousemove='FocusOP(" + i + "," + sum + ");' onmouseout='UFocusOP(" + i + ");' onclick='ClickInner(\"" + strSplits[i] + "\");'>" + FormatStr + "</div>"; } document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).innerHTML = DIVStr; var i = 1; maxid = strSplits.length - 2; FocusOP(i, maxid); document.onkeydown = function(e) { _key = (e == null) ? event.keyCode : e.which // ///////////向下 if (_key == 39 || _key == 40) { UFocusOP(i); i = i + 1; if (i > maxid) { i = 1; } FocusOP(i, maxid); } // ///////////向上 else if (_key == 37 || _key == 38) { UFocusOP(i); i = i - 1; if (i < 1) { i = maxid; } FocusOP(i, maxid); } // 回车且弹出框显示有内容 if (_key == 13 && document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display != "none") { if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).value = document .getElementById(i).textContent; } else { document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).value = document .getElementById(i).innerText; } document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = "none"; } }// end key down }// } else { // alert("无数据..."); document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = "none"; } } else { // alert("6"); document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).innerHTML = " 找不到您想要的点!!"; } } } // 获取焦点 function FocusOP(OPP,VNum) { // 清除其它焦点 for (M = 1; M < VNum; M++) { document.getElementById(M).focus = false; document.getElementById(M).style.background = "white"; } document.getElementById(OPP).focus = true; document.getElementById(OPP).style.background = "#a9e4e9";// change to } // 失去焦点 function UFocusOP(EID) { // alert(EID + " UFocusOP "); document.getElementById(EID).focus = false; document.getElementById(EID).style.background = "#FFFFFF"; } // 单击注入值 function ClickInner(strValue) { document.getElementById(MagusObject.valueId).value = strValue; document.getElementById(MagusObject.tipId).style.display = "none"; } var MagusWidget = function() { this.Init.apply(this, arguments); }; MagusWidget.prototype = { /** * 初始化 控件属性 * @param {Object} container * @param {Object} options * @memberOf {TypeName} */ Init : function(container,options) { this.containerDiv = document.getElementById(container); MagusObject.method = this.getMethod(container); MagusObject.color = this.getColor(container); MagusObject.width = this.getWidth(container); MagusObject.height = this.getHeight(container); MagusObject.style = this.getStyle(container); MagusObject.options = options != null ? options : { width : '400px', height : '200px', backgroundColor : 'lightgrey', fontColor : 'blue' } }, /** * 获取控件对应的method名称,用于ajax调用 * @param {Object} container * @return {TypeName} */ getMethod : function(container) { return document.getElementById(container).getAttribute("method"); }, /** * 获取控件对应的颜色值 * * @return {TypeName} */ getColor : function(container) { return null; }, /** * 获取控件的宽度 * @param {Object} contrainer * @return {TypeName} */ getWidth : function(container) { return document.getElementById(container).getAttribute("width"); }, /** * 获取控件的高度 * @param {Object} contrainer * @return {TypeName} */ getHeight : function(container) { return document.getElementById(container).getAttribute("height"); }, /** * 设置下拉框的样式 * @param {Object} container * @return {TypeName} */ getStyle : function(container) { return ''; }, /** * 页面加载的时候进行调用 显示页面 * @return {TypeName} */ View : function() { var html = '<input type="text" id="magus_value" ' + 'onblur="javascript:setTimeout(\'HideTTip()\',300);" ' + 'ondblclick="javascript:ShowTip();" onkeyup="javascript:if ( this.value!=\'\'){ ShowTip(); } else { HideTTip(); }" size="25" /> ' + '<div id="show"> <div id="magus_tip" name=MagusObject.tipId style="display: none" align="left"></div> </div>'; return html; }, Render : function() { var widgetDiv = document.createElement('div'); widgetDiv.style.border = MagusObject.options.border; widgetDiv.style.width = MagusObject.options.width; widgetDiv.style.height = MagusObject.options.height; widgetDiv.style.cursor = 'pointer'; widgetDiv.style.backgroundColor = MagusObject.options.backgroundColor; // widgetDiv.style.color=this.options.fontColor; widgetDiv.style.color = 'green'; var html = this.View(); widgetDiv.innerHTML = html; this.containerDiv.appendChild(widgetDiv); } } /** * 页面加载的问题 */ window.onload = function() { var widget = new MagusWidget('magusauto', { width : '180px', height : '20px', backgroundColor : '' }); /** * 加载 控件 * @param {Object} event */ widget.Render(); ShowTip(); }; /** *控件需要使用到的各种 属性 */ var MagusObject = { valueId : "magus_value", tipId : "magus_tip", method : null, color : "green", width : "200px", height : "40px", options : "" }
标签:js 自动提示控件