1 一、分页方法 2 3 /** 4 5 * 分页方法 6 7 * @param page int 当前页码数 8 9 * @param b object 10 11 * b.js js数据调用方法 12 13 * b.total 数据总条数 14 15 * b.pagesize 每页多少条 16 17 * b.pagelen 页码数量 18 19 */ 20 21 function ajaxPage(page,b){ 22 23 var js=b.js; //调用的方法 24 25 var total=b.total; //总条数 26 27 var pagesize=b.pagesize; //每页多少条 28 29 var pagelen=b.pagelen; //页码数量 30 31 if (page > 99){ 32 33 pagelen = 5; 34 35 } 36 37 pagecode = ‘‘; 38 39 page = parseInt(page); 40 41 total = parseInt(total); 42 43 if (!total){ 44 45 return false; 46 47 } 48 49 var pages = Math.ceil(total / pagesize);//总页数 50 51 if (page < 1) 52 53 page = 1; 54 55 if (page > pages) 56 57 page = pages; 58 59 // offset = pagesize * (page - 1); 60 61 var init = 1; 62 63 var max = pages; 64 65 var pagelen = (pagelen % 2) ? pagelen : pagelen + 1; 66 67 var pageoffset = (pagelen - 1) / 2; 68 69 b=$.toJSON(b); 70 71 // 生成html 72 73 var pagecode = "<dl>"; 74 75 if (page != 1) { 76 77 pagecode+="<dt><a href=‘javascript:void(0)‘ onclick=‘"+js+"(1,"+b+")‘>首页</a></dt>"; 78 79 pagecode+="<dt><a href=‘javascript:void(0)‘ onclick=‘"+js+"("+(page-1)+","+b+")‘>上一页</a></dt>"; 80 81 } 82 83 if (pages > pagelen) { 84 85 if (page <= pageoffset) { 86 87 init = 1; 88 89 max = pagelen; 90 91 } else { 92 93 if (page + pageoffset >= pages + 1) { 94 95 init = pages - pagelen + 1; 96 97 } else { 98 99 init = page - pageoffset; 100 101 max = page + pageoffset; 102 103 } 104 105 } 106 107 } 108 109 // 生成html 110 111 for ( var i = init; i <= max; i++) { 112 113 if (i == page) { 114 115 pagecode+="<dd><a href=‘javascript:void(0)‘ class=‘choose‘>"+i+"</a></dd>"; 116 117 } else { 118 119 pagecode+="<dd><a href=‘javascript:void(0)‘ onclick=‘"+js+"("+i+","+b+")‘>"+i+"</a></dd>"; 120 121 } 122 123 } 124 125 126 127 if (page != pages) { 128 129 pagecode+="<dt><a href=‘javascript:void(0)‘ onclick=‘"+js+"("+(page+1)+","+b+")‘>下一页</a></dt>"; 130 131 pagecode+="<dt><a href=‘javascript:void(0)‘ onclick=‘"+js+"("+pages+","+b+")‘>尾页</a></dt>"; 132 133 } 134 135 pagecode += "<dt><span>共"+pages+"页</span></dt>"; 136 137 pagecode+="</dl>"; 138 139 return pagecode; 140 141 } 142 143 144 145 二、方法中用到$.toJSON,插件代码 146 147 /** 148 149 * jQuery JSON plugin 2.4.0 150 151 * 152 153 * @author Brantley Harris, 2009-2011 154 155 * @author Timo Tijhof, 2011-2014 156 157 * @source This plugin is heavily influenced by MochiKit‘s serializeJSON, which is 158 159 * copyrighted 2005 by Bob Ippolito. 160 161 * @source Brantley Harris wrote this plugin. It is based somewhat on the JSON.org 162 163 * website‘s http://www.json.org/json2.js, which proclaims: 164 165 * "NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.", a sentiment that 166 167 * I uphold. 168 169 * @license MIT License <http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT> 170 171 */ 172 173 (function ($) { 174 175 ‘use strict‘; 176 177 178 179 var escape = /["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g, 180 181 meta = { 182 183 ‘\b‘: ‘\\b‘, 184 185 ‘\t‘: ‘\\t‘, 186 187 ‘\n‘: ‘\\n‘, 188 189 ‘\f‘: ‘\\f‘, 190 191 ‘\r‘: ‘\\r‘, 192 193 ‘"‘: ‘\\"‘, 194 195 ‘\\‘: ‘\\\\‘ 196 197 }, 198 199 hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; 200 201 202 203 /** 204 205 * jQuery.toJSON 206 207 * Converts the given argument into a JSON representation. 208 209 * 210 211 * @param o {Mixed} The json-serializable *thing* to be converted 212 213 * 214 215 * If an object has a toJSON prototype, that will be used to get the representation. 216 217 * Non-integer/string keys are skipped in the object, as are keys that point to a 218 219 * function. 220 221 * 222 223 */ 224 225 $.toJSON = typeof JSON === ‘object‘ && JSON.stringify ? JSON.stringify : function (o) { 226 227 if (o === null) { 228 229 return ‘null‘; 230 231 } 232 233 234 235 var pairs, k, name, val, 236 237 type = $.type(o); 238 239 240 241 if (type === ‘undefined‘) { 242 243 return undefined; 244 245 } 246 247 248 249 // Also covers instantiated Number and Boolean objects, 250 251 // which are typeof ‘object‘ but thanks to $.type, we 252 253 // catch them here. I don‘t know whether it is right 254 255 // or wrong that instantiated primitives are not 256 257 // exported to JSON as an {"object":..}. 258 259 // We choose this path because that‘s what the browsers did. 260 261 if (type === ‘number‘ || type === ‘boolean‘) { 262 263 return String(o); 264 265 } 266 267 if (type === ‘string‘) { 268 269 return $.quoteString(o); 270 271 } 272 273 if (typeof o.toJSON === ‘function‘) { 274 275 return $.toJSON(o.toJSON()); 276 277 } 278 279 if (type === ‘date‘) { 280 281 var month = o.getUTCMonth() + 1, 282 283 day = o.getUTCDate(), 284 285 year = o.getUTCFullYear(), 286 287 hours = o.getUTCHours(), 288 289 minutes = o.getUTCMinutes(), 290 291 seconds = o.getUTCSeconds(), 292 293 milli = o.getUTCMilliseconds(); 294 295 296 297 if (month < 10) { 298 299 month = ‘0‘ + month; 300 301 } 302 303 if (day < 10) { 304 305 day = ‘0‘ + day; 306 307 } 308 309 if (hours < 10) { 310 311 hours = ‘0‘ + hours; 312 313 } 314 315 if (minutes < 10) { 316 317 minutes = ‘0‘ + minutes; 318 319 } 320 321 if (seconds < 10) { 322 323 seconds = ‘0‘ + seconds; 324 325 } 326 327 if (milli < 100) { 328 329 milli = ‘0‘ + milli; 330 331 } 332 333 if (milli < 10) { 334 335 milli = ‘0‘ + milli; 336 337 } 338 339 return ‘"‘ + year + ‘-‘ + month + ‘-‘ + day + ‘T‘ + 340 341 hours + ‘:‘ + minutes + ‘:‘ + seconds + 342 343 ‘.‘ + milli + ‘Z"‘; 344 345 } 346 347 348 349 pairs = []; 350 351 352 353 if ($.isArray(o)) { 354 355 for (k = 0; k < o.length; k++) { 356 357 pairs.push($.toJSON(o[k]) || ‘null‘); 358 359 } 360 361 return ‘[‘ + pairs.join(‘,‘) + ‘]‘; 362 363 } 364 365 366 367 // Any other object (plain object, RegExp, ..) 368 369 // Need to do typeof instead of $.type, because we also 370 371 // want to catch non-plain objects. 372 373 if (typeof o === ‘object‘) { 374 375 for (k in o) { 376 377 // Only include own properties, 378 379 // Filter out inherited prototypes 380 381 if (hasOwn.call(o, k)) { 382 383 // Keys must be numerical or string. Skip others 384 385 type = typeof k; 386 387 if (type === ‘number‘) { 388 389 name = ‘"‘ + k + ‘"‘; 390 391 } else if (type === ‘string‘) { 392 393 name = $.quoteString(k); 394 395 } else { 396 397 continue; 398 399 } 400 401 type = typeof o[k]; 402 403 404 405 // Invalid values like these return undefined 406 407 // from toJSON, however those object members 408 409 // shouldn‘t be included in the JSON string at all. 410 411 if (type !== ‘function‘ && type !== ‘undefined‘) { 412 413 val = $.toJSON(o[k]); 414 415 pairs.push(name + ‘:‘ + val); 416 417 } 418 419 } 420 421 } 422 423 return ‘{‘ + pairs.join(‘,‘) + ‘}‘; 424 425 } 426 427 }; 428 429 430 431 /** 432 433 * jQuery.evalJSON 434 435 * Evaluates a given json string. 436 437 * 438 439 * @param str {String} 440 441 */ 442 443 $.evalJSON = typeof JSON === ‘object‘ && JSON.parse ? JSON.parse : function (str) { 444 445 /*jshint evil: true */ 446 447 return eval(‘(‘ + str + ‘)‘); 448 449 }; 450 451 452 453 /** 454 455 * jQuery.secureEvalJSON 456 457 * Evals JSON in a way that is *more* secure. 458 459 * 460 461 * @param str {String} 462 463 */ 464 465 $.secureEvalJSON = typeof JSON === ‘object‘ && JSON.parse ? JSON.parse : function (str) { 466 467 var filtered = 468 469 str 470 471 .replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, ‘@‘) 472 473 .replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, ‘]‘) 474 475 .replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ‘‘); 476 477 478 479 if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(filtered)) { 480 481 /*jshint evil: true */ 482 483 return eval(‘(‘ + str + ‘)‘); 484 485 } 486 487 throw new SyntaxError(‘Error parsing JSON, source is not valid.‘); 488 489 }; 490 491 492 493 /** 494 495 * jQuery.quoteString 496 497 * Returns a string-repr of a string, escaping quotes intelligently. 498 499 * Mostly a support function for toJSON. 500 501 * Examples: 502 503 * >>> jQuery.quoteString(‘apple‘) 504 505 * "apple" 506 507 * 508 509 * >>> jQuery.quoteString(‘"Where are we going?", she asked.‘) 510 511 * "\"Where are we going?\", she asked." 512 513 */ 514 515 $.quoteString = function (str) { 516 517 if (str.match(escape)) { 518 519 return ‘"‘ + str.replace(escape, function (a) { 520 521 var c = meta[a]; 522 523 if (typeof c === ‘string‘) { 524 525 return c; 526 527 } 528 529 c = a.charCodeAt(); 530 531 return ‘\\u00‘ + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16); 532 533 }) + ‘"‘; 534 535 } 536 537 return ‘"‘ + str + ‘"‘; 538 539 }; 540 541 542 543 }(jQuery));