最近在写php的过程中发现php提示php notice:………………的字样,虽然这个只是php的提示内容,并没有什么大的影响,但是出于安全性和美观方面的考虑,小弟还是想把这个东西去掉。 那么,怎么办呢? 抬出baidu,直接复制、粘贴php notice:,这样搜索的结果,一般有两种情况: 一、直接来一句:error_reporting=E_ALL&~E_NOTICE,搞得你不知道什么意思?! 二、 1.在php.ini文件中改动error_reporting 改为: error_reporting=E_ALL&~E_NOTICE 如果你不能操作php.ini文件,你可以用下面的方法来实现 2.在你想禁止notice错误提示的页面中加入下面的代码 /* Report all errors except E_NOTICE */ error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); 希望上面的代码能解决你的问题。 这个还好一些,让你知道怎么搞!打开php.ini,ctrl+f找到error_reporting,把上面的ctrl+v过来,浏览自己的网页,诶,真的不显示php notice了,这时真是对这位大哥感激的不行啊,终于帮我们这些菜鸟们解决问题了。 但是,不要急着关闭php.ini,让我们好好看看我们的php.ini: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Error handling and logging ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; error_reporting is a bit-field. Or each number up to get desired error ; reporting level ; E_ALL - All errors and warnings (doesn‘t include E_STRICT) ; E_ERROR - fatal run-time errors ; E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR - almost fatal run-time errors ; E_WARNING - run-time warnings (non-fatal errors) ; E_PARSE - compile-time parse errors ; E_NOTICE - run-time notices (these are warnings which often result ; from a bug in your code, but it‘s possible that it was ; intentional (e.g., using an uninitialized variable and ; relying on the fact it‘s automatically initialized to an ; empty string) ; E_STRICT - run-time notices, enable to have PHP suggest changes ; to your code which will ensure the best interoperability ; and forward compatibility of your code ; E_CORE_ERROR - fatal errors that occur during PHP‘s initial startup ; E_CORE_WARNING - warnings (non-fatal errors) that occur during PHP‘s ; initial startup ; E_COMPILE_ERROR - fatal compile-time errors ; E_COMPILE_WARNING - compile-time warnings (non-fatal errors) ; E_USER_ERROR - user-generated error message ; E_USER_WARNING - user-generated warning message ; E_USER_NOTICE - user-generated notice message ; ; Examples: ; ; - Show all errors, except for notices and coding standards warnings ; ;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE ; ; - Show all errors, except for notices ; ;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE | E_STRICT ; ; - Show only errors ; ;error_reporting = E_COMPILE_ERROR|E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR|E_ERROR|E_CORE_ERROR ; ; - Show all errors, except coding standards warnings ; error_reporting = E_ALL 虽然是英文的,但是就这么几个英文单词,应该难不倒我们吧! 看完,你会发觉,搜索出来的解决办法似乎不大好,而应该这样: 去掉;error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE这一句全面的;就可以了。 这样做比搜索出来的解决办法简单,而且这样做还保证了php.ini的完整性。 现在,再来看看在网页中对错误报告级别的控制吧! 拿出你的php手册,索引->error_reporting,看到了吧! The error_reporting() function sets the error_reporting directive at runtime. PHP has many levels of errors, using this function sets that level for the duration (runtime) of your script. 参数 level The new error_reporting level. It takes on either a bitmask, or named constants. Using named constants is strongly encouraged to ensure compatibility for future versions. As error levels are added, the range of integers increases, so older integer-based error levels will not always behave as expected. The available error level constants are listed below. The actual meanings of these error levels are described in the predefined constants. 表82.error_reporting() level constants and bit values value constant 1 E_ERROR 2 E_WARNING 4 E_PARSE 8 E_NOTICE 16 E_CORE_ERROR 32 E_CORE_WARNING 64 E_COMPILE_ERROR 128 E_COMPILE_WARNING 256 E_USER_ERROR 512 E_USER_WARNING 1024 E_USER_NOTICE 2047 E_ALL 2048 E_STRICT 4096 E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR 返回值 Returns the old error_reporting level. 范例 例543.error_reporting() examples copy to clipboard <?php // Turn off all error reporting error_reporting(0); // Report simple running errors error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); // Reporting E_NOTICE can be good too (to report uninitialized // variables or catch variable name misspellings ...) error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_NOTICE); // Report all errors except E_NOTICE // This is the default value set in php.ini error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // Report all PHP errors (bitwise 63 may be used in PHP 3) error_reporting(E_ALL); // Same as error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set(‘error_reporting‘, E_ALL); ?>