netconsole is a kernel module that sends all kernel log messages (i.e. dmesg) over the network to another computer,without involving user space (e.g. syslogd). Name "netconsole" is a misnomer because its not really a "console", more like a remote logging service.It can be used either built-in or as a module. Built-in netconsole initializes immediately after NIC cards and will bring up the specified interface as soon as possible. The module is mainly used for capturing kernel panic output from a headless machine,or in other situations where the user space is no more functional.Documentation is available in the Linux kernel tree under Documentation/networking/netconsole.txt. 是一个通过网络发送所有内核日志消息(即dmesg)到另一台计算机的内核模块, 且无需用户空间(如syslogd的)。"netconsole" 这个名字不是很恰当, 因为它不是一个真正的“控制台”,更像是一个远程日志服务。 它可以内建或者编译成模块使用.内建式的netconsole在网卡后立即初始化以尽快建立指定的接口. 模块方式一般用于获取无屏幕系统或用户空间无法工作时的kernel panic输出
基础环境 serverA=客户端 serverB=服务端
一、客户端)serverA配置 1、具体脚本 cat #!/bin/bash senddev=eth0 receip= receport=8888 mac= gateway=$(ip -4 -o route get $receip|/usr/bin/cut -f 3 -d ‘ ‘) if echo $gateway|/bin/grep -q ‘^[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+$‘ then mac=$(ip -4 neigh show $gateway|/usr/bin/cut -f 5 -d ‘ ‘) else /bin/ping -c 2 $receip > /dev/null mac=$(ip -4 neigh show $receip|/usr/bin/cut -f 5 -d ‘ ‘) fi [ x$mac = x ] && exit echo 7 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk /sbin/modprobe -r netconsole /sbin/modprobe netconsole netconsole=@/$senddev,$receport@$receip/$mac 2、说明 1)modprobe命令的-r参数 -r --remove This option causes modprobe to remove rather than insert a module. 2)现在我们需要使用console功能 这边手动调整内核printk打印级别(man 2 syslog) 7 -- Enable printk to console 3)ip route get ADDRESS [ from ADDRESS iif STRING ] [ oif STRING ] [ tos TOS ] 4)ip neigh { show | flush } [ to PREFIX ] [ dev DEV ] [ nud STATE ] 5)-4 shortcut for -family inet. 6)-f, -family followed by protocol family identifier: inet, 二、服务端)serverB配置 1、创建1个以.conf结尾的文件就行了 内容如下 cat /etc/rsyslog.d/jimmygong.conf $ModLoad imudp $UDPServerRun 8888 $template DynFile,"/opt/rsyslog/%fromhost-ip%.log" if $fromhost-ip startswith ‘10.1.‘ then ?DynFile & ~ 2、重启服务 /etc/init.d/rsyslog restart 三、使用和测试 1、需要给aaa.sh加执行权限 chmod +x 2、写进开机启动 echo /root/ >> /etc/rc.local 3、手动执行下 bash 4、查看dmesg信息 dmesg|grep console [ 0.004000] console [tty0] enabled [111098.509861] netconsole: local port 6665 [111098.509983] netconsole: local IP [111098.510055] netconsole: interface eth0 [111098.510122] netconsole: remote port 8888 [111098.510193] netconsole: remote IP [111098.510273] netconsole: remote ethernet address 00:0c:29:c8:87:a1 [111098.510420] netconsole: local IP [111098.526162] console [netcon0] enabled [111098.526548] netconsole: network logging started [114036.698520] console [netcon0] enabled [114036.698621] netconsole: network logging started 5、查看是否有过来日志信息了10.1.10.117(服务端) cat /opt/rsyslog/ Jun 16 04:33:38 [111098.526162] console [netcon0] enabled Jun 16 04:33:38 [111098.526548] netconsole: network logging started Jun 16 05:52:23 [115824.861174] console [netcon0] enabled Jun 16 05:52:23 [115824.861460] netconsole: network logging started 四、参考文章
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