Server interface.
Bases: novaclient.openstack.common.apiclient.base.Resource
Populate and bind to a manager.
Parameters: |
Add an IP address on a network.
Parameters: | network_id – The ID of the network the IP should be on. |
Add floating IP to an instance
Parameters: |
Add a security group to an instance.
Backup a server instance.
Parameters: |
Update the admin password for a server.
Parameters: | password – string to set as the admin password on the server |
Get password for a Server.
Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server.
Create an image based on this server.
Parameters: |
Delete (i.e. shut down and delete the image) this server.
Diagnostics – Retrieve server diagnostics.
Evacuate an instance from failed host to specified host.
Parameters: |
Force delete – Force delete a server.
Get text console log output from Server.
Parameters: | length – The number of lines you would like to retrieve (as int) |
Get password for a Server.
Returns the clear password of an instance if private_key isprovided, returns the ciphered password otherwise.
Parameters: | private_key – Path to private key file for decryption(optional) |
Get rdp console for a Server.
Parameters: | console_type – Type of console (‘rdp-html5’) |
Get serial console for a Server.
Parameters: | console_type – Type of console (‘serial’) |
Get spice console for a Server.
Parameters: | console_type – Type of console (‘spice-html5’) |
Get vnc console for a Server.
Parameters: | console_type – Type of console (‘novnc’ or ‘xvpvnc’) |
Attach a network interface to an instance.
Detach a network interface from an instance.
List interfaces attached to an instance.
List security group(s) of an instance.
Migrates a running instance to a new machine.
Lock – Lock the instance from certain operations.
Migrate a server to a new host.
Generate a simplified list of addresses
Pause – Pause the running server.
Reboot the server.
Parameters: | reboot_type – either REBOOT_SOFT for a software-levelreboot, or REBOOT_HARD for a virtual power cycle hard reboot. |
Rebuild – shut down and then re-image – this server.
Parameters: |
Remove an IP address.
Parameters: | address – The IP address to remove. |
Remove floating IP from an instance
Parameters: | address – The IP address or FloatingIP to remove |
Remove a security group from an instance.
Rescue – Rescue the problematic server.
Parameters: |
Reset network of an instance.
Reset the state of an instance to active or error.
Resize the server’s resources.
Parameters: | flavor – the Flavor (or its ID) to resize to. |
Until a resize event is confirmed with confirm_resize(), the oldserver will be kept around and you’ll be able to roll back to the oldflavor quickly with revert_resize(). All resizes areautomatically confirmed after 24 hours.
Restore – Restore a server in ‘soft-deleted’ state.
Resume – Resume the suspended server.
Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server.
Shelve – Shelve the server.
Shelve_offload – Remove a shelved server from the compute node.
Start – Start the paused server.
Stop – Stop the running server.
Suspend – Suspend the running server.
Unlock – Remove instance lock.
Unpause – Unpause the paused server.
Unrescue – Unrescue the rescued server.
Unshelve – Unshelve the server.
Update the name for this server.
Parameters: | name – Update the server’s name. |
Bases: novaclient.base.BootingManagerWithFind
Add an IP address on a network.
Parameters: |
Add a floating IP to an instance
Parameters: |
Add a Security Group to an instance
Parameters: |
Backup a server instance.
Parameters: |
Update the password for a server.
Clear the admin password of an instance
Remove the admin password for an instance from the metadata server.
Parameters: | server – The Server (or its ID) for which the adminpassword is to be cleared |
Confirm that the resize worked, thus removing the original server.
Parameters: | server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto. |
Create (boot) a new server.
Parameters: |
Snapshot a server.
Parameters: |
Delete (i.e. shut down and delete the image) this server.
Delete metadata from an server:param server: The Server to add metadata to:param keys: A list of metadata keys to delete from the server
Retrieve server diagnostics.
Evacuate a server instance.
Parameters: |
Force delete the server.
Get a server.
Parameters: | server – ID of the Server to get. |
Return type: | Server |
Get text console log output from Server.
Parameters: |
Get admin password of an instance
Returns the admin password of an instance in the clear if private_keyis provided, returns the ciphered password otherwise.
Requires that openssl is installed and in the path
Parameters: |
Get a rdp console for an instance
Parameters: |
Get a serial console for an instance
Parameters: |
Get a spice console for an instance
Parameters: |
Get a vnc console for an instance
Parameters: |
Attach a network_interface to an instance.
Parameters: |
Detach a network_interface from an instance.
Parameters: |
List attached network interfaces
Parameters: | server – The Server (or its ID) to query. |
Return IP Addresses associated with the server.
Often a cheaper call then getting all the details for a server.
Get a list of servers.
Parameters: |
Return type: |
list of Server |
List Security Group(s) of an instance
Parameters: | server – ID of the instance. |
Migrates a running instance to a new machine.
Parameters: |
Lock the server.
Migrate a server to a new host.
Parameters: | server – The Server (or its ID). |
Pause the server.
Reboot a server.
Parameters: |
Rebuild – shut down and then re-image – a server.
Parameters: |
Remove an IP address.
Parameters: |
Remove a floating IP address.
Parameters: |
Add a Security Group to an instance
Parameters: |
Rescue the server.
Parameters: |
Reset network of an instance.
Reset the state of an instance to active or error.
Parameters: |
Resize a server’s resources.
Parameters: |
Until a resize event is confirmed with confirm_resize(), the oldserver will be kept around and you’ll be able to roll back to the oldflavor quickly with revert_resize(). All resizes areautomatically confirmed after 24 hours.
alias of Server
Restore soft-deleted server.
Resume the server.
Revert a previous resize, switching back to the old server.
Parameters: | server – The Server (or its ID) to share onto. |
Set a servers metadata:param server: The Server to add metadata to:param metadata: A dict of metadata to add to the server
Updates an item of server metadata:param server: The Server to add metadata to:param key: metadata key to update:param value: string value
Shelve the server.
Remove a shelved instance from the compute node.
Start the server.
Stop the server.
Suspend the server.
Unlock the server.
Unpause the server.
Unrescue the server.
Unshelve the server.
Update the name or the password for a server.
Parameters: |
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