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php redis 分布式类

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$redis_config = array(
	‘prefix‘	=> ‘ylmall_‘,
	‘master‘	=> array(
		‘host‘	=> "",
		‘port‘	=> "6379",


class cls_redis {
	 * @var $_configMaster master config,default to empty array
	private $_configMaster = array ();
	 * @var $_configSlave slave config,default to empty array
	private $_configSlave = array ();
	 * @var $_redisKeyPrefix the redis key prefix
	private $_redisKeyPrefix = ‘‘;
	private $debug = false;
	public $queries = array ();
	 * @ignore
	function __construct($redis_config) {
		$this->_configMaster = $redis_config [‘master‘];
		// $this->_configSlave = $redis_config[‘slave‘];
		$this->_redisKeyPrefix = $redis_config [‘prefix‘];
	 * Get redis key prefix
	 * @return string
	public function getKeyPrefix() {
		return $this->_redisKeyPrefix;
	 * Set redis key prefix
	 * @return
	public function setKeyPrefix($prefix) {
		$this->_redisKeyPrefix = $prefix;
	 * @var $_redisMaster redis master,default to null
	private $_redisMaster = null;
	 * Get redis master server.If fail,throw ErrorException.
	 * @return Redis
	public function getRedisMaster() {
		if ($this->_redisMaster instanceof Redis) {
			return $this->_redisMaster;
		} else {
			$this->_redisMaster = new Redis ();
			try {
				$this->_redisMaster->connect ( $this->_configMaster [‘host‘], $this->_configMaster [‘port‘] );
				$this->_redisMaster->setOption ( Redis::OPT_PREFIX, $this->_redisKeyPrefix );
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				// $this->errorShow ();
				throw new ErrorException ( "Connect redis server " . implode ( ",", $this->_configMaster ) . " fail !" );
			return $this->_redisMaster;
	 * @var $_redisSlave redis slave,default to null
	private $_redisSlave = null;
	 * Get redis salve server.If fail,throw a ErrorException.
	 * @return Redis
	public function getRedisSlave() {
		if ($this->_redisSlave instanceof Redis) {
			return $this->_redisSlave;
		} else {
			$this->_redisSlave = new Redis ();
			try {
				// $this->_redisSlave->connect($this->_configSlave[‘host‘], $this->_configSlave[‘port‘]);
				// $this->_redisSlave->setOption(Redis::OPT_PREFIX, $this->_redisKeyPrefix);
				$this->_redisSlave->connect ( $this->_configMaster [‘host‘], $this->_configMaster [‘port‘] );
				$this->_redisSlave->setOption ( Redis::OPT_PREFIX, $this->_redisKeyPrefix );
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				// $this->errorShow();
				// throw new ErrorException("Connect redis server " . implode(",", $this->_configSlave) . " fail !");
				$this->errorShow ();
				throw new ErrorException ( "Connect redis server " . implode ( ",", $this->_configMaster ) . " fail !" );
			return $this->_redisSlave;
	 * @var $_cmdScopeMaster master sever command scope
	private static $_cmdScopeMaster = array (
			// key - value structure
			// list structrue
			// set structrue
			// hash structrue
			// transaction
			// sorted set structrue
			// server
	 * set master server commadn scope
	 * @param array $cmds        	
	 * @return void
	public function setCmdScopeMaster(array $cmds) {
		self::$_cmdScopeMaster = array_unique ( array_merge ( self::$_cmdScopeMaster, $cmds ) );
	 * @var $_cmdScopeSlave slave sever command scope
	private static $_cmdScopeSlave = array (
			// key - value structure
			// list structure
			// set structrue
			// hash structrue
			// sorted set structrue
	 * set slave server commadn scope
	 * @param array $cmds        	
	 * @return void
	public function setCmdScopeSlave(array $cmds) {
		self::$_cmdScopeSlave = array_unique ( array_merge ( self::$_cmdScopeSlave, $cmds ) );
	 * set a key value
	 * @param string $key        	
	 * @param mixed $value        	
	 * @param int $expire        	
	 * @return bool
	public function set($key, $value, $expire = 0) {
		if ($this->debug) {
			$this->queries [] = "custom set : $key $value";
		$value = serialize ( $value );
		$this->getRedisMaster ();
		if ($expire) {
			return $this->_redisMaster->setex ( $key, $expire, $value );
		} else {
			return $this->_redisMaster->set ( $key, $value );
	 * Get the value of a key
	 * @param string $key        	
	 * @return mixed
	public function get($key) {
		if ($this->debug) {
			$this->queries [] = "custom get : $key";
		$this->getRedisSlave ();
		return unserialize ( $this->_redisSlave->get ( $key ) );
	 * Call Redis method use master or slave instance.If fail,throw a ErrorException.
	 * @return
	public function __call($name, $args) {
		if ($this->debug) {
			$this->queries [] = "call method : $name " . implode ( ‘,‘, $args );
		if (in_array ( $name, self::$_cmdScopeMaster )) {
			$this->getRedisMaster ();
			return call_user_func_array ( array (
			), $args );
		} elseif (in_array ( $name, self::$_cmdScopeSlave )) {
			$this->getRedisSlave ();
			return call_user_func_array ( array (
			), $args );
		} else {
			throw new ErrorException ( "It is an invalidate method : {$name}!" );
	 * Set redis resource to null when serializing
	public function __sleep() {
		$this->_redisMaster = $this->_redisSlave = null;
	 * Set redis resource to null when destruct
	public function __destruct() {
		$this->_redisMaster = $this->_redisSlave = null;
	public function errorShow() {


php redis 分布式类



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