如果感兴趣的朋友,可以在如下的地址下载最新的youku scope:
git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/youku_keywords.git
const std::string NORMAL_TEMPLATE = R"( { "schema-version": 1, "template": { "category-layout": "grid", "card-size": "medium", "overlay": false }, "components": { "title": "title", "subtitle": "subtitle", "art" : { "field": "art", "aspect-ratio": 2.0 }, "attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 } } } )";
"attributes": { "field": "attributes", "max-count": 2 }
void Query::do_normal_search(sc::SearchReplyProxy const& reply) { try { // Start by getting information about the query const sc::CannedQuery &query(sc::SearchQueryBase::query()); // Get the query string string query_string = query.query_string(); // Populate current weather category // the Client is the helper class that provides the results // without mixing APIs and scopes code. // Add your code to retreive xml, json, or any other kind of result // in the client. Client::DataList datalist; datalist = client_.getData(query_string); CategoryRenderer rdrGrid(NORMAL_TEMPLATE); auto grid = reply->register_category("youku", "Normal", "", rdrGrid); for (const Client::Data &data : datalist) { CategorisedResult catres(grid); catres.set_uri(data.link); catres.set_title(data.title); catres.set_art(data.image); QString likes = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8"\u261d "),qstr(data.up_count)); QString views = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8" \u261f "),qstr(data.down_count)); std::string both = qstr("%1 %2").arg(likes,views).toStdString(); sc::VariantBuilder builder; builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant(both)} }); builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant("")} }); catres["attributes"] = builder.end(); // Push the result if (!reply->push(catres)) { // If we fail to push, it means the query has been cancelled. // So don't continue; return; } } } catch (domain_error &e) { // Handle exceptions being thrown by the client API cerr << e.what() << endl; reply->error(current_exception()); }
QString likes = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8"\u261d "),qstr(data.up_count)); QString views = QString("%1 %2").arg(qstr(u8" \u261f "),qstr(data.down_count)); std::string both = qstr("%1 %2").arg(likes,views).toStdString(); sc::VariantBuilder builder; builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant(both)} }); builder.add_tuple({ {"value", Variant("")} }); catres["attributes"] = builder.end();
整个项目的源码在: git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/youku_attributes.git
在Ubuntu Scope的模版中利用attributes来显示额外的信息