this->kind 操作类型
this->targetName 被调用函数名称
this->funcName 调用函数名称
this->argsCount 参数个数
this->argType(i) 获取编号为i的参数类型
this->arg(i) 获取编号为i的参数类型
this->retType 返回值类型
char * foo(int a) { return "just a test "; } void foo2(int a, double b) { foo(3); } void foo3() { foo2(5, 2.2); } int main() { foo3(); }
before(): call($ $(...)) { printf("%s \" %s \" in function %s \n", this->kind, this->targetName, this->funcName); printf(" \"%s\" parameter type : \n", this->targetName); if ( this->argsCount == 0 ) printf("no parameter \n"); else { for(int i = 1 ; i <= this->argsCount; i++) { printf("arg[%d] = %s ", i, this->argType(i)); if(strcmp(this->argType(i), "int") == 0) { printf(", value = %d ", *(int *)(this->arg(i))); } else if(strcmp(this->argType(i), "double") == 0) { printf(", value = %.2f ", *(double *)(this->arg(i))); } printf("\n"); } } printf("return type = %s \n \n", this->retType); }
3.Compile 2 files with the "tacc"
>tacc foo.c fooac.acc >
4. Run the executable file:
call "foo3" in function main "foo3" parameter type: no parameter return type = void call "foo2" in function foo3 "foo2" parameter type: arg[1] = int , value = 5 arg[2] = double , value = 2.20 return type = void call "foo" in function foo2 "foo" parameter type: arg[1] = int , value = 3 return type = char*