最近的游戏项目中使用了lua脚本来开发,项目中用到了MVC框架. 从cocos2d-x 3.6 创建lua demo, 简单分享一下思路和一些开发中的技巧。
先简单说说MVC,即Model View Controller。
比如 :拿一款手机游戏来说,界面UI的显示、布局等就是View负责;点击了按钮,手势的滑动等操作由Controller来处理;游戏中需要的数据资源就交给Model。
local MyApp = class("MyApp", cc.load("mvc").AppBase) -- 继承cc.mvc.AppBase function MyApp:onCreate() math.randomseed(os.time()) end return MyApp2、require("app.MyApp").create()
function MyApp:ctor() MyApp.super.ctor(self) end为什么create()了之后会执行MyApp:ctor()?请看function.lua下的function class(classname, super)方法:
cls.new = function(...) local instance if cls.__create then instance = cls.__create(...) else instance = {} end setmetatableindex(instance, cls) instance.class = cls instance:ctor(...) return instance end cls.create = function(_, ...) return cls.new(...) end
function AppBase:run(initSceneName) initSceneName = initSceneName or self.configs_.defaultSceneName self:enterScene(initSceneName) end
local AppBase = class("AppBase") -- 初始化调用 function AppBase:ctor(configs) self.configs_ = { viewsRoot = "app.views", modelsRoot = "app.models", defaultSceneName = "MainScene", } for k, v in pairs(configs or {}) do self.configs_[k] = v end if type(self.configs_.viewsRoot) ~= "table" then self.configs_.viewsRoot = {self.configs_.viewsRoot} end if type(self.configs_.modelsRoot) ~= "table" then self.configs_.modelsRoot = {self.configs_.modelsRoot} end if DEBUG > 1 then dump(self.configs_, "AppBase configs") end if CC_SHOW_FPS then cc.Director:getInstance():setDisplayStats(true) end -- event self:onCreate() end -- 运行场景 function AppBase:run(initSceneName) initSceneName = initSceneName or self.configs_.defaultSceneName self:enterScene(initSceneName) end -- 选择场景 function AppBase:enterScene(sceneName, transition, time, more) local view = self:createView(sceneName) view:showWithScene(transition, time, more) return view end -- 选择UI,即是view function AppBase:createView(name) for _, root in ipairs(self.configs_.viewsRoot) do local packageName = string.format("%s.%s", root, name) local status, view = xpcall(function() return require(packageName) end, function(msg) if not string.find(msg, string.format("‘%s‘ not found:", packageName)) then print("load view error: ", msg) end end) local t = type(view) if status and (t == "table" or t == "userdata") then return view:create(self, name) end end error(string.format("AppBase:createView() - not found view \"%s\" in search paths \"%s\"", name, table.concat(self.configs_.viewsRoot, ",")), 0) end -- 创建时调用 function AppBase:onCreate() end return AppBaseMainScene.lua
local MainScene = class("MainScene", cc.load("mvc").ViewBase) function MainScene:onCreate() -- add background image display.newSprite("MainSceneBg.jpg") :move(display.center) :addTo(self) -- add play button local playButton = cc.MenuItemImage:create("PlayButton.png", "PlayButton.png") :onClicked(function() self:getApp():enterScene("PlayScene") -- 进入游戏界面 end) cc.Menu:create(playButton) :move(display.cx, display.cy - 200) :addTo(self) end return MainScenePlayScene.lua
local PlayScene = class("PlayScene", cc.load("mvc").ViewBase) local GameView = import(".GameView") function PlayScene:onCreate() -- create game view and add it to stage self.gameView_ = GameView:create() :addEventListener(GameView.events.PLAYER_DEAD_EVENT, handler(self, self.onPlayerDead)) :start() :addTo(self) end -- 游戏结束调用(注意下GameView bind绑定) function PlayScene:onPlayerDead(event) -- add game over text local text = string.format("You killed %d bugs", self.gameView_:getKills()) cc.Label:createWithSystemFont(text, "Arial", 96) :align(display.CENTER, display.center) :addTo(self) -- add exit button local exitButton = cc.MenuItemImage:create("ExitButton.png", "ExitButton.png") :onClicked(function() self:getApp():enterScene("MainScene") end) cc.Menu:create(exitButton) :move(display.cx, display.cy - 200) :addTo(self) end return PlaySceneGameView.lua
function GameView:step(dt) if self.lives_ <= 0 then return end self.addBugInterval_ = self.addBugInterval_ - dt if self.addBugInterval_ <= 0 then self.addBugInterval_ = math.random(GameView.ADD_BUG_INTERVAL_MIN, GameView.ADD_BUG_INTERVAL_MAX) self:addBug() -- 随机生成虫子 end for _, bug in pairs(self.bugs_) do bug:step(dt) -- 虫子爬动 if bug:getModel():getDist() <= 0 then self:bugEnterHole(bug) -- 进入洞穴 end end return self end加载虫子
function GameView:addBug() local bugType = BugBase.BUG_TYPE_ANT -- 随机选择蚂蚁、蜘蛛 if math.random(1, 2) % 2 == 0 then bugType = BugBase.BUG_TYPE_SPIDER end -- 创建蚂蚁、蜘蛛模型 local bugModel if bugType == BugBase.BUG_TYPE_ANT then bugModel = BugAnt:create() else bugModel = BugSpider:create() end -- 加载虫view选择对应模型 local bug = BugSprite:create(GameView.IMAGE_FILENAMES[bugType], bugModel) :start(GameView.HOLE_POSITION) :addTo(self.bugsNode_, GameView.ZORDER_BUG) self.bugs_[bug] = bug return self end绑定事件
-- bind the "event" component cc.bind(self, "event")通过事件,若游戏结束后,直接跳转PlayScene场景。像击杀虫、扣血等代码就不多介绍,参考下类图,你就明白了,我就不一一列举了。
我所理解cocos2d-x 3.6 lua -- 初识MVC