宣雨松的热门博客里有提到过直接利用Unity自身的OnGUI()实现人物血条:http://www.xuanyusong.com/archives/1032 。
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Following : MonoBehaviour { public Camera m_Camera = null; public GameObject m_goFollowing = null; public Vector3 m_vOffset; void OnGUI() { Vector3 vPosScreen = m_Camera.WorldToScreenPoint(m_goFollowing.transform.position + m_vOffset); GUI.Label(new Rect(vPosScreen.x, Screen.height - vPosScreen.y, 200, 80), "牧羊少年奇幻之旅"); }
public class Following : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject m_goFollowing = null; public float m_fOffset = 0; void Update() { gameObject.transform.position = m_goFollowing.transform.position + new Vector3(0, m_fOffset, 0); gameObject.transform.rotation = Camera.main.transform.rotation; } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Following : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject m_goFollowing = null; public float m_fOffset = 0; private Camera m_go3DCamera = null; private Camera m_go2DCamera = null; void Start() { m_go3DCamera = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<Camera>(); m_go2DCamera = GameObject.Find("UI Root").transform.FindChild("Camera").GetComponent<Camera>(); } void Update () { Vector3 vPos = TransPos(m_goFollowing.transform.position + new Vector3(0, m_fOffset, 0)); gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(vPos.x, vPos.y, 0); //get proper z, z = 0.0f simply gameObject.transform.rotation = m_go2DCamera.transform.rotation; //keep the same rotation with camera, so Parallel with camera } //Transform WorldPos in 3DCamera to new WorldPos in 2DCamera. They share the same ScreenPos Vector3 TransPos(Vector3 worldpos) { if (m_go3DCamera == null || m_go2DCamera == null) { return Vector3.zero; } Vector3 screenPos = m_go3DCamera.WorldToScreenPoint(worldpos); Vector3 newWorldPos = m_go2DCamera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPos); return newWorldPos; } }