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[DataSource] Properties 以及 DataSource 各个选项的含义:Data Connection,Directory,Excel,File,Grid,Groovy,JDBC,XML

时间:2015-06-21 22:13:24      阅读:168      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]




  • DataSource type dropdown – lets you pick which external source you would use to pull into your test case.
  1.   Excel – Point to an Excel (xls) file
  2.   JDBC – Connect to a database and pull data with a select statement or a stored procedure
  3.   File – For CSV or other delimited files
  4.   Grid – Manually define rows of data right in the SoapUI Pro project
  5.   XML – Parse values out of XML file or response
  6.   Directory – parse out file names or file contents into your test
  7.   Groovy – write custom logic to populate into a DataSource step
  8.   Data Connection – alternative to JDBC type for connecting to databases
  • Properties

Need to be defined as placeholders for values in SoapUI Pro DataSource step. Think of them as columns. So, for example, if you have a select statement getting ten values in the select section, defining three properties would grab values out of first three columns


[DataSource] Properties 以及 DataSource 各个选项的含义:Data Connection,Directory,Excel,File,Grid,Groovy,JDBC,XML



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