<div ms-controller="main"> <h2 class="pagination-centered">{{ title }}</h2> <form method="get" action="" class="sui-form" style="margin-bottom:5px;"> 重量:<input class="input-medium" type="text" name="weight" value="@ViewBag.weight" id="weight" /> 内容:<input class="input-medium" type="text" name="content" value="@ViewBag.content" id="content" /> 解释:<input class="input-medium" type="text" name="intro" value="@ViewBag.intro" id="intro" /> 每页:<input class="input-mini" type="text" name="pageSize" value="@ViewBag.pageSize" id="pageSize" /> <input class="sui-btn btn-medium btn-primary" type="submit" name="search" value="查询" id="search" /> </form> <table class="sui-table table-zebra table-hover table-primary"> <thead> <tr> <th width="40">重量</th> <th width="230">内容</th> <th>解释</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr ms-repeat="datalist"> <td style="text-align:center;">{{ el.weight }}</td> <td>{{ el.content | html }}</td> <td>{{ el.intro | html }}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div id="pager"> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var vm=avalon.define({ $id:"main", title: "称骨算命", datalist: [{"weight":"0","content":"内容","intro":"注解"}] }); var loadData = function (pageIndex,pageSize,weight,content,intro) { var itemsCount = 0; $.getJSON("/home/getdata", { "page": pageIndex, "size": pageSize,"weight":weight,"content":content,"intro":intro }, function (data) { itemsCount = data.total; vm.datalist = data.rows; $(‘#pager‘).pagination({ itemsCount: data.total, pageSize: pageSize, currentPage: pageIndex, displayPage: 6, displayInfoType: "itemsCount", styleClass: [‘pagination-large‘], showCtrl: true, onSelect: function (num) { loadData(num, pageSize, weight, content, intro); } }); }); }; loadData(1,$("#pageSize").val(),$("#weight").val(),$("#content").val(),$("#intro").val()); }); </script>
public ActionResult GetData(int page=1,int size=10,string weight="",string content="",string intro="") { int itemsCount = 0; int pageSize = size; int pageIndex = page; string where = "1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(weight)) { where += " and weight = ‘" + weight + "‘"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content)) { where += " and content like ‘%" + content + "%‘"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(intro)) { where += " and intro like ‘%" + intro + "%‘"; } // List<chenggu> list = DBFast.Select<chenggu>(pageIndex, pageSize, where, out itemsCount); using (MAction action = new MAction("chenggu")) { return Content(action.Select(pageIndex, pageSize, where, out itemsCount).ToJson()); } //var data=new {Total=itemsCount,DataList=list}; //return Json( data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }