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YouTrack Changing Database Location for EXE Distribution(windows service)

时间:2014-05-03 23:30:08      阅读:505      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]

标签:class   code   java   tar   ext   int   

If you have installed YouTrack from EXE Distribution, then the best way to change the database location is by specifying it via JVM property.

  1. Stop currently running YouTrack service. Open Control panel > Administrative tools > Services and stop ‘YouTrack Web Server‘ service.
  2. In the <YouTrack Installation Directory>/bin start Tomcat‘s service configuration editor by executing the command
    tomcat7w.exe //ES//YouTrack


  3. Switch to the Java tab and then edit the Java Options (for more information see Tomcat 7 documentation)
  4. To change the database location, specify the database.location property:
    -Ddatabase.location=<path to your database>
  5. Exit Tomcat‘s service configuration editor.
  6. Start ‘YouTrack Web Server‘ service.


YouTrack Changing Database Location for EXE Distribution(windows service),布布扣,bubuko.com

YouTrack Changing Database Location for EXE Distribution(windows service)

标签:class   code   java   tar   ext   int   


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