在很多大的系统中一般都有这个功能,但是要分离出来分析,网上的资料也不太多 这里我整理了一篇发出来与大家分享
1) 有利于分布式系统,files只能保存在一台机器上
2) 有利于大访问量的系统,使用files时每个session保存在一个文件中,目录会超级大,查找session文件会比较困难。
<?php $hostname_login = "localhost"; // Server address $username_login = "root"; // User name $password_login = ""; // Password // $data_name = "session"; // Database name $login = mysql_pconnect($hostname_login, $username_login, $password_login) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR); $sql="SHOW DATABASES LIKE ‘".$data_name."‘"; // If it is exist if($rs_table=mysql_query($sql,$login)) { if($rs_value=mysql_fetch_array($rs_table)) { echo "数据库已经存在!\n!"; exit(); } } $sql="CREATE DATABASE $data_name"; mysql_query($sql); // Crate database echo "数据库创建成功!\n"; mysql_select_db($data_name, $login); $sql="CREATE TABLE `sessions` ( `SessionKey` varchar(32) NOT NULL default ‘‘, `SessionArray` blob NOT NULL, `SessionExpTime` int(20) unsigned NOT NULL default ‘0‘, PRIMARY KEY (`SessionKey`), KEY `SessionKey` (`SessionKey`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"; //新建数据库 sql语句 mysql_query($sql); echo "成功新建数据库表!"; ?>
MysqlSession 类如下:
<?php class MysqlSession { // 注意在有使用Session的页面。页面一定要顶格,页面开始处不能留空。 private $DB_SERVER = "localhost"; // 数据库服务器主机名 private $DB_NAME = ""; // 数据库名字 private $DB_USER = "root"; // MYSQL 数据库访问用户名 private $DB_PASS = ""; // MYSQL 数据库访问密码 private $DB_SELECT_DB = ""; //private $SESS_LIFE = 1440; // Session的最大使用时长,单位秒。 private $SESS_LIFE = 0; function MysqlSession (&$sessionDB) { //session_write_close(); $this->DB_NAME = &$sessionDB; $this->SESS_LIFE = get_cfg_var("session.gc_maxlifetime"); session_module_name(‘user‘); session_set_save_handler( array(&$this, ‘sess_open‘), array(&$this, ‘sess_close‘), array(&$this, ‘sess_read‘), array(&$this, ‘sess_write‘), array(&$this, ‘sess_destroy‘), array(&$this, ‘sess_gc‘) ); session_start(); } function sess_open($save_path, $session_name) { // 打开数据库连接 if (! $this->DB_SELECT_DB = mysql_pconnect($this->DB_SERVER, $this->DB_USER, $this->DB_PASS)) { echo "SORRY! MYSQL ERROR : Can‘t connect to $this->DB_SERVER as $DB_USER"; echo "MySQL Error: ", mysql_error(); die; } if (! mysql_select_db($this->DB_NAME, $this->DB_SELECT_DB)) { echo "SORRY! MYSQL ERROR : Unable to select database $this->DB_NAME"; die; } return true; } function sess_close() { return true; } function sess_read($SessionKey) { $Query = "SELECT SessionArray FROM sessions WHERE SessionKey = ‘".$SessionKey."‘ AND SessionExpTime > " . time(); // 过期不读取。 $Result = mysql_query($Query, $this->DB_SELECT_DB); if (list($SessionArray) = mysql_fetch_row($Result)) { return $SessionArray; } return false; } function sess_write($SessionKey, $VArray) { $SessionExpTime = time() + $this->SESS_LIFE; // 更新Session过期时间,Session过期时间 = 最后一次更新时间 + Session的最大使用时长 $SessionArray = addslashes($VArray); $Query = "INSERT INTO sessions (SessionKey,SessionExpTime,SessionArray) VALUES (‘".$SessionKey."‘,‘".$SessionExpTime."‘,‘".$SessionArray."‘)"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $this->DB_SELECT_DB); if (!$Result) { $Query = "UPDATE sessions SET SessionExpTime = ‘".$SessionExpTime."‘, SessionArray = ‘".$SessionArray."‘ WHERE SessionKey = ‘".$SessionKey."‘ AND SessionExpTime > " . time(); $Result = mysql_query($Query, $this->DB_SELECT_DB); } return $Result; } function sess_destroy($SessionKey) { $Query = "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE SessionKey = ‘".$SessionKey."‘"; $Result = mysql_query($Query, $this->DB_SELECT_DB); return $Result; } function sess_gc($maxlifetime) { // 这个垃圾清除器系统调用。默认是1440秒清除一次。 //参数可以在PHP.ini里面设置。 $Query = "DELETE FROM sessions WHERE SessionExpTime < " . time(); $Result = mysql_query($Query, $this->DB_SELECT_DB); return mysql_affected_rows($this->DB_SELECT_DB); } } ?>