标签:oai build epc openairinterface ubuntu
Since I don’t have much knowledge about EPC and MME, just follow the example file(example_oaisim_enb_ue_mme_virtual.txt)to make a test?The example file has such an configuration,according to Lionel Gauthier.This example shows how to generate and launch enb, 1 ue (NAS still not virtualized in UE) in virtualised mode, mme_gw, hss executables on the same host?
So I will put my own debug logs and some suggestions about the simulation,
(assuming the realm is openair4G.eur) localhost ubuntu.openair4G.eur ubuntu
If you run “build_oai –I” as it is, and input the “ubuntu” as the name( I don’t know who’s ?) , you can edit the /etc/hosts file like me.
wujn@ubuntu:~/Simulator/OpenAir4G_trunk/trunk/cmake_targets tools/build_hss -c --connect-to-mme ubuntu.openair4G.eur -t -T --realm openair4G.eur
In oai_db (easier for newbies to access HSS database through
In table mmeidentity, enter the record corresponding to your MME:
(idmmeidentity, mmehost, mmerealm)
In table pdn, enter the record allowing an IMSI to connect to an APN
In table users, enter the record corresponding to your USIM card.
You may ( or may not) have some errors, when you type, 404!!!!!( http://blog.csdn.net/junning_wu/article/details/46490767),
then you should run sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/html/ ,when you login the phpmyadmin,
then you can config your own MME,
and add your IMEI & SIM card
Also, you have to change the configure file hss.conf like this:
Or you may have some errors.
wujn@ubuntu:~/Simulator/OpenAir4G_trunk/trunk/cmake_targets sudo tools/run_hss -g
Now you can see in the terminal, the “STATE_CLOSED”. It is because the MME is still not running.
wujn@ubuntu:~/Simulator/OpenAir4G_trunk/trunk/cmake_targets ./build_epc -c -d -t -T --s6a-server
If you have installed all the required libs, there will have no errors.
You can follow the example file, Since my knowledge about EPC is poor, I just leave it alone.( later I have some problems about tun2 interface and ping )
Configuring the MME-GW:
You can configure in file openair4G/trunk/cmake_targets/tools/epc.local.enb.conf.in the following parameters:
MCC/MNC of your network
SGI interface (outgoing interface of the S/P-GW)
Integrity algorithms, Ciphering algorithms
Please note that DNS addresses are hardcoded in source code (TODO in list).
Running the MME-GW:
wujn@ubuntu:~/Simulator/OpenAir4G_trunk/trunk/cmake_targets sudo ./run_epc -l -g -K
At first, you still have the “STATE_CLOSED”,.
Later, when HSS and MME are attached, you will see OPEN state.
Just run the bash file, if you want to initiate SCOPE, you can do it as you want.
wujn@ubuntu:~/Simulator/OpenAir4G_trunk/trunk/cmake_targets ./build_oai --oaisim
Please change the configure file, enb.band7.generic.oaisim.local_mme.conf, or you can leave it as it is.
Maybe I should change the MME parameters, But like I already said, my knowledge is so poor. ~~~~
Now???suppose you have already run the HSS and MME, and They are all waiting the eNB & UE. You can run eNB like this.
wujn@ubuntu:~/Simulator/OpenAir4G_trunk/trunk/cmake_targets sudo tools/run_enb_ue_virt_s1 -m /tmp -K /tmp/enb_ue_virt_s1_itti.log
if you have initiated the soft scope, you will see some transactions between the eNB and UE..
And in the EPC terminal , you can find 1 UE has attached.
And some message echange between MME and HSS.
And if you run ifcong in a new terminal , you will find there has a tun2 & lo interface,
You can ping tun2(though I don’t know what it mean????)
This page is just a begining , Next I will learn some materials about EPC & MME, and I still expect someone may help about the Topology about the default configuration files. I think THIS will help lots of people LIKE me.
How to run oaisim with virtual MME on same machine
标签:oai build epc openairinterface ubuntu