/////////////by xbw/////////////////
////////////环境 unity 4.6.1////
var renderOverlay : DisplayTextureFullScreen; function Start() { renderOverlay = GetComponent(DisplayTextureFullScreen); renderOverlay.setStartColor(Color.white); renderOverlay.setDelay(2.0); } function Update () { if (renderOverlay.GUIColor.a > 0) { renderOverlay.AlphaDown(Time.deltaTime); } }
var graphic = TextureGUI(); //(28,23); var GUIColor:Color; function OnGUI() { GUI.color = GUIColor; if (graphic.texture) { GUI.DrawTexture(Rect(graphic.offset.x,graphic.offset.y, Screen.width,Screen.height), graphic.texture,ScaleMode.StretchToFill,true); } } function AlphaUp(change:float) { GUIColor.a += change; } function setStartColor(color:Color) { GUIColor = color; } function setDelay(delay:float) { if (GUIColor.a > .5) { GUIColor.a += delay; } else { GUIColor.a -= delay; } } function AlphaDown(change:float) { GUIColor.a -= change; }
import System.Collections.Generic; // TextureGUI Class: create a basic class for creating and placing GUI elements // texture = the texture to display // offset = pixel offset from top left corner, can be modified for easy positioning class TextureGUI { var texture:Texture; //useful: texture.width, texture.height var offset:Vector2; // .x and .y private var originalOffset:Vector2; //store the original to correctly reset anchor point enum Point { TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, Center} //what part of texture to position around? var anchorPoint = Point.TopLeft; // Unity default is from top left corner of texture function setAnchor() { // meant to be run ONCE at Start. originalOffset = offset; if (texture) { // check for null texture switch(anchorPoint) { //depending on where we want to center our offsets case anchorPoint.TopLeft: // Unity default, do nothing break; case anchorPoint.TopRight: // Take the offset and go to the top right corner offset.x = originalOffset.x - texture.width; break; case anchorPoint.BottomLeft: // bottom left corner of texture offset.y = originalOffset.y - texture.height; break; case anchorPoint.BottomRight: //bottom right corner of texture offset.x = originalOffset.x - texture.width; offset.y = originalOffset.y - texture.height; break; case anchorPoint.Center: //and the center of the texture (useful for screen center textures) offset.x = originalOffset.x - texture.width/2; offset.y = originalOffset.y - texture.height/2; break; } } } } //Timer Class: class TimerGUI extends TextureGUI { // Extend functionality from TextureGUI for a depreciating timer graphic var textureLEnd:Texture; // left side of full texture (non stretching part) var offsetLEnd:Vector2; // left side of full texture (non stretching part) start position var textureCenter:Texture; // center of timer (will be stretched across width) var offsetCenter:Vector2; var textureREnd:Texture; var offsetREnd:Vector2; var timerPerct:float = 1; // percentage (0 to 1) this stretches the center var desiredWidth:float = 403; // max width of the timer in pixels function setTime(newTime:float) { timerPerct = newTime; // sets the percent based on value } } // SwitchGUI Class: Extends the TextureGUI to be able to load in multiple textures and switch between them class SwitchGUI extends TextureGUI { var switchableTextures = new List.<Texture>(); var currentTexture:int = 0; function Start() { if (switchableTextures.Count > 0) { texture = switchableTextures[currentTexture]; } } function changeTexture(switchTo:int) { if (switchTo < switchableTextures.Count && switchTo >= 0) { texture = switchableTextures[switchTo]; currentTexture = switchTo; } else { //Debug.Log( this + ": tried to call invalid part of switchTextures array!"); } } function up() { if ((currentTexture+1) < switchableTextures.Count) { ++currentTexture; texture = switchableTextures[currentTexture]; } else { //Debug.Log( this + ": at the top!"); } } function nextTexture() { if ((currentTexture+1) < switchableTextures.Count) { // if we are at the end of the array ++currentTexture; texture = switchableTextures[currentTexture]; } else {// loop to the beginning currentTexture = 0; texture = switchableTextures[currentTexture]; } } function down() { if ((currentTexture-1) >= 0) { --currentTexture; texture = switchableTextures[currentTexture]; } else { //Debug.Log( this + ": at the bottom!"); } } } // Location class: class Location { enum Point { TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, Center} var pointLocation = Point.TopLeft; var offset:Vector2; function updateLocation() { switch(pointLocation) { case pointLocation.TopLeft: offset = Vector2(0,0); break; case pointLocation.TopRight: offset = Vector2(Screen.width,0); break; case pointLocation.BottomLeft: offset = Vector2(0,Screen.height); break; case pointLocation.BottomRight: offset = Vector2(Screen.width,Screen.height); break; case pointLocation.Center: offset = Vector2(Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2); break; } } } class TextureAnchor { enum Point { TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, Center} var anchorPoint = Point.TopLeft; var offset:Vector2; function update() { switch(anchorPoint) { case anchorPoint.TopLeft: offset = Vector2(0,0); break; case anchorPoint.TopRight: offset = Vector2(Screen.width,0); break; case anchorPoint.BottomLeft: offset = Vector2(0,Screen.height); break; case anchorPoint.BottomRight: offset = Vector2(Screen.width,Screen.height); break; case anchorPoint.Center: offset = Vector2(Screen.width/2,Screen.height/2); break; } } }