//Purpose :this programme is designed for testing the performance of your code ,some function ect, //it can show the time of spending on your running on it . it is beneficial to improve your performance //of code // author :Jackery_shh // data: July 8th 2015 #include<Windows.h> #include<iostream> #include<tchar.h> using namespace std; #define IN #ifdef _DEBUG #define _Trace_Size 500 inline void FileTrace(IN LPCTSTR szFormat, ...) { if (szFormat == NULL) return; TCHAR t_trace[_Trace_Size] = { _T(‘\0‘) }; va_list vl = NULL; // 生成内容 va_start(vl, szFormat); _vsntprintf_s(t_trace, _Trace_Size, _TRUNCATE, szFormat, vl); va_end(vl); OutputDebugString(t_trace); } #else inline void FileTrace(IN LPCTSTR szFormat, ...){} #endif LARGE_INTEGER begin_time ,freq; int main() { LARGE_INTEGER begin_time ,freq; QueryPerformanceFrequency (&freq); QueryPerformanceCounter (&begin_time); //begin time for (long test0=0;test0<5000000;test0++) { test0=test0+1; } LARGE_INTEGER end_time0; QueryPerformanceCounter (&end_time0); //after runnin the ‘for‘ loop statement,the time is Time0 double Time0 = ((double) (end_time0.QuadPart - begin_time.QuadPart)*1000.0) / (double) (freq.QuadPart); int test1=10000; while (test1) { test1--; } LARGE_INTEGER end_time1; QueryPerformanceCounter (&end_time1); double Time1 = ((double) (end_time1.QuadPart - begin_time.QuadPart)*1000.0) / (double) (freq.QuadPart); FileTrace(_T("*********************************************************************************\n")); FileTrace(_T("Test result is as follow :\ntime: %I64x, %.3fms, %.3fms\n"), (ULONGLONG)0, Time0, Time1); FileTrace(_T("*********************************************************************************\n")); system("pause"); return 0; }test result is :