The basics of the Internet, web, HTTP, URLs and Web services. /*Internet, Web, Http, URLs 和 web 服务 的基础。*/
The advantages and disadvantages of the web as a database platform. /*web作为数据库平台的优点和缺点*/
Approaches for integrating databases into the web environment:/*集成数据库成为web环境的方法*/
scripting languages ( JavaScrip, VBscript, PHP, and Perl); /*脚本语言( JavaScrip, VBscript, PHP, and Perl)*/
common Gateway Interface (CGI);/*通用网关接口*/
HTTP cookies; /* */
extending the web server; /*网页服务的扩展*/
Java, JEE, JDBC, SQLJ,CMP,JDO,JPA,Servlets, and JavaServer Pages(JSP);/**/
Microsoft Web Platform: .Net, Active Server Pages(ASP), and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO);/*微软的网页平台:.Net, Active Server Pages(ASP), and ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)*/