This is the first of six tasks required to create a basic Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application. For an overview of all six of the tasks, see the Getting Started Tutorial topic.
When creating a WCF service, the first task is to define a service contract.
The service contract specifies what operations the service supports.
An operation can be thought of as a Web service method.
Contracts are created by defining a C++, C#, or Visual Basic (VB) interface.
Each method in the interface corresponds to a specific service operation.
Each interface must have the ServiceContractAttribute applied to it and each operation must have the OperationContractAttribute attribute applied to it.
每一个接口必须应用service contract,每一个操作必须应用operation contract
If a method within an interface that has the ServiceContractAttribute attribute does not have the OperationContractAttribute attribute, that method is not exposed by the service.
如果有service contract属性的接口中的某一个方法没有operation contract属性,那么这个方法就不会被服务公开。
The code used for this task is provided in the example following the procedure.
创建一个wcf服务的类库,在新建项目的对话框中,左边选择C#,然后选择wcf,然后选择wcf服务类库。项目名为GettingStartedLib ,解决方案名为GettingStarted
VS会创建一个包含3个文件的项目:文件分别是IService1.cs,Service1.cs ,App.config。 IService1文件包含了默认的服务契约,Service1文件包含了实现了默认服务契约的代码。配置文件包含了加载默认服务所需要的配置
打开 IService1.cs 文件,删除命名空间内的代码,保留命名空间的声明。在命名空间中定义一个新的接口,接口名称为ICalculator ,接口的代码如下
This contract defines an online calculator. Notice the ICalculator interface is marked with the ServiceContractAttribute attribute. This attribute defines a namespace that is used to disambiguate the contract name. Each calculator operation is marked with the OperationContractAttribute attribute.
When using attributes to annotate an interface, member, or class, you can drop the "Attribute" part from the attribute name. So ServiceContractAttribute becomes [ServiceContract] in C#, or<ServiceContract> in Visual Basic.
How to: Define a Windows Communication Foundation Service Contract