magento 手机自适应 瀑布流 混合样式 weicot.com 原创
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<style> img { border:0; } div.wrap { width:100%; margin:0 auto; overflow:hidden; position:relative; background:#FAFAFA; } div.wrap div { float:left; padding:0px; width: 253px; } div.wrap div img { width: 100%; height:227px; background-size:198px 198px; background-img:url("/skin/frontend/aw_mobile2/iphone/images/loading.svg"); } div.wrap div p { padding:5px; line-height:20px; background: #eef2f5; margin:0 auto; text-align:center; font-size:14px; font-weight:600; color:#22c064; display:block; } div.wrap div span { display:block; } div.wrap div span button{ width:50%; height:30px; marging:0 auto; float:left; } </style> <script> window.onload = function() { waterFall("wrap") }// window.onresize = function() { waterFall("wrap") } function waterFall(element,space,children) { if(!element) return ; space = space || 20 ; children = children || "div" ; //前三行默认设置,分别为外框元素id,上下留白,子元素标签名(子元素标签名使用太多或出错) var wrap = document.getElementById(element) ; var water = wrap.getElementsByTagName(children) ; var spaceWidth = water[0].offsetWidth ; //获取子元素宽度(offsetWidth会获取块级元素的padding和border) var wrapWidth = wrap.offsetWidth ; //获取外框元素宽度 var colNum = Math.floor(wrapWidth/spaceWidth) ; //计算获取外框元素所能承受列数 var padding = Math.floor((wrapWidth - colNum*spaceWidth)/(colNum+1)) ; //计算外框元素剩余宽度并计算左右留白 var column = new Array() ; var length = water.length ; var maxHeight = 0 ; for(var i=0;i<colNum;i++) { //初始化数组来计算各列初始top值和left值 column[i] = new Array() ; column[i].top = space ; column[i].left = (spaceWidth * i)+padding*(i+1) ; //计算各列距离左侧距离 } for(var i=0;i<length;i++) { //遍历所有子元素及瀑布流布局 var index = i+1 ; //计算该子元素属于第几列 if(index%colNum==0) { sub = colNum ; } else { sub = index%colNum ; } _this = water ; _this[i].style.position = "absolute" ; _this[i].style.top = column[sub-1].top + "px" ; _this[i].style.left = column[sub-1].left + "px" ; column[sub-1].top += _this[i].offsetHeight + space ; //计算各列最新高度以便赋值 } for(var i=0;i<colNum;i++) { //获取瀑布流整体布局高度 if(column[i].top > maxHeight) maxHeight = column[i].top ; } wrap.style.height = maxHeight+"px" ; //给外框元素赋值以防止出现子元素溢出外框元素 } //希望能帮助到大家哈,我一开始使用的事Jquery,但是考虑瀑布流比较消耗浏览器内存,就改成原生javascript了,滚动到浏览器底部ajax取值做瀑布流也灭做,等到项目到了再说吧 </script> <?php //if (($_products = $this->getProductCollection()) && $_products->getSize()): ?> <!--<div class="related-products__list wrap " id="wrap">--> <?php //foreach($_products as $_item): ?> <?php if (($_products = $this->getProductCollection()) && $_collectionSize = $_products->getSize()): ?> <div class="related-products__list wrap " id="wrap"> <?php foreach ($_products->getItems() as $_item): ?> <div class="box"> <a onclick="setLocation(‘<?php echo $_item->getProductUrl() ?>‘)" title=""> <img src="<?php echo $this->helper(‘catalog/image‘)->init($_item, ‘small_image‘)->resize(198); ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_item->getName());?>" /> </a> <p><?php echo strip_tags($this->getPriceHtml($_item, true, ‘-related‘)); ?> </p> <span> <button type="button" title="<?php echo $this->__(‘Add to Cart‘) ?>" class="button btn-cart btn-round-s" onclick="setLocation(‘<?php echo $this->getAddToCartUrl($_item) ?>‘)"><span><span><?php echo $this->__(‘Add to Cart‘) ?></span></span></button> <button type="button" title="Add to Compare" class="button btn-cart btn-round-s"> <?php if($_compareUrl=$this->getAddToCompareUrl($_item)): ?> <a href="<?php echo $_compareUrl ?>"><span style="color: #007aff;">To Compare</span></a> <?php endif; ?> </button> </span> </div> <?php endforeach ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> </div>