Welcome to Git (version 1.9.5-preview20141217)
Run ‘git help git‘ to display the help index.
Run ‘git help <command>‘ to display help for specific commands.
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project
$ cd Comments
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (master)
$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (master)
$ git branch
* master
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (master)
$ git branch test
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (master)
$ git branch
* master
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (master)
$ git push origin test
Username for ‘https://git.oschina.net‘: giscafer
Password for ‘https://giscafer@git.oschina.net‘:
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://git.oschina.net/giscafer/Comments.git
* [new branch] test -> test
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (master)
$ git checkout test
Switched to branch ‘test‘
##添加本地需要上传的文件夹(代码文件添加方式 git add 文件.js)
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (test)
$ git add db
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (test)
$ git commit -m ‘提交数据结构表设计文档到test分支上‘
[test 867e877] 提交数据结构表设计文档到test分支上
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 "db/\346\225\260\346\215\256\345\272\223\350\241\250\347\273
Warning: Your console font probably doesn‘t support Unicode. If you experience s
trange characters in the output, consider switching to a TrueType font such as L
ucida Console!
下边是报错信息(因为提交到分支需要给出--set-upstream origin <分支名>)
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (test)
$ git push
fatal: The current branch test has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
git push --set-upstream origin test
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (test)
$ git push --set-upstream origin test
Username for ‘https://git.oschina.net‘: giscafer
Password for ‘https://giscafer@git.oschina.net‘:
Counting objects: 6, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (4/4), 14.90 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 4 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0)
To https://git.oschina.net/giscafer/Comments.git
a7e5547..867e877 test -> test
Branch test set up to track remote branch test from origin.
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (test)
$ git branch -d test
error: Cannot delete the branch ‘test‘ which you are currently on.
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (test)
$ git checkout doc
Switched to branch ‘doc‘
Your branch is up-to-date with ‘origin/doc‘.
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (doc)
$ git branch -d test
warning: deleting branch ‘test‘ that has been merged to
‘refs/remotes/origin/test‘, but not yet merged to HEAD.
Deleted branch test (was 867e877).
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (doc)
$ git branch
* doc
$ git remote -v
origin https://git.oschina.net/giscafer/Comments.git (fetch)
origin https://git.oschina.net/giscafer/Comments.git (push)
giscafer@LAOHOUBIN-PC /G/002_project/Comments (doc)
$ git push origin :test
Username for ‘https://git.oschina.net‘: giscafer
Password for ‘https://giscafer@git.oschina.net‘:
To https://git.oschina.net/giscafer/Comments.git
- [deleted] test