红黑树(red-black tree)是一种“平衡”查找树,它能保证最坏情况下,基本的动态集操作时间为O(lgn).
4)对于每一个节点x,从该节点到其子酸节点的所有路径上包含相同数目的黑节点(#black nodes = black-height(x))
一棵有n个内节点的红黑树的高度至多为 2 lg(n+1)
#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; #define BLACK 0 #define RED 1 typedef struct RBTNode{ int key; bool color; RBTNode *parent; RBTNode *left; RBTNode *right; }RBTNode; typedef struct RBTree{ RBTNode *root; }RBTree; RBTNode NILL={-1,BLACK,NULL,NULL,NULL}; RBTNode *NIL=&NILL; //init sentinel NIL void RBT_InorderWalk(RBTNode *x) { if(x!=NIL) { RBT_InorderWalk(x->left); cout<<setw(3)<<x->key; if(x->color==1) cout<<" Red"<<endl; else cout<<" Black"<<endl; RBT_InorderWalk(x->right); } } RBTNode *RBT_Search(RBTNode *x,int key) { if(x->key == key || x==NIL) return x; if(key < x->key) RBT_Search(x->left,key); else RBT_Search(x->right,key); } RBTNode *RBT_Minimum(RBTNode *x) { while(x->left != NIL) x=x->left; return x; } void Left_Rotate(RBTree *T,RBTNode *x) { RBTNode *y=x->right; //set y x->right=y->left; //turn y's left subtree into x's right subtree if(y->left!=NIL) y->left->parent=x; y->parent=x->parent; //link x's parent to y; if(x->parent == NIL) T->root=y; else if(x==x->parent->left) x->parent->left=y; else x->parent->right=y; y->left=x; //put x on y's left x->parent=y; } void Right_Rotate(RBTree *T,RBTNode *x) { RBTNode *y=x->left; //set y x->left=y->right; //link x's left tree into y's right subtree; if(y->right !=NIL) y->right->parent=x; y->parent=x->parent; //link x's parent to y if(x->parent == NIL) T->root=y; else if(x == x->parent->left) x->parent->left=y; else x->parent->right=y; y->right=x; //put x on y's right x->parent=y; } void RBT_InsertFixup(RBTree *T,RBTNode *z) { while(z->parent->color==RED) { if(z->parent == z->parent->parent->left) { RBTNode *y=z->parent->parent->right; if(y->color==RED) { z->parent->color=BLACK; //case 1 y->color=BLACK; //case 1 z->parent->parent->color=RED; //case 1 z=z->parent->parent; //case 1 } else { if(z==z->parent->right) { z=z->parent; //case 2 Left_Rotate(T,z); //case 2 } z->parent->color=BLACK; //case 3 z->parent->parent->color=RED; //case 3 Right_Rotate(T,z->parent->parent); //case 3 } } else {//ame as then clause with "right" and "left" exchanged RBTNode *y=z->parent->parent->left; if(y->color==RED) { z->parent->color==BLACK; y->color=BLACK; z->parent->parent->color=RED; z=z->parent->parent; } else { if(z==z->parent->left) { z=z->parent; Right_Rotate(T,z); } z->parent->color=BLACK; z->parent->parent->color=RED; Left_Rotate(T,z->parent->parent); } } } T->root->color=BLACK; //turn the root to BLACK } void RBT_Insert(RBTree *T,int value) { RBTNode *z=new RBTNode(); z->key=value; z->color =RED; z->parent=NIL; z->left=NIL; z->right=NIL; RBTNode *y=NIL; //y is the parent of x RBTNode *x=T->root; while(x != NIL) { y=x; if(z->key < x->key) x=x->left; else x=x->right; } z->parent=y; //link new node's parent node to y(y's child is NIL) if(y==NIL) T->root=z; else if(z->key < y->key) y->left=z; else y->right =z; RBT_InsertFixup(T,z); } void RBT_Transplant(RBTree *T,RBTNode *u,RBTNode *v) { if(u->parent==NIL) T->root=v; else if(u==u->parent->left) u->parent->left=v; else u->parent->right=v; v->parent=u->parent; } void RBT_DeleteFixup(RBTree *T,RBTNode *x) { RBTNode *w; while(x!=T->root && x->color==BLACK) { if(x==x->parent->left) { w=x->parent->right; //set w to x's sibling if(w->color==RED) //case 1:x's sibling w is red { w->color=BLACK; x->parent->color=RED; Left_Rotate(T,x->parent); w=x->parent->right; } if(w->left->color==BLACK && w->right->color==BLACK) { //case 2:x's sibling w is black and both of w's children are black w->color=RED; x=x->parent; } else { if(w->right->color==BLACK) {//case 3:x's sibling w is black,w's left child is red, and w's right child is black w->left->color=BLACK; w->color=RED; Right_Rotate(T,w); w=x->parent->right; } w->color=x->parent->color; //case 4: x's sibling w is black,and w's right child is red x->parent->color=BLACK; //. w->right->color=BLACK; // . Left_Rotate(T,x->parent); // . x=T->root; //case 4 } } else {//Same as then clause with "right" and "left" exchanged w=x->parent->left; if(w->color==RED) { w->color=BLACK; x->parent->color=RED; Right_Rotate(T,x->parent); w=x->parent->left; } if(w->left->color==BLACK && w->right->color==BLACK) { w->color=RED; x=x->parent; } else { if(w->left->color==BLACK) { w->right->color=BLACK; w->color=RED; Left_Rotate(T,w); w=x->parent->left; } w->color=x->parent->color; x->parent->color=BLACK; w->left->color=BLACK; Right_Rotate(T,x->parent); x=T->root; } } } x->color=BLACK; } /*RBTNode *RBT_Successor(RBTNode *x){ RBTNode *r = x; if(r->right != NIL) return RBT_Minimum(r->right); RBTNode *y = r->parent; while(y != NIL && r == y->right){ r = y; y = y->parent; } return y; }*/ void RBT_Delete(RBTree *T,RBTNode *z) { RBTNode *x=NULL,*y=NULL; bool y_origin_color; y=z; y_origin_color=y->color; if(z->left == NIL) { x=z->right; RBT_Transplant(T,z,z->right); } else if(z->right ==NIL) { x=z->left; RBT_Transplant(T,z,z->left); } else { y=RBT_Minimum(z->right); y_origin_color=y->color; x=y->right; if(y->parent==z) x->parent=y; else { RBT_Transplant(T,y,y->right); y->right=z->right; y->right->parent=y; } RBT_Transplant(T,z,y); y->left=z->left; y->left->parent=y; y->color=z->color; } if(y_origin_color==BLACK) RBT_DeleteFixup(T,x); } int main() { int A[]={41,38,31,12,19,8}; int n=sizeof(A)/sizeof(int); cout<<"/*--------------------Ceate Red-Black tree------------------*/"<<endl; RBTree *T=new RBTree(); T->root=NIL; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) RBT_Insert(T,A[i]); cout<<"The Red-Black tree is:"<<endl; RBT_InorderWalk(T->root); cout<<"The root of the RBT is:"<<T->root->key<<endl; cout<<"/*----------------------------------------------------------*/"<<endl; cout<<"/*----------------------RBT Insertion-----------------------*/"<<endl; int ikey; cout<<"Please input the inserting key:"; cin>>ikey; RBT_Insert(T,ikey); cout<<"After insertion,the RBT is:"<<endl; RBT_InorderWalk(T->root); cout<<"The root of the RBT is:"<<T->root->key<<endl; cout<<"/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/"<<endl; cout<<"/*---------------------RBT Deletion-------------------------*/"<<endl; int dkey; cout<<"Please input the deleting key:"; cin>>dkey; RBTNode *dNode=NULL; dNode=RBT_Search(T->root,dkey); if(dNode==NULL) cout<<"The deleting key doesn't exist."<<endl; else { RBT_Delete(T,dNode); cout<<"After deletion,the RBT is:"<<endl; RBT_InorderWalk(T->root); cout<<"The root of the RBT is:"<<T->root->key<<endl; } return 0; }运行结果如下: