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LRU Cache

时间:2015-07-17 11:57:09      阅读:168      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]



Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.


这个题被问过很多次。感觉是背过了。。很多都是上来让我说说要用什么data structure,然后整体的想法是怎样的。所以脑子里得有个框架。我回答的是当时看大神code ganker提供的解法。用HashMap+Doubled LinkedList,使用这两种数据结构可以使查找与添加删除操作都为O(1)的时间。不说了,直接上代码吧。写的时候出了些错,记录在这里

 1 public class LRUCache {
 2     class Node {
 3         Node pre, next;
 4         int key;
 5         int val;
 6         public Node(int key, int value) {
 7             this.key = key;
 8             this.val = value;
 9         }
10     }
12     private int capacity; //
13     private int num;  //
14     private HashMap<Integer, Node> map;  //
15     private Node first, last;  //
17     public LRUCache(int capacity) {
18         this.capacity = capacity;
19         num = 0;
20         map = new HashMap<Integer, Node>();
21         first = null;
22         last = null;
23     }
25     public int get(int key) {
26         Node node = map.get(key);
27         if (node == null) {
28             return -1;
29         }else if (node != last) {
30             if (node == first) {
31                 first = first.next;
32             }else{
33                 node.pre.next = node.next;
34             }
35             node.next.pre = node.pre;
36             last.next = node;
37             node.pre = last;
38             node.next = null;
39             last = node;
40         }
41         return node.val;
42     }
44     public void set(int key, int value) {
45         Node node = map.get(key);
46         if (node != null) {
47             node.val = value;
48             if (node != last) {
49                 if (node == first) {
50                     first = first.next;
51                 }else{
52                     node.pre.next = node.next;
53                 }
54                 node.next.pre = node.pre;
55                 last.next = node;
56                 node.next = null;
57                 node.pre = last;
58                 last = node;
59             }
60         }else{
61             Node newNode = new Node(key, value);
63             //remove element if cache is full
64             if (num >= capacity) {
65                 map.remove(first.key);//need provide a key to romve()
66                 first = first.next;
67                 if (first != null) {
68                     first.pre = null;
69                 //BUG: need to check first != null first. If it is null, then there is only one element.
70                 //then set it to null;
71                 }else{
72                     last = null;
73                 }
74                 num--;
75             }
76             //if there is 0 element in cache. 
77             if (first == null && last == null) {
78                 first = newNode;
79                 last = newNode;
80             }else{
81                 last.next = newNode;
82                 newNode.pre = last;
83                 last = newNode;
84             }
85             map.put(key, newNode);
86             num++;
87         }
88     }
89 }


LRU Cache



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