#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; #define UDG 0 #define DG 1 #define WHITE 0 #define GRAY 1 #define BLACK 2 #define NONE 0 #define TREE 1 #define BACK 2 #define FORWARD 3 #define CROSS 4 typedef string vType; typedef struct gEdge{ vType adjVertex; //the adjacency vertex pointed by this edge. int weight; //the weight of this edge int type; //the type of edge gEdge *nextEdge; //Point to the next edge }gEdge; typedef struct gVertex{ vType key; // the key of the vertex int color; int d,f; // the discovered time and the finished time vType pai; // the parent node's key after searching gEdge *firstEdge; // point to the first edge attached to the vertex; }gVertex; typedef struct ALGraph{ int Vnum; int Enum; int kind; //the kind of Graph gVertex *HeadVertex; }ALGraph; typedef struct edge{ vType start; vType end; }edge; int Locate(ALGraph &G,vType s) {//locate the start vertex of one edge in head vertex of the graph for(int i=0;i<G.Vnum;i++) if(G.HeadVertex[i].key == s) return i; return -1; } void LinkEdgeToGraph(ALGraph &G, edge e) { gEdge *arc=new gEdge(); arc->adjVertex=e.end; int headV_i=Locate(G,e.start); arc->nextEdge=G.HeadVertex[headV_i].firstEdge; G.HeadVertex[headV_i].firstEdge = arc; } void Graph_Create(ALGraph &G, vType V[], edge E[]) { //init the head vertex G.HeadVertex= new gVertex[G.Vnum]; for(int i=0;i<G.Vnum;i++){ G.HeadVertex[i].key=V[i]; G.HeadVertex[i].firstEdge=NULL; } //add edge to head vertex in order to create a graph if(G.kind == DG) //undirected graph for(int i=0; i<G.Enum; i++) LinkEdgeToGraph(G,E[i]); if(G.kind == UDG) // directed graph for(int i=0; i<G.Enum; i++) { LinkEdgeToGraph(G,E[i]); // link again after reversed edge temp; temp.start = E[i].end; temp.end = E[i].start; LinkEdgeToGraph(G,temp); } } void ALGraph_Print(ALGraph G) { for(int i=0; i<G.Vnum; i++) { cout<<G.HeadVertex[i].key; gEdge *p = G.HeadVertex[i].firstEdge; while(p != NULL) { cout<<" --> "<< p->adjVertex; p = p->nextEdge; } cout<<endl; } } /* void EdgeType_Print(ALGraph G) { for(int i=0; i<G.Vnum; i++) { gEdge *p = G.HeadVertex[i].firstEdge; while(p) { cout<<G.HeadVertex[i].key<<"-->"<<p->adjVertex<<":"; switch(p->type) { case TREE: cout<<"Tree edge"<<endl; break; case BACK: cout<<"Back edge"<<endl; break; case FORWARD: cout<<"Forward edge"<<endl; break; case CROSS: cout<<"Cross edge"<<endl; break; } p = p->nextEdge; } } } */ /*--------------------DFS Alogithms-----------------------*/ int time0; int r_i=0; void Graph_DFSVisit(ALGraph &G, gVertex *u, vType *r) { time0 = time0 +1; //white vertex u has just been discovered u->d = time0 ; u->color = GRAY; gEdge *p = u->firstEdge; while(p) { vType v = p->adjVertex; int h_i=Locate(G,v); gVertex *hv = &G.HeadVertex[h_i]; //classify the edge and recursive searching if( hv->color == WHITE) { hv->pai = u->key; Graph_DFSVisit(G,hv,r); p->type = TREE; //Tree edge } else if(hv->color == GRAY){ p->type = BACK; //Back edge } else if(hv->color == BLACK) { if(u->d < hv->d) p->type = FORWARD; //Forward edge else p->type = CROSS; //Cross edge } p = p->nextEdge; } u->color = BLACK; //backen u;it is finished r[r_i++]=u->key; //store the dfs result into array r time0 = time0 +1; u->f = time0; } void ALGraph_DFS(ALGraph &G, vType *result) { //init all the vertex gVertex *u; for(int i=0; i<G.Vnum; i++) { u = &G.HeadVertex[i]; u->color = WHITE; u->pai = '0'; } time0 = 0; //time stamp //explore every vertex for(int i=0; i<G.Vnum; i++) { u = &G.HeadVertex[i]; if(u->color == WHITE) Graph_DFSVisit(G,u,result); } } /*------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------Topological Sort--------------------*/ bool compare(const gVertex &a,const gVertex &b) { return a.f > b.f; //descending order } void ALGraph_TSort(ALGraph &G, vType *result) { ALGraph_DFS(G,result); //sorting the finished time in descending order sort(G.HeadVertex,G.HeadVertex+G.Vnum,compare); //call the system's sorting function: //store the result int r_i=0; for(int i=0; i<G.Vnum;i++) result[r_i++] = G.HeadVertex[i].key; } /*---------------------------------------------------*/ int main() { vType V[]={"shirt","tie","jacket","belt","watch","undershorts","pants","shoes","socks"}; edge E[]={{"shirt","belt"},{"shirt","tie"},{"tie","jacket"},{"belt","jacket"},{"pants","belt"},{"pants","shoes"},{"undershorts","shoes"},{"undershorts","pants"},{"socks","shoes"}}; ALGraph G; G.Vnum=sizeof(V)/sizeof(vType); G.Enum=sizeof(E)/sizeof(edge); G.kind=DG; //the kind of Graph Graph_Create(G,V,E); cout<<"-----------------Create Graph-----------------"<<endl; cout<<"The created graph is:"<<endl; ALGraph_Print(G); cout<<"--------------Toplogical sort-----------------"<<endl; vType *TSortResult = new vType[G.Vnum]; ALGraph_TSort(G,TSortResult); cout<<"The result of Topological sort is:"<<endl; for(int i=0; i<G.Vnum; i++) cout<<setw(11)<<TSortResult[i]<<":"<<setw(3)<<G.HeadVertex[i].d<<setw(3)<<G.HeadVertex[i].f<<endl; cout<<"----------------------------------------------"<<endl; return 0; } 运行结果: <img src="http://img.blog.csdn.net/20150720015422746" alt="" />