CTRL + space in the textboxes gives you all kinds of suggestions for regular expression writing.
Be sure to check out the \C regular expression operator, which I think is specific to Eclipse.
It saves a lot of work in replacing the same word in upper-case, lower-case, and camelCase variants.
For example, if the original text is:
SomeObject someObject = SOMEOBJECT;
then doing a "Replace All" replacing
will get you:
AnotherObject anotherObject = ANOTHEROBJECT;
I had an old method with hundreds of lines doing calling a getAttribute("X") and casting the result to a string.
(String)object1.getAttribute("X") (String)object2.getAttribute("Y") (String)objectN.getAttribute("Z")
I had to change them all to use a new method that checks if the attribute is null. So the new line would be
getSafeStringAttribute(object1,"X") getSafeStringAttribute(object2,"Y") getSafeStringAttribute(objectN,"Z")
With this simple regEx you can do a replace all!
find :
The first (.+) will match the objectX part while the second will match the attribute name.
The best thing is that when you select some text and
type CTRL + F (if the Regular Expressions checkbox is ticked)
you string in the find will be already escaped from characters like ‘(‘, ‘)‘ etc!