目录 1. 什么是JSON Schema? 2. 如何定义一个JSON Schema 3. 如何测试JSON Schema a) 使用JSON Schema validator GUI b) 在Java code里使用JSON Schema validator 4.参考文档
JSON Data 如下
"Hello, World"
JSON Schema 定义成
"type": "string"
用这个Schema 我们就可以来验证JSON数据
根据Data来生成JSON Schema 有现成的工具可以用http://jsonschema.net/#/
"$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
"title": "User",
"description": "demo schema",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"firstName": {
"type": "string"
"LastName": {
"type": "string"
"age": {
"description": "Age in years",
"type": "integer",
"minimum": 0
"required": [
or http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-zyp-json-schema-03#page-11
##转载注明出处: http://www.cnblogs.com/wade-xu/p/4662127.html
当我们编写了一个JSON Schema 用于对客户端提交的数据进行验证之前,我们得确保我们编写的JSON Schema是正确的,我们当然就可以构造一些数据反向验证我们的JSON Schema的正确性与否。
网上有三十多个各种语言实现的JSON Schema validator, 我们用的是Java 里非常流行的,GitHub地址在这里。
地址 http://json-schema-validator.herokuapp.com/
Validation results: success
Validation results: failure
Error Message的信息非常详细。
Maven pom.xml 配置
<dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-core</artifactId> <version>2.3.0</version> </dependency>
<dependency> <groupId>com.fasterxml.jackson.core</groupId> <artifactId>jackson-databind</artifactId> <version>2.3.0</version> </dependency>
<dependency> <groupId>com.github.fge</groupId> <artifactId>json-schema-validator</artifactId> <version>2.2.6</version> </dependency>
1 import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; 2 import com.github.fge.jackson.JsonNodeReader; 3 import com.github.fge.jsonschema.core.report.ProcessingMessage; 4 import com.github.fge.jsonschema.core.report.ProcessingReport; 5 import com.github.fge.jsonschema.main.JsonSchemaFactory;
Validation success
1 @Test 2 public void validate_driverSet_schema() { 3 4 //some code to create Json schema, which we want to use data to validate 5 6 JsonNode schema = readJSONfile("src/test/resources/json/Schema.json"); 7 8 JsonNode data = readJSONfile("src/test/resources/json/DataGoodExample.json"); 9 10 ProcessingReport report = 11 JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault().getValidator().validateUnchecked(schema, data); 12 Assert.assertTrue(report.isSuccess()); 13 }
Validation failure
1 @Test 2 // wrong data 3 public void validate_driverSet_schema2() { 4 5 //some code to create Json schema, which we want to use data to validate 6 7 JsonNode data = readJSONfile("src/test/resources/json/DataBadExample.json"); 8 JsonNode schema = readJSONfile("src/test/resources/json/Schema.json"); 9 10 ProcessingReport report = 11 JsonSchemaFactory.byDefault().getValidator().validateUnchecked(schema, data); 12 Assert.assertFalse(report.isSuccess()); 13 14 // assert error message 15 Iterator<ProcessingMessage> it = report.iterator(); 16 Assert.assertEquals( 17 "instance type (string) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"integer\"])", 18 it.next().getMessage()); 19 20 } 21 22 private JsonNode readJSONfile(String filePath) { 23 JsonNode instance = null; 24 try { 25 instance = new JsonNodeReader().fromReader(new FileReader(filePath)); 26 } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 27 e.printStackTrace(); 28 } catch (IOException e) { 29 e.printStackTrace(); 30 } 31 return instance; 32 }
官方文档: http://json-schema.org/
GitHub: json-schema-validator