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  • 接口(定义了一系列抽象的数据类型)
  • 实现(接口的具体实现类)
  • 算法(一些常用的计算,包含排序,搜索)


  • 减少开发者的工作量
  • 加快开发者的开发速度以及加强代码的质量
  • 允许不相关接口之间的互操作性
  • 减少学习与应用新API
  • 减少设计新的API
  • 促进软件的复用


public interface Collection<E> extends Iterable<E> {
    // Query Operations

     * Returns the number of elements in this collection.  If this collection
     * contains more than <tt>Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt> elements, returns
     * <tt>Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt>.
     * @return the number of elements in this collection
    int size();

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this collection contains no elements.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection contains no elements
    boolean isEmpty();

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this collection contains the specified element.
     * More formally, returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if this collection
     * contains at least one element <tt>e</tt> such that
     * <tt>(o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e))</tt>.
     * @param o element whose presence in this collection is to be tested
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection contains the specified
     *         element
     * @throws ClassCastException if the type of the specified element
     *         is incompatible with this collection
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null and this
     *         collection does not permit null elements
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
    boolean contains(Object o);

     * Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection.  There are no
     * guarantees concerning the order in which the elements are returned
     * (unless this collection is an instance of some class that provides a
     * guarantee).
     * @return an <tt>Iterator</tt> over the elements in this collection
    Iterator<E> iterator();

     * Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection.
     * If this collection makes any guarantees as to what order its elements
     * are returned by its iterator, this method must return the elements in
     * the same order.
     * <p>The returned array will be "safe" in that no references to it are
     * maintained by this collection.  (In other words, this method must
     * allocate a new array even if this collection is backed by an array).
     * The caller is thus free to modify the returned array.
     * <p>This method acts as bridge between array-based and collection-based
     * APIs.
     * @return an array containing all of the elements in this collection
    Object[] toArray();

     * Returns an array containing all of the elements in this collection;
     * the runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array.
     * If the collection fits in the specified array, it is returned therein.
     * Otherwise, a new array is allocated with the runtime type of the
     * specified array and the size of this collection.
     * <p>If this collection fits in the specified array with room to spare
     * (i.e., the array has more elements than this collection), the element
     * in the array immediately following the end of the collection is set to
     * <tt>null</tt>.  (This is useful in determining the length of this
     * collection <i>only</i> if the caller knows that this collection does
     * not contain any <tt>null</tt> elements.)
     * <p>If this collection makes any guarantees as to what order its elements
     * are returned by its iterator, this method must return the elements in
     * the same order.
     * <p>Like the {@link #toArray()} method, this method acts as bridge between
     * array-based and collection-based APIs.  Further, this method allows
     * precise control over the runtime type of the output array, and may,
     * under certain circumstances, be used to save allocation costs.
     * <p>Suppose <tt>x</tt> is a collection known to contain only strings.
     * The following code can be used to dump the collection into a newly
     * allocated array of <tt>String</tt>:
     * <pre>
     *     String[] y = x.toArray(new String[0]);</pre>
     * Note that <tt>toArray(new Object[0])</tt> is identical in function to
     * <tt>toArray()</tt>.
     * @param a the array into which the elements of this collection are to be
     *        stored, if it is big enough; otherwise, a new array of the same
     *        runtime type is allocated for this purpose.
     * @return an array containing all of the elements in this collection
     * @throws ArrayStoreException if the runtime type of the specified array
     *         is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in
     *         this collection
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified array is null
    <T> T[] toArray(T[] a);

    // Modification Operations

     * Ensures that this collection contains the specified element (optional
     * operation).  Returns <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a
     * result of the call.  (Returns <tt>false</tt> if this collection does
     * not permit duplicates and already contains the specified element.)<p>
     * Collections that support this operation may place limitations on what
     * elements may be added to this collection.  In particular, some
     * collections will refuse to add <tt>null</tt> elements, and others will
     * impose restrictions on the type of elements that may be added.
     * Collection classes should clearly specify in their documentation any
     * restrictions on what elements may be added.<p>
     * If a collection refuses to add a particular element for any reason
     * other than that it already contains the element, it <i>must</i> throw
     * an exception (rather than returning <tt>false</tt>).  This preserves
     * the invariant that a collection always contains the specified element
     * after this call returns.
     * @param e element whose presence in this collection is to be ensured
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
     *         call
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>add</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this collection
     * @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified element
     *         prevents it from being added to this collection
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null and this
     *         collection does not permit null elements
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of the element
     *         prevents it from being added to this collection
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the element cannot be added at this
     *         time due to insertion restrictions
    boolean add(E e);

     * Removes a single instance of the specified element from this
     * collection, if it is present (optional operation).  More formally,
     * removes an element <tt>e</tt> such that
     * <tt>(o==null ? e==null : o.equals(e))</tt>, if
     * this collection contains one or more such elements.  Returns
     * <tt>true</tt> if this collection contained the specified element (or
     * equivalently, if this collection changed as a result of the call).
     * @param o element to be removed from this collection, if present
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if an element was removed as a result of this call
     * @throws ClassCastException if the type of the specified element
     *         is incompatible with this collection
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null and this
     *         collection does not permit null elements
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>remove</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this collection
    boolean remove(Object o);

    // Bulk Operations

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this collection contains all of the elements
     * in the specified collection.
     * @param  c collection to be checked for containment in this collection
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection contains all of the elements
     *         in the specified collection
     * @throws ClassCastException if the types of one or more elements
     *         in the specified collection are incompatible with this
     *         collection
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection contains one
     *         or more null elements and this collection does not permit null
     *         elements
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>),
     *         or if the specified collection is null.
     * @see    #contains(Object)
    boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c);

     * Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this collection
     * (optional operation).  The behavior of this operation is undefined if
     * the specified collection is modified while the operation is in progress.
     * (This implies that the behavior of this call is undefined if the
     * specified collection is this collection, and this collection is
     * nonempty.)
     * @param c collection containing elements to be added to this collection
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the call
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>addAll</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this collection
     * @throws ClassCastException if the class of an element of the specified
     *         collection prevents it from being added to this collection
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified collection contains a
     *         null element and this collection does not permit null elements,
     *         or if the specified collection is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of an element of the
     *         specified collection prevents it from being added to this
     *         collection
     * @throws IllegalStateException if not all the elements can be added at
     *         this time due to insertion restrictions
     * @see #add(Object)
    boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);

     * Removes all of this collection's elements that are also contained in the
     * specified collection (optional operation).  After this call returns,
     * this collection will contain no elements in common with the specified
     * collection.
     * @param c collection containing elements to be removed from this collection
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the
     *         call
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>removeAll</tt> method
     *         is not supported by this collection
     * @throws ClassCastException if the types of one or more elements
     *         in this collection are incompatible with the specified
     *         collection
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if this collection contains one or more
     *         null elements and the specified collection does not support
     *         null elements
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>),
     *         or if the specified collection is null
     * @see #remove(Object)
     * @see #contains(Object)
    boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c);

     * Retains only the elements in this collection that are contained in the
     * specified collection (optional operation).  In other words, removes from
     * this collection all of its elements that are not contained in the
     * specified collection.
     * @param c collection containing elements to be retained in this collection
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this collection changed as a result of the call
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>retainAll</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this collection
     * @throws ClassCastException if the types of one or more elements
     *         in this collection are incompatible with the specified
     *         collection
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if this collection contains one or more
     *         null elements and the specified collection does not permit null
     *         elements
     *         (<a href="#optional-restrictions">optional</a>),
     *         or if the specified collection is null
     * @see #remove(Object)
     * @see #contains(Object)
    boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c);

     * Removes all of the elements from this collection (optional operation).
     * The collection will be empty after this method returns.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>clear</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this collection
    void clear();

    // Comparison and hashing

     * Compares the specified object with this collection for equality. <p>
     * While the <tt>Collection</tt> interface adds no stipulations to the
     * general contract for the <tt>Object.equals</tt>, programmers who
     * implement the <tt>Collection</tt> interface "directly" (in other words,
     * create a class that is a <tt>Collection</tt> but is not a <tt>Set</tt>
     * or a <tt>List</tt>) must exercise care if they choose to override the
     * <tt>Object.equals</tt>.  It is not necessary to do so, and the simplest
     * course of action is to rely on <tt>Object</tt>'s implementation, but
     * the implementor may wish to implement a "value comparison" in place of
     * the default "reference comparison."  (The <tt>List</tt> and
     * <tt>Set</tt> interfaces mandate such value comparisons.)<p>
     * The general contract for the <tt>Object.equals</tt> method states that
     * equals must be symmetric (in other words, <tt>a.equals(b)</tt> if and
     * only if <tt>b.equals(a)</tt>).  The contracts for <tt>List.equals</tt>
     * and <tt>Set.equals</tt> state that lists are only equal to other lists,
     * and sets to other sets.  Thus, a custom <tt>equals</tt> method for a
     * collection class that implements neither the <tt>List</tt> nor
     * <tt>Set</tt> interface must return <tt>false</tt> when this collection
     * is compared to any list or set.  (By the same logic, it is not possible
     * to write a class that correctly implements both the <tt>Set</tt> and
     * <tt>List</tt> interfaces.)
     * @param o object to be compared for equality with this collection
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified object is equal to this
     * collection
     * @see Object#equals(Object)
     * @see Set#equals(Object)
     * @see List#equals(Object)
    boolean equals(Object o);

     * Returns the hash code value for this collection.  While the
     * <tt>Collection</tt> interface adds no stipulations to the general
     * contract for the <tt>Object.hashCode</tt> method, programmers should
     * take note that any class that overrides the <tt>Object.equals</tt>
     * method must also override the <tt>Object.hashCode</tt> method in order
     * to satisfy the general contract for the <tt>Object.hashCode</tt> method.
     * In particular, <tt>c1.equals(c2)</tt> implies that
     * <tt>c1.hashCode()==c2.hashCode()</tt>.
     * @return the hash code value for this collection
     * @see Object#hashCode()
     * @see Object#equals(Object)
    int hashCode();
  • Set表示一个不能包含相同元素的集合。
  • List表示一个可以包含相同元素的有序集合。
  • Queue表示队列,数据的进出遵循First-In-First-Out原则。
  • Deque表示一个双向链表,既可以从表头操作链表,也可以从末端来操作链表,常用的具体实现有:LinkedList。
public interface Map<K,V> {
    // Query Operations

     * Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map.  If the
     * map contains more than <tt>Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt> elements, returns
     * <tt>Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt>.
     * @return the number of key-value mappings in this map
    int size();

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this map contains no key-value mappings.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this map contains no key-value mappings
    boolean isEmpty();

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this map contains a mapping for the specified
     * key.  More formally, returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if
     * this map contains a mapping for a key <tt>k</tt> such that
     * <tt>(key==null ? k==null : key.equals(k))</tt>.  (There can be
     * at most one such mapping.)
     * @param key key whose presence in this map is to be tested
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this map contains a mapping for the specified
     *         key
     * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type for
     *         this map
     * (<a href="Collection.html#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null and this map
     *         does not permit null keys
     * (<a href="Collection.html#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
    boolean containsKey(Object key);

     * Returns <tt>true</tt> if this map maps one or more keys to the
     * specified value.  More formally, returns <tt>true</tt> if and only if
     * this map contains at least one mapping to a value <tt>v</tt> such that
     * <tt>(value==null ? v==null : value.equals(v))</tt>.  This operation
     * will probably require time linear in the map size for most
     * implementations of the <tt>Map</tt> interface.
     * @param value value whose presence in this map is to be tested
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if this map maps one or more keys to the
     *         specified value
     * @throws ClassCastException if the value is of an inappropriate type for
     *         this map
     * (<a href="Collection.html#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified value is null and this
     *         map does not permit null values
     * (<a href="Collection.html#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
    boolean containsValue(Object value);

     * Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped,
     * or {@code null} if this map contains no mapping for the key.
     * <p>More formally, if this map contains a mapping from a key
     * {@code k} to a value {@code v} such that {@code (key==null ? k==null :
     * key.equals(k))}, then this method returns {@code v}; otherwise
     * it returns {@code null}.  (There can be at most one such mapping.)
     * <p>If this map permits null values, then a return value of
     * {@code null} does not <i>necessarily</i> indicate that the map
     * contains no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map
     * explicitly maps the key to {@code null}.  The {@link #containsKey
     * containsKey} operation may be used to distinguish these two cases.
     * @param key the key whose associated value is to be returned
     * @return the value to which the specified key is mapped, or
     *         {@code null} if this map contains no mapping for the key
     * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type for
     *         this map
     * (<a href="Collection.html#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null and this map
     *         does not permit null keys
     * (<a href="Collection.html#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
    V get(Object key);

    // Modification Operations

     * Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map
     * (optional operation).  If the map previously contained a mapping for
     * the key, the old value is replaced by the specified value.  (A map
     * <tt>m</tt> is said to contain a mapping for a key <tt>k</tt> if and only
     * if {@link #containsKey(Object) m.containsKey(k)} would return
     * <tt>true</tt>.)
     * @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated
     * @param value value to be associated with the specified key
     * @return the previous value associated with <tt>key</tt>, or
     *         <tt>null</tt> if there was no mapping for <tt>key</tt>.
     *         (A <tt>null</tt> return can also indicate that the map
     *         previously associated <tt>null</tt> with <tt>key</tt>,
     *         if the implementation supports <tt>null</tt> values.)
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>put</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this map
     * @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified key or value
     *         prevents it from being stored in this map
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key or value is null
     *         and this map does not permit null keys or values
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of the specified key
     *         or value prevents it from being stored in this map
    V put(K key, V value);

     * Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present
     * (optional operation).   More formally, if this map contains a mapping
     * from key <tt>k</tt> to value <tt>v</tt> such that
     * <code>(key==null ?  k==null : key.equals(k))</code>, that mapping
     * is removed.  (The map can contain at most one such mapping.)
     * <p>Returns the value to which this map previously associated the key,
     * or <tt>null</tt> if the map contained no mapping for the key.
     * <p>If this map permits null values, then a return value of
     * <tt>null</tt> does not <i>necessarily</i> indicate that the map
     * contained no mapping for the key; it's also possible that the map
     * explicitly mapped the key to <tt>null</tt>.
     * <p>The map will not contain a mapping for the specified key once the
     * call returns.
     * @param key key whose mapping is to be removed from the map
     * @return the previous value associated with <tt>key</tt>, or
     *         <tt>null</tt> if there was no mapping for <tt>key</tt>.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>remove</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this map
     * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type for
     *         this map
     * (<a href="Collection.html#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified key is null and this
     *         map does not permit null keys
     * (<a href="Collection.html#optional-restrictions">optional</a>)
    V remove(Object key);

    // Bulk Operations

     * Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map
     * (optional operation).  The effect of this call is equivalent to that
     * of calling {@link #put(Object,Object) put(k, v)} on this map once
     * for each mapping from key <tt>k</tt> to value <tt>v</tt> in the
     * specified map.  The behavior of this operation is undefined if the
     * specified map is modified while the operation is in progress.
     * @param m mappings to be stored in this map
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>putAll</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this map
     * @throws ClassCastException if the class of a key or value in the
     *         specified map prevents it from being stored in this map
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified map is null, or if
     *         this map does not permit null keys or values, and the
     *         specified map contains null keys or values
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of a key or value in
     *         the specified map prevents it from being stored in this map
    void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m);

     * Removes all of the mappings from this map (optional operation).
     * The map will be empty after this call returns.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>clear</tt> operation
     *         is not supported by this map
    void clear();

    // Views

     * Returns a {@link Set} view of the keys contained in this map.
     * The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are
     * reflected in the set, and vice-versa.  If the map is modified
     * while an iteration over the set is in progress (except through
     * the iterator's own <tt>remove</tt> operation), the results of
     * the iteration are undefined.  The set supports element removal,
     * which removes the corresponding mapping from the map, via the
     * <tt>Iterator.remove</tt>, <tt>Set.remove</tt>,
     * <tt>removeAll</tt>, <tt>retainAll</tt>, and <tt>clear</tt>
     * operations.  It does not support the <tt>add</tt> or <tt>addAll</tt>
     * operations.
     * @return a set view of the keys contained in this map
    Set<K> keySet();

     * Returns a {@link Collection} view of the values contained in this map.
     * The collection is backed by the map, so changes to the map are
     * reflected in the collection, and vice-versa.  If the map is
     * modified while an iteration over the collection is in progress
     * (except through the iterator's own <tt>remove</tt> operation),
     * the results of the iteration are undefined.  The collection
     * supports element removal, which removes the corresponding
     * mapping from the map, via the <tt>Iterator.remove</tt>,
     * <tt>Collection.remove</tt>, <tt>removeAll</tt>,
     * <tt>retainAll</tt> and <tt>clear</tt> operations.  It does not
     * support the <tt>add</tt> or <tt>addAll</tt> operations.
     * @return a collection view of the values contained in this map
    Collection<V> values();

     * Returns a {@link Set} view of the mappings contained in this map.
     * The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are
     * reflected in the set, and vice-versa.  If the map is modified
     * while an iteration over the set is in progress (except through
     * the iterator's own <tt>remove</tt> operation, or through the
     * <tt>setValue</tt> operation on a map entry returned by the
     * iterator) the results of the iteration are undefined.  The set
     * supports element removal, which removes the corresponding
     * mapping from the map, via the <tt>Iterator.remove</tt>,
     * <tt>Set.remove</tt>, <tt>removeAll</tt>, <tt>retainAll</tt> and
     * <tt>clear</tt> operations.  It does not support the
     * <tt>add</tt> or <tt>addAll</tt> operations.
     * @return a set view of the mappings contained in this map
    Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet();

     * A map entry (key-value pair).  The <tt>Map.entrySet</tt> method returns
     * a collection-view of the map, whose elements are of this class.  The
     * <i>only</i> way to obtain a reference to a map entry is from the
     * iterator of this collection-view.  These <tt>Map.Entry</tt> objects are
     * valid <i>only</i> for the duration of the iteration; more formally,
     * the behavior of a map entry is undefined if the backing map has been
     * modified after the entry was returned by the iterator, except through
     * the <tt>setValue</tt> operation on the map entry.
     * @see Map#entrySet()
     * @since 1.2
    interface Entry<K,V> {
         * Returns the key corresponding to this entry.
         * @return the key corresponding to this entry
         * @throws IllegalStateException implementations may, but are not
         *         required to, throw this exception if the entry has been
         *         removed from the backing map.
        K getKey();

         * Returns the value corresponding to this entry.  If the mapping
         * has been removed from the backing map (by the iterator's
         * <tt>remove</tt> operation), the results of this call are undefined.
         * @return the value corresponding to this entry
         * @throws IllegalStateException implementations may, but are not
         *         required to, throw this exception if the entry has been
         *         removed from the backing map.
        V getValue();

         * Replaces the value corresponding to this entry with the specified
         * value (optional operation).  (Writes through to the map.)  The
         * behavior of this call is undefined if the mapping has already been
         * removed from the map (by the iterator's <tt>remove</tt> operation).
         * @param value new value to be stored in this entry
         * @return old value corresponding to the entry
         * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the <tt>put</tt> operation
         *         is not supported by the backing map
         * @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified value
         *         prevents it from being stored in the backing map
         * @throws NullPointerException if the backing map does not permit
         *         null values, and the specified value is null
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of this value
         *         prevents it from being stored in the backing map
         * @throws IllegalStateException implementations may, but are not
         *         required to, throw this exception if the entry has been
         *         removed from the backing map.
        V setValue(V value);

         * Compares the specified object with this entry for equality.
         * Returns <tt>true</tt> if the given object is also a map entry and
         * the two entries represent the same mapping.  More formally, two
         * entries <tt>e1</tt> and <tt>e2</tt> represent the same mapping
         * if<pre>
         *     (e1.getKey()==null ?
         *      e2.getKey()==null : e1.getKey().equals(e2.getKey()))  &&
         *     (e1.getValue()==null ?
         *      e2.getValue()==null : e1.getValue().equals(e2.getValue()))
         * </pre>
         * This ensures that the <tt>equals</tt> method works properly across
         * different implementations of the <tt>Map.Entry</tt> interface.
         * @param o object to be compared for equality with this map entry
         * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified object is equal to this map
         *         entry
        boolean equals(Object o);

         * Returns the hash code value for this map entry.  The hash code
         * of a map entry <tt>e</tt> is defined to be: <pre>
         *     (e.getKey()==null   ? 0 : e.getKey().hashCode()) ^
         *     (e.getValue()==null ? 0 : e.getValue().hashCode())
         * </pre>
         * This ensures that <tt>e1.equals(e2)</tt> implies that
         * <tt>e1.hashCode()==e2.hashCode()</tt> for any two Entries
         * <tt>e1</tt> and <tt>e2</tt>, as required by the general
         * contract of <tt>Object.hashCode</tt>.
         * @return the hash code value for this map entry
         * @see Object#hashCode()
         * @see Object#equals(Object)
         * @see #equals(Object)
        int hashCode();

    // Comparison and hashing

     * Compares the specified object with this map for equality.  Returns
     * <tt>true</tt> if the given object is also a map and the two maps
     * represent the same mappings.  More formally, two maps <tt>m1</tt> and
     * <tt>m2</tt> represent the same mappings if
     * <tt>m1.entrySet().equals(m2.entrySet())</tt>.  This ensures that the
     * <tt>equals</tt> method works properly across different implementations
     * of the <tt>Map</tt> interface.
     * @param o object to be compared for equality with this map
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified object is equal to this map
    boolean equals(Object o);

     * Returns the hash code value for this map.  The hash code of a map is
     * defined to be the sum of the hash codes of each entry in the map's
     * <tt>entrySet()</tt> view.  This ensures that <tt>m1.equals(m2)</tt>
     * implies that <tt>m1.hashCode()==m2.hashCode()</tt> for any two maps
     * <tt>m1</tt> and <tt>m2</tt>, as required by the general contract of
     * {@link Object#hashCode}.
     * @return the hash code value for this map
     * @see Map.Entry#hashCode()
     * @see Object#equals(Object)
     * @see #equals(Object)
    int hashCode();



  • 泛型不能为基本数据类型(byte,char,short,int,float,double,boolean),如果需要基本数据类型,可以使用基本使用类型对应的包装类型来替代。(Byte,Character,Short,Integer,Float,Double,Boolean)
  • 泛型可以是集合框架的任意类型。初看java集合框架,会感觉该框架只定义了几个接口,对于复杂数据结构的表达能力有所不够,但是通过泛型中嵌套集合框架,则可以实现复杂的数据。比如Map<List,Map<List,Map<String,List<String>>>>


public abstract class AbstractList<E> extends AbstractCollection<E> implements List<E> {
     * Sole constructor.  (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically
     * implicit.)
    protected AbstractList() {

     * Appends the specified element to the end of this list (optional
     * operation).
     * <p>Lists that support this operation may place limitations on what
     * elements may be added to this list.  In particular, some
     * lists will refuse to add null elements, and others will impose
     * restrictions on the type of elements that may be added.  List
     * classes should clearly specify in their documentation any restrictions
     * on what elements may be added.
     * <p>This implementation calls {@code add(size(), e)}.
     * <p>Note that this implementation throws an
     * {@code UnsupportedOperationException} unless
     * {@link #add(int, Object) add(int, E)} is overridden.
     * @param e element to be appended to this list
     * @return {@code true} (as specified by {@link Collection#add})
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the {@code add} operation
     *         is not supported by this list
     * @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified element
     *         prevents it from being added to this list
     * @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null and this
     *         list does not permit null elements
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of this element
     *         prevents it from being added to this list
    public boolean add(E e) {
        add(size(), e);
        return true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
    abstract public E get(int index);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation always throws an
     * {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws ClassCastException            {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws NullPointerException          {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException      {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     {@inheritDoc}
    public E set(int index, E element) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation always throws an
     * {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws ClassCastException            {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws NullPointerException          {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException      {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     {@inheritDoc}
    public void add(int index, E element) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation always throws an
     * {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     {@inheritDoc}
    public E remove(int index) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    // Search Operations

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation first gets a list iterator (with
     * {@code listIterator()}).  Then, it iterates over the list until the
     * specified element is found or the end of the list is reached.
     * @throws ClassCastException   {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
    public int indexOf(Object o) {
        ListIterator<E> it = listIterator();
        if (o==null) {
            while (it.hasNext())
                if (it.next()==null)
                    return it.previousIndex();
        } else {
            while (it.hasNext())
                if (o.equals(it.next()))
                    return it.previousIndex();
        return -1;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation first gets a list iterator that points to the end
     * of the list (with {@code listIterator(size())}).  Then, it iterates
     * backwards over the list until the specified element is found, or the
     * beginning of the list is reached.
     * @throws ClassCastException   {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws NullPointerException {@inheritDoc}
    public int lastIndexOf(Object o) {
        ListIterator<E> it = listIterator(size());
        if (o==null) {
            while (it.hasPrevious())
                if (it.previous()==null)
                    return it.nextIndex();
        } else {
            while (it.hasPrevious())
                if (o.equals(it.previous()))
                    return it.nextIndex();
        return -1;

    // Bulk Operations

     * Removes all of the elements from this list (optional operation).
     * The list will be empty after this call returns.
     * <p>This implementation calls {@code removeRange(0, size())}.
     * <p>Note that this implementation throws an
     * {@code UnsupportedOperationException} unless {@code remove(int
     * index)} or {@code removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex)} is
     * overridden.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the {@code clear} operation
     *         is not supported by this list
    public void clear() {
        removeRange(0, size());

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation gets an iterator over the specified collection
     * and iterates over it, inserting the elements obtained from the
     * iterator into this list at the appropriate position, one at a time,
     * using {@code add(int, E)}.
     * Many implementations will override this method for efficiency.
     * <p>Note that this implementation throws an
     * {@code UnsupportedOperationException} unless
     * {@link #add(int, Object) add(int, E)} is overridden.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws ClassCastException            {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws NullPointerException          {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException      {@inheritDoc}
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException     {@inheritDoc}
    public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) {
        boolean modified = false;
        for (E e : c) {
            add(index++, e);
            modified = true;
        return modified;

    // Iterators

     * Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
     * <p>This implementation returns a straightforward implementation of the
     * iterator interface, relying on the backing list's {@code size()},
     * {@code get(int)}, and {@code remove(int)} methods.
     * <p>Note that the iterator returned by this method will throw an
     * {@link UnsupportedOperationException} in response to its
     * {@code remove} method unless the list's {@code remove(int)} method is
     * overridden.
     * <p>This implementation can be made to throw runtime exceptions in the
     * face of concurrent modification, as described in the specification
     * for the (protected) {@link #modCount} field.
     * @return an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence
    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
        return new Itr();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation returns {@code listIterator(0)}.
     * @see #listIterator(int)
    public ListIterator<E> listIterator() {
        return listIterator(0);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation returns a straightforward implementation of the
     * {@code ListIterator} interface that extends the implementation of the
     * {@code Iterator} interface returned by the {@code iterator()} method.
     * The {@code ListIterator} implementation relies on the backing list's
     * {@code get(int)}, {@code set(int, E)}, {@code add(int, E)}
     * and {@code remove(int)} methods.
     * <p>Note that the list iterator returned by this implementation will
     * throw an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} in response to its
     * {@code remove}, {@code set} and {@code add} methods unless the
     * list's {@code remove(int)}, {@code set(int, E)}, and
     * {@code add(int, E)} methods are overridden.
     * <p>This implementation can be made to throw runtime exceptions in the
     * face of concurrent modification, as described in the specification for
     * the (protected) {@link #modCount} field.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException {@inheritDoc}
    public ListIterator<E> listIterator(final int index) {

        return new ListItr(index);

    private class Itr implements Iterator<E> {
         * Index of element to be returned by subsequent call to next.
        int cursor = 0;

         * Index of element returned by most recent call to next or
         * previous.  Reset to -1 if this element is deleted by a call
         * to remove.
        int lastRet = -1;

         * The modCount value that the iterator believes that the backing
         * List should have.  If this expectation is violated, the iterator
         * has detected concurrent modification.
        int expectedModCount = modCount;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return cursor != size();

        public E next() {
            try {
                int i = cursor;
                E next = get(i);
                lastRet = i;
                cursor = i + 1;
                return next;
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

        public void remove() {
            if (lastRet < 0)
                throw new IllegalStateException();

            try {
                if (lastRet < cursor)
                lastRet = -1;
                expectedModCount = modCount;
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

        final void checkForComodification() {
            if (modCount != expectedModCount)
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

    private class ListItr extends Itr implements ListIterator<E> {
        ListItr(int index) {
            cursor = index;

        public boolean hasPrevious() {
            return cursor != 0;

        public E previous() {
            try {
                int i = cursor - 1;
                E previous = get(i);
                lastRet = cursor = i;
                return previous;
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

        public int nextIndex() {
            return cursor;

        public int previousIndex() {
            return cursor-1;

        public void set(E e) {
            if (lastRet < 0)
                throw new IllegalStateException();

            try {
                AbstractList.this.set(lastRet, e);
                expectedModCount = modCount;
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

        public void add(E e) {

            try {
                int i = cursor;
                AbstractList.this.add(i, e);
                lastRet = -1;
                cursor = i + 1;
                expectedModCount = modCount;
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p>This implementation returns a list that subclasses
     * {@code AbstractList}.  The subclass stores, in private fields, the
     * offset of the subList within the backing list, the size of the subList
     * (which can change over its lifetime), and the expected
     * {@code modCount} value of the backing list.  There are two variants
     * of the subclass, one of which implements {@code RandomAccess}.
     * If this list implements {@code RandomAccess} the returned list will
     * be an instance of the subclass that implements {@code RandomAccess}.
     * <p>The subclass's {@code set(int, E)}, {@code get(int)},
     * {@code add(int, E)}, {@code remove(int)}, {@code addAll(int,
     * Collection)} and {@code removeRange(int, int)} methods all
     * delegate to the corresponding methods on the backing abstract list,
     * after bounds-checking the index and adjusting for the offset.  The
     * {@code addAll(Collection c)} method merely returns {@code addAll(size,
     * c)}.
     * <p>The {@code listIterator(int)} method returns a "wrapper object"
     * over a list iterator on the backing list, which is created with the
     * corresponding method on the backing list.  The {@code iterator} method
     * merely returns {@code listIterator()}, and the {@code size} method
     * merely returns the subclass's {@code size} field.
     * <p>All methods first check to see if the actual {@code modCount} of
     * the backing list is equal to its expected value, and throw a
     * {@code ConcurrentModificationException} if it is not.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if an endpoint index value is out of range
     *         {@code (fromIndex < 0 || toIndex > size)}
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the endpoint indices are out of order
     *         {@code (fromIndex > toIndex)}
    public List<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        return (this instanceof RandomAccess ?
                new RandomAccessSubList<>(this, fromIndex, toIndex) :
                new SubList<>(this, fromIndex, toIndex));

    // Comparison and hashing

     * Compares the specified object with this list for equality.  Returns
     * {@code true} if and only if the specified object is also a list, both
     * lists have the same size, and all corresponding pairs of elements in
     * the two lists are <i>equal</i>.  (Two elements {@code e1} and
     * {@code e2} are <i>equal</i> if {@code (e1==null ? e2==null :
     * e1.equals(e2))}.)  In other words, two lists are defined to be
     * equal if they contain the same elements in the same order.<p>
     * This implementation first checks if the specified object is this
     * list. If so, it returns {@code true}; if not, it checks if the
     * specified object is a list. If not, it returns {@code false}; if so,
     * it iterates over both lists, comparing corresponding pairs of elements.
     * If any comparison returns {@code false}, this method returns
     * {@code false}.  If either iterator runs out of elements before the
     * other it returns {@code false} (as the lists are of unequal length);
     * otherwise it returns {@code true} when the iterations complete.
     * @param o the object to be compared for equality with this list
     * @return {@code true} if the specified object is equal to this list
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if (o == this)
            return true;
        if (!(o instanceof List))
            return false;

        ListIterator<E> e1 = listIterator();
        ListIterator e2 = ((List) o).listIterator();
        while (e1.hasNext() && e2.hasNext()) {
            E o1 = e1.next();
            Object o2 = e2.next();
            if (!(o1==null ? o2==null : o1.equals(o2)))
                return false;
        return !(e1.hasNext() || e2.hasNext());

     * Returns the hash code value for this list.
     * <p>This implementation uses exactly the code that is used to define the
     * list hash function in the documentation for the {@link List#hashCode}
     * method.
     * @return the hash code value for this list
    public int hashCode() {
        int hashCode = 1;
        for (E e : this)
            hashCode = 31*hashCode + (e==null ? 0 : e.hashCode());
        return hashCode;

     * Removes from this list all of the elements whose index is between
     * {@code fromIndex}, inclusive, and {@code toIndex}, exclusive.
     * Shifts any succeeding elements to the left (reduces their index).
     * This call shortens the list by {@code (toIndex - fromIndex)} elements.
     * (If {@code toIndex==fromIndex}, this operation has no effect.)
     * <p>This method is called by the {@code clear} operation on this list
     * and its subLists.  Overriding this method to take advantage of
     * the internals of the list implementation can <i>substantially</i>
     * improve the performance of the {@code clear} operation on this list
     * and its subLists.
     * <p>This implementation gets a list iterator positioned before
     * {@code fromIndex}, and repeatedly calls {@code ListIterator.next}
     * followed by {@code ListIterator.remove} until the entire range has
     * been removed.  <b>Note: if {@code ListIterator.remove} requires linear
     * time, this implementation requires quadratic time.</b>
     * @param fromIndex index of first element to be removed
     * @param toIndex index after last element to be removed
    protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        ListIterator<E> it = listIterator(fromIndex);
        for (int i=0, n=toIndex-fromIndex; i<n; i++) {

     * The number of times this list has been <i>structurally modified</i>.
     * Structural modifications are those that change the size of the
     * list, or otherwise perturb it in such a fashion that iterations in
     * progress may yield incorrect results.
     * <p>This field is used by the iterator and list iterator implementation
     * returned by the {@code iterator} and {@code listIterator} methods.
     * If the value of this field changes unexpectedly, the iterator (or list
     * iterator) will throw a {@code ConcurrentModificationException} in
     * response to the {@code next}, {@code remove}, {@code previous},
     * {@code set} or {@code add} operations.  This provides
     * <i>fail-fast</i> behavior, rather than non-deterministic behavior in
     * the face of concurrent modification during iteration.
     * <p><b>Use of this field by subclasses is optional.</b> If a subclass
     * wishes to provide fail-fast iterators (and list iterators), then it
     * merely has to increment this field in its {@code add(int, E)} and
     * {@code remove(int)} methods (and any other methods that it overrides
     * that result in structural modifications to the list).  A single call to
     * {@code add(int, E)} or {@code remove(int)} must add no more than
     * one to this field, or the iterators (and list iterators) will throw
     * bogus {@code ConcurrentModificationExceptions}.  If an implementation
     * does not wish to provide fail-fast iterators, this field may be
     * ignored.
    protected transient int modCount = 0;

    private void rangeCheckForAdd(int index) {
        if (index < 0 || index > size())
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(outOfBoundsMsg(index));

    private String outOfBoundsMsg(int index) {
        return "Index: "+index+", Size: "+size();

class SubList<E> extends AbstractList<E> {
    private final AbstractList<E> l;
    private final int offset;
    private int size;

    SubList(AbstractList<E> list, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        if (fromIndex < 0)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("fromIndex = " + fromIndex);
        if (toIndex > list.size())
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("toIndex = " + toIndex);
        if (fromIndex > toIndex)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("fromIndex(" + fromIndex +
                                               ") > toIndex(" + toIndex + ")");
        l = list;
        offset = fromIndex;
        size = toIndex - fromIndex;
        this.modCount = l.modCount;

    public E set(int index, E element) {
        return l.set(index+offset, element);

    public E get(int index) {
        return l.get(index+offset);

    public int size() {
        return size;

    public void add(int index, E element) {
        l.add(index+offset, element);
        this.modCount = l.modCount;

    public E remove(int index) {
        E result = l.remove(index+offset);
        this.modCount = l.modCount;
        return result;

    protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        l.removeRange(fromIndex+offset, toIndex+offset);
        this.modCount = l.modCount;
        size -= (toIndex-fromIndex);

    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c) {
        return addAll(size, c);

    public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) {
        int cSize = c.size();
        if (cSize==0)
            return false;

        l.addAll(offset+index, c);
        this.modCount = l.modCount;
        size += cSize;
        return true;

    public Iterator<E> iterator() {
        return listIterator();

    public ListIterator<E> listIterator(final int index) {

        return new ListIterator<E>() {
            private final ListIterator<E> i = l.listIterator(index+offset);

            public boolean hasNext() {
                return nextIndex() < size;

            public E next() {
                if (hasNext())
                    return i.next();
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();

            public boolean hasPrevious() {
                return previousIndex() >= 0;

            public E previous() {
                if (hasPrevious())
                    return i.previous();
                    throw new NoSuchElementException();

            public int nextIndex() {
                return i.nextIndex() - offset;

            public int previousIndex() {
                return i.previousIndex() - offset;

            public void remove() {
                SubList.this.modCount = l.modCount;

            public void set(E e) {

            public void add(E e) {
                SubList.this.modCount = l.modCount;

    public List<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        return new SubList<>(this, fromIndex, toIndex);

    private void rangeCheck(int index) {
        if (index < 0 || index >= size)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(outOfBoundsMsg(index));

    private void rangeCheckForAdd(int index) {
        if (index < 0 || index > size)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(outOfBoundsMsg(index));

    private String outOfBoundsMsg(int index) {
        return "Index: "+index+", Size: "+size;

    private void checkForComodification() {
        if (this.modCount != l.modCount)
            throw new ConcurrentModificationException();

class RandomAccessSubList<E> extends SubList<E> implements RandomAccess {
    RandomAccessSubList(AbstractList<E> list, int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        super(list, fromIndex, toIndex);

    public List<E> subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
        return new RandomAccessSubList<>(this, fromIndex, toIndex);







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