gaiger@i5-3210m:~/sandbox/bluez-5.32/src$./configure --enable-experimental --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix=$PWD/built CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-unused-function"
configure: error: libical is required
checking for UDEV... no
configure: error: libudev >= 172 is required
gaiger@i5-3210m:~/sandbox/bluez-5.32/src$sudo yum install systemd-devel
gaiger@i5-3210m:~/sandbox/bluez-5.32/src$sudo killall -p bluetoothd
gaiger@i5-3210m:~/sandbox/bluez-5.32/src$sudo service bluetooth status
bluetooth start/running, process 2619
gaiger@i5-3210m:~/sandbox/bluez-5.32/src$ sudo service bluetooth stop
bluetooth stop/waiting
[gaiger@localhost src]$ sudo ./bluetoothd -p xx -n
bluetoothd[12465]: Bluetooth daemon 5.30
bluetoothd[12465]: Starting SDP server
bluetoothd[12465]: Bluetooth management interface 1.7 initialized
bluetoothd[12465]: Failed to obtain handles for "Service Changed" characteristic
bluetoothd[12465]: Failed to register org.bluez.LEAdvertisingManager1
bluetoothd[12465]: Failed to register LEAdvertisingManager1 interface for adapter
bluetoothd[12465]: Not enough free handles to register service
bluetoothd[12465]: gatt-example-adapter-driver: Input/output error (5)
bluetoothd[12465]: Not enough free handles to register service
bluetoothd[12465]: Error adding Link Loss service
bluetoothd[12465]: Not enough free handles to register service
bluetoothd[12465]: Not enough free handles to register service
bluetoothd[12465]: Not enough free handles to register service
bluetoothd[12465]: Current Time Service could not be registered
bluetoothd[12465]: gatt-time-server: Input/output error (5)
bluetoothd[12465]: Not enough free handles to register service
bluetoothd[12465]: Not enough free handles to register service
bluetoothd[12465]: Sap driver initialization failed.
bluetoothd[12465]: sap-server: Operation not permitted (1)
bluetoothd[12465]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.122 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSource
bluetoothd[12465]: Endpoint registered: sender=:1.122 path=/MediaEndpoint/A2DPSink
[gaiger@localhost src]$ sudo ./bluetoothd -p xx -n
bluetoothd[31541]: Bluetooth daemon 5.28
bluetoothd[31541]: Starting SDP server
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) hostname
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) wiimote
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) autopair
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) policy
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) gatt_example
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) neard
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) sap
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) a2dp
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) avrcp
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) network
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) input
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) hog
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) health
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) gap
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) scanparam
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) deviceinfo
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) alert
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) time
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) proximity
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) thermometer
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) heartrate
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) cyclingspeed
bluetoothd[31541]: Ignoring (cli) external_dummy
bluetoothd[31541]: Bluetooth management interface 1.7 initialized
[gaiger@localhost src]$ sudo ./bluetoothd -p gatt_example -n
#!/bin/bash # ref: set -x # inquiry local bluetooth device #hcitool dev export BLUETOOTH_DEVICE=hci0 #sudo hcitool -i hcix cmd <OGF> <OCF> <No. Significant Data Octets> <iBeacon Prefix> <UUID> <Major> <Minor> <Tx Power> <Placeholder Octets> #OGF = Operation Group Field = Bluetooth Command Group = 0x08 #OCF = Operation Command Field = HCI_LE_Set_Advertising_Data = 0x0008 #No. Significant Data Octets (Max of 31) = 1E (Decimal 30) #iBeacon Prefix (Always Fixed) = 02 01 1A 1A FF 4C 00 02 15 export OGF="0x08" export OCF="0x0008" #export IBEACONPROFIX="1E 02 01 1A 1A FF 4C 00 02 15" export IBEACONPROFIX="1E 02 01 16 1A FF 4C 00 02 15" #uuidgen could gerenate uuid export UUID="4a 4e ce 60 7e b0 11 e4 b4 a9 08 00 20 0c 9a 66" #export UUID="B9 40 7F 30 F5 F8 46 6E AF F9 25 55 6B 57 FE 6D" #export UUID="76 E8 B4 E0 7E B5 11 E4 B4 A9 08 00 20 0C 9A 66" export MAJOR="00 01" export MINOR="00 00" export POWER="C5 00" initialize device sudo hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE up # disable advertising sudo hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE noleadv # stop the dongle looking for other Bluetooth devices sudo hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE noscan sudo hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE pscan #hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE iscan #sudo hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE name "i5-3210M "$BLUETOOTH_DEVICE sudo hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE leadv # advertise sudo hcitool -i $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE cmd 0x08 0x0008 $IBEACONPROFIX $UUID $MAJOR $MINOR $POWER #sudo hcitool -i $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE cmd 0x08 0x0006 A0 00 A0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 #sudo hcitool -i $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE cmd 0x08 0x000a 01 #sudo hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE leadv #sudo hciconfig $BLUETOOTH_DEVICE pscan echo "complete"
/* * * BlueZ - Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 David Herrmann <> * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <unistd.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <bluetooth/bluetooth.h> #include <glib.h> #include "lib/uuid.h" #include "src/plugin.h" #include "src/adapter.h" #include "src/shared/util.h" #include "src/log.h" #include "attrib/gattrib.h" #include "attrib/gatt-service.h" #include "attrib/att.h" #include "attrib/gatt.h" #include "attrib/att-database.h" #include "src/attrib-server.h" #define MAX_STR_LEN (256) #define SIMPLE_SVC_UUID 0xfff0 #define SIMPLE_READ1_CHAR_UUID 0xfff1 #define SIMPLE_READ2_CHAR_UUID 0xfff2 #define SIMPLE_WRITE_CHAR_UUID 0xfff3 #define SIMPLE_NOTIFY_CHAR_UUID 0xfff4 static char read1Data[MAX_STR_LEN]; static char read2Data[MAX_STR_LEN]; static int notifyData; static uint8_t SimpleCharacteristic1Read(struct attribute *a, struct btd_device *device, gpointer user_data) { struct btd_adapter *adapter; printf("__FILE__ = %s, __FUNCTION__ = %s, __LINE__ =%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); adapter = user_data; attrib_db_update(adapter, a->handle, NULL, (uint8_t*)&read1Data[0], strlen(&read1Data[0]), NULL); return 0; }/*Characteristic1Read*/ static uint8_t SimpleCharacteristic2Read(struct attribute *a, struct btd_device *device, gpointer user_data) { struct btd_adapter *adapter; printf("__FILE__ = %s, __FUNCTION__ = %s, __LINE__ =%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); adapter = user_data; attrib_db_update(adapter, a->handle, NULL, (uint8_t*)&read2Data[0], strlen(&read2Data[0]), NULL); return 0; }/*Characteristic2Read*/ static uint8_t SimpleCharacteristicWrite(struct attribute *a, struct btd_device *device, gpointer user_data) { unsigned char data[MAX_STR_LEN]; int i; printf("__FILE__ = %s, __FUNCTION__ = %s, __LINE__ =%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); memset(&data[0], 0, MAX_STR_LEN); memcpy(&data[0], a->data, a->len); printf("written data : %s \n", &data[0]); for(i = 0; i< a->len;i++) printf("%#1x ", (unsigned char)(data[i])); printf("\n"); return 0; }/*CharacteristicWrite*/ static uint8_t SimpleCharacteristicNotify(struct attribute *a, struct btd_device *device, gpointer user_data) { struct btd_adapter *adapter; adapter = user_data; printf("__FILE__ = %s, __FUNCTION__ = %s, __LINE__ =%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); do { attrib_db_update(adapter, a->handle, NULL, (uint8_t*)¬ifyData, sizeof(notifyData), NULL); //usleep(1*1000*1000); notifyData++; }while(0); return 0; }/*CharacteristicNotify*/ static void RegisterSimpleService(struct btd_adapter *adapter) { bt_uuid_t uuid; printf("__FILE__ = %s, __FUNCTION__ = %s, __LINE__ =%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); bt_uuid16_create(&uuid, SIMPLE_SVC_UUID); gatt_service_add(adapter, GATT_PRIM_SVC_UUID, &uuid, /* characteristic register*/ /*read 1*/ GATT_OPT_CHR_UUID16, SIMPLE_READ1_CHAR_UUID, GATT_OPT_CHR_PROPS, GATT_CHR_PROP_READ , GATT_OPT_CHR_VALUE_CB, ATTRIB_READ, SimpleCharacteristic1Read, adapter, /*read 2*/ GATT_OPT_CHR_UUID16, SIMPLE_READ1_CHAR_UUID, GATT_OPT_CHR_PROPS, GATT_CHR_PROP_READ , GATT_OPT_CHR_VALUE_CB, ATTRIB_READ, SimpleCharacteristic2Read, adapter, /*write*/ GATT_OPT_CHR_UUID16, SIMPLE_WRITE_CHAR_UUID, GATT_OPT_CHR_PROPS, GATT_CHR_PROP_WRITE_WITHOUT_RESP, GATT_OPT_CHR_VALUE_CB, ATTRIB_WRITE, SimpleCharacteristicWrite, adapter, /*NOTIFY*/ GATT_OPT_CHR_UUID16, SIMPLE_NOTIFY_CHAR_UUID, GATT_OPT_CHR_PROPS, GATT_CHR_PROP_READ|GATT_CHR_PROP_NOTIFY, GATT_OPT_CHR_VALUE_CB, ATTRIB_READ, SimpleCharacteristicNotify, adapter, /*end*/ GATT_OPT_INVALID); return ; }/*RegisterSimpleService*/ #define DEVICEINFO_SVC_UUID 0x180a char versionStr[MAX_STR_LEN] = "0.0.0"; char manufacturerStr[MAX_STR_LEN] = "Gaiger"; static uint8_t SoftwareRevisionStringRead(struct attribute *a, struct btd_device *device, gpointer user_data) { struct btd_adapter *adapter; printf("__FILE__ = %s, __FUNCTION__ = %s, __LINE__ =%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); adapter = user_data; attrib_db_update(adapter, a->handle, NULL, (uint8_t*)&versionStr[0], strlen(&versionStr[0]), NULL); return 0; }/*SoftwareRevisionStringRead*/ static uint8_t ManufacturerStringRead(struct attribute *a, struct btd_device *device, gpointer user_data) { struct btd_adapter *adapter; printf("__FILE__ = %s, __FUNCTION__ = %s, __LINE__ =%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); adapter = user_data; attrib_db_update(adapter, a->handle, NULL, (uint8_t*)&manufacturerStr[0], strlen(&manufacturerStr[0]), NULL); return 0; }/*ManufacturerStringRead*/ static void RegisterDeviceInfo(struct btd_adapter *adapter) { bt_uuid_t uuid; printf("__FILE__ = %s, __FUNCTION__ = %s, __LINE__ =%d\n", __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); bt_uuid16_create(&uuid, DEVICEINFO_SVC_UUID); gatt_service_add(adapter, GATT_PRIM_SVC_UUID, &uuid, /* characteristic register*/ /*GATT_CHARAC_SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING*/ GATT_OPT_CHR_UUID16, GATT_CHARAC_SOFTWARE_REVISION_STRING, GATT_OPT_CHR_PROPS, GATT_CHR_PROP_READ , GATT_OPT_CHR_VALUE_CB, ATTRIB_READ, SoftwareRevisionStringRead, adapter, /*GATT_CHARAC_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING*/ GATT_OPT_CHR_UUID16, GATT_CHARAC_MANUFACTURER_NAME_STRING, GATT_OPT_CHR_PROPS, GATT_CHR_PROP_READ , GATT_OPT_CHR_VALUE_CB, ATTRIB_READ, ManufacturerStringRead, adapter, /*end*/ GATT_OPT_INVALID); return ; }/*RegisterSimpleService*/ static void update_name(struct btd_adapter *adapter, gpointer user_data) { adapter_set_name(adapter, (char*)user_data); }/*update_name*/ static int wii_probe(struct btd_adapter *adapter) { update_name(adapter, "SimplePeripherial"); RegisterDeviceInfo(adapter); RegisterSimpleService(adapter); return 0; }/*wii_probe*/ static void wii_remove(struct btd_adapter *adapter) { }/*wii_remove*/ /*function pointers*/ static struct btd_adapter_driver wii_driver = { .name = "wiimote", .probe = wii_probe, .remove = wii_remove, }; static int wii_init(void) { printf("__FUNCTION__ = %s\n", __FUNCTION__); memset(&read1Data[0], 0, MAX_STR_LEN); memset(&read2Data[0], 0, MAX_STR_LEN); notifyData = 0; snprintf(&read1Data[0], MAX_STR_LEN, "it is read 1"); snprintf(&read2Data[0], MAX_STR_LEN, "it is read 2"); return btd_register_adapter_driver(&wii_driver); } static void wii_exit(void) { printf("__FUNCTION__ = %s\n", __FUNCTION__); btd_unregister_adapter_driver(&wii_driver); } BLUETOOTH_PLUGIN_DEFINE(wiimote, VERSION, BLUETOOTH_PLUGIN_PRIORITY_LOW, wii_init, wii_exit)
BLE in Linux : Set a Simple Peripheral