netty 处理远程主机强制关闭一个连接,首先看下api解释:
/** * Returns {@code true} if and only if the channel should not close itself when its remote * peer shuts down output to make the connection half-closed. If {@code false}, the connection * is closed automatically when the remote peer shuts down output. */ boolean isAllowHalfClosure(); /** * Sets whether the channel should not close itself when its remote peer shuts down output to * make the connection half-closed. If {@code true} the connection is not closed when the * remote peer shuts down output. Instead, * {@link ChannelInboundHandler#userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext, Object)} * is invoked with a {@link ChannelInputShutdownEvent} object. If {@code false}, the connection * is closed automatically. */ SocketChannelConfig setAllowHalfClosure(boolean allowHalfClosure);
默认是自动关闭channel,但是这样无法捕获远程主机强制关闭一个连接异常,所以 设置serverconfig
/** * This method will be called once the {@link Channel} was registered. After the method returns this instance * will be removed from the {@link ChannelPipeline} of the {@link Channel}. * * @param ch the {@link Channel} which was registered. * @throws Exception is thrown if an error occurs. In that case it will be handled by * {@link #exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext, Throwable)} which will by default close * the {@link Channel}. */ protected abstract void initChannel(Channel ch) throws Exception;
/** * Calls {@link ChannelHandlerContext#fireUserEventTriggered(Object)} to forward * to the next {@link ChannelInboundHandler} in the {@link ChannelPipeline}. * * Sub-classes may override this method to change behavior. */ @Override public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object evt) throws Exception { ctx.fireUserEventTriggered(evt); }
中捕获远程主机强制关闭一个连接了 想这样处理,在自己的handler中重写上面的方法:
/** * 读取数据超时 ---> 断定连接断开 ----> 释放对应的socket连接 * <p/> * 心跳处理 * 链路读写超时处理 * * @param ctx * @param evt * @throws Exception sub_reactor ChannelInputShutdownEvent.INSTANCE */ @Override public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object evt) throws Exception { try { Channel channel = ctx.channel(); if (evt instanceof IdleStateEvent) { IdleStateEvent e = (IdleStateEvent) evt; if (e.state() == IdleState.READER_IDLE) { channel.close(); //call back channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger .debug(channel.remoteAddress() + "---No data was received for a while ,read time out... ..."); } // because we are attaching more importance to the read_idle time(timeout to rec) else if (e.state() == IdleState.WRITER_IDLE) { // No data was sent for a while. channel.close(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger .debug(channel.remoteAddress() + "---No data was sent for a while.write time out... ..."); } } else if (evt instanceof ChannelInputShutdownEvent) { channel.close();//远程主机强制关闭连接 } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
通过以上设置就可以捕获 并处理逻辑相关资源了 netty 处理远程主机强制关闭一个连接