因为工作要求, 需要对EMF文件文字内容做分析.....SO, 如下代码出现了
懒得加注释了, 反正对外接口属性就那么几个, 根据英文猜吧, 很容易的
这个东西结果会对所有文字内容按照左上到右下的顺序排序(EMF内数据顺序是根据画图顺序来的, 所以不一定是什么顺序, 但是数据分析就要得到行列关系)
但是图片没有行列概念, 所以我简单借鉴了一下纯粹横排版模式, 认为2个文字元素, 只要显示范围的中线在对方范围内, 就会被认为是同一行
PS: 这种排序对于规则的文字输出没问题, 但是如果有一个很大的文字作为背景水印就不行了, 那样会导致所有元素都和这个大水印在同一行, 各位如果有需要自己再考虑排序算法吧
unit Comm.EMFInfo; interface uses System.Types, System.Generics.Collections, Vcl.Graphics; type TEMFStrInfo = record DisplayRect: TRect; Text: string; end; PEMFStrInfo = ^TEMFStrInfo; TEMFStrInfoList = Class private FList: TList<PEMFStrInfo>; FDic: TDictionary<string, UInt32>; FMaxHeight: Integer; function GetItem(Index: UInt32): TEMFStrInfo; function GetCount: UInt32; public constructor Create(AEMF: TMetafile); destructor Destroy; override; property Count: UInt32 read GetCount; property Items[Index: UInt32]: TEMFStrInfo read GetItem; function TryGetInfo(AInfoName: string; var AInfo: TEMFStrInfo; var AIndex: UInt32): Boolean; property MaxHeight: Integer read FMaxHeight; end; implementation uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, System.Generics.Defaults, Winapi.Windows; const // if set use ANSI version else UNICODE SMALLTEXT_TYPE_ANSI = $200; // if set use EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT else use EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTCLIP SMALLTEXT_TYPE_WITHOUT_CLIP = $100; // Structures type EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTCLIPA = RECORD emr: emr; ptlReference: TPoint; // might be in negative numbers, so take abs nChars: DWORD; fuOptions: DWORD; // this record type // != SMALLTEXT_TYPE_WITHOUT_CLIP // == SMALLTEXT_TYPE_ANSI // also holds fuOptions like in the ExtTextOut function iGraphicsMode: DWORD; // See iMode parameter of SetGraphicsMode exScale: Single; { X and Y scales from Page units to .01mm units } eyScale: Single; { if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE. } rclClip: TRect; cString: Array [0 .. 0] of AnsiChar; { This is followed by the string array } END; PEMRSmallTextOutClipA = ^EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTCLIPA; EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTCLIPW = RECORD emr: emr; ptlReference: TPoint; nChars: DWORD; fuOptions: DWORD; // this record type // != SMALLTEXT_TYPE_WITHOUT_CLIP // != SMALLTEXT_TYPE_ANSI // also holds fuOptions like in the ExtTextOut function iGraphicsMode: DWORD; // See iMode parameter of SetGraphicsMode exScale: Single; { X and Y scales from Page units to .01mm units } eyScale: Single; { if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE. } rclClip: TRect; cString: Array [0 .. 0] of WideChar; { This is followed by the string array } END; PEMRSmallTextOutClipW = ^EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTCLIPW; EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTA = RECORD emr: emr; ptlReference: TPoint; nChars: DWORD; fuOptions: DWORD; // this record type // == SMALLTEXT_TYPE_WITHOUT_CLIP // == SMALLTEXT_TYPE_ANSI // also holds fuOptions like in the ExtTextOut function iGraphicsMode: DWORD; // See iMode parameter of SetGraphicsMode exScale: Single; { X and Y scales from Page units to .01mm units } eyScale: Single; { if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE. } cString: Array [0 .. 0] of AnsiChar; { This is followed by the string array } END; PEMRSmallTextOutA = ^EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTA; EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTW = RECORD emr: emr; ptlReference: TPoint; nChars: DWORD; fuOptions: DWORD; // this record type // == SMALLTEXT_TYPE_WITHOUT_CLIP // != SMALLTEXT_TYPE_ANSI // also holds fuOptions like in the ExtTextOut function iGraphicsMode: DWORD; // See iMode parameter of SetGraphicsMode exScale: Single; { X and Y scales from Page units to .01mm units } eyScale: Single; { if graphics mode is GM_COMPATIBLE. } cString: Array [0 .. 0] of WideChar; { This is followed by the string array } END; PEMRSmallTextOutW = ^EMR_SMALLTEXTOUTW; function EnumTextProc(DC: HDC; lpHTable: PHANDLETABLE; EMFR: PENHMETARECORD; nObj, lpData: Integer): Integer; stdcall; var nStrA: AnsiString; nStrW: WideString; nEMRTO: PEMRExtTextOut; nEMRSTO: PEMRSmallTextOutClipA; nEMFElementList: TList<PEMFStrInfo>; nOTR: PEMFStrInfo; begin nEMFElementList := Pointer(lpData); if (EMFR.iType = EMR_EXTTEXTOUTA) then begin nEMRTO := PEMRExtTextOut(EMFR); SetLength(nStrA, nEMRTO.EMRText.nChars); Move(pointer(2 + Cardinal(@nEMRTO.EMRText) + nEMRTO.EMRText.offString)^, nStrA[1], Length(nStrA)); New(nOTR); with nOTR^ do begin Text := Trim(nStrA); DisplayRect := nEMRTO.rclBounds; end; nOTR^.DisplayRect.NormalizeRect; if nOTR^.Text <> ‘‘ then nEMFElementList.Add(nOTR) else Dispose(nOTR); end else if (EMFR.iType = EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW) then begin nEMRTO := PEMRExtTextOut(EMFR); SetLength(nStrW, nEMRTO.EMRText.nChars); Move(pointer(2 + Cardinal(@nEMRTO.EMRText) + nEMRTO.EMRText.offString div 2)^, nStrW[1], Length(nStrW) * 2); New(nOTR); with nOTR^ do begin Text := Trim(nStrW); DisplayRect := nEMRTO.rclBounds; end; nOTR^.DisplayRect.NormalizeRect; if nOTR^.Text <> ‘‘ then nEMFElementList.Add(nOTR) else Dispose(nOTR); end else if EMFR.iType = EMR_SMALLTEXTOUT then begin nEMRSTO := PEMRSmallTextOutClipA(EMFR); SetLength(nStrA, nEMRSTO.nChars); Move(nEMRSTO.cString[0], nStrA[1], Length(nStrA)); New(nOTR); with nOTR^ do begin Text := Trim(nStrA); DisplayRect := nEMRSTO.rclClip; DisplayRect.TopLeft := nEMRSTO.ptlReference; end; nOTR^.DisplayRect.NormalizeRect; if nOTR^.Text <> ‘‘ then nEMFElementList.Add(nOTR) else Dispose(nOTR); end; Result := 1; end; type TEMFStrInfoCompare = class(TComparer<PEMFStrInfo>) public function Compare(const Left, Right: PEMFStrInfo): Integer; override; end; { TEMFStrInfoCompare } function TEMFStrInfoCompare.Compare(const Left, Right: PEMFStrInfo): Integer; var nCPLeft, nCPRight: TPoint; nLIR, nRIL: Int8; begin nCPLeft := Left.DisplayRect.CenterPoint; nCPRight := Right.DisplayRect.CenterPoint; if nCPLeft.Y <= Right.DisplayRect.Top then nLIR := -1 else if nCPLeft.Y >= Right.DisplayRect.Bottom then nLIR := 1 else nLIR := 0; if nCPRight.Y <= Left.DisplayRect.Top then nRIL := -1 else if nCPRight.Y >= Left.DisplayRect.Bottom then nRIL := 1 else nRIL := 0; if (nLIR = 0) or (nRIL = 0) then begin {有任意left或right在另一方区域内的, 认为在同一行, 通过x位置判断排序} if nCPLeft.X < nCPRight.X then {根据左侧判断位置} Result := -1 else if nCPLeft.X > nCPRight.X then Result := 1 else if nCPLeft.Y < nCPRight.Y then Result := -1 else if nCPLeft.Y > nCPRight.Y then Result := 1 else Result := 0; end else Result := nLIR; end; { TEMFStrInfoList } constructor TEMFStrInfoList.Create(AEMF: TMetafile); var nInfoExists: Boolean; nCheckPoint: TPoint; i: Integer; nCompare: TEMFStrInfoCompare; nPI: PEMFStrInfo; begin FList := TList<PEMFStrInfo>.Create; FDic := TDictionary<string, UInt32>.Create; FMaxHeight := 0; {读取文件元素存入列表} EnumEnhMetafile(0, AEMF.Handle, @EnumTextProc, Pointer(FList), Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)); try {排序} nCompare := TEMFStrInfoCompare.Create; try FList.Sort(nCompare); finally nCompare.Free; end; except end; {元素名称存入字典} for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin nPI := FList[i]; if nPI^.DisplayRect.Bottom > FMaxHeight then FMaxHeight := nPI^.DisplayRect.Bottom; FDic.AddOrSetValue(nPI^.Text, i); end; end; destructor TEMFStrInfoList.Destroy; var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do Dispose(FList[i]); FList.Free; FDic.Free; inherited; end; function TEMFStrInfoList.GetCount: UInt32; begin Result := FList.Count; end; function TEMFStrInfoList.GetItem(Index: UInt32): TEMFStrInfo; begin Result := FList[Index]^; end; function TEMFStrInfoList.TryGetInfo(AInfoName: string; var AInfo: TEMFStrInfo; var AIndex: UInt32): Boolean; begin Result := FDic.TryGetValue(AInfoName, AIndex); if Result then AInfo := FList[AIndex]^; end; end.