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 1 namespace System.Windows.Controls
 2 {
 3   public class Control : FrameworkElement
 4   {
 5     public static readonly DependencyProperty BorderBrushProperty;    
 6     public static readonly DependencyProperty BorderThicknessProperty; 
 7     public static readonly DependencyProperty BackgroundProperty;      
 8     public static readonly DependencyProperty ForegroundProperty;      
 9     public static readonly DependencyProperty FontFamilyProperty;      
10     public static readonly DependencyProperty FontSizeProperty;        
11     public static readonly DependencyProperty FontStretchProperty;     
12     public static readonly DependencyProperty FontStyleProperty;       
13     public static readonly DependencyProperty FontWeightProperty;
14     public static readonly DependencyProperty HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty;
15     public static readonly DependencyProperty VerticalContentAlignmentProperty;
16     public static readonly DependencyProperty TabIndexProperty;
17     public static readonly DependencyProperty IsTabStopProperty;
18     public static readonly DependencyProperty PaddingProperty;
19     public static readonly DependencyProperty TemplateProperty;
20 public static readonly RoutedEvent PreviewMouseDoubleClickEvent; 21 public static readonly RoutedEvent MouseDoubleClickEvent;
22 public Control();
23 protected virtual void OnTemplateChanged(ControlTemplate oldTemplate, ControlTemplate newTemplate); 24 public override string ToString(); 25 protected virtual void OnPreviewMouseDoubleClick(MouseButtonEventArgs e); 26 protected virtual void OnMouseDoubleClick(MouseButtonEventArgs e); 27 protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint); 28 protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size arrangeBounds); 29 [Bindable(true)] 30 [Category("Appearance")] 31 public Brush BorderBrush { get; set; } //边框颜色画刷 32 [Bindable(true)] 33 [Category("Appearance")] 34 public Thickness BorderThickness { get; set; } //边框大小 35 [Bindable(true)] 36 [Category("Appearance")] 37 public Brush Background { get; set; } //背景颜色 38 [Category("Appearance")] 39 [Bindable(true)] 40 public Brush Foreground { get; set; } //前景颜色 41 [Bindable(true)] 42 [Category("Appearance")] 43 [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.Font)] 44 public FontFamily FontFamily { get; set; } //字体 45 [Category("Appearance")] 46 [Localizability(LocalizationCategory.None)] 47 [TypeConverter(typeof (FontSizeConverter))] 48 [Bindable(true)] 49 public double FontSize { get; set; } //字体大小 50 [Bindable(true)] 51 [Category("Appearance")] 52 public FontStretch FontStretch { get; set; } //字体拉伸描述字体形状从其普通纵横比拉伸的程度,普通纵横比是为字体中的标志符号指定的宽度与高度的原始比例。 53 [Bindable(true)] 54 [Category("Appearance")] 55 public FontStyle FontStyle { get; set; } //字体风格 ,设置字体的倾斜特性 56 [Category("Appearance")] 57 [Bindable(true)] 58 public FontWeight FontWeight { get; set; } //字体加粗效果 59 [Category("Layout")] 60 [Bindable(true)] 61 public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalContentAlignment { get; set; } //这个属性用来设置该控件相对父控件的横向摆放位置,而不是控件内的内容的摆放位置 62 [Bindable(true)] 63 [Category("Layout")] 64 public VerticalAlignment VerticalContentAlignment { get; set; } 65 [Category("Behavior")] 66 [Bindable(true)] 67 public int TabIndex { get; set; } //支持Tab键切换焦点,用来设置tab键切换的顺序 68 [Category("Behavior")] 69 [Bindable(true)] 70 public bool IsTabStop { get; set; } //用来控制是否接受tab键的焦点切换 71 [Category("Layout")] 72 [Bindable(true)] 73 public Thickness Padding { get; set; } //控件内的内容与控件的边界的间距
74 public ControlTemplate Template { [TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")] get; set; } 75 protected internal virtual bool HandlesScrolling { get; } //获取一个值,该值指示组合框是否支持滚动。 76 public event MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseDoubleClick; 77 public event MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDoubleClick; 78 } 79 }





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