之前曾经用Html5/JavaScript/CSS实现过2048,用Cocos2d-html5/Chipmunk写过一个Dumb Soccer的对战游戏,但没有使用过原生的Canvas写过任何东西,为了加深对Canvas的学习,就心血来潮花了将近一天的时间利用原生Canvas实现了一个简化版的flappy bird,下面就总结一下开发的过程。
在正式开前,对于没有使用本地服务器的开发者来说,建议下载一个firefox来进行测试或使用IE 10,因为firefox和IE 10对本地文件的访问限制较低,在本地无服务器环境调试的时候,在firefox浏览器中不容易碰到因为跨域而无法获取文件的问题。如果能够在本地搭建一个HTTP服务器那就更好了,基本不会碰到类似的错误。
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <style> .game_frame { margin: 20px auto; width: 240px; height: 400px; } </style> </head> <body> <div class=‘game_frame‘> <canvas class=‘game_box‘ id=‘game_box‘ name=‘game_box‘ width=‘240px‘ height=‘400px‘></canvas> </div> <script src="game.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </body> </html>
var World = { // 保存Canvas theCanvas : null, // 游戏是否暂停 pause: false, // 初始化并运行游戏 init : function(){}, // 重置游戏 reset: function(){}, // 动画循环 animationLoop: function(){}, // 绘制背景 BGOffset: 0, // scroll offset backgroundUpdate : function() {}, // 更新元素 elementsUpdate: function(){}, // 碰撞检测 collisionDectect: function(){}, hitBox: function ( source, target ) {}, pixelHitTest: function( source, target ) {}, // 边界检测 boundDectect: function(){}, // 创建烟囱 pipesCreate: function(){}, // 清除烟囱 pipesClear: function(){}, // 小鸟出界检测 isBirdOutOfBound: function(callback){}, };
游戏通过World.init来初始化游戏并运行。利用Html5 canvas实现的游戏或动画的原理都是一样的,即以特定的时间间隔不断地更新canvas画布上的图像以实现动画。因此,游戏初始化时候必须要做的就是下面几件事情:
1 World.init = function(){ 2 var theCanvas = this.theCanvas = document.getElementById(‘game_box‘); 3 this.ctx = theCanvas.getContext(‘2d‘); 4 this.width = theCanvas.width; 5 this.height = theCanvas.height; 6 this.bird = null; 7 this.items = []; 8 this.animationLoop(); 9 },
除了保存canvas元素及context以外,还将canvas画布的长宽也保存下,并创建了bird对象和 items数组以保存游戏中的元素。然后就进入了animationLoop这个动画循环。
动画循环以特定的时间间隔运行,负责更新游戏中每个元素属性,并将所有元素在canvas中绘制出来。一般游戏会以60fps或30fps的帧率运行,显然60fps的帧率需要更大的运算量,而画面也更为流畅,现在就暂时使用60fps帧率,那么每帧图像的时间间隔为1000ms/60 = 16.7ms。另外,要注意的是元素的绘制顺序,一定要首先将背景绘制出来,然后再绘制其他游戏元素,否则这些元素就会被背景图所覆盖。由于帧间隔比较短,因此animationLoop中所允许的函数应当尽可能快。下面看看代码:
1 animationLoop: function(){ 2 3 // scroll the background 4 this.backgroundUpdate(); 5 6 // detect elements which is out of boundary 7 this.boundDectect(); 8 9 // detect the collision between bird and pipes 10 this.collisionDectect(); 11 12 // update the elements 13 this.elementsUpdate(); 14 15 // next frame 16 if(!this.pause){ 17 setTimeout(function(){ 18 World.animationLoop(); 19 }, 16.7) 20 } 21 }
在这里使用了setTimeout来设置下一帧的定时,而不是使用setInterval来实现一次性的定时操作,最重要的原因是为了保持帧率的稳定。如果使用setInterval来定时,那么可能会出现由于当前animationLoop处理时间较长(超过16.7ms),导致下一帧处理 定时已经到来了而处于等待状态,等当前animationLoop处理完成后,立即执行下一帧的处理,这样使得帧间隔被压缩,出现明显的帧率不稳的状态。如果使用setTimeout,即使当前处理时间较长,帧处理完成到下一帧的间隔也肯定是固定,而帧间隔时间会大于16.7ms。这样虽然帧率会降低,但可以降低跳帧这种帧率波动较大的事件出现。
1 <img src="atlas.png" id=‘atlas‘ style=‘visibility:hidden‘ width="0" height="0">
1 var image = document.getElementById(‘atlas‘);
1 var image = new image(); 2 image.src = ‘atlas.png‘; 3 imgge.onload = function(){ 4 // wait for the loading 5 };
1 backgroundUpdate : function() { 2 var ctx = this.ctx; 3 ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 288, 512, 0, 0, 288, 512); 4 },
1 backgroundUpdate : function() { 2 var ctx = this.ctx; 3 this.BGOffset--; 4 if(this.BGOffset <= 0) { 5 this.BGOffset = 288; 6 } 7 ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 288, 512, this.BGOffset, 0, 288, 512); 8 ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0, 288, 512, this.BGOffset - 288, 0, 288, 512); 9 },
1 <script> 2 window.onload = function(){ 3 console.log(‘start‘); 4 World.init(); 5 } 6 </script>
1 /* 2 * Item Class 3 * Basic tiem class which is the basic elements in the game world 4 *@param draw, the context draw function 5 *@param ctx, context of the canvas 6 *@param x, posisiton x 7 *@param y, posisiton y 8 *@param w, width 9 *@param h, height 10 *@param g, gravity of this item 11 */ 12 var Item = function(draw, ctx, x, y, w, h, g){ 13 this.ctx = ctx; 14 this.gravity = g || 0; 15 this.pos = { x: x || 0, 16 y: y || 0 17 }; 18 this.speed = { x: 0, // moving speed of the item 19 y: 0 20 } 21 this.width = w; 22 this.height = h; 23 this.draw = typeof draw == ‘function‘ ? draw : function(){}; 24 return this; 25 }; 26 27 Item.prototype = { 28 // set up the ‘draw‘ function 29 setDraw : function(callback) { 30 this.draw = typeof draw == ‘function‘ ? draw : function(){}; 31 }, 32 33 // set up the position 34 setPos : function(x, y) { 35 // Handle: setPos({x: x, y: y}); 36 if(typeof x == ‘object‘) { 37 this.pos.x = typeof x.x == ‘number‘ ? x.x : this.pos.x; 38 this.pos.y = typeof x.y == ‘number‘ ? x.y : this.pos.y; 39 // Handle: setPos(x, y); 40 } else { 41 this.pos.x = typeof x == ‘number‘ ? x : this.pos.x; 42 this.pos.y = typeof y == ‘number‘ ? y : this.pos.y; 43 } 44 }, 45 46 // set up the speed 47 setSpeed : function(x, y) { 48 this.speed.x = typeof x == ‘number‘ ? x : this.speed.x; 49 this.speed.y = typeof y == ‘number‘ ? y : this.speed.y; 50 }, 51 52 // set the size 53 setSize : function(w, h) { 54 this.width = typeof width == ‘number‘ ? width : this.width; 55 this.height = typeof height == ‘number‘ ? height : this.height; 56 }, 57 58 // update function which ran by the animation loop 59 update : function() { 60 this.setSpeed(null, this.speed.y + this.gravity); 61 this.setPos(this.pos.x + this.speed.x, this.pos.y + this.speed.y); 62 this.draw(this.ctx); 63 }, 64 65 // generate the pixel map for ‘pixel collision dectection‘ 66 generateRenderMap : function( image, resolution ) {} 67 }
1 World.init = function(){ 2 ... 3 4 var item = new Item(function(ctx){ 5 ctx.fillStyle = "#111111"; 6 ctx.beginPath(); 7 ctx.arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.width/2, 0, Math.PI*2, true); 8 ctx.closePath() 9 ctx.fill() 10 }, this.ctx, 50, 50, 10, 10, 0.2); 11 this.items.push(item); // 将元素放入到管理列表中 12 13 ... 14 }
1 World.elementsUpdate = function(){ 2 // update the pipes 3 var i; 4 for(i in this.items) { 5 this.items[i].update(); 6 } 7 }
要实现类的继承,最主要的是应用了constructor和prototype。在子类构造器函数中,通过调用Parent.constructor.call(this)就可使用基类构造器为子类构造内部属性和方法;通过Child.prototype = Parent.prototype就可以继承基类的prototype,这样子类的实例对象就可以直接调用基类prototype上的代码。JavaScript里实现类继承的方法非常多,不同的方法能够产生不同的效果,更多详细的说明请翻阅相关的参考书,如《JavaScript面向对象编程指南》,《JavaScript设计模式》等。
1 /* 2 * for deriving a new Class 3 * Child will copy the whole prototype the Parent has 4 */ 5 function extend(Child, Parent) { 6 var F = function(){}; 7 F.prototype = Parent.prototype; 8 Child.prototype = new F(); 9 Child.prototype.constructor = Child; 10 Child.uber = Parent.prototype; 11 }
1 var atlas = {}; 2 atlas.bird =[ 3 { sx: 0, sy: 970, sw: 48, sh: 48 }, 4 { sx: 56, sy: 970, sw: 48,sh: 48 }, 5 { sx: 112, sy: 970, sw: 48, sh: 48 }, 6 ]
1 /* 2 * Bird Class 3 * 4 * a sub-class of Item, which can generate a ‘bird‘ in the world 5 *@param ctx, context of the canvas 6 *@param x, posisiton x 7 *@param y, posisiton y 8 *@param g, gravity of this item 9 */ 10 var Bird = function(ctx, x, y, g) { 11 this.ctx = ctx; 12 this.gravity = g || 0; 13 this.pos = { x: x || 0, 14 y: y || 0 15 }; 16 this.depos = { x: x || 0, // default position for reset 17 y: y || 0 18 }; 19 this.speed = { x: 0, 20 y: 0 21 } 22 this.width = atlas.bird[0].sw || 0; 23 this.height = atlas.bird[0].sh || 0; 24 25 this.pixelMap = null; // pixel map for ‘pixel collistion detection‘ 26 this.type = 1; // image type, 0: falling down, 1: sliding, 2: raising up 27 this.rdeg = 0; // rotate angle, changed along with speed.y 28 29 this.draw = function drawPoint() { 30 var ctx = this.ctx; 31 ctx.drawImage(image, atlas.bird[this.type].sx, atlas.bird[this.type].sy, this.width, this.height, 32 this.pos.x, this.pos.y, this.width, this.height); // draw the image 33 }; 34 return this; 35 } 36 37 // derive fromt the Item class 38 extend(Bird, Item); 39 40 // fly action 41 Bird.prototype.fly = function(){ 42 this.setSpeed(0, -5); 43 }; 44 45 // reset the position and speed 46 Bird.prototype.reset = function(){ 47 this.setPos(this.depos); 48 this.setSpeed(0, 0); 49 }; 50 51 // update the bird state and image 52 Bird.prototype.update = function() { 53 this.setSpeed(null, this.speed.y + this.gravity); 54 this.setPos(this.pos.x + this.speed.x, this.pos.y + this.speed.y); // update position 55 this.draw(); 56 }
1 World.init = function(){ 2 ... 3 this.bird = new Bird(this.ctx, this.width/10, this.height/2, 0.15); 4 ... 5 }
1 World.elementsUpdate = function(){ 2 // update the pipes 3 var i; 4 for(i in this.items) { 5 this.items[i].update(); 6 } 7 8 // update the bird 9 this.bird.update(); 10 },
1 World.init = function(){ 2 ... 3 (function(that){ 4 document.onkeydown = function(e) { 5 that.bird.fly(); 6 }; 7 })(this); 8 ... 9 }
1 atlas.pipes = [ 2 { sx: 112, sy: 646, sw: 52, sh: 320 }, // face down 3 { sx: 168, sy: 646, sw: 52, sh: 320 } // face up 4 ]
1 /* 2 * Pipe Class 3 * 4 * a sub-class of Item, which can generate a ‘bird‘ in the world 5 *@param ctx, context of the canvas 6 *@param x, posisiton x 7 *@param y, posisiton y 8 *@param w, width 9 *@param h, height 10 *@param spx, moving speed from left to right 11 *@param type, choose to face down(0) or face up(1) 12 */ 13 var Pipe = function(ctx, x, y, w, h, spx, type) { 14 this.ctx = ctx; 15 this.type = type || 0; 16 this.gravity = 0; // the pipe is not moving down 17 this.width = w; 18 this.height = h; 19 this.pos = { x: x || 0, 20 y: y || 0 21 }; 22 this.speed = { x: spx || 0, 23 y: 0 24 } 25 26 this.pixelMap = null; // pixel map for ‘pixel collistion detection‘ 27 28 this.draw = function drawPoint(ctx) { 29 var pipes = atlas.pipes; 30 if(this.type == 0) { // a pipe which faces down, that means it should be on the top 31 ctx.drawImage(image, pipes[0].sx, pipes[0].sy + pipes[0].sh - this.height, 52, this.height, this.pos.x, 0, 52, this.height); 32 } else { // a pipe which faces up, that means it should be on the bottom 33 ctx.drawImage(image, pipes[1].sx, pipes[1].sy, 52, this.height, this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 52, this.height); 34 } 35 36 return this; 37 } 38 39 // derived from the Item class 40 extend(Pipe, Item);
1 pipesCreate: function(){
2 var type = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
3 var that = this;
4 // type = 0;
5 switch(type) {
7 // one pipe on the top
8 case 0: {
9 var height = 125 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
10 that.items.push( new Pipe(that.ctx, 300, 0, 52, height, -1, 0)); // face down
11 break;
12 }
13 // one pipe on the bottom
14 case 1: {
15 var height = 125 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
16 that.items.push(new Pipe(that.ctx, 300, that.height - height, 30, height, -1, 1)); // face up
17 break;
18 }
19 // one on the top and one on the bottom
20 case 2: {
21 var height = 125 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
22 that.items.push( new Pipe(that.ctx, 300, that.height - height, 30, height, -1, 1) ); // face up
23 that.items.push( new Pipe(that.ctx, 300, 0, 30, that.height - height - 100, -1, 0) ); // face down
24 break;
25 }
26 }
27 }
1 World.init = function(){ 2 (function(that){ 3 setInterval(function(){ 4 that.pipesCreate(); 5 }, 2000) 6 })(this); 7 }
// boundary dectect World.boundDectect = function(){ // the bird is out of bounds if(this.isBirdOutOfBound()){ this.bird.reset(); this.items = []; } else { this.pipesClear(); } }, // pipe clearance // clear the pipes which are out of bound World.pipesClear = function(){ var it = this.items; var i = it.length - 1; for(; i >= 0; --i) { if(it[i].pos.x + it[i].width < 0) { it = it.splice(i, 1); } } }; // bird dectection World.isBirdOutOfBound = function(callback){ if(this.bird.pos.y - this.bird.height - 5 > this.height) { // the bird reach the bottom of the world return true; } return false; };
当小鸟位置超过画面下界时,利用World.items = []清除所有烟囱,并重置小鸟的位置。
1 World.hitBox = function ( source, target ) { 2 return !( 3 ( ( source.pos.y + source.height ) < ( target.pos.y ) ) || 4 ( source.pos.y > ( target.pos.y + target.height ) ) || 5 ( ( source.pos.x + source.width ) < target.pos.x ) || 6 ( source.pos.x > ( target.pos.x + target.width ) ) 7 ); 8 }
1 // dectect the collision 2 Wordl.collisionDectect = function(){ 3 for(var i in this.items) { 4 var pipe = this.items[i]; 5 if(this.hitBox(this.bird, pipe) && this.pixelHitTest(this.bird, pipe)) { 6 this.reset(); 7 break; 8 } 9 } 10 };
1 World.reset = function(){ 2 this.bird.reset(); 3 this.items = []; 4 }
World.pixelHitTest = function( source, target ) { // Loop through all the pixels in the source image for( var s = 0; s < source.pixelMap.data.length; s++ ) { var sourcePixel = source.pixelMap.data[s]; // Add positioning offset var sourceArea = { pos : { x: sourcePixel.x + source.pos.x, y: sourcePixel.y + source.pos.y, }, width: target.pixelMap.resolution, height: target.pixelMap.resolution }; // Loop through all the pixels in the target image for( var t = 0; t < target.pixelMap.data.length; t++ ) { var targetPixel = target.pixelMap.data[t]; // Add positioning offset var targetArea = { pos:{ x: targetPixel.x + target.pos.x, y: targetPixel.y + target.pos.y, }, width: target.pixelMap.resolution, height: target.pixelMap.resolution }; /* Use the earlier aforementioned hitbox function */ if( this.hitBox( sourceArea, targetArea ) ) { return true; } } } },
resolution是指像素点放大的比例,如果为4,则是将1 pixel 放大为4X4 pixel 大小的边框。该算法是从原始的pixelMap中读取每个小框,并构造一对Area对象(方形边框)传递给World.hitBox方法进行边框碰撞检测。
而pixelMap 的构造则需要用到context.getImageData方法。
本地环境下,getImageData在IE 10或firefox浏览器下能够顺利运行,如果是在Chrome下则会产生跨域问题。除非使用HTTP服务器来提供web服务,否则需要更改chrome的启动参数--allow-file-access-from-files才能够使用getImageData来获取本地图片文件的数据。
getImageData是从canvas画布的指定位置获取指定大小的图像数据,因此如果存在背景的话,背景的图像数据也会被截取。因此需要创建一个临时的canvas DOM对象,在上面绘制目标图像,然后再从临时画布上截取图像信息。
1 var Bird = function(){
2 ...
3 this.draw = function(){
4 ...
5 // the access the image data using a temporaty canvas
6 if(this.pixelMap == null) {
7 var tempCanvas = document.createElement(‘canvas‘); // create a temporary canvas
8 var tempContext = tempCanvas.getContext(‘2d‘);
9 tempContext.drawImage(image, atlas.bird[this.type].sx, atlas.bird[this.type].sy, this.width, this.height,
10 0, 0, this.width, this.height); // put the image on the temporary canvas
11 var imgdata = tempContext.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height); // fetch the image from the temporary canvas
12 this.pixelMap = this.generateRenderMap(imgdata, 4); // using the resolution the reduce the calculation
13 }
14 ...
15 }
16 ...
17 }
1 var Pipe = function(){ 2 ... 3 this.draw = function(){ 4 ... 5 if(this.pixelMap == null) { // just create the pixel map from a temporary canvas 6 var tempCanvas = document.createElement(‘canvas‘); 7 var tempContext = tempCanvas.getContext(‘2d‘); 8 if(this.type == 0) { 9 tempContext.drawImage(image, 112, 966 - this.height, 52, this.height, 0, 0, 52, this.height); 10 } else { // face up 11 tempContext.drawImage(image, 168, 646, 52, this.height, 0, 0, 52, this.height); 12 } 13 var imgdata = tempContext.getImageData(0, 0, 52, this.height); 14 this.pixelMap = this.generateRenderMap(imgdata, 4); 15 } 16 ... 17 } 18 ... 19 }
// generate the pixel map for ‘pixel collision dectection‘ //@param image, contains the image size and data //@param reolution, how many pixels to skip to gernerate the ‘pixelMap‘ Item.generateRenderMap = function( image, resolution ) { var pixelMap = []; // scan the image data for( var y = 0; y < image.height; y=y+resolution ) { for( var x = 0; x < image.width; x=x+resolution ) { // Fetch cluster of pixels at current position // Check the alpha value is above zero on the cluster if( image.data[4 * (48 * y + x) + 3] != 0 ) { pixelMap.push( { x:x, y:y } ); } } } return { data: pixelMap, resolution: resolution }; }
基本的Flappy Bird基本完成了,然而小鸟只能以滑翔的姿态运动,没有有扇动翅膀的动作,显得没有生气。为此,我们可以给Bird类添加动画效果,让小鸟向上飞的时候会扇动翅膀,同时头部朝上;向下坠落的时候则头部朝下,以俯冲的姿态运动。
1 // update the bird state and image 2 Bird.prototype.update = function() { 3 this.setSpeed(null, this.speed.y + this.gravity); 4 5 if(this.speed.y < -2) { // raising up 6 if(this.rdeg > -10) { 7 this.rdeg--; // bird‘s face pointing up 8 } 9 this.type = 2; 10 } else if(this.speed.y > 2) { // fall down 11 if(this.rdeg < 10) { 12 this.rdeg++; // bird‘s face pointing down 13 } 14 this.type = 0; 15 } else { 16 this.type = 1; 17 } 18 this.setPos(this.pos.x + this.speed.x, this.pos.y + this.speed.y); // update position 19 this.draw(); 20 }
1 var Bird = function(){ 2 ... 3 this.draw = function(){ 4 ... 5 ctx.save(); // save the current ctx 6 ctx.translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y); // move the context origin 7 ctx.rotate(this.rdeg*Math.PI/180); // rotate the image according to the rdeg 8 ctx.drawImage(image, atlas.bird[this.type].sx, atlas.bird[this.type].sy, this.width, this.height, 9 0, 0, this.width, this.height); // draw the image 10 ctx.restore(); // restore the ctx after rotation 11 ... 12 }; 13 ... 14 };
至于碰撞特效之类的动画特效,就由大家自己自由发挥了,在这里,仅仅将最简单的Flappy Bird 游戏功能实现。