Download and Install Patch Updates
Refer to the My Oracle Support Web site for required patch updates for your installation.
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To download required patch updates:
- Use a Web browser to view the My Oracle Support Web site:
- Log in to My Oracle
If you are not a My Oracle Support registered user, then click
Register for My Oracle Support and register.
- On the main My Oracle
Support page, click Patches & Updates.
- In the Patches section,
click Simple Search.
- Specify the
following information, then click Go:
- In the Search By field, select Product or Family, and then
specify RDBMS Server.
- In the Release field, specify the current release number.
- In the Patch Type field, specify Patchset/Minipack.
- In the Platform or Language field, select your platform.
- In the Results
list, find the latest patch set for Oracle Database.
Patch sets for Oracle databases are identified in the Description
column as Product:Patchset x.x.x.x PATCH SET FOR ORACLE DATABASE SERVER.
- In the Patch column, click
the number of the patch that you want to download.
- On the Patch Set page,
click View README and read the page that appears. The README page
contains information about the patch set and how to apply the patches to
your installation.
- Return to the Patch Set
page, click Download, and save the file on your system.
- Use the unzip utility
provided with Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) to uncompress the
Oracle patch updates that you downloaded from My Oracle Support. The
unzip utility is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.