在前面的文章“如何在QML中使用camera API来拍照”中,我们介绍了如何使用Camera API来进行拍照。今天我们在这篇文章中来介绍如何使用Camera API来进行录像。
import QtQuick 2.0 import Ubuntu.Components 1.1 import QtMultimedia 5.0 /*! \brief MainView with a Label and Button elements. */ MainView { // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5) objectName: "mainView" // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest applicationName: "videoapp.liu-xiao-guo" /* This property enables the application to change orientation when the device is rotated. The default is false. */ //automaticOrientation: true // Removes the old toolbar and enables new features of the new header. useDeprecatedToolbar: false width: units.gu(60) height: units.gu(85) property var resolution // This function is used to get the writable private directory of this app function getPriateDirectory() { var sharepath = "/home/phablet/.local/share/"; var path = sharepath + applicationName; console.log("path: " + path); return path; } Page { id: page title: i18n.tr("videoapp") Camera { id: camera imageProcessing.whiteBalanceMode: CameraImageProcessing.WhiteBalanceFlash exposure { exposureCompensation: -1.0 exposureMode: Camera.ExposurePortrait } flash.mode: Camera.FlashRedEyeReduction videoRecorder { onRecorderStateChanged: { console.log("onRecorderStateChanged: " + videoRecorder.recorderState); if (videoRecorder.recorderState === CameraRecorder.StoppedState) { console.log("actualLocation: " + videoRecorder.actualLocation); myvideo.source = videoRecorder.actualLocation; } } } videoRecorder.audioEncodingMode: videoRecorder.ConstantBitrateEncoding; videoRecorder.audioBitRate: 128000 videoRecorder.mediaContainer: "mp4" videoRecorder.outputLocation: getPriateDirectory() captureMode: Camera.CaptureVideo Component.onCompleted: { resolution = camera.viewfinder.resolution; console.log("resolution: " + resolution.width + " " + resolution.height); console.log("deviceId: " + camera.deviceId) } } Row { id: container Item { width: page.width height: page.height VideoOutput { id: video anchors.fill: parent source: camera focus : visible // to receive focus and capture key events when visible orientation: -90 } SwipeArea { anchors.fill: parent onSwipe: { console.log("swipe happened!: " + direction) switch (direction) { case "left": page.state = "image"; break } } } } Item { id: view width: page.width height: page.height Video { id: myvideo anchors.fill: parent autoPlay: true focus: true Component.onCompleted: { myvideo.play(); } } Text { text: myvideo.source color:"red" font.pixelSize: units.gu(2.5) width: page.width wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere } SwipeArea { anchors.fill: parent onSwipe: { console.log("swipe happened!: " + direction) switch (direction) { case "right": page.state = ""; break } } } } } states: [ State { name: "playvideo" PropertyChanges { target: container x:-page.width } PropertyChanges { target: capture opacity:0 } PropertyChanges { target: stop opacity:0 } } ] transitions: [ Transition { NumberAnimation { target: container; property: "x"; duration: 500 easing.type:Easing.OutSine} // NumberAnimation { target: inputcontainer; property: "opacity"; duration: 200} NumberAnimation { target: capture; property: "opacity"; duration: 200} NumberAnimation { target: stop; property: "opacity"; duration: 200} } ] Row { anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: units.gu(1) anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter spacing: units.gu(1) Button { id: capture text: "Record" onClicked: { console.log("capture path: " + getPriateDirectory()); camera.videoRecorder.record(); } } Button { id: stop text: "Stop" onClicked: { console.log("stop is clicked!"); camera.videoRecorder.stop(); page.state = "playvideo" } } Button { id: play text: "Play video" onClicked: { console.log("filepath: " + myvideo.source); console.log( "actual: " + camera.videoRecorder.actualLocation); myvideo.play(); } } } } }
Camera { id: camera imageProcessing.whiteBalanceMode: CameraImageProcessing.WhiteBalanceFlash exposure { exposureCompensation: -1.0 exposureMode: Camera.ExposurePortrait } flash.mode: Camera.FlashRedEyeReduction videoRecorder { onRecorderStateChanged: { console.log("onRecorderStateChanged: " + videoRecorder.recorderState); if (videoRecorder.recorderState === CameraRecorder.StoppedState) { console.log("actualLocation: " + videoRecorder.actualLocation); myvideo.source = videoRecorder.actualLocation; } } } videoRecorder.audioEncodingMode: videoRecorder.ConstantBitrateEncoding; videoRecorder.audioBitRate: 128000 videoRecorder.mediaContainer: "mp4" videoRecorder.outputLocation: getPriateDirectory() captureMode: Camera.CaptureVideo Component.onCompleted: { resolution = camera.viewfinder.resolution; console.log("resolution: " + resolution.width + " " + resolution.height); console.log("deviceId: " + camera.deviceId) } }
videoRecorder.outputLocation: getPriateDirectory()
videoRecorder { onRecorderStateChanged: { console.log("onRecorderStateChanged: " + videoRecorder.recorderState); if (videoRecorder.recorderState === CameraRecorder.StoppedState) { console.log("actualLocation: " + videoRecorder.actualLocation); myvideo.source = videoRecorder.actualLocation; } } }
Video { id: myvideo anchors.fill: parent autoPlay: true focus: true Component.onCompleted: { myvideo.play(); } }