# include <stdio.h> # include <malloc.h> # include <stdlib.h> typedef struct Student { char name[20]; char sex; int age; int score; char sid[20]; struct Student * pNext; }ST, *PST; void print(void); //欢迎界面 void showMenu(void); //显示菜单 void help(void); //显示帮助 PST create_list(void); //创建链表 void traverse_list(const PST); //遍历输出链表内容,用const常量修饰指针变量防止变量被修改 bool is_empty(PST); //判断链表是否为空 int length_list(PST); //计算链表长度 bool append_list(PST); //追加数据 bool insert_list(PST); //插入数据 bool delete_list(PST); //删除数据 ST get_list(PST); //获取数据 void sort_list(PST); //对链表数据按成绩降序排序 int main(void) { int val; PST pHead = (PST)malloc(sizeof(ST)); print(); printf("\n\n\n"); pHead = create_list(); traverse_list(pHead); while (true) { showMenu(); printf("Please to choose you want to do:\n"); scanf("%d", &val); switch (val) { case 1: append_list(pHead); break; case 2: insert_list(pHead); break; case 3: delete_list(pHead); break; case 4: traverse_list(pHead); break; case 5: sort_list(pHead); break; case 6: help(); break; case 7: printf("The program will exit soon!\n"); break; default: printf("Input error! Please input again!"); } if (7 == val) break; } return 0; } void print(void) { printf("\t*************************************************\n"); printf("\t*************************************************\n"); printf("\t****** ******\n"); printf("\t***** Welcome to use Student Manage System! *****\n"); printf("\t****** ******\n"); printf("\t*************************************************\n"); printf("\t******************************-By LiFeng*********\n"); return; } void showMenu(void) { printf("\t*************************************************\n"); printf("\t************** 1. add ************************\n"); printf("\t************** 2. insert ************************\n"); printf("\t************** 3. delete ************************\n"); printf("\t************** 4. show ************************\n"); printf("\t************** 5. sort ************************\n"); printf("\t************** 6. help ************************\n"); printf("\t************** 7. exit ************************\n"); printf("\t*************************************************\n"); return; } PST create_list(void) { int i; int j = 0; int len; PST Student; PST pHead = (PST)malloc(sizeof(ST)); if (NULL == pHead) { printf("The memory is error!\n"); exit(-1); } PST pTail = pHead; pTail->pNext = NULL; printf("Please input the number of students: "); scanf("%d", &len); printf("Please input the NO.%d Student information!"); for (i=0; i<len; ++i) //for循环创建链表 { printf("Please input the NO.%d Student information!"); printf("Name: "); scanf("%s", Student->name[20]); printf("Sex: "); scanf("%c", &Student->sex); printf("Age: "); scanf("%d", &Student->age); printf("Score: "); scanf("%d", &Student->score); printf("Sid: "); scanf("%s", Student->sid[20]); PST pNew = (PST)malloc(sizeof(ST)); if (NULL == pNew) { printf("The memory is error!\n"); exit(-1); } pNew = Student; pTail->pNext = pNew; pNew->pNext = NULL; pTail = pNew; } return pHead; } void treverse_list(const PST pHead) { int i; PST p = pHead->pNext; if (is_empty(pHead)) { printf("The list is empty!\n"); exit(1); } while (NULL == p->pNext) { printf("The information of NO.%d are\n", i); printf("the name is: %s ", p->name[20]); printf("the sex is: %c ", p->sex); printf("the age is: %d ", p->age); printf("the score is: %d ", p->score); printf("the sid is: %s ", p->sid); printf("\n"); p = p->pNext; ++i; } return; } bool is_empty(PST pHead) { PST p = pHead->pNext; if (NULL == p) return true; else return false; } int length_list(PST pHead) { int len; PST p = pHead->pNext; while(NULL != p) { ++len; p = p->pNext; } return len; } bool append_list(PST pHead) { int i; int len; int pos; PST pTail = (PST)malloc(sizeof(ST)); PST p = pHead; printf("Please input the information you want to append:\n"); printf("Name: "); scanf("%s", &pTail->name[20]); printf("Sex: "); scanf("%c", &pTail->sex); printf("Age: "); scanf("%d", &pTail->age); printf("Score: "); scanf("%d", &pTail->score); printf("Sid: "); scanf("%s", &pTail->sid[20]); len = length_list(pHead); for (i=0; i<len; ++i) { p=p->pNext; } p->pNext = pTail; while (p!=NULL && i<pos) { p = p->pNext; } return true; } bool insert_list(PST pHead) { int i = 0; int pos; ST temp; PST p = pHead; printf("Please input the position of the list: pos = "); scanf("%d", &pos); printf("Please input the information of the student:\n"); printf("Name: "); scanf("%s", &temp.name[20]); printf("Sex: "); scanf("%c", &temp.sex); printf("Age: "); scanf("%d", &temp.age); printf("Score: "); scanf("%d", &temp.score); printf("Sid: "); scanf("%s", &temp.sid[20]); while (p!=NULL && i<pos) { p = p->pNext; ++i; } if (NULL==p || i>pos) { printf("Error!\n"); exit(-1); } PST pNew = (PST)malloc(sizeof(ST)); *pNew = temp; pNew->pNext = p->pNext; p->pNext = pNew; return true; } bool delete_list(PST pHead) { int i = 0; int pos; PST p = pHead; PST q; PST pVal = (PST)malloc(sizeof(ST)); printf("Please input the position of you want to delete: pos = "); scanf("%d", &pos); while (p!=NULL && i<pos-1) { p = p->pNext; ++i; } if (NULL==p || i>pos-1) { printf("Error!\n"); exit(-1); } *pVal = *p; q = p->pNext; p->pNext = p->pNext->pNext; free(q); printf("Delete successfully! The information of you delete:\n"); printf("Name: %s", pVal->name[20]); printf("Sex: %c", pVal->sex); printf("Age: %d", pVal->age); printf("Score: %d", pVal->score); printf("Sid: %s\n", pVal->sid[20]); return true; } ST get_list(PST pHead) { int i = 0; int pos; ST stu; PST p = pHead->pNext; printf("Please input the position of you need: pos = "); scanf("%d", &pos); if ( is_empty(pHead) ) { printf("The list is empty!\n"); return stu; } while (NULL!=p && i<pos) { p = p->pNext; ++i; } if (NULL==p || i>pos) { printf("Error!\n"); exit(-1); } stu = *p; return stu; } void sort_list(PST pHead) //冒泡排序法按成绩降序排序 { int i, j; int len; ST temp; PST p, q; len = length_list(pHead); for (i=0, p=pHead; i<len; ++i, p=p->pNext) { for (j=0, q=pHead->pNext; j<len-i-1; ++j, q=q->pNext) { if (p->score < q->score) { temp = *p; *p = *q; *q = temp; } } } return; } void help(void) { printf("It is so easy! Do you need help?\n\n"); }