----------1.复制数据库 wind:PRIMARY> show dbs; jinri 0.078GB local 1.078GB test 0.078GB wind 0.078GB wind:PRIMARY> use admin; switched to db admin db.runCommand( {copydb : 1, fromhost : "localhost", fromdb : "wind", todb : "snow" } ); #执行结果 wind:PRIMARY> use admin; switched to db admin wind:PRIMARY> db.runCommand( ... {copydb : 1, ... fromhost : "localhost", ... fromdb : "wind", ... todb : "snow" ... } ... ); { "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY> show dbs; jinri 0.078GB local 1.078GB snow 0.078GB test 0.078GB wind 0.078GB wind:PRIMARY> use snow; switched to db snow wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblorders wind:PRIMARY> use snow; switched to db snow wind:PRIMARY> db.tblorders.find().count(); 3 -------2.重命名集合 use admin; db.runCommand( { renameCollection:"snow.tblorders", to: "wind.tblbooks", dropTarget: false } ); --case01: wind:PRIMARY> use snow; switched to db snow wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblorders wind:PRIMARY> use wind; switched to db wind wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblorders wind:PRIMARY> use admin; switched to db admin wind:PRIMARY> wind:PRIMARY> db.runCommand( ... { ... renameCollection:"snow.tblorders", ... to: "wind.tblbooks", ... dropTarget: false ... } ... ); { "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY> use snow; switched to db snow wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes wind:PRIMARY> use wind; switched to db wind wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblbooks tblorders --case02: wind:PRIMARY> use wind; switched to db wind wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblbooks tblorders wind:PRIMARY> use snow; switched to db snow wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes use admin; db.runCommand( { renameCollection:"wind.tblorders", to: "snow.tblbooks", dropTarget: true } ); wind:PRIMARY> use wind; switched to db wind wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblbooks wind:PRIMARY> use snow; switched to db snow wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblbooks wind:PRIMARY> use snow; switched to db snow wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblbooks -------3.查看数据库和集合的统计信息 db.stats(); wind:PRIMARY> db.tblorders.stats(); { "ns" : "jinri.tblorders", "count" : 5, "size" : 560, "avgObjSize" : 112, "numExtents" : 1, "storageSize" : 8192, "lastExtentSize" : 8192, "paddingFactor" : 1, "paddingFactorNote" : "paddingFactor is unused and unmaintained in 3.0. It remains hard coded to 1.0 for compatibility only.", "userFlags" : 1, "capped" : false, "nindexes" : 1, "totalIndexSize" : 8176, "indexSizes" : { "_id_" : 8176 }, "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY> db.stats(); { "db" : "jinri", #数据库名 "collections" : 3, #collection的数量 "objects" : 9, #对象数据量 "avgObjSize" : 90.66666666666667, #对象平均大小 "dataSize" : 816, #数据大小 "storageSize" : 20480, #数据存储大小包括预分配空间 "numExtents" : 3, #事件数量 "indexes" : 1, #索引数量 "indexSize" : 8176, #索引大小 "fileSize" : 67108864, #文件大小 "nsSizeMB" : 16, "extentFreeList" : { "num" : 0, "totalSize" : 0 }, "dataFileVersion" : { "major" : 4, "minor" : 22 }, "ok" : 1 #本次stats是否正常 } ---4.检查数据库 wind:PRIMARY> db.tblbooks.validate(); { "ns" : "snow.tblbooks", "datasize" : 336, "nrecords" : 3, "lastExtentSize" : 8192, "firstExtent" : "0:5000 ns:snow.tblbooks", "lastExtent" : "0:5000 ns:snow.tblbooks", "extentCount" : 1, "firstExtentDetails" : { "loc" : "0:5000", "xnext" : "null", "xprev" : "null", "nsdiag" : "snow.tblbooks", "size" : 8192, "firstRecord" : "0:50b0", "lastRecord" : "0:51b0" }, "deletedCount" : 1, "deletedSize" : 7632, "nIndexes" : 1, "keysPerIndex" : { "snow.tblbooks.$_id_" : 3 }, "valid" : true, "errors" : [ ], "warning" : "Some checks omitted for speed. use {full:true} option to do more thorough scan.", "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY> wind:PRIMARY> db.tblbooks.validate(true); { "ns" : "snow.tblbooks", "datasize" : 336, "nrecords" : 3, "lastExtentSize" : 8192, "firstExtent" : "0:5000 ns:snow.tblbooks", "lastExtent" : "0:5000 ns:snow.tblbooks", "extentCount" : 1, "extents" : [ { "loc" : "0:5000", "xnext" : "null", "xprev" : "null", "nsdiag" : "snow.tblbooks", "size" : 8192, "firstRecord" : "0:50b0", "lastRecord" : "0:51b0" } ], "firstExtentDetails" : { "loc" : "0:5000", "xnext" : "null", "xprev" : "null", "nsdiag" : "snow.tblbooks", "size" : 8192, "firstRecord" : "0:50b0", "lastRecord" : "0:51b0" }, "objectsFound" : 3, "invalidObjects" : 0, "nQuantizedSize" : 3, "bytesWithHeaders" : 384, "bytesWithoutHeaders" : 336, "bytesBson" : 263, "deletedCount" : 1, "deletedSize" : 7632, "delBucketSizes" : [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "nIndexes" : 1, "keysPerIndex" : { "snow.tblbooks.$_id_" : 3 }, "indexDetails" : { "snow.tblbooks.$_id_" : { } }, "valid" : true, "errors" : [ ], "ok" : 1 } ---5.剖析mongodb主要解决数据库慢的性能问题 剖析等级: 0:不剖析 1:只剖析速度慢的操作 2:剖析所有操作 wind:PRIMARY> use snow; switched to db snow wind:PRIMARY> show tables; system.indexes tblbooks wind:PRIMARY> db.runCommand({profile:2,slows:100}); { "was" : 0, "slowms" : 100, "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY> db.tblbooks.find(); { "_id" : ObjectId("55c069cf0bef81df34afc6d3"), "orderno" : "1001", "pname" : "jinri", "scity" : "pek", "price" : 1650 } { "_id" : ObjectId("55c06dcd1449f1bbe0a56e9b"), "orderno" : "1002", "pname" : "jinri", "scity" : "pvg", "price" : 1750 } { "_id" : ObjectId("55c0701c9ee8e3a9b7f8109f"), "orderno" : "1189", "pname" : "ocpyang", "scity" : "ctu", "price" : 780 } wind:PRIMARY> db.system.profile.find(); { "op" : "query", "ns" : "snow.tblbooks", "query" : { }, "ntoreturn" : 0, "ntoskip" : 0, "nscanned" : 0, "nscannedObjects" : 3, "keyUpdates" : 0, "writeConflicts" : 0, "numYield" : 0, "locks" : { "Global" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(2) } }, "MMAPV1Journal" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(1) } }, "Database" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(1) } }, "Collection" : { "acquireCount" : { "R" : NumberLong(1) } } }, "nreturned" : 3, "responseLength" : 283, "millis" : 0, "execStats" : { "stage" : "COLLSCAN", "filter" : { "$and" : [ ] }, "nReturned" : 3, "executionTimeMillisEstimate" : 0, "works" : 5, "advanced" : 3, "needTime" : 1, "needFetch" : 0, "saveState" : 0, "restoreState" : 0, "isEOF" : 1, "invalidates" : 0, "direction" : "forward", "docsExamined" : 3 }, "ts" : ISODate("2015-08-06T05:28:23.407Z"), "client" : "", "allUsers" : [ ], "user" : "" } wind:PRIMARY> ---6.评估查询 wind:PRIMARY> db.tblbooks.find({"orderno" : {$in: ["1001","1189"]}}); { "_id" : ObjectId("55c069cf0bef81df34afc6d3"), "orderno" : "1001", "pname" : "jinri", "scity" : "pek", "price" : 1650 } { "_id" : ObjectId("55c0701c9ee8e3a9b7f8109f"), "orderno" : "1189", "pname" : "ocpyang", "scity" : "ctu", "price" : 780 } wind:PRIMARY> db.tblbooks.find({"orderno" : {$in: ["1001","1189"]}}).explain(); { "queryPlanner" : { "plannerVersion" : 1, "namespace" : "snow.tblbooks", "indexFilterSet" : false, "parsedQuery" : { "orderno" : { "$in" : [ "1001", "1189" ] } }, "winningPlan" : { "stage" : "COLLSCAN", "filter" : { "orderno" : { "$in" : [ "1001", "1189" ] } }, "direction" : "forward" }, "rejectedPlans" : [ ] }, "serverInfo" : { "host" : "mg02.atalas.com", "port" : 27017, "version" : "3.0.5", "gitVersion" : "8bc4ae20708dbb493cb09338d9e7be6698e4a3a3" }, "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY> ----7.诊断命令top use admin; db.runCommand({top : 1}); wind:PRIMARY> db.runCommand({top : 1}); { "totals" : { "note" : "all times in microseconds", "admin.system.roles" : { "total" : { "time" : 198, "count" : 1 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 198, "count" : 1 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 198, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "admin.system.version" : { "total" : { "time" : 19, "count" : 1 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 19, "count" : 1 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 19, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "jinri.system.indexes" : { "total" : { "time" : 100018, "count" : 41799 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 100017, "count" : 41798 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 1, "count" : 1 }, "queries" : { "time" : 1, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "jinri.system.namespaces" : { "total" : { "time" : 103262, "count" : 41799 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 103260, "count" : 41798 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 2, "count" : 1 }, "queries" : { "time" : 2, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "jinri.tblorders" : { "total" : { "time" : 157052, "count" : 41801 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 157040, "count" : 41800 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 12, "count" : 1 }, "queries" : { "time" : 187, "count" : 2 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 47, "count" : 1 } }, "local.me" : { "total" : { "time" : 117360, "count" : 41800 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 117358, "count" : 41799 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 2, "count" : 1 }, "queries" : { "time" : 23, "count" : 2 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "local.oplog.rs" : { "total" : { "time" : 9624292, "count" : 239276 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 9624175, "count" : 239273 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 117, "count" : 3 }, "queries" : { "time" : 713, "count" : 6 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 9453520, "count" : 197469 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "local.replset.minvalid" : { "total" : { "time" : 148232, "count" : 41814 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 146658, "count" : 41800 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 1574, "count" : 14 }, "queries" : { "time" : 1, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "local.startup_log" : { "total" : { "time" : 100225, "count" : 41799 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 100223, "count" : 41798 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 2, "count" : 1 }, "queries" : { "time" : 2, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "local.system.indexes" : { "total" : { "time" : 86724, "count" : 41799 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 86723, "count" : 41798 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 1, "count" : 1 }, "queries" : { "time" : 1, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "local.system.namespaces" : { "total" : { "time" : 90343, "count" : 41799 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 90342, "count" : 41798 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 1, "count" : 1 }, "queries" : { "time" : 1, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "local.system.replset" : { "total" : { "time" : 88247, "count" : 41802 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 86882, "count" : 41799 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 1365, "count" : 3 }, "queries" : { "time" : 28, "count" : 2 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "snow" : { "total" : { "time" : 435, "count" : 1 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 435, "count" : 1 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 435, "count" : 1 } }, "snow.system.indexes" : { "total" : { "time" : 3893, "count" : 1057 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 3893, "count" : 1057 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "snow.system.namespaces" : { "total" : { "time" : 3249, "count" : 1057 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 3249, "count" : 1057 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "snow.system.profile" : { "total" : { "time" : 2367, "count" : 106 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 2367, "count" : 106 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 97, "count" : 1 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "snow.tblbooks" : { "total" : { "time" : 16310, "count" : 891 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 16310, "count" : 891 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 945, "count" : 4 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 164, "count" : 2 } }, "snow.tblorders" : { "total" : { "time" : 47, "count" : 2 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 47, "count" : 2 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 47, "count" : 2 } }, "test.$cmd" : { "total" : { "time" : 11, "count" : 1 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 11, "count" : 1 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "test.system.indexes" : { "total" : { "time" : 104814, "count" : 41493 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 104814, "count" : 41493 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "test.system.namespaces" : { "total" : { "time" : 110821, "count" : 41493 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 110821, "count" : 41493 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "test.tblorders" : { "total" : { "time" : 263178, "count" : 41510 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 131753, "count" : 41507 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 131425, "count" : 3 }, "queries" : { "time" : 1216, "count" : 13 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "wind.$cmd" : { "total" : { "time" : 15, "count" : 1 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 15, "count" : 1 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "wind.system.indexes" : { "total" : { "time" : 166903, "count" : 41455 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 166903, "count" : 41455 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "wind.system.namespaces" : { "total" : { "time" : 131388, "count" : 41455 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 131388, "count" : 41455 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } }, "wind.tblbooks" : { "total" : { "time" : 5455, "count" : 944 }, "readLock" : { "time" : 5455, "count" : 944 }, "writeLock" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "queries" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "getmore" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "insert" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "update" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "remove" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 }, "commands" : { "time" : 0, "count" : 0 } } }, "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY> -------8.db.serverStatus(); wind:PRIMARY> db.serverStatus() { "host" : "mg02.atalas.com", "version" : "3.0.5", #版本号 "process" : "mongod", "pid" : NumberLong(3429), "uptime" : 169041, #启动时间 "uptimeMillis" : NumberLong(169040644), "uptimeEstimate" : 133689, "localTime" : ISODate("2015-08-06T06:03:51.049Z"), "asserts" : { "regular" : 0, "warning" : 0, "msg" : 0, "user" : 1210, "rollovers" : 0 }, "backgroundFlushing" : { "flushes" : 2817, "total_ms" : 210, "average_ms" : 0.07454739084132056, "last_ms" : 0, "last_finished" : ISODate("2015-08-06T06:03:34.595Z") }, "connections" : { "current" : 5, #当前活动连接量 "available" : 4995, #剩余的空闲连接数据量 "totalCreated" : NumberLong(11085) }, "cursors" : { "note" : "deprecated, use server status metrics", "clientCursors_size" : 1, "totalOpen" : 1, "pinned" : 0, "totalNoTimeout" : 0, "timedOut" : 1 }, "dur" : { "commits" : 29, "journaledMB" : 0, "writeToDataFilesMB" : 0, "compression" : 0, "commitsInWriteLock" : 0, "earlyCommits" : 0, "timeMs" : { "dt" : 3045, "prepLogBuffer" : 0, "writeToJournal" : 0, "writeToDataFiles" : 0, "remapPrivateView" : 0, "commits" : 0, "commitsInWriteLock" : 0 } }, "extra_info" : { "note" : "fields vary by platform", "heap_usage_bytes" : 63725680, "page_faults" : 5 }, "globalLock" : { "totalTime" : NumberLong("169040646000"), "currentQueue" : { "total" : 0, #当前全部队列量 "readers" : 0, #读请求队列量 "writers" : 0 #写请求队列量 }, "activeClients" : { "total" : 18, #当前所有的客户端连接量 "readers" : 0, #客户端读请求量 "writers" : 0 #客户端写请求量 } }, "locks" : { "Global" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(1779553), "w" : NumberLong(60), "R" : NumberLong(1), "W" : NumberLong(18) }, "acquireWaitCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(2) }, "timeAcquiringMicros" : { "r" : NumberLong(805) } }, "MMAPV1Journal" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(889742), "w" : NumberLong(154), "R" : NumberLong(1585585), "W" : NumberLong(2) }, "acquireWaitCount" : { "w" : NumberLong(1), "R" : NumberLong(4) }, "timeAcquiringMicros" : { "w" : NumberLong(1263), "R" : NumberLong(289607) } }, "Database" : { "acquireCount" : { "r" : NumberLong(889714), "w" : NumberLong(22), "R" : NumberLong(30), "W" : NumberLong(38) } }, "Collection" : { "acquireCount" : { "R" : NumberLong(679060), "W" : NumberLong(14) } }, "Metadata" : { "acquireCount" : { "R" : NumberLong(2), "W" : NumberLong(21) } }, "oplog" : { "acquireCount" : { "w" : NumberLong(8), "R" : NumberLong(244592) }, "acquireWaitCount" : { "R" : NumberLong(2) }, "timeAcquiringMicros" : { "R" : NumberLong(150) } } }, "network" : { "bytesIn" : 25142718, #发送给此服务器的数据量单位byte "bytesOut" : 26860998, #此服务器发出的数据量单位byte "numRequests" : 199261 #发送个此服务器的请求量 }, "opcounters" : { "insert" : 1, #插入操作的量 "query" : 30, #查询操作的量 "update" : 0, #更新操作的量 "delete" : 0, #删除操作的量 "getmore" : 33093, "command" : 166140 #其他操作量 }, "opcountersRepl" : { "insert" : 3, "query" : 0, "update" : 0, "delete" : 0, "getmore" : 0, "command" : 2 }, "repl" : { "setName" : "wind", "setVersion" : 3, "ismaster" : true, "secondary" : false, "hosts" : [ "", "", "" ], "primary" : "", "me" : "", "electionId" : ObjectId("55c06f853aa8bfc653e166f5"), "rbid" : 1644540276 }, "storageEngine" : { "name" : "mmapv1" }, "writeBacksQueued" : false, "mem" : { "bits" : 64, #64位系统 "resident" : 118, #占用的物理内存量 "virtual" : 3607, #虚拟内存量 "supported" : true, #是否支持内存扩展 "mapped" : 1424, "mappedWithJournal" : 2848 }, "metrics" : { "commands" : { "_isSelf" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(7) }, "availableQueryOptions" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "collStats" : { "failed" : NumberLong(2), "total" : NumberLong(3) }, "copydb" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "count" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "create" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "dbStats" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "explain" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "getLog" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(11) }, "insert" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "isMaster" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "listCollections" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(25) }, "listDatabases" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(5) }, "listIndexes" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "profile" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "renameCollection" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(2) }, "replSetElect" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "replSetFresh" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(3) }, "replSetGetConfig" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "replSetGetStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(119) }, "replSetHeartbeat" : { "failed" : NumberLong(3), "total" : NumberLong(165912) }, "replSetUpdatePosition" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(22) }, "serverStatus" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "top" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "usersInfo" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) }, "validate" : { "failed" : NumberLong(1), "total" : NumberLong(3) }, "whatsmyuri" : { "failed" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(11) } }, "cursor" : { "timedOut" : NumberLong(1), "open" : { "noTimeout" : NumberLong(0), "pinned" : NumberLong(0), "total" : NumberLong(1) } }, "document" : { "deleted" : NumberLong(0), "inserted" : NumberLong(1), "returned" : NumberLong(48), "updated" : NumberLong(0) }, "getLastError" : { "wtime" : { "num" : 0, "totalMillis" : 0 }, "wtimeouts" : NumberLong(0) }, "operation" : { "fastmod" : NumberLong(0), "idhack" : NumberLong(0), "scanAndOrder" : NumberLong(0), "writeConflicts" : NumberLong(0) }, "queryExecutor" : { "scanned" : NumberLong(3), "scannedObjects" : NumberLong(48) }, "record" : { "moves" : NumberLong(0) }, "repl" : { "apply" : { "batches" : { "num" : 7, "totalMillis" : 309 }, "ops" : NumberLong(5) }, "buffer" : { "count" : NumberLong(0), "maxSizeBytes" : 268435456, "sizeBytes" : NumberLong(0) }, "network" : { "bytes" : NumberLong(7799), "getmores" : { "num" : 201, "totalMillis" : 1021022 }, "ops" : NumberLong(7), "readersCreated" : NumberLong(1) }, "preload" : { "docs" : { "num" : 0, "totalMillis" : 0 }, "indexes" : { "num" : 3, "totalMillis" : 0 } } }, "storage" : { "freelist" : { "search" : { "bucketExhausted" : NumberLong(0), "requests" : NumberLong(48), "scanned" : NumberLong(0) } } }, "ttl" : { "deletedDocuments" : NumberLong(0), "passes" : NumberLong(2817) } }, "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY> -------9.查看复制状态 wind:PRIMARY> rs.status(); { "set" : "wind", "date" : ISODate("2015-08-06T06:16:30.954Z"), "myState" : 1, "members" : [ { "_id" : 1, "name" : "", "health" : 1, #1表示正常,0表示异常 "state" : 1, #1表示primary ;2表明是secondary "stateStr" : "PRIMARY", #角色是主库 "uptime" : 169800, #启动时间 "optime" : Timestamp(1438835748, 1), "optimeDate" : ISODate("2015-08-06T04:35:48Z"), "electionTime" : Timestamp(1438674821, 1), "electionDate" : ISODate("2015-08-04T07:53:41Z"), "configVersion" : 3, "self" : true }, { "_id" : 2, "name" : "", "health" : 1, #1表示正常,0表示异常 "state" : 2, #1表示primary ;2表明是secondary "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "uptime" : 164401, "optime" : Timestamp(1438835748, 1), "optimeDate" : ISODate("2015-08-06T04:35:48Z"), "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2015-08-06T06:16:30.604Z"), "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2015-08-06T06:16:30.604Z"), "pingMs" : 1, "syncingTo" : "", "configVersion" : 3 }, { "_id" : 3, "name" : "", "health" : 1, #1表示正常,0表示异常 "state" : 2, #1表示primary ;2表明是secondary "stateStr" : "SECONDARY", "uptime" : 168113, "optime" : Timestamp(1438835748, 1), "optimeDate" : ISODate("2015-08-06T04:35:48Z"), "lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2015-08-06T06:16:30.581Z"), "lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2015-08-06T06:16:30.581Z"), "pingMs" : 1, "syncingTo" : "", "configVersion" : 3 } ], "ok" : 1 } wind:PRIMARY>