//主窗体界面代码 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var lv_context : string; lv_acontext : TMyByteArray; lv_key : string; begin lv_context := HexToString(Trim(Edit1.Text)); lv_key := Trim(Edit3.Text); strToByteArray(lv_context, lv_acontext); Edit2.Text := bytesToHex(clacMac(lv_key, lv_acontext)); end;
//unit unt_MacEcb; interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, unt_des; type TMyByteArray = array of Byte; function clacMac(pvkey : string; pvInput : TMyByteArray) :TMyByteArray; procedure strToByteArray(str: string; var dest: TMyByteArray); function bytesToHex(const pvsrc: TMyByteArray): string; function HexToString(str:string):string; function HexToInt(hex: string): integer; implementation function byteXOR(pvsrc : Byte; pvsrc1 : Byte) : Byte; begin Result := (pvsrc and $FF) xor (pvsrc1 and $FF); end; function bytesXOR(pvsrc : TMyByteArray; pvsrc1 : TMyByteArray) :TMyByteArray; var lv_len,lv_len1 : Integer; lv_ret : TMyByteArray; lv_i : Integer; begin Result := nil; lv_len := length(pvsrc); lv_len1 := length(pvsrc1); if (lv_len = lv_len1) then begin SetLength(lv_ret, lv_len); for lv_i := 0 to lv_len -1 do begin lv_ret[lv_i] := byteXOR(pvsrc[lv_i], pvsrc1[lv_i]); end; Result := lv_ret; end; end; function byteToHex(const pvsrc: Byte): string; begin Result := SysUtils.IntToHex(pvsrc, 2 * SizeOf(pvsrc)); end; function bytesToHex(const pvsrc: TMyByteArray): string; var lv_len : Integer; lv_i : Integer; begin Result := ‘‘; lv_len := Length(pvsrc); for lv_i := 0 to lv_len -1 do begin Result := Result + byteToHex(pvsrc[lv_i]); end; end; procedure strToByteArray(str: string; var dest: TMyByteArray); var c : char; begin SetLength(dest, 0); while str <>‘‘ do begin c := str[1]; SetLength(dest, Length(dest) + 1); dest[High(dest)] := Byte(c); delete(str, 1, 1); end; end; function clacMac(pvkey : string; pvInput : TMyByteArray) :TMyByteArray; var lv_lenin, lv_lendata, lv_datacount : Integer; lv_x, lv_i : Integer; lv_addlen : Integer; lv_pos : Integer; lv_data,lv_oper1, lv_oper2, lv_aret, lv_front8, lv_behind8, lv_desfront8,lv_resultXOR, lv_buff, lv_retbuff, lv_retbuff2, lv_temp : TMyByteArray; lv_sret : string; begin //******************************************************************************************************// //银联POS终端报文规则 { POS终端采用ECB的加密方式,简述如下: a) 将欲发送给POS中心的消息中,从消息类型(MTI)到63域之间的部分构成MAC ELEMEMENT BLOCK (MAB)。 b) 对MAB,按每8个字节做异或(不管信息中的字符格式),如果最后不满8个字节,则添加“0X00”。 示例 : MAB = M1 M2 M3 M4 其中: M1 = MS11 MS12 MS13 MS14 MS15 MS16 MS17 MS18 M2 = MS21 MS22 MS23 MS24 MS25 MS26 MS27 MS28 M3 = MS31 MS32 MS33 MS34 MS35 MS36 MS37 MS38 M4 = MS41 MS42 MS43 MS44 MS45 MS46 MS47 MS48 按如下规则进行异或运算: MS11 MS12 MS13 MS14 MS15 MS16 MS17 MS18 XOR) MS21 MS22 MS23 MS24 MS25 MS26 MS27 MS28 --------------------------------------------------- TEMP BLOCK1 = TM11 TM12 TM13 TM14 TM15 TM16 TM17 TM18 然后,进行下一步的运算: TM11 TM12 TM13 TM14 TM15 TM16 TM17 TM18 XOR) MS31 MS32 MS33 MS34 MS35 MS36 MS37 MS38 --------------------------------------------------- TEMP BLOCK2 = TM21 TM22 TM23 TM24 TM25 TM26 TM27 TM28 再进行下一步的运算: TM21 TM22 TM23 TM24 TM25 TM26 TM27 TM28 XOR) MS41 MS42 MS43 MS44 MS45 MS46 MS47 MS48 --------------------------------------------------- RESULT BLOCK = TM31 TM32 TM33 TM34 TM35 TM36 TM37 TM38 c) 将异或运算后的最后8个字节(RESULT BLOCK)转换成16 个HEXDECIMAL: RESULT BLOCK = TM31 TM32 TM33 TM34 TM35 TM36 TM37 TM38 = TM311 TM312 TM321 TM322 TM331 TM332 TM341 TM342 || TM351 TM352 TM361 TM362 TM371 TM372 TM381 TM382 d) 取前8 个字节用MAK加密: ENC BLOCK1 = eMAK(TM311 TM312 TM321 TM322 TM331 TM332 TM341 TM342) = EN11 EN12 EN13 EN14 EN15 EN16 EN17 EN18 e) 将加密后的结果与后8 个字节异或: EN11 EN12 EN13 EN14 EN15 EN16 EN17 EN18 XOR) TM351 TM352 TM361 TM362 TM371 TM372 TM381 TM382 ------------------------------------------------------------ TEMP BLOCK= TE11 TE12 TE13 TE14 TE15 TE16 TE17 TE18 f) 用异或的结果TEMP BLOCK 再进行一次单倍长密钥算法运算。 ENC BLOCK2 = eMAK(TE11 TE12 TE13 TE14 TE15 TE16 TE17 TE18) = EN21 EN22 EN23 EN24 EN25 EN26 EN27 EN28 g) 将运算后的结果(ENC BLOCK2)转换成16 个HEXDECIMAL: ENC BLOCK2 = EN21 EN22 EN23 EN24 EN25 EN26 EN27 EN28 = EM211 EM212 EM221 EM222 EM231 EM232 EM241 EM242 || EM251 EM252 EM261 EM262 EM271 EM272 EM281 EM282 示例 : ENC RESULT= %H84, %H56, %HB1, %HCD, %H5A, %H3F, %H84, %H84 转换成16 个HEXDECIMAL: “8456B1CD5A3F8484” h) 取前8个字节作为MAC值。 取”8456B1CD”为MAC值。} //******************************************************************************************************// Result := nil; //1、长度不足8位进行补0x00操作 lv_lenin := Length(pvInput); lv_x := lv_lenin mod 8; lv_addlen := 0; //不足8位,补长大小 if (lv_x <> 0) then lv_addlen := 8 - lv_x; lv_pos := 0; //补长后数据大小 lv_lendata := lv_lenin + lv_addlen; //按8位算数据块大小 lv_datacount := lv_lendata div 8; //数据块进行赋值 SetLength(lv_data, lv_lendata); for lv_i := 0 to lv_lenin -1 do begin lv_data[lv_i] := pvInput[lv_i]; end; //不足8位竞价补0x00操作 for lv_i := lv_lenin to lv_lendata -1 do begin lv_data[lv_i] := $00; end; //2、异或运算 SetLength(lv_oper1,8); lv_oper1 := Copy(lv_data, lv_pos , 8); lv_pos := lv_pos + 8; SetLength(lv_oper2,8); for lv_x := 1 to lv_datacount -1 do begin lv_oper2 := Copy(lv_data, lv_pos, 8); //异或运算 lv_temp := bytesXOR(lv_oper1, lv_oper2); //lv_oper1 异或后运算得的值,再与下一组原数据进行异或运算 lv_oper1 := Copy(lv_temp, 0 , 8); lv_pos := lv_pos + 8; end; //3、将异或运算后的最后8个字节(RESULT BLOCK)转换成16 个HEXDECIMAL: lv_sret := bytesToHex(lv_oper1); strToByteArray(lv_sret, lv_aret); //前8值 lv_front8 := Copy(lv_aret, 0 ,8); //后8值 lv_behind8 := Copy(lv_aret, 8, 8); //4、取前8 个字节用MAK加密 //用mak对这8个字节做des加密 【memcmp】 //des加密 strToByteArray(DES3_Encry(bytesToHex(lv_front8), pvkey),lv_desfront8); //5、将加密后的结果与后8 个字节异或: lv_resultXOR := bytesXOR(lv_desfront8, lv_behind8); //6、用异或的结果TEMP BLOCK 再进行一次单倍长密钥算法运算。 //用mak对这8个字节做des加密 strToByteArray(DES3_Encry(bytesToHex(lv_resultXOR), pvkey),lv_buff); //7、将运算后的结果(ENC BLOCK2)转换成16 个HEXDECIMAL: strToByteArray(bytesToHex(lv_buff), lv_retbuff); //前8位取为MAC值 lv_retbuff2 := Copy(lv_retbuff, 0, 8); Result := lv_retbuff2; end; function HexToString(str:string):string; var s,t:string; i,j:Integer; p:PChar; begin s:=‘‘; i := 1 ; while i < Length(str) do begin t:=str[i]+str[i+1]; s:=s+chr(HexToInt(t)); i:=i+2; end; Result := s ; end; function HexToInt(hex: string): integer; var i: integer; function Ncf(num, f: integer): integer; var i: integer; begin Result := 1; if f = 0 then exit; for i := 1 to f do result := result * num; end; function HexCharToInt(HexToken: char): integer; begin if HexToken > #97 then HexToken := Chr(Ord(HexToken) - 32); Result := 0; if (HexToken > #47) and (HexToken < #58) then { chars 0....9 } Result := Ord(HexToken) - 48 else if (HexToken > #64) and (HexToken < #71) then { chars A....F } Result := Ord(HexToken) - 65 + 10; end; begin result := 0; hex := ansiuppercase(trim(hex)); if hex = ‘‘ then exit; for i := 1 to length(hex) do result := result + HexCharToInt(hex[i]) * ncf(16, length(hex) - i); end; end.
//单倍DES算法 unit unt_des; interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils; type fdArray = array of dword; function DES3_Encry_Hex(Context, Key: string): string; function DES3_Encry(Context, Key: string): string; function DES3_Decry(Context, Key: string): string; function StrToHex(Str:string):string; implementation function IsInt(Str:String):Boolean; begin result := True; try StrToInt(Str); except result := False end; end; function HexToStr(Hex:string):string; var i:Integer; begin Result := ‘‘; for i := 1 to length(Hex) div 2 do if IsInt(‘$‘ + Hex[i * 2 - 1] + Hex[i * 2]) then Result := Result + Chr(StrToInt(‘$‘ + Hex[i * 2 - 1] + Hex[i * 2])); end; function StrToHex(Str:string):string; var i:integer; begin result := ‘‘; for i := 1 to length(Str) do result := result + IntToHex(Ord(Str[i]), 2); end; //des_createKeys //this takes as input a 64 bit key (even though only 56 bits are used) //as an array of 2 dwords, and returns 16 48 bit keys function des_createKeys(key:string):fdArray; const //declaring this locally speeds things up a bit pc2bytes0 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$4,$20000000,$20000004,$10000,$10004,$20010000,$20010004,$200,$204,$20000200,$20000204,$10200,$10204,$20010200,$20010204); pc2bytes1 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$1,$100000,$100001,$4000000,$4000001,$4100000,$4100001,$100,$101,$100100,$100101,$4000100,$4000101,$4100100,$4100101); pc2bytes2 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$8,$800,$808,$1000000,$1000008,$1000800,$1000808,0,$8,$800,$808,$1000000,$1000008,$1000800,$1000808); pc2bytes3 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$200000,$8000000,$8200000,$2000,$202000,$8002000,$8202000,$20000,$220000,$8020000,$8220000,$22000,$222000,$8022000,$8222000); pc2bytes4 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$40000,$10,$40010,0,$40000,$10,$40010,$1000,$41000,$1010,$41010,$1000,$41000,$1010,$41010); pc2bytes5 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$400,$20,$420,0,$400,$20,$420,$2000000,$2000400,$2000020,$2000420,$2000000,$2000400,$2000020,$2000420); pc2bytes6 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$10000000,$80000,$10080000,$2,$10000002,$80002,$10080002,0,$10000000,$80000,$10080000,$2,$10000002,$80002,$10080002); pc2bytes7 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$10000,$800,$10800,$20000000,$20010000,$20000800,$20010800,$20000,$30000,$20800,$30800,$20020000,$20030000,$20020800,$20030800); pc2bytes8 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$40000,0,$40000,$2,$40002,$2,$40002,$2000000,$2040000,$2000000,$2040000,$2000002,$2040002,$2000002,$2040002); pc2bytes9 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$10000000,$8,$10000008,0,$10000000,$8,$10000008,$400,$10000400,$408,$10000408,$400,$10000400,$408,$10000408); pc2bytes10 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$20,0,$20,$100000,$100020,$100000,$100020,$2000,$2020,$2000,$2020,$102000,$102020,$102000,$102020); pc2bytes11 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$1000000,$200,$1000200,$200000,$1200000,$200200,$1200200,$4000000,$5000000,$4000200,$5000200,$4200000,$5200000,$4200200,$5200200); pc2bytes12 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$1000,$8000000,$8001000,$80000,$81000,$8080000,$8081000,$10,$1010,$8000010,$8001010,$80010,$81010,$8080010,$8081010); pc2bytes13 :array[0..15] of dword= (0,$4,$100,$104,0,$4,$100,$104,$1,$5,$101,$105,$1,$5,$101,$105); //now define the left shifts which need to be done shifts :array[0..15] of dword = (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); var iterations:integer; keys:fdArray; lefttemp, righttemp, temp:dword; m, n, j,i:integer; left,right:dword; begin //how many iterations (1 for des, 3 for triple des) key := HexToStr(key); if length(key) = 24 then iterations := 3 else iterations := 1; //stores the return keys setlength(keys,32 * iterations); //other variables m:=0;n:=0; for j:=0 to iterations-1 do //either 1 or 3 iterations begin left := (ord(key[m+1]) shl 24) or (ord(key[m+2]) shl 16) or (ord(key[m+3]) shl 8) or ord(key[m+4]); right := (ord(key[m+5]) shl 24) or (ord(key[m+6]) shl 16) or (ord(key[m+7]) shl 8) or ord(key[m+8]); m:=m+8; temp := ((left shr 4) xor right) and $0f0f0f0f; right :=right xor temp; left :=left xor (temp shl 4); temp := ((right shr 16) xor left) and $0000ffff; left := left xor temp; right :=right xor (temp shl 16); temp := ((left shr 2) xor right) and $33333333; right :=right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 2); temp := ((right shr 16) xor left) and $0000ffff; left :=left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 16); temp := ((left shr 1) xor right) and $55555555; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 1); temp := ((right shr 8) xor left) and $00ff00ff; left :=left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 8); temp := ((left shr 1) xor right) and $55555555; right :=right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 1); //the right side needs to be shifted and to get the last four bits of the left side temp := (left shl 8) or ((right shr 20) and $000000f0); //left needs to be put upside down left := (right shl 24) or ((right shl 8) and $ff0000) or ((right shr 8) and $ff00) or ((right shr 24) and $f0); right := temp; //now go through and perform these shifts on the left and right keys for i:=low(shifts) to high(shifts) do begin //shift the keys either one or two bits to the left if shifts[i] > 0 then begin left := (left shl 2) or (left shr 26); right := (right shl 2) or (right shr 26); //left := left shl 0; //right:= right shl 0; end else begin left := (left shl 1) or (left shr 27); right := (right shl 1) or (right shr 27); //left := left shl 0; //right:= right shl 0; end; left := left and $fffffff0; right:= right and $fffffff0; //now apply PC-2, in such a way that E is easier when encrypting or decrypting //this conversion will look like PC-2 except only the last 6 bits of each byte are used //rather than 48 consecutive bits and the order of lines will be according to //how the S selection functions will be applied: S2, S4, S6, S8, S1, S3, S5, S7 lefttemp := pc2bytes0[left shr 28] or pc2bytes1[(left shr 24) and $f] or pc2bytes2[(left shr 20) and $f] or pc2bytes3[(left shr 16) and $f] or pc2bytes4[(left shr 12) and $f] or pc2bytes5[(left shr 8) and $f] or pc2bytes6[(left shr 4) and $f]; righttemp := pc2bytes7[right shr 28] or pc2bytes8[(right shr 24) and $f] or pc2bytes9[(right shr 20) and $f] or pc2bytes10[(right shr 16) and $f] or pc2bytes11[(right shr 12) and $f] or pc2bytes12[(right shr 8) and $f] or pc2bytes13[(right shr 4) and $f]; temp := ((righttemp shr 16) xor lefttemp) and $0000ffff; keys[n+0] := lefttemp xor temp; keys[n+1] := righttemp xor (temp shl 16); n:=n+2; end; end; //for each iterations //return the keys we‘ve created Result := keys; end;//end of des_createKeys function des(key:string;smessage:string;encrypt:dword):string; const spfunction1 : array[0..63] of dword = ($1010400,0,$10000,$1010404,$1010004,$10404,$4,$10000,$400,$1010400,$1010404,$400,$1000404,$1010004,$1000000,$4,$404,$1000400,$1000400,$10400,$10400,$1010000,$1010000,$1000404,$10004,$1000004,$1000004,$10004,0,$404,$10404,$1000000,$10000,$1010404,$4,$1010000,$1010400,$1000000,$1000000,$400,$1010004,$10000,$10400,$1000004,$400,$4,$1000404,$10404,$1010404,$10004,$1010000,$1000404,$1000004,$404,$10404,$1010400,$404,$1000400,$1000400,0,$10004,$10400,0,$1010004); spfunction2 : array[0..63] of dword = ($80108020,$80008000,$8000,$108020,$100000,$20,$80100020,$80008020,$80000020,$80108020,$80108000,$80000000,$80008000,$100000,$20,$80100020,$108000,$100020,$80008020,0,$80000000,$8000,$108020,$80100000,$100020,$80000020,0,$108000,$8020,$80108000,$80100000,$8020,0,$108020,$80100020,$100000,$80008020,$80100000,$80108000,$8000,$80100000,$80008000,$20,$80108020,$108020,$20,$8000,$80000000,$8020,$80108000,$100000,$80000020,$100020,$80008020,$80000020,$100020,$108000,0,$80008000,$8020,$80000000,$80100020,$80108020,$108000); spfunction3 : array[0..63] of dword = ($208,$8020200,0,$8020008,$8000200,0,$20208,$8000200,$20008,$8000008,$8000008,$20000,$8020208,$20008,$8020000,$208,$8000000,$8,$8020200,$200,$20200,$8020000,$8020008,$20208,$8000208,$20200,$20000,$8000208,$8,$8020208,$200,$8000000,$8020200,$8000000,$20008,$208,$20000,$8020200,$8000200,0,$200,$20008,$8020208,$8000200,$8000008,$200,0,$8020008,$8000208,$20000,$8000000,$8020208,$8,$20208,$20200,$8000008,$8020000,$8000208,$208,$8020000,$20208,$8,$8020008,$20200); spfunction4 : array[0..63] of dword = ($802001,$2081,$2081,$80,$802080,$800081,$800001,$2001,0,$802000,$802000,$802081,$81,0,$800080,$800001,$1,$2000,$800000,$802001,$80,$800000,$2001,$2080,$800081,$1,$2080,$800080,$2000,$802080,$802081,$81,$800080,$800001,$802000,$802081,$81,0,0,$802000,$2080,$800080,$800081,$1,$802001,$2081,$2081,$80,$802081,$81,$1,$2000,$800001,$2001,$802080,$800081,$2001,$2080,$800000,$802001,$80,$800000,$2000,$802080); spfunction5 : array[0..63] of dword = ($100,$2080100,$2080000,$42000100,$80000,$100,$40000000,$2080000,$40080100,$80000,$2000100,$40080100,$42000100,$42080000,$80100,$40000000,$2000000,$40080000,$40080000,0,$40000100,$42080100,$42080100,$2000100,$42080000,$40000100,0,$42000000,$2080100,$2000000,$42000000,$80100,$80000,$42000100,$100,$2000000,$40000000,$2080000,$42000100,$40080100,$2000100,$40000000,$42080000,$2080100,$40080100,$100,$2000000,$42080000,$42080100,$80100,$42000000,$42080100,$2080000,0,$40080000,$42000000,$80100,$2000100,$40000100,$80000,0,$40080000,$2080100,$40000100); spfunction6 : array[0..63] of dword = ($20000010,$20400000,$4000,$20404010,$20400000,$10,$20404010,$400000,$20004000,$404010,$400000,$20000010,$400010,$20004000,$20000000,$4010,0,$400010,$20004010,$4000,$404000,$20004010,$10,$20400010,$20400010,0,$404010,$20404000,$4010,$404000,$20404000,$20000000,$20004000,$10,$20400010,$404000,$20404010,$400000,$4010,$20000010,$400000,$20004000,$20000000,$4010,$20000010,$20404010,$404000,$20400000,$404010,$20404000,0,$20400010,$10,$4000,$20400000,$404010,$4000,$400010,$20004010,0,$20404000,$20000000,$400010,$20004010); spfunction7 : array[0..63] of dword = ($200000,$4200002,$4000802,0,$800,$4000802,$200802,$4200800,$4200802,$200000,0,$4000002,$2,$4000000,$4200002,$802,$4000800,$200802,$200002,$4000800,$4000002,$4200000,$4200800,$200002,$4200000,$800,$802,$4200802,$200800,$2,$4000000,$200800,$4000000,$200800,$200000,$4000802,$4000802,$4200002,$4200002,$2,$200002,$4000000,$4000800,$200000,$4200800,$802,$200802,$4200800,$802,$4000002,$4200802,$4200000,$200800,0,$2,$4200802,0,$200802,$4200000,$800,$4000002,$4000800,$800,$200002); spfunction8 : array[0..63] of dword = ($10001040,$1000,$40000,$10041040,$10000000,$10001040,$40,$10000000,$40040,$10040000,$10041040,$41000,$10041000,$41040,$1000,$40,$10040000,$10000040,$10001000,$1040,$41000,$40040,$10040040,$10041000,$1040,0,0,$10040040,$10000040,$10001000,$41040,$40000,$41040,$40000,$10041000,$1000,$40,$10040040,$1000,$41040,$10001000,$40,$10000040,$10040000,$10040040,$10000000,$40000,$10001040,0,$10041040,$40040,$10000040,$10040000,$10001000,$10001040,0,$10041040,$41000,$41000,$1040,$1040,$40040,$10000000,$10041000); var keys:fdArray; m, i, j:integer; temp, right1, right2, left, right:dword; looping:array of integer; endloop, loopinc:integer; len, iterations:integer; chunk:integer; tempresult:string; begin //create the 16 or 48 subkeys we will need keys := des_createKeys(key); m:=0;chunk:=0; len := length(smessage); //set up the loops for single and triple des if length(keys) = 32 then iterations := 3 else iterations := 9; if iterations = 3 then begin if encrypt = 1 then begin setlength(looping,3); looping[0] := 0; looping[1] := 32; looping[2] := 2; end else begin setlength(looping,3); looping[0] := 30; looping[1] := -2; looping[2] := -2; end; end else begin if encrypt = 1 then begin setlength(looping,9); looping[0] := 0; looping[1] := 32; looping[2] := 2; looping[3] := 62; looping[4] := 30; looping[5] := -2; looping[6] := 64; looping[7] := 96; looping[8] := 2; end else begin setlength(looping,9); looping[0] := 94; looping[1] := 62; looping[2] := -2; looping[3] := 32; looping[4] := 64; looping[5] := 2; looping[6] := 30; looping[7] := -2; looping[8] := -2; end; end; smessage := smessage + #0#0#0#0#0#0#0#0; //pad the message out with null bytes //store the result here result := ‘‘; tempresult := ‘‘; //loop through each 64 bit chunk of the message while m < len do begin left := (ord(smessage[m+1]) shl 24) or (ord(smessage[m+2]) shl 16) or (ord(smessage[m+3]) shl 8) or ord(smessage[m+4]); right := (ord(smessage[m+5]) shl 24) or (ord(smessage[m+6]) shl 16) or (ord(smessage[m+7]) shl 8) or ord(smessage[m+8]); m := m + 8; //first each 64 but chunk of the message must be permuted according to IP temp := ((left shr 4) xor right) and $0f0f0f0f; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 4); temp := ((left shr 16) xor right) and $0000ffff; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 16); temp := ((right shr 2) xor left) and $33333333; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 2); temp := ((right shr 8) xor left) and $00ff00ff; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 8); temp := ((left shr 1) xor right) and $55555555; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 1); left := ((left shl 1) or (left shr 31)); right := ((right shl 1) or (right shr 31)); //do this either 1 or 3 times for each chunk of the message j:=0; while j<iterations do begin endloop := looping[j+1]; loopinc := looping[j+2]; //now go through and perform the encryption or decryption i:= looping[j]; while i<>endloop do begin right1 := right xor keys[i]; right2 := ((right shr 4) or (right shl 28)) xor keys[i+1]; //the result is attained by passing these bytes through the S selection functions temp := left; left := right; right := temp xor (spfunction2[(right1 shr 24) and $3f] or spfunction4[(right1 shr 16) and $3f] or spfunction6[(right1 shr 8) and $3f] or spfunction8[right1 and $3f] or spfunction1[(right2 shr 24) and $3f] or spfunction3[(right2 shr 16) and $3f] or spfunction5[(right2 shr 8) and $3f] or spfunction7[right2 and $3f]); i:=i+loopinc; end; temp := left; left := right; right := temp; //unreverse left and right j:=j+3; end; //for either 1 or 3 iterations //move then each one bit to the right left := ((left shr 1) or (left shl 31)); right := ((right shr 1) or (right shl 31)); //now perform IP-1, which is IP in the opposite direction temp := ((left shr 1) xor right) and $55555555; right := right xor temp; left :=left xor (temp shl 1); temp := ((right shr 8) xor left) and $00ff00ff; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 8); temp := ((right shr 2) xor left) and $33333333; left := left xor temp; right := right xor (temp shl 2); temp := ((left shr 16) xor right) and $0000ffff; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 16); temp := ((left shr 4) xor right) and $0f0f0f0f; right := right xor temp; left := left xor (temp shl 4); tempresult := tempresult + chr(left shr 24) + chr((left shr 16) and $ff) + chr((left shr 8) and $ff) + chr(left and $ff) + chr(right shr 24) + chr((right shr 16) and $ff) + chr((right shr 8) and $ff) + chr(right and $ff); chunk := chunk + 8; if chunk = 512 then begin result := result + tempresult; tempresult := ‘‘; chunk := 0; end; end; //for every 8 characters, or 64 bits in the message //return the result as an array result := result + tempresult; end; //end of des function EncryStr(Str, Key: String): String; overload; begin Result := des(Key, Str, 1); end; function EncryStr(Str:TStream; Key: String): String; overload; var AStr:String; begin Str.Seek(0,soFromBeginning); setlength(AStr, Str.Size); Str.Read(AStr[1], Str.Size); Result := des(Key, AStr, 1); end; function DecryStr(Str, Key: String): String; overload; begin Result := trim(des(Key, Str, 0)); end; function DecryStr(Str:TStream; Key: String): String; overload; var AStr:String; begin Str.Seek(0,soFromBeginning); setlength(AStr, Str.Size); Str.Read(AStr[1], Str.Size); Result := trim(des(Key, AStr, 0)); end; function EncryStrHex(Str, Key: String): String; begin Result := trim(StrToHex(des(Key, HexToStr(Str), 1))); end; function DecryStrHex(Str, Key: String): String; overload; begin Result := trim(StrToHex(des(Key, HexToStr(Str), 0))); end; function DecryStrHex(Str:TStream; Key: String): String; overload; var AStr:String; begin Str.Seek(0,soFromBeginning); setlength(AStr, Str.Size); Str.Read(AStr[1], Str.Size); Result := trim(des(Key, HexToStr(AStr), 0)); end; function DES3_Encry_Hex(Context, Key: string): string; begin Result := trim(StrToHex(des(Key, HexToStr(Context), 1))); end; function DES3_Encry(Context, Key: string): string; begin Result := trim(des(Key, HexToStr(Context), 1)); end; function DES3_Decry(Context, Key: string): string; begin Result := DecryStrHex(Context, Key); end; end.