Example 1 - uses login method, longhand scp: my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new; $scpe->login(‘user name‘, ‘password‘); $scpe->scp(‘file‘,‘host:/some/dir‘); Example 2 - uses constructor, shorthand scp: my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new(host=>‘host‘, user=>‘user‘, password=>‘xxxx‘); $scpe->scp(‘file‘,‘/some/dir‘); # ‘file‘ copied to ‘host‘ at ‘/some/dir‘ Example 3 - copying from remote machine to local host my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new(user=>‘user‘,password=>‘xxxx‘); $scpe->scp(‘host:/some/dir/filename‘,‘newfilename‘); Example 4 - uses login method, longhand scp, IPv6 compatible: my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new; $scpe->login(‘user name‘, ‘password‘); $scpe->scp(‘file‘,‘[ipv6-host]:/some/dir‘); # <-- Important: scp() with explicit IPv6 host in to or from address must use square brackets See the scp() method for more information on valid syntax
#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.10; use warnings; use Net::SCP::Expect; #定义远程服务器的ip 登陆用户 和密码; my $server=‘‘; my $user=‘root‘; my $pass=‘root12300.‘; #创建一个连接远程服务器的对象; my $scp=Net::SCP::Expect->new( host =>$server, user =>$user, password=>$pass ); #第一次登陆时,用来进行交互 $scp->auto_yes(1); $scp->scp(":/test/src/App-cpanminus-1.7039.tar.gz","/test/") or die $scp->error_handler; say "文件拷贝完成..ok";
[root@TrackerServer Net]# ls test.pl [root@TrackerServer Net]# [root@TrackerServer Net]# ls /test/ -l total 0 [root@TrackerServer Net]# ./test.pl 文件拷贝完成..ok [root@TrackerServer Net]# ls /test/ -l total 312 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 316814 Aug 12 15:55 App-cpanminus-1.7039.tar.gz [root@TrackerServer Net]#
#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.10; use warnings; use Net::SCP::Expect; #定义远程服务器的ip 登陆用户 和密码; my $server=‘‘; my $user=‘root‘; my $pass=‘root12300.‘; #创建一个连接远程服务器的对象; my $scp=Net::SCP::Expect->new( host=>$server, user=>$user, password=>$pass ); #第一次登陆时,用来进行交互 $scp->auto_yes(1); $scp->scp("/test/App-cpanminus-1.7039.tar.gz",":/test/") or die $scp->error_handler; say "文件拷贝完成..ok";
Copies the file from source to destination. If no host is specified, you will be using ’scp’ as an expensive form of ’cp’. There are several valid ways to use this method Local to Remote scp(source, user@host:destination); scp(source, user@[ipv6-host]:destination); # Same as previous, with IPv6 host scp(source, host:destination); # User already defined scp(source, [ipv6-host]:destination); # Same as previous, with IPv6 host scp(source, :destination); # User and host already defined scp(source, destination); # Same as previous scp(source); # Same as previous; destination will use base name of source Remote to Local scp(user@host:source, destination); scp(user@[ipv6-host]:source, destination); # Same as previous, with IPv6 host scp(host:source, destination); scp([ipv6-host]:source, destination); # Same as previous, with IPv6 host scp(:source, destination);