function name { commands } |
name() { commands } |
其中,name为函数名,commands为函数体中执行的语句块。定义函数后,可以简单地通过函数名name对其进行调用。 注: 如果出现两个同名的函数定义,那么后者会覆盖前者,而不是报错。 |
1 默认情况下,返回函数中最后一条命令的状态码,可以用$?来获取函数的退出状态码 |
#! /bin/bash # testing the exit status of a function # function func1 { echo "This is the first form of defining a function:" ls -l badfile # badfile is not exist } func2() { echo "This is the second form of defining a function:" date # } echo "Testing the function and exit status" echo func1 echo "The exit status of func1 is: $?" echo func2 echo "The exit status of func2 is: $?" [root@benxintuzi shell]# ./35.sh Testing the function and exit status This is the first form of defining a function: ls: cannot access badfile: No such file or directory The exit status of func1 is: 2 This is the second form of defining a function: Tue Aug 11 22:43:48 PDT 2015 The exit status of func2 is: 0 |
2 使用return命令可以返回0~255之间的任意值 |
#! /bin/bash # testing the exit status of a function # func() { read -p "Please enter a value: " value echo "doubling the input value..." return $[ $value * 2 ] } func echo "The exit status of func is: $?" [root@benxintuzi shell]# ./36.sh Please enter a value: 50 doubling the input value... The exit status of func is: 100 [root@benxintuzi shell]# ./36.sh Please enter a value: 200 doubling the input value... The exit status of func is: 144 |
3 使用变量保存,这种方式不仅可以返回任意数值,还可以返回字符串值 |
#! /bin/bash # testing the exit status of a function # func() { read -p "Please enter a value: " value echo $[ $value * 2 ] echo "hello, I come" } result=`func` echo "The exit status of func is: $result" [root@benxintuzi shell]# ./37.sh Please enter a value: 500 The exit status of func is: 1000 hello, I come |
函数可以利用标准的环境变量参数,$0表示函数名,$1表示第一个参数,$2表示第二个参数,...,$#表示参数个数。 #! /bin/bash # access script parameters inside a function # func() { echo $[ $1 * $2 ] } if [ $# -eq 2 ] then value=`func $1 $2` echo "The result is $value" else echo "Usage: func a b" fi [root@benxintuzi shell]# ./38.sh 55 66 The result is 3630
包括全局变量与局部变量。默认情况下,在shell中定义的任何变量都是全局变量。如果在变量定义前加上local关键字就变为局部变量了,如:local temp。
#! /bin/bash # local and global variable # func() { local temp=$[ $value + 5 ] result=$[ $temp * 2 ] } value=10 temp=20 func echo "$temp" echo "$result" [root@benxintuzi shell]# ./39.sh 20 30
#! /bin/bash # array variable to function func() { local newarray newarray=(`echo "$@"`) echo "The new array value is: ${newarray[*]}" local sum=0 for value in ${newarray[*]} do sum=$[ $sum + $value ] done echo "The sum of newarray is: $sum" } myarray=(1 2 3 4 5) echo "The original array is ${myarray[*]}" func ${myarray[*]} [root@benxintuzi shell]# ./41.sh The original array is 1 2 3 4 5 The new array value is: 1 2 3 4 5 The sum of newarray is: 15
#! /bin/bash # function return array func() { local oriarray local newarray local elements local i oriarray=(`echo "$@"`) newarray=(`echo "$@"`) elements=$[ $# - 1 ] for (( i = 0; i <= $elements; i++ )) { newarray[$i]=$[ ${oriarray[$i]} * 2 ] } echo ${newarray[*]} } myarray=(1 2 3 4 5) echo "The original array is ${myarray[*]}" arg1=`echo ${myarray[*]}` result=(`func $arg1`) echo "The new array is: ${result[*]}" [root@benxintuzi shell]# ./42.sh The original array is 1 2 3 4 5 The new array is: 2 4 6 8 10
[root@benxintuzi shell]# cat myfuncs # my script functions addem() { echo $[ $1 + $2 ] } minusem() { echo $[ $1 - $2 ] } multiem() { echo $[ $1 * $2 ] } divem() { if [ $2 -eq 0 ] then -1 else echo $[ $1 / $2 ] fi }
[root@benxintuzi shell]# cat 40.sh #! /bin/bash # using functions defined in a library file # excute library file in the context . ./myfuncs # source ./myfuncs value1=10 value2=4 result1=`addem $value1 $value2` result2=`minusem $value1 $value2` result3=`multiem $value1 $value2` result4=`divem $value1 $value2` echo "addem($value1, $value2): $result1" echo "minusem($value1, $value2): $result2" echo "multiem($value1, $value2): $result3" echo "divem($value1, $value2): $result4"
[root@benxintuzi shell]# ./40.sh
addem(10, 4): 14
minusem(10, 4): 6
multiem(10, 4): 40
divem(10, 4): 2
[root@benxintuzi shell]# addem() { val1=5; val2=10; echo $[ val1 + $val2 ]; } [root@benxintuzi shell]# addem 15
[root@benxintuzi shell]# addem() { > val1=5 > val2=10 > echo $[ $val1 + $val2 ] > } [root@benxintuzi shell]# addem 15