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Oracle Install logs

时间:2015-08-14 13:40:10      阅读:185      评论:0      收藏:0      [点我收藏+]



INFO: Using paramFile: /home/oracle/softs/database/install/oraparam.ini
INFO: Checking Temp space: must be greater than 120 MB.   Actual 31314 MB    Passed
INFO: Checking swap space: must be greater than 150 MB.   Actual 4094 MB    Passed
INFO: Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.    Actual 16777216    Passed
INFO: The commandline for unzip:
INFO: /home/oracle/softs/database/install/unzip -qqqo ../stage/Components/oracle.jdk/\*.jar -d /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM 
INFO: Using the umask value 022 available from oraparam.ini
INFO: Execvp of the child jre : the cmdline is /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/bin/java, and the argv is 
INFO: /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/bin/java
INFO: -Doracle.installer.library_loc=/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/lib/linux64
INFO: -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui
INFO: -Doracle.installer.bootstrap=TRUE
INFO: -Doracle.installer.startup_location=/home/oracle/softs/database/install
INFO: -Doracle.installer.jre_loc=/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre
INFO: -Doracle.installer.nlsEnabled="TRUE"
INFO: -Doracle.installer.prereqConfigLoc= 
INFO: -Doracle.installer.unixVersion=2.6.18-194.el5
INFO: -mx150m
INFO: -cp
INFO: /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM::/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/instcommon.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/emagentSDK.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/orai18n-utility.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/OraPrereq.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/log4j-core.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/orai18n-mapping.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/prov_fixup.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/cvu.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/ojdbc5.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/OraPrereqChecks.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/remoteinterfaces.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/instdb.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/jsch.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/ssh.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/oneclick.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/xmlparserv2.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/share.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/OraInstallerNet.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/emCfg.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/emocmutl.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/OraPrereq.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/jsch.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/ssh.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/remoteinterfaces.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/http_client.jar:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oui/jlib/OraSuiteInstaller.jar:../stage/Components/oracle.swd.opatch/
INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller
INFO: -scratchPath
INFO: /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM
INFO: -sourceLoc
INFO: /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/products.xml
INFO: -sourceType
INFO: network
INFO: -timestamp
INFO: 2015-08-14_11-32-29AM
INFO: INFO: Loading data from: jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ConfigCmdMappings from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:config-data]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:platformcmdmap in the bean:configcmd
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:configcmds in the bean:configcmdmappings
INFO: INFO: Inventory exists: false
INFO: INFO: Registering setup bean
INFO: INFO: Building Flow
INFO: INFO: No global condition definition found.
INFO: INFO: Building the flow graph
INFO: INFO: Loaded state AutoUpdatesOptionsUI
INFO: INFO: Loaded state UpdatesListUI
INFO: INFO: Loaded state finishupdates
INFO: INFO: Building the flow graph
INFO: INFO: Loaded state prepInstall
INFO: INFO: Loaded state decideOCMInstall
INFO: INFO: Loaded state getOCMDetails
INFO: INFO: Loaded state autoupdatesDecider
INFO: INFO: Loaded state preAutoUpdates
INFO: INFO: Loaded state AutoUpdatesOptionsUI
INFO: INFO: Loaded state UpdatesListUI
INFO: INFO: Loaded state supportedOSCheck
INFO: INFO: Loaded state installOptions
INFO: INFO: Loaded state getSystemClass
INFO: INFO: Loaded state nodeSelectionPage
INFO: INFO: Loaded state upgradeValidation
INFO: INFO: Loaded state installType
INFO: INFO: Loaded state quickInstallPage
INFO: INFO: Loaded state productLanguage
INFO: INFO: Loaded state inventoryPage
INFO: INFO: Loaded state getOracleHome
INFO: INFO: Loaded state dbEdition
INFO: INFO: Loaded state configurationType
INFO: INFO: Loaded state dbIdentifier
INFO: INFO: Loaded state configurationOption
INFO: INFO: Loaded state managementOption
INFO: INFO: Loaded state storageOption
INFO: INFO: Loaded state recoveryOption
INFO: INFO: Loaded state selectASMDiskGroups
INFO: INFO: Loaded state schemaPasswordDialog
INFO: INFO: Loaded state getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: INFO: Loaded state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: INFO: Loaded state performChecks
INFO: INFO: Loaded state showSummary
INFO: INFO: Loaded state setup
INFO: INFO: Loaded state finish
INFO: INFO: Linking states 
INFO: INFO: State[AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]: route=NO_AUTO_UPDATES; to=supportedOSCheck
INFO: INFO: State[AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]: route=success; to=UpdatesListUI
INFO: INFO: State[UpdatesListUI]: route=success; to=supportedOSCheck
INFO: INFO: State[autoupdatesDecider]: route=AUTO_UPDATES_DISABLE; to=supportedOSCheck
INFO: INFO: State[autoupdatesDecider]: route=AUTO_UPDATES_STATE_SKIP; to=supportedOSCheck
INFO: INFO: State[autoupdatesDecider]: route=success; to=preAutoUpdates
INFO: INFO: State[configurationOption]: route=success; to=managementOption
INFO: INFO: State[configurationType]: route=success; to=dbIdentifier
INFO: INFO: State[dbEdition]: route=oraclehome_location; to=getOracleHome
INFO: INFO: State[dbIdentifier]: route=success; to=configurationOption
INFO: INFO: State[decideOCMInstall]: route=ignoreOCM; to=autoupdatesDecider
INFO: INFO: State[decideOCMInstall]: route=requireOCM; to=getOCMDetails
INFO: INFO: State[getOCMDetails]: route=success; to=autoupdatesDecider
INFO: INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=advanced_yes_createDB_yes; to=configurationType
INFO: INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=advanced_yes_inventory_no; to=inventoryPage
INFO: INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=advanced_yes_softwareDB_yes; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=advanced_yes_upgrade_yes; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: INFO: State[getPrivilegedOSGroups]: route=success; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: INFO: State[getSystemClass]: route=desktop_class_yes; to=quickInstallPage
INFO: INFO: State[getSystemClass]: route=server_class_yes; to=nodeSelectionPage
INFO: INFO: State[installOptions]: route=advanced_yes_softwareDB_yes; to=nodeSelectionPage
INFO: INFO: State[installOptions]: route=migrate_yes_clusterware_no; to=upgradeValidation
INFO: INFO: State[installOptions]: route=migrate_yes_clusterware_yes; to=nodeSelectionPage
INFO: INFO: State[installOptions]: route=system_class; to=getSystemClass
INFO: INFO: State[installType]: route=advanced_yes; to=productLanguage
INFO: INFO: State[installType]: route=basic_yes; to=quickInstallPage
INFO: INFO: State[inventoryPage]: route=advanced_yes_createDB_yes; to=configurationType
INFO: INFO: State[inventoryPage]: route=advanced_yes_softwareDB_yes; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: INFO: State[inventoryPage]: route=basic_yes; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: INFO: State[managementOption]: route=success; to=storageOption
INFO: INFO: State[nodeSelectionPage]: route=create_and_configureDB; to=installType
INFO: INFO: State[nodeSelectionPage]: route=software_onlyDB; to=productLanguage
INFO: INFO: State[nodeSelectionPage]: route=upgradeDB; to=upgradeValidation
INFO: INFO: State[performChecks]: route=success; to=showSummary
INFO: INFO: State[preAutoUpdates]: route=success; to=AutoUpdatesOptionsUI
INFO: INFO: State[prepInstall]: route=DOWNLOAD_UPDATES_ONLY; to=AutoUpdatesOptionsUI
INFO: INFO: State[prepInstall]: route=success; to=decideOCMInstall
INFO: INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=executeprereqs; to=performChecks
INFO: INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=ignoreprereqs; to=showSummary
INFO: INFO: State[productLanguage]: route=productlanguage_yes; to=dbEdition
INFO: INFO: State[quickInstallPage]: route=basic_yes_inventory_no; to=inventoryPage
INFO: INFO: State[quickInstallPage]: route=basic_yes_inventory_yes; to=prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: INFO: State[recoveryOption]: route=asm_chosen_asm_not_present; to=schemaPasswordDialog
INFO: INFO: State[recoveryOption]: route=asm_chosen_asm_present; to=selectASMDiskGroups
INFO: INFO: State[recoveryOption]: route=asm_not_chosen; to=schemaPasswordDialog
INFO: INFO: State[schemaPasswordDialog]: route=success; to=getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: INFO: State[selectASMDiskGroups]: route=success; to=schemaPasswordDialog
INFO: INFO: State[setup]: route=success; to=finish
INFO: INFO: State[showSummary]: route=success; to=setup
INFO: INFO: State[storageOption]: route=success; to=recoveryOption
INFO: INFO: State[supportedOSCheck]: route=success; to=installOptions
INFO: INFO: State[upgradeValidation]: route=success; to=productLanguage
INFO: INFO: State[AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]: route=NO_AUTO_UPDATES; to=finishupdates
INFO: INFO: State[AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]: route=success; to=UpdatesListUI
INFO: INFO: State[UpdatesListUI]: route=DOWNLOAD_UPDATES_FINISHED; to=finishupdates
INFO: INFO: Successfully built the flow
INFO: INFO: Opening bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from a given input stream
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Loading flow data beans
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Properties Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:ORACLE_HOME in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:ORACLE_BASE in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:DBInstallSettings in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:CentralInventorySettings in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials in the bean:AutoUpdatesInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings in the bean:AutoUpdatesInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:AutoUpdatesInstallSettings in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:OCMSettings in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:ORACLE_HOSTNAME in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_StorageType in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_SecureConfigDisabled in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_UseDBControl in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_UseFileSystemForRecovery in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_UseSamePassword in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_ConfigTabSelected in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_CharSetOption in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_InstallOptionSelected in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_db_SuperAdminPasswords in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:ORACLE_HOME in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:ORACLE_BASE in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:DBInstallSettings in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:CentralInventorySettings in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials in the bean:AutoUpdatesInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings in the bean:AutoUpdatesInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:AutoUpdatesInstallSettings in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:OCMSettings in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:ORACLE_HOSTNAME in the bean:DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Set value for bean DBSetupBean
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Properties Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:ORACLE_HOME in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:ORACLE_BASE in the bean:DBInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Properties Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials in the bean:AutoUpdatesInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings in the bean:AutoUpdatesInstallSettings
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Properties Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Properties Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:beanstore]
INFO: INFO: Closing bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
INFO: INFO: Registering the flow views
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [PrereqUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SummaryUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SetupUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.InventoryUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.InventoryUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InventoryUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI viewId: ProductLanguageUI uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [ProductLanguageUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.OCMDetailsGUI viewId: OCMDetailsUI uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.OCMDetailsGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [OCMDetailsUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.ConfigurationTypeUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.ConfigurationTypeUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [ConfigurationTypeUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.DBIdentifierUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.DBIdentifierUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [DBIdentifierUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.ConfigurationOptionsUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.ConfigurationOptionsUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [ConfigurationOptionsUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.ManagementOptionsUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.ManagementOptionsUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [ManagementOptionsUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.StorageOptionsUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.StorageOptionsUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [StorageOptionsUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.RecoveryBackupUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.RecoveryBackupUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [RecoveryBackupUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.ASMDiskGroupSelectionGUI viewId: ASMDiskGroupSelectionUI uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.ASMDiskGroupSelectionGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [ASMDiskGroupSelectionUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.SchemaPasswordUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.SchemaPasswordUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SchemaPasswordUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.QuickInstallUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.QuickInstallUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [QuickInstallUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallOptionsUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallOptionsUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InstallOptionsUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.SystemClassUI viewId: SystemClassUI uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.SystemClassUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SystemClassUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallLocationUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallLocationUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InstallLocationUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.DBEditionGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.DBEditionGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [DBEditionUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.NodeSelectionUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.NodeSelectionUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [NodeSelectionUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.FinishUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.FinishUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [FinishUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.PrivilegedOSGroupsGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.PrivilegedOSGroupsGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [PrivilegedOSGroupsUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallTypeGUI viewId: installTypeUI uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallTypeGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [installTypeUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.AutoUpdatesOptionsUI viewId: AutoUpdatesOptionsUI uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.AutoUpdatesOptionsUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.UpdatesListUI viewId: UpdatesListUI uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.UpdatesListUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [UpdatesListUI]
INFO: INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.FinishUpdatesUI viewId: FinishUpdatesUI uiType: null]
INFO: INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.FinishUpdatesUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [FinishUpdatesUI]
INFO: INFO: Initial values of Setup Properties :
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:  PROPERTY                                               VALUE                                      
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:  AutoUpdatesInstallSettings                             oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.AutoUpdates 
INFO:                                                         InstallSettings@32162f16                   
INFO:  CLUSTER_NODES                                          {}                                         
INFO:  COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION                         false                                      
INFO:  COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES                              false                                      
INFO:  COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE                                                                           
INFO:  CentralInventorySettings                               oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.CentralInve 
INFO:                                                         ntorySettings@36e3fd79                     
INFO:  DBInstallSettings                                      oracle.install.ivw.db.bean.DBInstallSettin 
INFO:                                                         gs@e2942da                                 
INFO:  DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES                               false                                      
INFO:  FROM_LOCATION                                          /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../sta 
INFO:                                                         ge/products.xml                            
INFO:  INSTALL_TYPE                                           EE                                         
INFO:  MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD                               *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME                                                                          
INFO:  OCMSettings                                            oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.OCMSettings 
INFO:                                                         @6b033450                                  
INFO:  ORACLE_BASE                                            /u01/app/oracle                            
INFO:  ORACLE_HOME                                            /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1        
INFO:  ORACLE_HOSTNAME                                        cqbank.localdomain                         
INFO:  PROXY_HOST                                                                                        
INFO:  PROXY_PORT                                                                                        
INFO:  PROXY_PWD                                              *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  PROXY_USER                                                                                        
INFO:  SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT                   true                                       
INFO:  SELECTED_LANGUAGES                                     {"en"}                                     
INFO:  b_rdbmsInstall                                         true                                       
INFO:  oracle.install.db.isCCRAuthenticationUsed              false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_LaunchNetCA                             false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_NoMigration                             false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_OCR_PartitionLocation                                                              
INFO:  oracle_install_RACInstall                              false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_RDBMSInstalling                         true                                       
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxyPort               0                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings           oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.HttpProxySe 
INFO:                                                         ttings@7087e9bf                            
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials  oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.MyOracleSup 
INFO:                                                         portSettings@4e6d670a                      
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_selected                    false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_ASMSNMPUserPassword                  *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  oracle_install_db_AutoMemoryOption                     false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_CharSetOption                        3                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_CharacterSet                                                                    
INFO:  oracle_install_db_ConfigTabSelected                    0                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType                    &General Purpose / Transaction Processing  
INFO:  oracle_install_db_CustomInstall                        false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_DiskGroupName                                                                   
INFO:  oracle_install_db_DiskGroupNameForASM                                                             
INFO:  oracle_install_db_EMCentralAgentSelected                                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_EnableAutoBackup                     false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_InstallEdition                       EE                                         
INFO:  oracle_install_db_InstallOption                        INSTALL_DB_AND_CONFIG                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_InstallOptionSelected                1                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_InstallType                          EE                                         
INFO:  oracle_install_db_LaunchDBCA                           false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_LaunchODMA                           false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_LoadExampleSchemas                   false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_MountPointLocation                                                              
INFO:  oracle_install_db_QuickInstallOption                   false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpLocation                                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpPassword               *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpUsername                                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SID                                                                             
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SecureConfigDisabled                 false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SetOracleBase                        false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SkipHARegistration                   false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_StarterDatabaseType                  GENERAL_PURPOSE                            
INFO:  oracle_install_db_StorageType                          0                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SuperAdminPasswords                  *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SuperAdminSamePasswdForAll           *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SystemClass                          DESKTOP_CLASS                              
INFO:  oracle_install_db_Type                                 1                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_UseDBControl                         true                                       
INFO:  oracle_install_db_UseFileSystemForRecovery             false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_UseSamePassword                      false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_isRACOneInstall                      false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_racOneServiceName                                                               
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Launching Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Installer
INFO: INFO: Started executing the flow in INTERACTIVE mode
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state prepInstall
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state prepInstall
INFO: INFO: All forked task are completed at state prepInstall
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state prepInstall
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <prepInstall>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <prepInstall>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <prepInstall>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <prepInstall>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <prepInstall>
INFO: WARNING: Validation disabled for the state prepInstall
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <prepInstall>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state decideOCMInstall
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <decideOCMInstall>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <decideOCMInstall>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <decideOCMInstall>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <decideOCMInstall>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <decideOCMInstall>
INFO: WARNING: Validation disabled for the state decideOCMInstall
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <decideOCMInstall>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route requireOCM
INFO: INFO: Get view named [OCMDetailsUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [OCMDetailsUI] is oracle.install.ivw.common.view.OCMDetailsGUI@7a856d3b
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <OCMDetailsUI> at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <OCMDetailsUI> at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <OCMDetailsUI> at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <OCMDetailsUI> at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <OCMDetailsUI> at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <OCMDetailsUI> at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <OCMDetailsUI> at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <OCMDetailsUI> at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state getOCMDetails
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: WARNING: You have not provided an email address.
INFO: Do you wish to remain uninformed of critical security issues in your configuration?
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <getOCMDetails>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state autoupdatesDecider
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <autoupdatesDecider>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <autoupdatesDecider>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <autoupdatesDecider>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <autoupdatesDecider>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <autoupdatesDecider>
INFO: WARNING: Validation disabled for the state autoupdatesDecider
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <autoupdatesDecider>
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state preAutoUpdates
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <preAutoUpdates>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <preAutoUpdates>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <preAutoUpdates>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <preAutoUpdates>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <preAutoUpdates>
INFO: WARNING: Validation disabled for the state preAutoUpdates
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <preAutoUpdates>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: INFO: Get view named [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [AutoUpdatesOptionsUI] is oracle.install.ivw.common.view.AutoUpdatesOptionsUI[,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=9,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=]
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI> at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state AutoUpdatesOptionsUI
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <AutoUpdatesOptionsUI>
INFO: INFO: No updates will be downloaded or applied
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state supportedOSCheck
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <supportedOSCheck>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <supportedOSCheck>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <supportedOSCheck>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <supportedOSCheck>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <supportedOSCheck>
INFO: INFO: Verifying target environment...
INFO: INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
INFO: INFO: Completed verification of target environment.
INFO: INFO: Verifying setup for installer validations
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <supportedOSCheck>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: INFO: Get view named [InstallOptionsUI]
INFO: INFO: InstallOptionsUI Entering Constructor
INFO: INFO: InstallOptionsUI Exiting Constructor
INFO: INFO: View for [InstallOptionsUI] is oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallOptionsUI@c8398e7
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallOptionsUI> at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state installOptions
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: InstallOptions UI Entering & Exiting processInput
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <installOptions>
INFO: INFO: InstallOptionsAction Actions.transition called
INFO: INFO: selectedInstallOption is :INSTALL_DB_SWONLY
INFO: INFO: launchNETCA = true
INFO: INFO: Verifying route advanced_yes_softwareDB_yes
INFO: INFO: Get view named [NodeSelectionUI]
INFO: INFO: NodeSelectionUI Entering Constructor
INFO: INFO: strColHeader[0]: 
INFO: INFO: strColHeader[1]:Node Name
INFO: INFO: View for [NodeSelectionUI] is oracle.install.ivw.db.view.NodeSelectionUI@5d91dd1d
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <NodeSelectionUI> at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Is CRS Installed false
INFO: INFO: Is CRS Installed false
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <NodeSelectionUI> at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <NodeSelectionUI> at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <NodeSelectionUI> at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <NodeSelectionUI> at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <NodeSelectionUI> at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <NodeSelectionUI> at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: strColHeader[0]: 
INFO: INFO: strColHeader[1]: 
INFO: INFO: strColHeader[2]:Node Name
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <NodeSelectionUI> at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state nodeSelectionPage
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <nodeSelectionPage>
INFO: INFO: NodeSelectionAction Actions.transition called
INFO: INFO: selectedInstallOption is :INSTALL_DB_SWONLY
INFO: INFO: Verifying route software_onlyDB
INFO: INFO: Get view named [ProductLanguageUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [ProductLanguageUI] is oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI@733638d4
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Fetching Available Languages...
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state productLanguage
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state productLanguage
INFO: INFO: All forked task are completed at state productLanguage
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state productLanguage
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: The languages in which the product will be installed are [en, zh_CN]
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.common.action.ProductLanguageAction
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <productLanguage>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route productlanguage_yes
INFO: INFO: Get view named [DBEditionUI]
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: INFO: size estimation for EEinstall is 4812.800000190735
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: INFO: size estimation for SEinstall is 4710.400000572205
INFO: INFO: View for [DBEditionUI] is oracle.install.ivw.db.view.DBEditionGUI[,0,0,0x0,invalid,layout=java.awt.GridBagLayout,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=9,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=]
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <DBEditionUI> at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Re-loading component config bean
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/instdb.jar!/oracle/install/ivw/db/resource/custom_component-config.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.commons.base.util.ComponentConfig from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/instdb.jar!/oracle/install/ivw/db/resource/custom_component-config.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:component-config]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:name in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:version in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:desc in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:visible in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:selected in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:enabled in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:name in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:version in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:desc in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:visible in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:selected in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:enabled in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:name in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:version in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:desc in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:visible in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:dependants in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:selected in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:enabled in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:name in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:version in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:desc in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:visible in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:selected in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:enabled in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:name in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:version in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:desc in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:visible in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:selected in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:enabled in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:name in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:id in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:version in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:desc in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:visible in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:selected in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:enabled in the bean:component
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:components in the bean:component-config
INFO: INFO: Resolving dependencies
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <DBEditionUI> at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <DBEditionUI> at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <DBEditionUI> at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <DBEditionUI> at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <DBEditionUI> at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <DBEditionUI> at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: INFO: size estimation for EEinstall is 4812.800000190735
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: INFO: size estimation for SEinstall is 4710.400000572205
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <DBEditionUI> at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state dbEdition
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Install edition selected in UI: EE
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <dbEdition>
INFO: INFO: Install Type selected :EE
INFO: INFO: Database Edition selected: EE
INFO: INFO: Verifying route oraclehome_location
INFO: INFO: Get view named [InstallLocationUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [InstallLocationUI] is oracle.install.ivw.db.view.InstallLocationUI@538787fd
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: inventory location is/u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: INFO: inventory location is/u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state getOracleHome
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Validating specified location...
INFO: INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.server_NONE.xml
INFO: INFO: refDataFile: /home/oracle/softs/database/stage/cvu/oracle.server_NONE.xml
INFO: INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
INFO: INFO: InstallAreaControl exists: false
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: INFO: inventory location is/u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: INFO: inventory location is/u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: INFO: Retrieving ASM Cluster File System information...
INFO: INFO: inventory location is/u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: INFO: Retrieving ASM Cluster File System information...
INFO: INFO: inventory location is/u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: INFO: inventory location is/u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: INFO: size estimation for EEinstall is 4812.800000190735
INFO: INFO: PATH has :==>/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/bin:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/lib:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib:/lib:/usr/lib
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <getOracleHome>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route advanced_yes_inventory_no
INFO: INFO: Get view named [InventoryUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [InventoryUI] is oracle.install.ivw.common.view.InventoryUI@451dfada
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <InventoryUI> at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Fetching existing Unix Group.
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <InventoryUI> at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <InventoryUI> at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <InventoryUI> at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <InventoryUI> at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <InventoryUI> at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <InventoryUI> at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <InventoryUI> at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state inventoryPage
INFO: INFO: Inventory Actions Entering and Exiting execute
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Inventory UI Entering processInput
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Checking whether the given inventory location /u01/app/oraInventory is user home or not...
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <inventoryPage>
INFO: INFO: Is CRS Installed false
INFO: INFO: installOption Selected:INSTALL_DB_SWONLY
INFO: INFO: Verifying route advanced_yes_softwareDB_yes
INFO: INFO: Get view named [PrivilegedOSGroupsUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [PrivilegedOSGroupsUI] is oracle.install.ivw.db.view.PrivilegedOSGroupsGUI@26a2bd15
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <PrivilegedOSGroupsUI> at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <PrivilegedOSGroupsUI> at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <PrivilegedOSGroupsUI> at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <PrivilegedOSGroupsUI> at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <PrivilegedOSGroupsUI> at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <PrivilegedOSGroupsUI> at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <PrivilegedOSGroupsUI> at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <PrivilegedOSGroupsUI> at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state getPrivilegedOSGroups
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: ... PrivilegedOSGroupValidator: entering validate()
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <getPrivilegedOSGroups>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: WARNING: Validation disabled for the state prereqExecutionDecider
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route executeprereqs
INFO: INFO: Get view named [PrereqUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [PrereqUI] is oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI@6e820a0c
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <PrereqUI> at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <PrereqUI> at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state performChecks
INFO: INFO: CVU PREREQ LOCATION SET TO: /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/cvu/cvu_prereq.xml
INFO: INFO: CVU tracingEnabled = false
INFO: INFO: Nodes are prepared for verification.
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state performChecks
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state performChecks
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Physical Memory
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Available Physical Memory
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Swap Size
INFO: INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job for container task Free Space
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Free Space: cqbank:/tmp
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task User Existence: oracle
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Group Existence: oinstall
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Group Existence: dba
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Group Membership: oinstall
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Group Membership: dba
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Run Level
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Hard Limit: maximum open file descriptors
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Soft Limit: maximum open file descriptors
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Hard Limit: maximum user processes
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Soft Limit: maximum user processes
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Architecture
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Version
INFO: INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job for container task OS Kernel Parameters
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: semmsl
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: semmns
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: semopm
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: semmni
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: shmmax
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: shmmni
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: shmall
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: file-max
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: ip_local_port_range
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: rmem_default
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: rmem_max
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: wmem_default
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: wmem_max
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task OS Kernel Parameter: aio-max-nr
INFO: INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job for container task Packages
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: make-3.81
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: binutils-
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: gcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: libaio-0.3.106 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: glibc-2.5-24 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: elfutils-libelf-0.125 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: glibc-common-2.5
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: glibc-devel-2.5 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: glibc-headers-2.5
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: gcc-c++-4.1.2 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: libaio-devel-0.3.106 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: libgcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: libstdc++-4.1.2 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: libstdc++-devel-4.1.2 (x86_64)
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: sysstat-7.0.2
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Package: ksh-20060214
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Users With Same UID
INFO: INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Root user consistency
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 1GB (1048576.0KB) of total physical memory.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:1GB (1048576.0KB)
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:3.8641GB (4051764.0KB)
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Available Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 50MB (51200.0KB) of available physical memory.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:50MB (51200.0KB)
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:3.5924GB (3766904.0KB)
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Swap Size: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient total swap space is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:3.8641GB (4051764.0KB)
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:3.9987GB (4192956.0KB)
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Free Space: cqbank:/tmp: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient free space is available in the file system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:1GB 
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:31.8447GB 
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: User Existence: oracle: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether user "oracle" exists on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:true
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:true
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Group Existence: oinstall: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether group "oinstall" exists on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:true
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:true
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Group Existence: dba: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether group "dba" exists on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:true
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:true
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Group Membership: oinstall: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether user "oracle" is a member of the group "oinstall".
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Group Membership: dba: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether user "oracle" is a member of the group "dba".
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Run Level: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system is running with proper run level.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:3,5
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:3
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Hard Limit: maximum open file descriptors: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the hard limit for "maximum open file descriptors" is set to at least 65536.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:65536
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:65536
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Soft Limit: maximum open file descriptors: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the soft limit for "maximum open file descriptors" is set to at least 1024.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:1024
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:1024
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Hard Limit: maximum user processes: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the hard limit for "maximum user processes" is set to at least 16384.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:16384
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:16384
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Soft Limit: maximum user processes: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the soft limit for "maximum user processes" is set to at least 2047.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:2047
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:2047
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Architecture: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has a certified architecture.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:x86_64
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:x86_64
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Version: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system kernel version is at least "2.6.18".
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:2.6.18
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:2.6.18-194.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: semmsl: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "semmsl" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=250; Configured=250
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=250; Configured=250
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: semmns: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "semmns" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=32000; Configured=32000
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=32000; Configured=32000
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: semopm: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "semopm" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=100; Configured=100
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=100; Configured=100
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: semmni: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "semmni" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=128; Configured=128
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=128; Configured=128
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: shmmax: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "shmmax" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=2074503168; Configured=2074503168
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=1054472192; Configured=1054472192
INFO: INFO: Error Message:PRVG-1201 : OS kernel parameter "shmmax" does not have proper value on node "cqbank" [Expected = "2074503168" ; Current = "1054472192"; Configured = "1054472192"].
INFO: INFO: Cause: Kernel parameter configured value does not meet the requirement.
INFO: INFO: Action: Modify the kernel parameter configured value to meet the requirement.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: shmmni: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "shmmni" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=4096; Configured=4096
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=4096; Configured=4096
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: shmall: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "shmall" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=2097152; Configured=2097152
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=2097152; Configured=2097152
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: file-max: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "file-max" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=6815744; Configured=6815744
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=6815744; Configured=6815744
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: ip_local_port_range: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "ip_local_port_range" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=between 9000.0 & 65500.0; Configured=between 9000.0 & 65500.0
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=between 9000.0 & 65500.0; Configured=between 9000.0 & 65500.0
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: rmem_default: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "rmem_default" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=262144; Configured=262144
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=262144; Configured=262144
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: rmem_max: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "rmem_max" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=4194304; Configured=4194304
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=4194304; Configured=4194304
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: wmem_default: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "wmem_default" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=262144; Configured=262144
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=262144; Configured=262144
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: wmem_max: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "wmem_max" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=1048576; Configured=1048576
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=1048586; Configured=1048586
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: aio-max-nr: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "aio-max-nr" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=1048576; Configured=1048576
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=1048576; Configured=1048576
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: make-3.81: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "make-3.81" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:make-3.81
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:make-3.81-3.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: binutils- This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "binutils-" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:binutils-
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:binutils-
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: gcc-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "gcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:gcc(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:gcc(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libaio-0.3.106 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libaio-0.3.106 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libaio(x86_64)-0.3.106
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libaio(x86_64)-0.3.106-5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: glibc-2.5-24 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "glibc-2.5-24 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:glibc(x86_64)-2.5-24
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:glibc(x86_64)-2.5-49
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:compat-libstdc++-33(x86_64)-3.2.3
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:compat-libstdc++-33(x86_64)-3.2.3-61
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: elfutils-libelf-0.125 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "elfutils-libelf-0.125 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:elfutils-libelf(x86_64)-0.125
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:elfutils-libelf(x86_64)-0.137-3.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:elfutils-libelf-devel-0.137-3.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: glibc-common-2.5: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "glibc-common-2.5" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:glibc-common-2.5
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:glibc-common-2.5-49
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: glibc-devel-2.5 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "glibc-devel-2.5 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:glibc-devel(x86_64)-2.5
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:glibc-devel(x86_64)-2.5-49
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: glibc-headers-2.5: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "glibc-headers-2.5" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:glibc-headers-2.5
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:glibc-headers-2.5-49
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: gcc-c++-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "gcc-c++-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:gcc-c++(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:gcc-c++(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libaio-devel-0.3.106 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libaio-devel-0.3.106 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libaio-devel(x86_64)-0.3.106
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:missing
INFO: INFO: Error Message:PRVF-7532 : Package "libaio-devel(x86_64)" is missing on node "cqbank"
INFO: INFO: Cause: A required package is either not installed or, if the package is a kernel module, is not loaded on the specified node.
INFO: INFO: Action: Ensure that the required package is installed and available.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libgcc-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libgcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libgcc(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libgcc(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libstdc++-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libstdc++-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libstdc++(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libstdc++(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libstdc++-devel-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libstdc++-devel-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libstdc++-devel(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libstdc++-devel(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: sysstat-7.0.2: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "sysstat-7.0.2" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:sysstat-7.0.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:missing
INFO: INFO: Error Message:PRVF-7532 : Package "sysstat" is missing on node "cqbank"
INFO: INFO: Cause: A required package is either not installed or, if the package is a kernel module, is not loaded on the specified node.
INFO: INFO: Action: Ensure that the required package is installed and available.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: ksh-20060214: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "ksh-20060214" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:ksh-20060214
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:ksh-20100202-1.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Users With Same UID: This test checks that multiple users do not exist with user id as "0".
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Root user consistency: This test checks the consistency of the primary group of the root user across the cluster nodes
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
INFO: INFO: All forked task are completed at state performChecks
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 1GB (1048576.0KB) of total physical memory.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:1GB (1048576.0KB)
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:3.8641GB (4051764.0KB)
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Available Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 50MB (51200.0KB) of available physical memory.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:50MB (51200.0KB)
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:3.5925GB (3767004.0KB)
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Swap Size: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient total swap space is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:3.8641GB (4051764.0KB)
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:3.9987GB (4192956.0KB)
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Free Space: cqbank:/tmp: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient free space is available in the file system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:1GB 
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:31.8438GB 
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: User Existence: oracle: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether user "oracle" exists on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:true
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:true
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Group Existence: oinstall: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether group "oinstall" exists on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:true
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:true
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Group Existence: dba: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether group "dba" exists on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:true
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:true
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Group Membership: oinstall: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether user "oracle" is a member of the group "oinstall".
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Group Membership: dba: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether user "oracle" is a member of the group "dba".
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Run Level: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system is running with proper run level.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:3,5
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:3
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Hard Limit: maximum open file descriptors: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the hard limit for "maximum open file descriptors" is set to at least 65536.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:65536
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:65536
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Soft Limit: maximum open file descriptors: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the soft limit for "maximum open file descriptors" is set to at least 1024.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:1024
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:1024
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Hard Limit: maximum user processes: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the hard limit for "maximum user processes" is set to at least 16384.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:16384
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:16384
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Soft Limit: maximum user processes: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the soft limit for "maximum user processes" is set to at least 2047.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:2047
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:2047
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Architecture: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has a certified architecture.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:x86_64
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:x86_64
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Version: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system kernel version is at least "2.6.18".
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:2.6.18
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:2.6.18-194.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: semmsl: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "semmsl" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=250; Configured=250
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=250; Configured=250
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: semmns: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "semmns" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=32000; Configured=32000
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=32000; Configured=32000
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: semopm: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "semopm" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=100; Configured=100
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=100; Configured=100
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: semmni: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "semmni" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=128; Configured=128
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=128; Configured=128
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: shmmax: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "shmmax" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=2074503168; Configured=2074503168
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=2074503168; Configured=2074503168
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: shmmni: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "shmmni" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=4096; Configured=4096
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=4096; Configured=4096
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: shmall: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "shmall" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=2097152; Configured=2097152
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=2097152; Configured=2097152
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: file-max: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "file-max" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=6815744; Configured=6815744
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=6815744; Configured=6815744
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: ip_local_port_range: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "ip_local_port_range" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=between 9000.0 & 65500.0; Configured=between 9000.0 & 65500.0
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=between 9000.0 & 65500.0; Configured=between 9000.0 & 65500.0
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: rmem_default: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "rmem_default" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=262144; Configured=262144
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=262144; Configured=262144
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: rmem_max: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "rmem_max" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=4194304; Configured=4194304
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=4194304; Configured=4194304
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: wmem_default: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "wmem_default" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=262144; Configured=262144
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=262144; Configured=262144
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: wmem_max: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "wmem_max" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=1048576; Configured=1048576
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=1048586; Configured=1048586
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: OS Kernel Parameter: aio-max-nr: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter "aio-max-nr" is properly set.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:Current=1048576; Configured=1048576
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:Current=1048576; Configured=1048576
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: make-3.81: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "make-3.81" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:make-3.81
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:make-3.81-3.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: binutils- This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "binutils-" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:binutils-
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:binutils-
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: gcc-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "gcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:gcc(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:gcc(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libaio-0.3.106 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libaio-0.3.106 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libaio(x86_64)-0.3.106
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libaio(x86_64)-0.3.106-5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: glibc-2.5-24 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "glibc-2.5-24 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:glibc(x86_64)-2.5-24
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:glibc(x86_64)-2.5-49
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:compat-libstdc++-33(x86_64)-3.2.3
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:compat-libstdc++-33(x86_64)-3.2.3-61
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: elfutils-libelf-0.125 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "elfutils-libelf-0.125 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:elfutils-libelf(x86_64)-0.125
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:elfutils-libelf(x86_64)-0.137-3.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:elfutils-libelf-devel-0.125
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:elfutils-libelf-devel-0.137-3.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: glibc-common-2.5: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "glibc-common-2.5" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:glibc-common-2.5
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:glibc-common-2.5-49
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: glibc-devel-2.5 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "glibc-devel-2.5 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:glibc-devel(x86_64)-2.5
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:glibc-devel(x86_64)-2.5-49
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: glibc-headers-2.5: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "glibc-headers-2.5" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:glibc-headers-2.5
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:glibc-headers-2.5-49
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: gcc-c++-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "gcc-c++-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:gcc-c++(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:gcc-c++(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libaio-devel-0.3.106 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libaio-devel-0.3.106 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libaio-devel(x86_64)-0.3.106
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libaio-devel(x86_64)-0.3.106-5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libgcc-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libgcc-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libgcc(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libgcc(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libstdc++-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libstdc++-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libstdc++(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libstdc++(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: libstdc++-devel-4.1.2 (x86_64): This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "libstdc++-devel-4.1.2 (x86_64)" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:libstdc++-devel(x86_64)-4.1.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:libstdc++-devel(x86_64)-4.1.2-48.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: sysstat-7.0.2: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "sysstat-7.0.2" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:sysstat-7.0.2
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:sysstat-7.0.2-3.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Package: ksh-20060214: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the package "ksh-20060214" is available on the system.
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: INFO: Expected Value:ksh-20060214
INFO: INFO: Actual Value:ksh-20100202-1.el5
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Users With Same UID: This test checks that multiple users do not exist with user id as "0".
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
INFO: INFO: *********************************************
INFO: INFO: Root user consistency: This test checks the consistency of the primary group of the root user across the cluster nodes
INFO: INFO: -----------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Verification Result for Node:cqbank
INFO: WARNING: Result values are not available for this verification task
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.db.action.PrereqAction
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <performChecks>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: INFO: Get view named [SummaryUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [SummaryUI] is oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI@4eeaabad
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <SummaryUI> at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <SummaryUI> at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <SummaryUI> at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <SummaryUI> at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <SummaryUI> at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <SummaryUI> at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <SummaryUI> at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <SummaryUI> at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state showSummary
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: INFO: size estimation for EEinstall is 4812.800000190735
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Global settings
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: - Disk space : required 4.7 GB available 30.37 GB
INFO: - Source location : /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/products.xml
INFO: - Database edition : Enterprise Edition (Install database software only)
INFO: - Oracle base : /u01/app/oracle
INFO: - Software location : /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
INFO: - Privileged Operating System Groups : dba (OSDBA), oper (OSOPER)
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: Inventory information
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: - Inventory location : /u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: - oraInventory group : oinstall
INFO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Moved to state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Validating view at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Completed validating view at state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Validating state <showSummary>
INFO: WARNING: Validation disabled for the state showSummary
INFO: INFO: Completed validating state <showSummary>
INFO: INFO: Verifying route success
INFO: INFO: Get view named [SetupUI]
INFO: INFO: View for [SetupUI] is oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI@a4c4a0d
INFO: INFO: Initializing view <SetupUI> at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Completed initializing view <SetupUI> at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Displaying view <SetupUI> at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Completed displaying view <SetupUI> at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Loading view <SetupUI> at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Completed loading view <SetupUI> at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Localizing view <SetupUI> at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Completed localizing view <SetupUI> at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Completed background operations
INFO: INFO: Executing action at state setup
INFO: INFO: Completed executing action at state <setup>
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
INFO: INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state setup
INFO: INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state setup
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_db_dbcaCmd to the map, with value "bin/dbca"
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_db_dbuaCmd to the map, with value "bin/dbua"
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_netcaCmd to the map, with value "bin/netca"
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_netcaDeinstCmd to the map, with value "bin/netca_deinst.sh"
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_crs_cluvfyCmd to the map, with value "bin/cluvfy"
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_crs_crsInstCmd to the map, with value ""
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_crs_crsDeinstCmd to the map, with value ""
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_crs_crsUpgrdCmd to the map, with value ""
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_crs_ipmiCACmd to the map, with value "bin/ndfnceca"
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_crs_asmcaCmd to the map, with value "asmca"
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_installerCmd to the map, with value "runInstaller"
INFO: INFO: Adding key oracle_install_crs_emcaCmd to the map, with value "bin/emca"
INFO: INFO: -----------Job Distribution------------
INFO: INFO: Oracle Database installation : 0.941
INFO: INFO: Execute Root Scripts : 0.059
INFO: INFO: ---------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: Starting to setup InstallDB
INFO: INFO: Initializing setup InstallDB
INFO: INFO: Session Details :
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:  PROPERTY                                               VALUE                                      
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO:  AutoUpdatesInstallSettings                             oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.AutoUpdates 
INFO:                                                         InstallSettings@32162f16                   
INFO:  CLUSTER_NODES                                          []                                         
INFO:  COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION                         false                                      
INFO:  COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES                              false                                      
INFO:  COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE                                                                           
INFO:  COLLECTOR_SUPPORTHUB_URL                               -n/a-                                      
INFO:  COMPONENT_LANGUAGES                                    [en, zh_CN]                                
INFO:  CentralInventorySettings                               oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.CentralInve 
INFO:                                                         ntorySettings@36e3fd79                     
INFO:  DBInstallSettings                                      oracle.install.ivw.db.bean.DBInstallSettin 
INFO:                                                         gs@e2942da                                 
INFO:  DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES                               true                                       
INFO:  FROM_LOCATION                                          /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../sta 
INFO:                                                         ge/products.xml                            
INFO:  INSTALL_TYPE                                           EE                                         
INFO:  INVENTORY_LOCATION                                     /u01/app/oraInventory                      
INFO:  MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD                               *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME                                                                          
INFO:  OCMSettings                                            oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.OCMSettings 
INFO:                                                         @6b033450                                  
INFO:  ORACLE_BASE                                            /u01/app/oracle                            
INFO:  ORACLE_HOME                                            /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1        
INFO:  ORACLE_HOSTNAME                                        cqbank.localdomain                         
INFO:  PROXY_HOST                                                                                        
INFO:  PROXY_PORT                                                                                        
INFO:  PROXY_PWD                                              *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  PROXY_USER                                                                                        
INFO:  SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT                   false                                      
INFO:  SELECTED_LANGUAGES                                     [en, zh_CN]                                
INFO:  TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT                                     [oracle.server,]                
INFO:  UNIX_GROUP_NAME                                        oinstall                                   
INFO:  b_rdbmsInstall                                         true                                       
INFO:  oracle.install.db.isCCRAuthenticationUsed              false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_LaunchNetCA                             false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_NoMigration                             true                                       
INFO:  oracle_install_OCR_PartitionLocation                                                              
INFO:  oracle_install_OSDBA                                   dba                                        
INFO:  oracle_install_OSOPER                                  oper                                       
INFO:  oracle_install_RACInstall                              false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_RDBMSInstalling                         true                                       
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxyPort               0                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings           oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.HttpProxySe 
INFO:                                                         ttings@7087e9bf                            
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials  oracle.install.ivw.common.bean.MyOracleSup 
INFO:                                                         portSettings@4e6d670a                      
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_option                      SKIP_UPDATES                               
INFO:  oracle_install_autoupdates_selected                    false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_crs_asmcaCmd                            asmca                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_crs_cluvfyCmd                           bin/cluvfy                                 
INFO:  oracle_install_crs_crsDeinstCmd                                                                   
INFO:  oracle_install_crs_crsInstCmd                                                                     
INFO:  oracle_install_crs_crsUpgrdCmd                                                                    
INFO:  oracle_install_crs_emcaCmd                             bin/emca                                   
INFO:  oracle_install_crs_ipmiCACmd                           bin/ndfnceca                               
INFO:  oracle_install_db_ASMSNMPUserPassword                  *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  oracle_install_db_AutoMemoryOption                     false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_CharSetOption                        3                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_CharacterSet                                                                    
INFO:  oracle_install_db_ConfigTabSelected                    0                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType                    Software Only                              
INFO:  oracle_install_db_CustomInstall                        false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_DiskGroupName                                                                   
INFO:  oracle_install_db_DiskGroupNameForASM                                                             
INFO:  oracle_install_db_EMCentralAgentSelected                                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_EnableAutoBackup                     false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_InstallEdition                       EE                                         
INFO:  oracle_install_db_InstallOption                        INSTALL_DB_SWONLY                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_InstallOptionSelected                2                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_InstallType                          EE                                         
INFO:  oracle_install_db_LaunchDBCA                           false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_LaunchODMA                           false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_LoadExampleSchemas                   false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_MountPointLocation                                                              
INFO:  oracle_install_db_QuickInstallOption                   false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpLocation                                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpPassword               *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpUsername                                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SID                                                                             
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SecureConfigDisabled                 false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SetOracleBase                        false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SkipHARegistration                   false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_StarterDatabaseType                  GENERAL_PURPOSE                            
INFO:  oracle_install_db_StorageType                          0                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SuperAdminPasswords                  *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SuperAdminSamePasswdForAll           *Protected value, not to be logged*        
INFO:  oracle_install_db_SystemClass                          DESKTOP_CLASS                              
INFO:  oracle_install_db_Type                                 1                                          
INFO:  oracle_install_db_UseDBControl                         true                                       
INFO:  oracle_install_db_UseFileSystemForRecovery             false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_UseSamePassword                      false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_dbcaCmd                              bin/dbca                                   
INFO:  oracle_install_db_dbuaCmd                              bin/dbua                                   
INFO:  oracle_install_db_isHAOrCRSConfigured                  false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_isRACOneInstall                      false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_db_racOneServiceName                                                               
INFO:  oracle_install_installerCmd                            runInstaller                               
INFO:  oracle_install_isHostExadata                           false                                      
INFO:  oracle_install_netcaCmd                                bin/netca                                  
INFO:  oracle_install_netcaDeinstCmd                          bin/netca_deinst.sh                        
INFO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO: INFO: inventory location is/u01/app/oraInventory
INFO: INFO: setting ORACLE_HOME_NAME=OraDb11g_home1. A default value was calculated as per oraparam.ini
INFO: INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Translating external format into raw format 
INFO: INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: INFO: Loading beans from Xml Bean Store. [BeanStoreName:shiphome-metadata]
INFO: INFO: Setting value for the property:properties in the bean:shiphome-metadata
INFO: Environment Variables: 

section 2

INFO:     ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

INFO:     PATH = /usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_38//bin:/home/oracle/bin:/home/oracle/softs/database/install


INFO: Username:oracle

INFO: Using oracle.bali.ewt.olaf2.OracleLookAndFeel LookAndFeel

INFO: Loading localized help from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/instdb.jar!/oracle/install/ivw/db/resource/helpset/en/dbinstaller_help.hs

INFO: Loading setup driver

INFO: Using default oui proxy mapping URL

INFO: Loading proxy mapping from jar:file:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/proxy-mappings.properties

INFO: Using class oracle.install.driver.oui.OUISSHSupportManager as proxy for oracle.install.commons.net.support.SSHSupportManager

INFO: Using class oracle.install.driver.oui.OUIOracleServiceRegistry as proxy for oracle.install.commons.base.util.OracleServiceRegistry

INFO: Set proxy mappings to System.properties

INFO: Initializing the OiiiInstallAreaControl

INFO: The inventory pointer location /etc/oraInst.loc is either not readable or does not exist

INFO: Registering the dir /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM with the ExitOps to be cleanedup, when ExitOpss doExitOperations or exit is called

INFO: Initializing the Session for INSTALL

INFO: Creating a new OiicInstallAPISession

INFO: Initializing the OiicInstallAPISession

INFO: Setting variable PREREQ_CONFIG_LOCATION to ‘‘. Received the value from variable association. 

INFO: Setting variable PREREQ_LOG_LOCATION to /tmp/logs. Received the value from variable association. 

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwInvLocWCCE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwInvLocationUnixGroupWCDE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInvSetupWCCE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwSHLocWCDE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwValidateShipHomeVarsWCCE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstSHSetupWCCE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicPickSelMethodWCCE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwTopLevelSelWCDE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwPubInvCompsSelWCDE

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicDepWizEngine

INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicInstallAPISession$OiicAPISelCompsInstall

INFO: Checking if there are any OiicAPISessionDetails object registered

INFO: Select the OiicAPISessionDetail object from the given list

INFO: There is currently no OiicAPISessionDetails object that has been initialized. So Initializing the object 1 from the list

INFO: OiicAPISessionDetails object selected for initialization 
OiicAPISessionDetails : Oracle Home Name = null Oracle Home Location = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1Global variables xml location = /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/globalvariables/globalvar.xmlNumber of Key,Value pairs in the Variable Map = 99

INFO: Resetting the Command line arguments table before adding the contents of the OiicAPISessionDetails to it

INFO: Updating the user provided variables to session vars and component vars

INFO: Setting the value /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 for ORACLE_HOME variable

INFO: Setting variable ORACLE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: Setting the global Var property to the value : /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/globalvariables/globalvar.xml

INFO: Setting the entries of Variable HashMap provided in OiicAPISessionDetails

INFO: adding the variable oracle.install.db.isCCRAuthenticationUsed to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_crs_crsInstCmd to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for ORACLE_BASE variable

INFO: Setting variable ORACLE_BASE to /u01/app/oracle. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_dbcaCmd to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for FROM_LOCATION variable

INFO: Setting variable FROM_LOCATION to /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/products.xml. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpUsername to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_autoupdates_myOracleSupportCredentials to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_Type to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_CharSetOption to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_isRACOneInstall to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for COMPONENT_LANGUAGES variable

INFO: Setting variable COMPONENT_LANGUAGES to en,zh_CN. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_architecture to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_InstallType to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for UNIX_GROUP_NAME variable

INFO: Setting variable UNIX_GROUP_NAME to oinstall. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: Setting the value  for PROXY_PORT variable

INFO: Setting variable PROXY_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_DiskGroupNameForASM to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES variable

INFO: Setting variable DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES to true. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_InstallEdition to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_InstallOption to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable CentralInventorySettings to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for SELECTED_LANGUAGES variable

INFO: Setting variable SELECTED_LANGUAGES to en,zh_CN. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_NoMigration to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_UseDBControl to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_OSDBA to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_crs_emcaCmd to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_LaunchNetCA to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD variable

INFO: Setting variable MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_SuperAdminSamePasswdForAll to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable DBInstallSettings to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION variable

INFO: Setting variable COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION to false. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_PlatformDirectoryName to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for ORACLE_HOME variable

INFO: Setting variable ORACLE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable AutoUpdatesInstallSettings to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_OCR_PartitionLocation to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_UnixMakePath to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_SkipHARegistration to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for PROXY_PWD variable

INFO: Setting variable PROXY_PWD to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_MountPointLocation to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_EnableAutoBackup to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for INVENTORY_LOCATION variable

INFO: Setting variable INVENTORY_LOCATION to /u01/app/oraInventory. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_RACInstall to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for ORACLE_HOME_NAME variable

INFO: Setting variable ORACLE_HOME_NAME to OraDb11g_home1. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_CustomInstall to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_UseSamePassword to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxyPort to command line args table


INFO: Setting variable SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT to false. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: Setting the value  for CLUSTER_NODES variable

INFO: Setting variable CLUSTER_NODES to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: Setting the value  for MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME variable

INFO: Setting variable MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_crs_crsUpgrdCmd to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_installerCmd to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_SetOracleBase to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_EMCentralAgentSelected to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_crs_crsDeinstCmd to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_RDBMSInstalling to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpPassword to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_QuickInstallOption to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE variable

INFO: Setting variable COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_LaunchODMA to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_SystemClass to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_LaunchDBCA to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_netcaDeinstCmd to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for ORACLE_HOSTNAME variable

INFO: Setting variable ORACLE_HOSTNAME to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_classpath_separator to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_autoupdates_option to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_netcaCmd to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_SuperAdminPasswords to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES variable

INFO: Setting variable COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES to false. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_ConfigTabSelected to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_autoupdates_httpProxySettings to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_UseFileSystemForRecovery to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_crs_cluvfyCmd to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_StarterDatabaseType to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_RecoveryBackUpLocation to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_ASMSNMPUserPassword to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_OSOPER to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT variable

INFO: Setting variable TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT to oracle.server, Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_crs_ipmiCACmd to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for PROXY_USER variable

INFO: Setting variable PROXY_USER to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_crs_asmcaCmd to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_autoupdates_selected to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_CharacterSet to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_SID to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable OCMSettings to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable b_rdbmsInstall to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_InstallOptionSelected to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_DiskGroupName to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_StorageType to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_SecureConfigDisabled to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_AutoMemoryOption to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_dbuaCmd to command line args table

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_LoadExampleSchemas to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for INSTALL_TYPE variable

INFO: Setting variable INSTALL_TYPE to EE. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: adding the variable oracle_install_db_racOneServiceName to command line args table

INFO: Setting the value  for PROXY_HOST variable

INFO: Setting variable PROXY_HOST to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.

INFO: Update the State machine to STATE_INIT_SESSION

INFO: Creating & Initializing the Session Interface Manager

INFO: Calling OiicInstallAPISessions prepareForInstallOperations

INFO: Do the iterator execution till Summary

INFO: Initializing install inventory

INFO: Setting up install inventory

INFO: Install area Control created with access level  1

INFO: Unable to read the list of homes from the inventory.

INFO: Oracle Universal Installer version is

*** Specify Source Location Page***
INFO: Setting the SourceLocation ( FROM_LOCATION ) property to /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/products.xml. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Initializing OUI Shiphome access setup
INFO: Loading Properties From File/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/TopLevel_UserAction.properties
INFO: User Action File copied to:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/UserActions/oracle.server/useractions.properties
INFO: Loading Properties From File :/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/UserActions/oracle.server/useractions.properties
INFO: User Action File copied to:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/UserActions/oracle.server/UnixActions/makedeps.xml
INFO: User Action File copied to:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/globalvariables/variable.properties
INFO: User Action File copied to:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/globalvariables/globalvar.xml
INFO: Loading products list. Please wait.
INFO: Loading products list. Please wait.
INFO: Loading global variables
INFO: Reading global variables from file /home/oracle/softs/database/install/../stage/globalvariables/globalvar.xml
WARNING: Duplicate definition of global variable ORACLE_HOSTNAME
INFO: Loading of globalvariables complete
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_SID to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_RACInstall to false. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_OSDBA to dba. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_OSOPER to oper. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_architecture to 64. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_autoupdates_selected to false. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_LaunchDBCA to false. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_LaunchODMA to false. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_dbcaCmd to bin/dbca. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_dbuaCmd to bin/dbua. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_LaunchNetCA to false. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_netcaCmd to bin/netca. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_netcaDeinstCmd to bin/netca_deinst.sh. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_emcaCmd to bin/emca. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_isHAOrCRSConfigured to false. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_crsInstCmd to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_crsDeinstCmd to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_crsUpgrdCmd to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_cluvfyCmd to bin/cluvfy. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_cluvfyargs to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_asmcaCmd to asmca. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_configuredCRSHome to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_installingHomeShared to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_configuredCRSHomeShared to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_NoMigration to true. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_RDBMSInstalling to true. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_UseDBControl to true. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_InstallEdition to EE. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType to Software Only. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_InstallType to EE. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_StorageOption to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_asm_DiskGroupName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_asm_DiskDiscoveryString to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_asm_Disks to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_asm_DiskGroupRedundancy to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_asm_UseExistingDG to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_ClusterName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_CommaSeparatedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_DiskDriveMapping to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_OCRDeviceList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_VotingDiskList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_SWOnly to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_Upgrade to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_ConfigureGNS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_GNSSubDomain to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_GNSVIPAddress to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_SCANName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_SCANPortNumber to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_FinalInterfaceList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_NodeVips to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_windowsSystemDirectory to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_UseIPMI to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_PublicNodeListWithoutDomain to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_asm_MigrateASM to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_UnixMakePath to /usr/bin/make. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_installerCmd to runInstaller. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_windowsCommandLine to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_db_SkipHARegistration to false. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_classpath_separator to :. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_PlatformDirectoryName to linux64. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_isHostExadata to false. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable oracle_install_crs_rootUpgradeMessage to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SELECTED_LANGUAGES to en,zh_CN. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: DefaultifyLangiages : Value of oracle.installer.defaultifyLanguages : false
INFO: fetch the file: /home/oracle/softs/database/stage/shiphomeinfo.properties
INFO: fetching the pre copy and post copy script files if they exist
INFO: Done fetching the ship home info properties
INFO: Performing operation for OUI Shiphome access setup
*** Select a Product to Install Page***
INFO: Setting the TopLevelComp ( ToplevelComp ) property to oracle.server,, >, [ 46 ][OH:2]. Received the value from the default settings. 
*** Select Installation Type Page***
INFO: Setting the InstallType ( DEP_MODE ) property to EE. Received the value from the default settings. 
INFO: Setting the TopLevelInstallType ( TLDepModes ) property to EE. Received the value from the default settings. 
INFO: The selected install type is "Enterprise Edition".
INFO: Going to copy both pre copy and post copy files /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oracle.server_EE.properties
INFO: install properties filename: /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/oracle.server_EE.properties
INFO: Set oracle.install.customdeinstallcommand to %ORACLE_HOME%/deinstall/deinstall
INFO: Set oracle.installer.addnode.excludeFileListFile to rdbms/install/install.excl
INFO: Set oracle.install.customizedeinstall to true
INFO: Set oracle.installer.ORACLE_BASEvar to ORACLE_BASE
INFO: Set oracle.installer.LibPerms to 0755 
INFO: Set oracle.installer.summary_expand_nodes to NewLangs,Global,Space,Langs
INFO: Set oracle.installer.LibExtns to .sl,.sl.11.2,.so,.so.11.2,.sl.1.0,.so.1.0
INFO: Set oracle.installer.mandatorySetup to true
INFO: Set oracle.installer.useORACLE_BASE to true
INFO: Set oracle.installer.removeallfiles to true
INFO: Set oracle.installer.additionaltool_continue_onerror to true
*** Specify Home Details Page***
INFO: Setting the OracleHome ( ORACLE_HOME ) property to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting the OracleHomeName ( ORACLE_HOME_NAME ) property to OraDb11g_home1. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting the OracleBase ( ORACLE_BASE ) property to /u01/app/oracle. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Initializing OUI Oracle Home access setup
INFO: Setting variable ORACLE_BASE to /u01/app/oracle. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting variable ORACLE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Loading shiphomepropertiesfrom /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/shiphomeproperties.xml
INFO: Setting variable SELECTED_LANGUAGES to en,zh_CN. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: DefaultifyLangiages : Value of oracle.installer.defaultifyLanguages : false
INFO: Loading products. Please wait.
INFO: Loading products. Please wait.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.server_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.server Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.assistants.acf_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.assistants.acf Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.assistants.deconfig_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants_deconfig. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.assistants.netca.client_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_network_client. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.assistants.server_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.install.plugins_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.rdbms.install.plugins. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.cabo_2. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/uix. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.dbui_2. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbui. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.dbui4_4. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbui4. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.ewt_3. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ewt. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.help_4. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/help. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.ice_5. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ice. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.jewt_4. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jewt. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.jle_2. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.kodiak_1. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/kodiak. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.ohw_2. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ohw. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.regexp_2. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/regexp. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.share_1. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_tools_share. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.bali.displayFonts_9. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.bali.displayFonts. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.buildtools.common_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_buildtools_common. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.buildtools.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_buildtools_rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.csmig_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms_expimp. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ctx_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.ctx Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ctx.rsf_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.ctx.rsf Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.dbjava.ic_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_dbjava_ic. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.dbjava.jdbc_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_dbjava_jdbc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.dbjava.ucp_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.dbjava.ucp Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.dbjava.server_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_dbjava_server. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.has.common_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.has.common.cvu_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.has.common.cvu. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.has.db_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.has.db Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.has.deconfig_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/has_deconfig. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.usm.deconfig_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/usm_deconfig. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.has.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rsf_has_rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.install.deinstalltool_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/deinstalltool. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.javavm.client_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.javavm.client Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.javavm.containers_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_java_j2ee_core. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.javavm.server_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_javavm_server_cmp. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.jdk_1. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ldap.admin_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ldap.client_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ldap.security.osdt_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_ldap_security_osdt. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ldap.owm_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.ldap.owm Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ldap.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_ldap_rsf_cmp. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ldap.rsf.ic_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.ldap.rsf.ic. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ldap.ssl_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.ldap.ssl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.mgw.common_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/mgw. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.network_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.network Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.network.aso_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.network.aso Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.network.client_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_network_client. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.network.cman_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.network.cman Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.network.listener_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.network.listener Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.network.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.network.rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.nlsrtl.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_nlsrtl_rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.nlsrtl.rsf.ic_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_nlsrtl_rsf_ic. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.nlsrtl.rsf.lbuilder_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_nlsrtl_rsf_lbuilder. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ntrdbms.perfmon_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.ntrdbms.perfmon Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.odbc_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1in. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.odbc.ic_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1in. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ons_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/opmn. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ons.eons_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.options_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.options Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.oracore.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.oracore.rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.oraolap_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/olap. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.oraolap.api_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.oraolap.api. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.oraolap.dbscripts_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ordim.annotator_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ordim.client_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.interMedia.imclient. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ordim.jai_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.ordim.jai Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ordim.rdbms_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ordim.server_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.options.intermedia.imserver. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.ovm_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.ovm Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.perlint_5. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.perlint.expat_2. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.perlint.modules_5. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.precomp_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.precomp Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.precomp.common_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.precomp.common Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.precomp.lang_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.precomp.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rsf_precomp_rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.crs_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.dbscripts_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms_dbscripts. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.deconfig_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/deconfig. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.dm_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.hsodbc_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/hs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.hs_common_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms_hs_common. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.install.common_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.rdbms.install.common. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.lbac_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.locator_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.oci_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms_oci. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.olap_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.partitioning_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.rdbms.partitioning Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.plsql_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms_plsql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.rdbms.rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.rdbms.ic. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.rsf.runtime_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.rdbms.rsf.runtime. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.rman_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.rdbms.rman. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.util_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.rdbms.util. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rsf_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.rsf Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sdo_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_cartridges_spatial. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.slax.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.slax.rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sqlj.sqljruntime_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_java_sqlj_sqljruntime. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sqlplus_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.sqlplus Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sqlplus.ic_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.sqlplus.ic Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sqlplus.rsf_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.sqlplus.rsf Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.agent_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.agent.core_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.common_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.common.core_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.console.db_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.ess_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.console.emcp_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.sysman.console.emcp Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.db.rsf_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.sysman.db.rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.oms.core_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.plugin.db.main.agent_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.plugin.db.main.oms_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.plugin.db.main.repository_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.repository.core_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.paf_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.sysman.paf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.wwg.plsql_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.xdk_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.xdk.parser.java_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.xdk.parser.java Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.xdk.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rsf_rdbms_rsf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.xdk.server_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.xdk.server Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.xdk.xquery_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.xdk.xquery. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sdo.locator_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_cartridges_locator. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.marvel_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/marvel. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.dbdev_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.dbdev Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.owb.rsf_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_owb_shortcut_ids. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.ccr_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ccr. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.dv_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms_dv. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.dv.oc4j_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_rdbms_dv_oc4j. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.javavm.companion_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_javavm_companion. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.rat_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle_prod. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.wlm.em_11. to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: oracle.wlm.em Product Location: Empty path specified.
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.ccr.deconfig_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.sysman.ccr.deconfig. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.sysman.ccr.client_10. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.sysman.ccr.client. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.swd.oui_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.swd.oui.core_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.swd.opatch_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/OPatch. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.install.seeddb_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.rdbms.install.seeddb. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PROD_HOME variable of oracle.rdbms.install.seeddb.sample_schema_11. to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Performing operation for OUI Oracle Home access setup
INFO: Unable to read /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/inventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml. Some inventory information may be lost.
INFO: Unable to read /u01/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML/comps.xml. Some inventory information may be lost.
*** Oracle Universal Installer Page***
INFO: Setting variable DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES to true. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable COLLECTOR_SUPPORTHUB_URL to ‘‘. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable METALINK_PASSWORD to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_METALINK to false. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable METALINK_USERNAME to ‘‘. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION to true. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_METALINK to false. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT to false. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Is the component oracle.sysman.ccr found in the Shiphome ? true
INFO: Is the component eligible to be installed in the home ? true 
So setting the system property oracle.sysman.ccrinstall to true
INFO: The user has chosen to include the collector, but with the shiphomeinfo.properties value, is the collector included for configuration ? : true
INFO: The ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME env var is set to 
INFO: The selected Home : /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 is selected for upgrade ? false
INFO: Setting the value of COLLECTOR_UPGRADE
INFO: Setting variable COLLECTOR_UPGRADE to false. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the value of METALINK_USERNAME
INFO: Setting variable METALINK_USERNAME to ‘‘. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME to ‘‘. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Can we show the collector page ? false
INFO: Setting the value of METALINK_PASSWORD
INFO: Setting variable METALINK_PASSWORD to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_METALINK to false. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the value of METALINK_USERNAME
INFO: Setting variable METALINK_USERNAME to ‘‘. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the MyOracleSupportUsername ( MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME ) property to ‘‘. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the MyOracleSupportPassword ( MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD ) property to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting the ProxyUsername ( PROXY_USER ) property to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting the ProxyPassword ( PROXY_PWD ) property to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting the ProxyServer ( PROXY_HOST ) property to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting the ProxyPort ( PROXY_PORT ) property to ‘‘. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Setting the DeclineUpdates ( DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES ) property to true. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the EnableMyOracleSupportPassword ( SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT ) property to false. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting the RepeaterURL ( COLLECTOR_SUPPORTHUB_URL ) property to ‘‘. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: SRVM ClusterInfo.IsLocalOnly() called. Return value obtained is false.
INFO: The CRS clusterware location for oracle.crs is not found.
INFO: This is not a cluster system.
INFO: Node selection page will not be shown.
INFO: Doing nothing for API Mode Install
INFO: in API mode of OUI execution, we return back with NEXT to next Iterator
INFO: Analyzing dependencies 
INFO: Analyzing dependencies 
INFO: Setting up install types 
INFO: Setting up install types 
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database 11g " is "Enterprise Edition".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Edition Options " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Partitioning " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Spatial " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle OLAP " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database 11g " is "Typical".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Database 11g  could be found. Missing component oracle.assistants.asm
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Net Services " is "Server.Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Text " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "HAS Files for DB " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Enterprise Manager Console DB " is "EE".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Net Listener " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Advanced Security " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle JVM " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants " is "Typical".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Java Development Kit "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Maximum (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Internet Directory Client " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle XML Development Kit " is "Typical".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "XML Parser for Java "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Net " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Multimedia " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Call Interface (OCI) " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Multimedia Locator " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Netca Client " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "SQL*Plus " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Agent " is "Complete".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Enterprise Manager Agent  could be found. Missing component oracle.rsf.hybrid
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Enterprise Manager Common Files "  to "Complete (Complete)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Enterprise Manager Agent  could be found. Missing component oracle.emdw.rsf
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS "  to "Complete (Complete)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Enterprise Manager Agent  could be found. Missing component oracle.dbjava.jdbc14
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Installer SDK Component "  to "Maximum (Complete)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Required Support Files "  to "Complete (Complete)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Secure Socket Layer "  to "Complete (Complete)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database Utilities " is "Typical".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Recovery Manager "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Maximum (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Programmer " is "Server Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Generic Connectivity Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "PL/SQL " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Recovery Manager " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Assistant Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Buildtools Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle LDAP administration " is "Typical".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Net Required Support Files "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Complete (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Help for the  Web " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Installation Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Platform Required Support Files "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Complete (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Precompiler Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "HAS Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Core Required Support Files "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Complete (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Globalization Support "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Complete (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files  could be found. Missing component oracle.sysman.console.emcp.deconfig
INFO: Install type for "Oracle UIX " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Cluster Verification Utility Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Wallet Manager " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Security Developer Tools " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "XML Parser for Java " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Notification Service " is "Typical".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Notification Service  could be found. Missing component oracle.rsf.hybrid
INFO: Install type for "Oracle ODBC Driver " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database User Interface " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Precompiler Required Support Files "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Complete (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Parser Generator Required Support Files "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Complete (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "RDBMS Required Support Files "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Complete (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "XDK Required Support Files "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Complete (Complete)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Required Support Files  could be found. Missing component oracle.rsf.hybrid
INFO: Install type for "SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Globalization Support " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Locale Builder " is "Custom".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Help For Java "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Database SQL Scripts " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "OLAP SQL Scripts " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "PL/SQL Embedded Gateway " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Code Editor " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Character Set Migration Utility " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Java Client " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Multimedia Client Option " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Universal Connection Pool " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Secure Socket Layer " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Net Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Perl Interpreter " is "Perl Interpreter Version 5.10.0".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Containers for Java " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "JAccelerator (COMPANION) " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Perl Modules " is "Perl Modules".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client) " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Deinstallation Tool " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Expat libraries " is "Maximum".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Common Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Installation Plugin Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Help For Java " is "Custom".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Bali Share "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "XML Parser for Oracle JVM " is "Typical".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle XML Query "  to "Typical (Typical)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle XML Query " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Message Gateway Common Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Starter Database " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Sample Schema Data " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Core Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Precompiler Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Multimedia Annotator " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database 11g Multimedia Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Parser Generator Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Text Required Support Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Notification Service (eONS) " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle 11g Warehouse Builder Required Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Agent Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "regexp " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "RDBMS Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Agent Core Files " is "Complete".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Common Core Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Grid Control Core Files " is "Complete".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Agent Support " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Repository Core Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Repository Support " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Provisioning Advisor Framework " is "Maximum".
INFO: Install type for "Exadata Storage Server " is "Maximum".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Globalization Support " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "RDBMS Required Support Files Runtime " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Database Workspace Manager " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "SQLJ Runtime " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "XDK Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Application Express " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle SQL Developer " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle JDBC Server Support Package " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Ice Browser " is "Custom".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Display Fonts " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "SQL*Plus Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database Vault option " is "Typical".
INFO: OUI-10066:Not all the dependencies for the component Oracle Database Vault option  could be found. Missing component oracle.rdbms.dv.patch
INFO: Install type for "Platform Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle OLAP API " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle OLAP RDBMS Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Label Security " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database Vault J2EE Application " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Real Application Testing " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Bali Share " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "LDAP Required Support Files " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Configuration Manager " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Configuration Manager Client " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Database Deconfiguration " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle RAC Deconfiguration " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle DBCA Deconfiguration " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Configuration Manager Deconfiguration " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle USM Deconfiguration " is "Typical".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle Universal Installer " is "Custom".
INFO:     Conflict while setting install type of "Oracle Configuration Manager "  to "Custom (Custom)". Install type already set to "Typical (Typical)". Seting it to "Custom (Custom)".
INFO: Install type for "Oracle One-Off Patch Installer " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Installer SDK Component " is "Custom".
INFO: Install type for "Java Development Kit " is "Custom".
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.server_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Executing pre-requisites 
INFO: Executing pre-requisites 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.options_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.network_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.oci_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.precomp_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.xdk_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.odbc_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query globalVarQueries11.  getGlobalVariable

variable = oracle.sysman.ccrinstall
Query Exception: VariableNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: true
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ccr_stage
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.ccr_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.ccr.client_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.install.common_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.install.deinstalltool_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.swd.oui_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.dbjava.jdbc_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.network.aso_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.partitioning_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sdo_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.lbac_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.oraolap_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.dm_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.dv_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.rat_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Calling Query rgsQueries10.  isProductInstalled

Location = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

InternalName = ocommon

MaxVersion = 8.0.7

MinVersion = 7.3.2
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sdo.locator_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.oraolap.api_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.olap_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.network.listener_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.util_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.dbscripts_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.wwg.plsql_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sqlplus_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.javavm.server_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.has.common_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.plsql_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.has.db_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.wlm.em_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.deconfig_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.assistants.server_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.xdk.server_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.mgw.common_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.install.seeddb_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ordim.server_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ordim.rdbms_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ctx_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ons_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ons.eons_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.owb.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.console.db_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ovm_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sqlj.sqljruntime_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.hsodbc_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.marvel_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.dbdev_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.dbjava.server_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.network.client_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.assistants.netca.client_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ctx.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.assistants.acf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.has.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.ohw_2. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.agent_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.oms.core_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.agent.core_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.plugin.db.main.agent_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.common_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.repository.core_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.plugin.db.main.repository_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.jdk_1. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.javavm.containers_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.paf_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.ess_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ldap.client_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ldap.ssl_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.javavm.client_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.javavm.companion_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.xdk.parser.java_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.swd.oui.core_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.install.plugins_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.dbui_2. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ldap.admin_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.xdk.xquery_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ldap.owm_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ordim.client_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ordim.jai_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.rsf.ic_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.precomp.common_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.locator_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sqlplus.ic_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.buildtools.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.oracore.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.network.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.nlsrtl.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.perlint_5. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.precomp.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.slax.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.xdk.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.rman_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.csmig_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.hs_common_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.help_4. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.buildtools.common_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.kodiak_1. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.console.emcp_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.cabo_2. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.crs_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.has.common.cvu_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.share_1. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.ewt_3. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.regexp_2. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.displayFonts_9. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ldap.security.osdt_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.odbc.ic_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ldap.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.db.rsf_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sqlplus.rsf_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.nlsrtl.rsf.lbuilder_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.nlsrtl.rsf.ic_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.jewt_4. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.oraolap.dbscripts_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.dbjava.ic_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ordim.annotator_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.dbjava.ucp_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.ldap.rsf.ic_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.perlint.modules_5. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.perlint.expat_2. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.has.deconfig_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.assistants.deconfig_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.ccr.deconfig_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.usm.deconfig_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.swd.opatch_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.sysman.common.core_10. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.bali.ice_5. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.install.seeddb.sample_schema_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.rsf.runtime_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting the PRE_REQUISITE variable of oracle.rdbms.dv.oc4j_11. to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Loading Oracle Database 11g
INFO: Loading Oracle Database 11g
INFO: Loading Enterprise Edition Options
INFO: Loading Enterprise Edition Options
INFO: Loading Oracle Partitioning
INFO: Loading Oracle Partitioning
INFO: Loading Oracle Spatial
INFO: Loading Oracle Spatial
INFO: Loading Oracle OLAP
INFO: Loading Oracle OLAP
INFO: Loading Oracle Database 11g
INFO: Loading Oracle Database 11g
INFO: Loading Oracle Net Services
INFO: Loading Oracle Net Services
INFO: Loading Oracle Text
INFO: Loading Oracle Text
INFO: Loading HAS Files for DB
INFO: Loading HAS Files for DB
INFO: Loading Oracle Enterprise Manager Console DB
INFO: Loading Oracle Enterprise Manager Console DB
INFO: Loading Oracle Net Listener
INFO: Loading Oracle Net Listener
INFO: Loading Oracle Advanced Security
INFO: Loading Oracle Advanced Security
INFO: Loading Oracle JVM
INFO: Loading Oracle JVM
INFO: Loading Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants
INFO: Loading Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants
INFO: Loading Oracle Internet Directory Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Internet Directory Client
INFO: Loading Oracle XML Development Kit
INFO: Loading Oracle XML Development Kit
INFO: Loading Oracle Net
INFO: Loading Oracle Net
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia
INFO: Loading Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
INFO: Loading Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Locator
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Locator
INFO: Loading Oracle Netca Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Netca Client
INFO: Loading SQL*Plus
INFO: Loading SQL*Plus
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Agent
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Agent
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Utilities
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Utilities
INFO: Loading Oracle Programmer
INFO: Loading Oracle Programmer
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
INFO: Loading Generic Connectivity Common Files
INFO: Loading Generic Connectivity Common Files
INFO: Loading PL/SQL
INFO: Loading PL/SQL
INFO: Loading Oracle Recovery Manager
INFO: Loading Oracle Recovery Manager
INFO: Loading Assistant Common Files
INFO: Loading Assistant Common Files
INFO: Loading Buildtools Common Files
INFO: Loading Buildtools Common Files
INFO: Loading Oracle LDAP administration
INFO: Loading Oracle LDAP administration
INFO: Loading Oracle Help for the  Web
INFO: Loading Oracle Help for the  Web
INFO: Loading Installation Common Files
INFO: Loading Installation Common Files
INFO: Loading Precompiler Common Files
INFO: Loading Precompiler Common Files
INFO: Loading HAS Common Files
INFO: Loading HAS Common Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files
INFO: Loading Oracle UIX
INFO: Loading Oracle UIX
INFO: Loading Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading Cluster Verification Utility Common Files
INFO: Loading Cluster Verification Utility Common Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Wallet Manager
INFO: Loading Oracle Wallet Manager
INFO: Loading Oracle Security Developer Tools
INFO: Loading Oracle Security Developer Tools
INFO: Loading XML Parser for Java
INFO: Loading XML Parser for Java
INFO: Loading Oracle Notification Service
INFO: Loading Oracle Notification Service
INFO: Loading Oracle ODBC Driver
INFO: Loading Oracle ODBC Driver
INFO: Loading Oracle Database User Interface
INFO: Loading Oracle Database User Interface
INFO: Loading Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Required Support Files
INFO: Loading SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client
INFO: Loading SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Globalization Support
INFO: Loading Oracle Globalization Support
INFO: Loading Oracle Locale Builder
INFO: Loading Oracle Locale Builder
INFO: Loading Database SQL Scripts
INFO: Loading Database SQL Scripts
INFO: Loading OLAP SQL Scripts
INFO: Loading OLAP SQL Scripts
INFO: Loading PL/SQL Embedded Gateway
INFO: Loading PL/SQL Embedded Gateway
INFO: Loading Oracle Code Editor
INFO: Loading Oracle Code Editor
INFO: Loading Character Set Migration Utility
INFO: Loading Character Set Migration Utility
INFO: Loading Oracle Java Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Java Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Client Option
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Client Option
INFO: Loading Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces
INFO: Loading Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces
INFO: Loading Oracle Universal Connection Pool
INFO: Loading Oracle Universal Connection Pool
INFO: Loading Secure Socket Layer
INFO: Loading Secure Socket Layer
INFO: Loading Oracle Net Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Net Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Perl Interpreter
INFO: Loading Perl Interpreter
INFO: Loading Oracle Containers for Java
INFO: Loading Oracle Containers for Java
INFO: Loading JAccelerator (COMPANION)
INFO: Loading JAccelerator (COMPANION)
INFO: Loading Perl Modules
INFO: Loading Perl Modules
INFO: Loading Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client)
INFO: Loading Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client)
INFO: Loading Deinstallation Tool
INFO: Loading Deinstallation Tool
INFO: Loading Expat libraries
INFO: Loading Expat libraries
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Common Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Common Files
INFO: Loading Installation Plugin Files
INFO: Loading Installation Plugin Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Help For Java
INFO: Loading Oracle Help For Java
INFO: Loading XML Parser for Oracle JVM
INFO: Loading XML Parser for Oracle JVM
INFO: Loading Oracle XML Query
INFO: Loading Oracle XML Query
INFO: Loading Oracle Message Gateway Common Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Message Gateway Common Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Starter Database
INFO: Loading Oracle Starter Database
INFO: Loading Sample Schema Data
INFO: Loading Sample Schema Data
INFO: Loading Oracle Core Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Core Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Precompiler Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Precompiler Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client
INFO: Loading Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Annotator
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Annotator
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging
INFO: Loading Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging
INFO: Loading Oracle Database 11g Multimedia Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Database 11g Multimedia Files
INFO: Loading Parser Generator Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Parser Generator Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Text Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Text Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Notification Service (eONS)
INFO: Loading Oracle Notification Service (eONS)
INFO: Loading Oracle 11g Warehouse Builder Required Files
INFO: Loading Oracle 11g Warehouse Builder Required Files
INFO: Loading Agent Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Agent Required Support Files
INFO: Loading regexp
INFO: Loading regexp
INFO: Loading RDBMS Required Support Files
INFO: Loading RDBMS Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Agent Core Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Agent Core Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Common Core Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Common Core Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Grid Control Core Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Grid Control Core Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Agent Support
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Agent Support
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Repository Core Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Repository Core Files
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Repository Support
INFO: Loading Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Repository Support
INFO: Loading Provisioning Advisor Framework
INFO: Loading Provisioning Advisor Framework
INFO: Loading Exadata Storage Server
INFO: Loading Exadata Storage Server
INFO: Loading Oracle Globalization Support
INFO: Loading Oracle Globalization Support
INFO: Loading RDBMS Required Support Files Runtime
INFO: Loading RDBMS Required Support Files Runtime
INFO: Loading Database Workspace Manager
INFO: Loading Database Workspace Manager
INFO: Loading SQLJ Runtime
INFO: Loading SQLJ Runtime
INFO: Loading RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client
INFO: Loading RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client
INFO: Loading XDK Required Support Files
INFO: Loading XDK Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Application Express
INFO: Loading Oracle Application Express
INFO: Loading Oracle SQL Developer
INFO: Loading Oracle SQL Developer
INFO: Loading Oracle JDBC Server Support Package
INFO: Loading Oracle JDBC Server Support Package
INFO: Loading Oracle Ice Browser
INFO: Loading Oracle Ice Browser
INFO: Loading Oracle Display Fonts
INFO: Loading Oracle Display Fonts
INFO: Loading SQL*Plus Required Support Files
INFO: Loading SQL*Plus Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS
INFO: Loading Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Vault option
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Vault option
INFO: Loading Platform Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Platform Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle OLAP API
INFO: Loading Oracle OLAP API
INFO: Loading Oracle OLAP RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading Oracle OLAP RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading Oracle Label Security
INFO: Loading Oracle Label Security
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Vault J2EE Application
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Vault J2EE Application
INFO: Loading Oracle Real Application Testing
INFO: Loading Oracle Real Application Testing
INFO: Loading Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit
INFO: Loading Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit
INFO: Loading Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit
INFO: Loading Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit
INFO: Loading Bali Share
INFO: Loading Bali Share
INFO: Loading SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient
INFO: Loading SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient
INFO: Loading LDAP Required Support Files
INFO: Loading LDAP Required Support Files
INFO: Loading Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client
INFO: Loading Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Configuration Manager
INFO: Loading Oracle Configuration Manager
INFO: Loading Oracle Configuration Manager Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Configuration Manager Client
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle Database Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle RAC Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle RAC Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle DBCA Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle DBCA Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle Configuration Manager Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle Configuration Manager Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle USM Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle USM Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading Oracle Universal Installer
INFO: Loading Oracle Universal Installer
INFO: Loading Oracle One-Off Patch Installer
INFO: Loading Oracle One-Off Patch Installer
INFO: Loading Installer SDK Component
INFO: Loading Installer SDK Component
INFO: Loading Java Development Kit
INFO: Loading Java Development Kit
*** Language Selection Page***
INFO: Setting the SelectedLanguages ( SELECTED_LANGUAGES ) property to en,zh_CN. Received the value from the command line.
*** Specify Local Host Name Page***
INFO: Setting the HostName ( ORACLE_HOSTNAME ) property to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the command line.
INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicCompsWizEngine
INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicCompsWizEngine
INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiic.OiicSessionSettingSaveWCCE
INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwSummaryWCDE
INFO: Adding iterator oracle.sysman.oii.oiif.oiifw.OiifwValidateDiskSpaceWCCE
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database 11g
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database 11g
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Edition Options
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Edition Options
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Partitioning
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Partitioning
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Spatial
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Spatial
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle OLAP
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle OLAP
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database 11g
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database 11g
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Net Services
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Net Services
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Text
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Text
INFO: Loading dialogs for HAS Files for DB
INFO: Loading dialogs for HAS Files for DB
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Enterprise Manager Console DB
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Enterprise Manager Console DB
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Net Listener
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Net Listener
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Advanced Security
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Advanced Security
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JVM
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JVM
INFO: Loading dialogs for Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants
INFO: Loading dialogs for Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Internet Directory Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Internet Directory Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle XML Development Kit
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle XML Development Kit
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Net
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Net
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Locator
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Locator
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Netca Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Netca Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for SQL*Plus
INFO: Loading dialogs for SQL*Plus
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Agent
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Agent
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Utilities
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Utilities
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Programmer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Programmer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
INFO: Loading dialogs for Generic Connectivity Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Generic Connectivity Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for PL/SQL
INFO: Loading dialogs for PL/SQL
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Recovery Manager
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Recovery Manager
INFO: Loading dialogs for Assistant Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Assistant Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Buildtools Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Buildtools Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle LDAP administration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle LDAP administration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Help for the  Web
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Help for the  Web
INFO: Loading dialogs for Installation Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Installation Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Precompiler Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Precompiler Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for HAS Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for HAS Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle UIX
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle UIX
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Cluster Verification Utility Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Cluster Verification Utility Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Wallet Manager
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Wallet Manager
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Security Developer Tools
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Security Developer Tools
INFO: Loading dialogs for XML Parser for Java
INFO: Loading dialogs for XML Parser for Java
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Notification Service
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Notification Service
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle ODBC Driver
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle ODBC Driver
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database User Interface
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database User Interface
INFO: Loading dialogs for Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Globalization Support
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Globalization Support
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Locale Builder
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Locale Builder
INFO: Loading dialogs for Database SQL Scripts
INFO: Loading dialogs for Database SQL Scripts
INFO: Loading dialogs for OLAP SQL Scripts
INFO: Loading dialogs for OLAP SQL Scripts
INFO: Loading dialogs for PL/SQL Embedded Gateway
INFO: Loading dialogs for PL/SQL Embedded Gateway
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Code Editor
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Code Editor
INFO: Loading dialogs for Character Set Migration Utility
INFO: Loading dialogs for Character Set Migration Utility
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Java Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Java Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Client Option
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Client Option
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Universal Connection Pool
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Universal Connection Pool
INFO: Loading dialogs for Secure Socket Layer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Secure Socket Layer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Net Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Net Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Perl Interpreter
INFO: Loading dialogs for Perl Interpreter
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Containers for Java
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Containers for Java
INFO: Loading dialogs for JAccelerator (COMPANION)
INFO: Loading dialogs for JAccelerator (COMPANION)
INFO: Loading dialogs for Perl Modules
INFO: Loading dialogs for Perl Modules
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client)
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client)
INFO: Loading dialogs for Deinstallation Tool
INFO: Loading dialogs for Deinstallation Tool
INFO: Loading dialogs for Expat libraries
INFO: Loading dialogs for Expat libraries
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Installation Plugin Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Installation Plugin Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Help For Java
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Help For Java
INFO: Loading dialogs for XML Parser for Oracle JVM
INFO: Loading dialogs for XML Parser for Oracle JVM
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle XML Query
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle XML Query
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Message Gateway Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Message Gateway Common Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Starter Database
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Starter Database
INFO: Loading dialogs for Sample Schema Data
INFO: Loading dialogs for Sample Schema Data
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Core Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Core Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Precompiler Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Precompiler Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Annotator
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Annotator
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database 11g Multimedia Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database 11g Multimedia Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Parser Generator Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Parser Generator Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Text Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Text Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Notification Service (eONS)
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Notification Service (eONS)
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle 11g Warehouse Builder Required Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle 11g Warehouse Builder Required Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Agent Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Agent Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for regexp
INFO: Loading dialogs for regexp
INFO: Loading dialogs for RDBMS Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for RDBMS Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Agent Core Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Agent Core Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Common Core Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Common Core Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Grid Control Core Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Grid Control Core Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Agent Support
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Agent Support
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Repository Core Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Repository Core Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Repository Support
INFO: Loading dialogs for Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Repository Support
INFO: Loading dialogs for Provisioning Advisor Framework
INFO: Loading dialogs for Provisioning Advisor Framework
INFO: Loading dialogs for Exadata Storage Server
INFO: Loading dialogs for Exadata Storage Server
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Globalization Support
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Globalization Support
INFO: Loading dialogs for RDBMS Required Support Files Runtime
INFO: Loading dialogs for RDBMS Required Support Files Runtime
INFO: Loading dialogs for Database Workspace Manager
INFO: Loading dialogs for Database Workspace Manager
INFO: Loading dialogs for SQLJ Runtime
INFO: Loading dialogs for SQLJ Runtime
INFO: Loading dialogs for RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for XDK Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for XDK Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Application Express
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Application Express
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle SQL Developer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle SQL Developer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JDBC Server Support Package
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JDBC Server Support Package
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Ice Browser
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Ice Browser
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Display Fonts
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Display Fonts
INFO: Loading dialogs for SQL*Plus Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for SQL*Plus Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Vault option
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Vault option
INFO: Loading dialogs for Platform Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Platform Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle OLAP API
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle OLAP API
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle OLAP RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle OLAP RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Label Security
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Label Security
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Vault J2EE Application
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Vault J2EE Application
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Real Application Testing
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Real Application Testing
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit
INFO: Loading dialogs for Bali Share
INFO: Loading dialogs for Bali Share
INFO: Loading dialogs for SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient
INFO: Loading dialogs for SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient
INFO: Loading dialogs for LDAP Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for LDAP Required Support Files
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Configuration Manager
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Configuration Manager
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Configuration Manager Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Configuration Manager Client
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Database Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle RAC Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle RAC Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle DBCA Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle DBCA Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Configuration Manager Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Configuration Manager Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle USM Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle USM Deconfiguration
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Universal Installer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle Universal Installer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle One-Off Patch Installer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Oracle One-Off Patch Installer
INFO: Loading dialogs for Installer SDK Component
INFO: Loading dialogs for Installer SDK Component
INFO: Loading dialogs for Java Development Kit
INFO: Loading dialogs for Java Development Kit
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.server installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Database 11g 
INFO: Processing Oracle Database 11g 
INFO: Setting variable sl_retdisklist to NO_VALUE,. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_rawNodeList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_migrateSIDDialogReturn to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_dlgEMCentralAgentsOraHomes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_dlgDBConfig_Options0 to &General Purpose / Transaction Processing,A starter database designed for general purpose usage or transaction-heavy applications.,&Data Warehouse,A starter database optimized for data warehousing applications.,&Advanced,Allows you to customize the configuration of your starter database.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_dbCharSet to Unicode standard UTF-8 AL32UTF8,West European WE8ISO8859P15,West European WE8MSWIN1252,East European EE8ISO8859P2,East European EE8MSWIN1250,North European NE8ISO8859P10,Baltic NEE8ISO8859P4,Baltic BLT8MSWIN1257,Baltic BLT8ISO8859P13,Cyrillic CL8ISO8859P5,Cyrillic CL8MSWIN1251,Arabic AR8ISO8859P6,Arabic AR8MSWIN1256,Greek EL8ISO8859P7,Greek EL8MSWIN1253,Hebrew IW8ISO8859P8,Hebrew IW8MSWIN1255,Japanese JA16EUC,Japanese JA16EUCTILDE,Japanese JA16SJIS,Japanese JA16SJISTILDE,Korean KO16MSWIN949,Simplified Chinese ZHS16GBK,Thai TH8TISASCII,Traditional Chinese ZHT32EUC,Traditional Chinese ZHT16MSWIN950,Traditional Chinese ZHT16HKSCS,Turkish WE8ISO8859P9,Turkish TR8MSWIN1254,Vietnamese VN8MSWIN1258. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_additionalSchemas to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_RACOraHomesAndSIDForMigration to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_systemDirectory to c:\winnt\system32. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_rmCmd to /bin/rm. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable s_portSpecificDiskLoc to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ntEnvOH to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_isRAWChosen to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostIPAddress
INFO: Query Returned:
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostNameForIPAddress

ipAddress =
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getMachineName

hostName = cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank
INFO: Setting variable s_hostname to cqbank. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_fullPath to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getFullHostName
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getDomainName

hostName = cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Query Returned: localdomain
INFO: Setting variable s_domainName to localdomain. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgStarterDBConfigCreateStarterDB to Create a starter database. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgSIDMigrateSelection to N. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgRBODefaultRecoveryOption to File System. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgEMExtAutoBackupSelected to N. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMDskGrpFormatPrompt to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgPrompt0 to Specify Disk Group characteristics and select disks.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgDefRedundancyValue to 2 (Norm). Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgDefExistingFreeSpace to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgDefDiskGroupName to DATA. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgDefDiskDiscoveryString to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgDefAdditionalDiskSpace to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgAllowDiskGrpCreation to Y. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query NLSQueries11.  GetNLSCharSet
INFO: Query Returned: WE8MSWIN1252
INFO: Setting variable s_defCharSet to WE8MSWIN1252. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbnameOidca to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbCharacterSet to AL32UTF8. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getAllOracleHomes
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  productInstalled

location = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

name = oracle.crs

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = true
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable s_CRSHome to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ASMString to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ps_dbCharSet to UTF8. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable pb_askMountPoint to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_totalSpaceRequired to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_starterdbSize to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_softwareimgSize to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_oracleProcessMemory to 75. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_minSGAMemory to 160. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_dlgASMDskGrpExtraSpaceReqrd to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_TMPDIR_BYTES_REQ to 10240000. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_TEMP_BYTES_REQ to 61440000. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_SGAPercentForGeneralPurpose to 75. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_SGAPercentForDataWarehouse to 60. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_SGAPercent to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_validatedSelectedGroupOnce to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_validatedOnce to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_useRegistration to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query globalVarQueries11.  getGlobalVariable

variable = oracle.installer.silent
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_silentInstall to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_showCharsetDialog to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_showASMConfigDialog to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_removeNTenvOH to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_oneClick to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isOrcaHome to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_iAS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_followDBInstallFlow to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_followASMInstallFlow to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_defaultUseFileSystemForRecovery to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_createStarterDB to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_configureOCM to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_checkForExistingSid to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_autoStartApache to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_askMountPoint to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_acceptLicense to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_CheckASMDisks to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SHOW_SCHEMA_PASSWORDS_PAGE to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SHOW_DATABASE_OPTIONS_PAGE to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SHOW_DATABASE_MANAGEMENT_PAGE to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SHOW_DATABASE_CONFIGURATION_PAGE to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getAllOracleHomes
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  productInstalled

location = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

name = oracle.sysman.top.agent

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = false
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable sl_dlgEMCentralAgentsList to No Agents Found. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oratabLocation to /etc/oratab. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oracleName to oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_err_shutdownInstanceNote to Note: It is recommended that any DB instances using ASM are shutdown before shutting down ASM instance.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_err_shutdownDBInstances_3 to Since you have chosen to upgrade the ASM to 11g Release 2, you must shutdown these databases before proceeding.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_err_shutdownASMandDBInstances_6 to Note: It is recommended that any DB instances using ASM are shutdown before shutting down ASM instance.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgCfgNamingLabelSID to SID:. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dirs2rmForNT to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/css /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/doc /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/log /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/sysman . Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dirs2rm to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/cdata /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/css /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/lib /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/log /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/pg4appc /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/tg4drda /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/sysman . Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_defaultDbStoreLocation to /u01/app/oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getAllOracleHomes
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  productInstalled

location = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

name = oracle.sysman.top.agent

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = false
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable s_centralAgentsPresent to N. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getenv

name = TEMP
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getenv

name = TMP
INFO: Query Returned: /tmp
INFO: Setting variable s_TEMP_LOC to /tmp. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OSDunixDefaultPath to /usr/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: INSIDE s_CSSOraHome value of s_CRSHome is:
INFO: Setting variable s_CSSOraHome to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getRequiredSpace

driveName = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

returnInMegaBytes = true
INFO: Query Returned: 4538
INFO: Setting variable pn_softwareSize to 4538. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isUXW to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isSolaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostIPAddress
INFO: Query Returned:
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostNameForIPAddress

ipAddress =
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Setting variable b_isOPS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isLinux to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isIntel_Solaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHPI to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHP to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isDG to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  productInstalled

location = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

name = oracle.rdbms

startVersion = 1.0

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = true
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_inplaceInstall to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  productInstalled

location = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

name = oracle.rsf

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_freshInstall to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/BIN/ORACLE.exe,/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/TNSLSNR.EXE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_seedNameinErrDialog to software. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgEMExtUsername to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgEMExtPassword to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_choptScript to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/chopt. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductVersion

location = 

name = oracle.server
Query Exception: HomeNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: Setting variable s_CSSVersion to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ps_mountPoint to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oradata. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getenv

INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: Setting variable pn_databaseSize to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isRAC_SE to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_errMsgSidExists to The SID you have specified is already registered in the oratab file (/etc/oratab) on your machine.  The oratab file is used by Oracle Products to detect existing database instances.

Please specify a unique SID.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgDefRecoveryAreaSize to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dlgASMCfgDefDataFilesSize to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getenv

INFO: Query Returned: ORCL
INFO: Setting variable s_dbSidDef to ORCL. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_defaultDBStorageType to 1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getenv

name = TMPDIR
INFO: Query Returned: /tmp
INFO: Setting variable s_TMPDIR_LOC to /tmp. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /dev/shm
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getFreeSpace

driveName = /dev/shm

returnInMegaBytes = true
INFO: Query Returned: 1976
INFO: Setting variable n_POSIXMemSize to 1976. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting value of child variable b_useRegistration of oracle.sysman.ccr to false
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.options installation
INFO: Processing Enterprise Edition Options 
INFO: Processing Enterprise Edition Options 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.partitioning installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Partitioning 
INFO: Processing Oracle Partitioning 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sdo installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Spatial 
INFO: Processing Oracle Spatial 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable VERSION to Beta. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ORDSYS_PASSWORD to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable MDSYS_PASSWORD to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable MD to md. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable DESCRIPTION to Oracle8 Spatial Cartridge. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sourceInstallScript to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/md/admin/mdinst.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sourceDeinstallScript to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/md/admin/mddins.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_destInstallScript to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/md/admin/mdinst.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_destDeinstallScript to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/md/admin/mddins.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.oraolap installation
INFO: Processing Oracle OLAP 
INFO: Processing Oracle OLAP 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Database 11g 
INFO: Processing Oracle Database 11g 
INFO: Calling Query unixQueries10.  getGroups
INFO: Query Returned: oinstall,dba,oper
INFO: Setting variable sl_groupChoices to oinstall,dba,oper. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_version to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_verifierName to verifier15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sidToMigrate to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getenv

INFO: Query Returned: /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/bin:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/lib:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib:/lib:/usr/lib
INFO: Setting variable s_oldLDLibPath to /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/bin:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/lib:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib:/lib:/usr/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ojdbc5Name to ojdbc5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_nameOfBundle to EE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_lowResourceDialogPrompt to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapjclntName to ldapjclnt11.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jssl11Name to jssl-1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_javaxssl12Name to javax-ssl-1_2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_groupDialogPrompt to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_filemapLocation to /opt/ORCLfmap. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_emailServer to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_emailAddress to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_defaultDBName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_c to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSNodeInfoString to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSClusterUser to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSClusterPassword to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_DBNamePrompt to Every Oracle 11g database is uniquely identified by a Global Database Name, typically of the form "name.domain".  Enter the Global Database Name for this database.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_DBName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_DBDomain to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_shared_pool_size to 10000000. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_sequence_cache_hash_buckets to 10. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_sequence_cache_entries to 10. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_processes to 59. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_path to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_open_links to 4. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_log_buffer to 8192. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_job_queue_processes to 2. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_job_queue_interval to 10. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_dml_locks to 100. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_distributed_transactions to 5. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_distributed_lock_timeout to 300. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_db_file_multiblock_read_count to 8. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable init_db_block_buffers to 1000. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable build_log_path to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_promptForGroups to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_orabaseContainsOrahome to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_lowResource to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_launchDBMA to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_javaOptionBeingInstalled to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isDBup to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_giInstall to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_xslLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/xml/xsl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_verifierDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_shPath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/sales_history/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_pmPath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/product_media/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oradimlocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oradbalocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\Database. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_operGroup to oper. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oePath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/order_entry/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netAPILoc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mkdirFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/mk_dir.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_logPath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/log/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_libDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdbc/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_instMkdirFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/mk_dir.sql.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_initmetaSource to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/install/sbs/initmeta.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_initmetaDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/admin/initmeta.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ezLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/instantclient. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbmssmlSource to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/install/sbs/dbmssml.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbmssmlDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/admin/dbmssml.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbaGroup to dba. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_asmGroup to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_RDBMS81 to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\RDBMS. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isUXW to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isSolaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isSequent to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isIntel_Solaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHPI to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 

section 3

INFO: Setting variable b_isHP to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isDec to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isDG to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isAix to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/ctxsrv,/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/dbsnmp,/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/extproc,/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OSDSharelibExt to .so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SO_EXT to so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_unixConfigFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/lib/config.c. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting value of child variable s_emailServer of oracle.sysman.console.db to 
INFO: Setting value of child variable s_emailAddress of oracle.sysman.console.db to 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.network installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Net Services 
INFO: Processing Oracle Net Services 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ctx installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Text 
INFO: Processing Oracle Text 
INFO: Setting variable s_version to Beta. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OracleHomeKeyWow6432Node to Wow6432Node. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isWinX64 to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/ctxsrv,/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable oracle_key to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ctxx_old_location to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ctx/lib/libctxx9.so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ctxx_location to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/libctxx9.so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/ctxsrv,/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.has.db installation
INFO: Processing HAS Files for DB 
INFO: Processing HAS Files for DB 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.server

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.server
INFO: Setting variable s_serverHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oracle.server. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_minJreVersion to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_maxJreVersion to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_lastHome to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_homeCounter to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_emltName to oemlt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_embaseName to oemlt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_defaultHome to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_JavaFlag to -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_swingName to swingall-1_1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_komodoName to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_jewtName to jewt4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_iceBrowserName to oracle_ice5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_ewtcompatName to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_ewtName to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_baliShareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_setLASTHOME to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_setHOMECOUNTER to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_setDEFAULTHOME to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ORA_CRS_HOME to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query unixQueries10.  getCurrentActiveUserGroup
INFO: Query Returned: oinstall
INFO: Setting variable s_usergroup to oinstall. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_racgWrapInstantiate to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/racgwrap.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_policyFile to -Djava.security.policy="/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/srvm/admin/srvm.policy". Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_orahomeSwitch to -orahome /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ohJlibLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netadmin to "/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/*". Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OracleHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_BatExtn to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostIPAddress
INFO: Query Returned:
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostNameForIPAddress

ipAddress =
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Setting variable b_isOPS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHP to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_racgWrapInstantiateDestn to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/racgwrap. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSNodeInfoString to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbcaClasspath to ";/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvm.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvmhas.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/srvm/jlib/vipca.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ewt3.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/jewt4.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/share.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/help4.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/oracle_ice5.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/swingall-1_1_1.jar;/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/oemlt.jar". Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: Setting variable b_setHOMECOUNTER to true. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable b_setLASTHOME to true. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable b_setDEFAULTHOME to true. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sysman.console.db installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Enterprise Manager Console DB 
INFO: Processing Oracle Enterprise Manager Console DB 
INFO: Setting variable s_sid to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_serverInstallType to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOS
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_platform to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_obfOc4jAdmPasswd to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_obfJtaAdmPasswd to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query LangQueries1.3.6.4  GetNlsLang
INFO: Setting variable s_nlsLang to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_emailServer to ‘‘. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable s_emailAddress to ‘‘. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable s_cfgtyperet to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getAvailablePhysicalMemory
INFO: Query  getAvailablePhysicalMemory from library generalQueries10. is not supported on the current platform Linux  . This query is skipped on the current platform. 
INFO: Setting variable s_JtaAdmPasswd to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_uploadInterval to 5. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getFullHostName
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getMachineName

hostName = cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank
INFO: Setting variable localhost to cqbank. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_launchTools to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_launchBrowser to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_centralConsole to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable USE_HTTP_PROXY to #. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable USE_DB_CONSOLE to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SET_CONSOLE_MODE to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SA_SETUP to 1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable OC4JLOC to oc4j/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable NO_PC_MODE to #. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable LOGGING_LEVEL to WARN. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion = 1.4.1

endVersion = 9.9.9

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable JRE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ISQLPLUS_PROTOCOL to http. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ISQLPLUS_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable HOST_SID_OFFSET_ENABLED to host_sid. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getFullHostName
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Setting variable HOSTNAME to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_UPLOAD_DISABLE to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_UIX_DEBUG_FLAG to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMPRODVER to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable CONSOLE_MODE to standalone. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable CONSOLE_CFG to dbconsole. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getAllOracleHomes
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
INFO: Setting variable sl_oraclehomes to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oc4jDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oc4jAppsDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/oc4j_applications/applications/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_configcommand to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/bin/perl /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/sysman/install/precompilejsp.pl /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole/config/global-web-application.xml. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isRAC to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_UNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable OJSP_JAR_LOC to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable OJSPUTIL_JAR_LOC to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/jsp/lib/taglib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable LDAP_JAR_LOC to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/home. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable JAVA_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ISQLPLUS_HOST to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_UIX_LOCATION to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_REPOS_HOST to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable EM_PING_COMMAND to /bin/ping -c 3 -w 30 <hostname>. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_OC4J_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_EAR_LOC to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMDROOT to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getFreeSpace

driveName = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

returnInMegaBytes = false
INFO: Query Returned: *Protected value, not to be logged*
INFO: Setting variable s_oc4jAdmPasswd to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_launchBrowserClasspath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/oemlt-10_1_0.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/jlib/:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvm.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ewt3.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_javapOracleHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting value of child variable SA_SETUP of oracle.sysman.plugin.db.main.agent to 1
INFO: Setting value of child variable OC4JLOC of oracle.sysman.common to oc4j/
INFO: Setting value of child variable HOST_SID_OFFSET_ENABLED of oracle.sysman.agent to host_sid
INFO: Setting value of child variable HOST_SID_OFFSET_ENABLED of oracle.sysman.common to host_sid
INFO: Setting value of child variable EM_UPLOAD_DISABLE of oracle.sysman.agent to 
INFO: Setting value of child variable CONSOLE_CFG of oracle.sysman.agent to dbconsole
INFO: Setting value of child variable CONSOLE_CFG of oracle.sysman.common to dbconsole
INFO: Setting value of child variable EM_OC4J_HOME of oracle.sysman.common to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.network.listener installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Net Listener 
INFO: Processing Oracle Net Listener 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iasPortInfo to Oracle Net Listener = 1521. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_net8ServerIsInstalling to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_iAS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: Setting value of child variable b_net8ServerInstalling of oracle.network.client to true
INFO: Setting value of child variable b_net8ServerInstalling of oracle.assistants.netca.client to true
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.network.aso installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Advanced Security 
INFO: Processing Oracle Advanced Security 
INFO: Setting variable s_passwordPrompt to Enter and confirm a password for the default Oracle wallet for this server.  A wallet is used with secure authentication to ensure the identity of a communication channel.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_nauAdaptersStringFlags to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_nauAdaptersString to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreDirectory to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_entrustRegistry to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_nCryptExists to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getenv

INFO: Query Returned: /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/bin:/tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/lib:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib:/lib:/usr/lib
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/libEntrust.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/server/libkmp.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libEntrust.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/lib/amd64/libkmp.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64/libEntrust.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/jdk/jre/../lib/amd64/libkmp.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/bin/libEntrust.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/bin/libkmp.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/lib/libEntrust.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /tmp/OraInstall2015-08-14_11-32-29AM/ext/lib/libkmp.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/libEntrust.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/libkmp.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /lib/libEntrust.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /lib/libkmp.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /usr/lib/libEntrust.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Calling Query fileQueries10.  exists

filename = /usr/lib/libkmp.so
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_entLibsExist to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_anoIsInstalling to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_exeExtension to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isUXW to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isSolaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isSequent to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isLinux_s390 to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isLinux to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isIntel_Solaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHPI to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHP to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isDec to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isDG to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isAIX to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle,/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/libclntsh.so.9.0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_CyberSafeLib to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_installEntrust to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_installDce to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreSharedLibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oracle,/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/libclntsh.so.9.0
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: Setting value of child variable b_anoIsInstalling of oracle.network.client to true
INFO: Setting value of child variable b_anoIsInstalling of oracle.assistants.netca.client to true
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.javavm.server installation
INFO: Processing Oracle JVM 
INFO: Processing Oracle JVM 
INFO: Setting variable s_version to Beta. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_javavmIsInstalling to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sbsInstallDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jis/install/sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dirSep to /. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_classSep to :. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isIntel_Solaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting value of child variable b_javavmIsInstalling of oracle.network.client to true
INFO: Setting value of child variable b_javavmIsInstalling of oracle.assistants.netca.client to true
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.assistants.server installation
INFO: Processing Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants 
INFO: Processing Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable pn_dboffset to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_swingName to swingall-1_1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_komodoName to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_kodiakName to kodiak.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_jewtName to jewt4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_iceBrowserName to oracle_ice5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_ewtcompatName to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_ewtName to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_baliShareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_orabaseContainsOrahome to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_dbmaParameterListForIcon to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\bin,dbua.cl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_dbcaParameterListForIcon to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin,dbca.cl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_xmlparservLoc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_skipHARegistrationFlag to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ouiJlibLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oratabLocation to /etc/oratab. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_opsmLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbuaLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/dbua. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbcaLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/dbca. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OracleBinLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbcaInstLaunchFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/dbca/dbca.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbcaLaunchFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/dbca. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbmaLaunchFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/dbua. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbmaInstLaunchFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/dbua/dbua.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ldap.client installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Internet Directory Client 
INFO: Processing Oracle Internet Directory Client 
INFO: Setting variable s_provName to providerutil.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netAPIName to netcfg.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapName to ldap.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jndiName to jndi.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iceBrowserName to oracle_ice.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getFullHostName
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Setting variable s_hostname to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_helpName to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtcompatName to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtName to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbuiName to dbui2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_baliShareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_iAS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_makeargs to ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_schemasyncSrc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/install/schemasync.orc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_odisrvregSrc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/install/odisrvreg.orc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_odisrvSrc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/install/odisrv.orc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_odiemapOrcFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/install/odiemap.orc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jndiLoc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdklocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iprofOrcFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/install/iprofiles.orc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iprofOrcDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/odi/samples/iprofiles.ldif. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_JDKHOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_schemasyncDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/schemasync. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oidemdpasswdSrc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/install/oidemdpasswd.orc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oidemdpasswdDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oidemdpasswd. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_odisrvregDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/odisrvreg. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_odisrvDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/odisrv. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_odiemapBinFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/odiemap. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_JRE_LOCATION to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.xdk installation
INFO: Processing Oracle XML Development Kit 
INFO: Processing Oracle XML Development Kit 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.network.client installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Net 
INFO: Processing Oracle Net 
INFO: Setting variable s_systemDirectory to No System Directory. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_swingallName to swingall-1_1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_shareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_runtimeLib to rt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_phaosEngine to ojpse_2_1_5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oemltName to oemlt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oembaseName to oembase-10_1_0.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcfgName to netcfg.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcahelpName to NetCAHelp.zip. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaClass to oracle.net.ca.NetCA. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netCA_Args to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netCAInstalledProtocols to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netAPIName to netcfg.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_net8TNSNamesLoc to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_net8ConfigMethod to local. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpZhTwJar to mgr_help_zh_TW.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpZhCnJar to mgr_help_zh_CN.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpPtBRJar to mgr_help_pt_BR.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpKoJar to mgr_help_ko.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpJar to mgr_help.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpJaJar to mgr_help_ja.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpItJar to mgr_help_it.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpFrJar to mgr_help_fr.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpEsJar to mgr_help_es.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpDeJar to mgr_help_de.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mafName to sysmanmaf.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapclnt9 to ldapjclnt9.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapclnt10 to ldapjclnt11.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreJarFile to i18n.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jewtName to jewt4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getComponentInstallTypeName
INFO: Query Returned: Typical
INFO: Setting variable s_installTypeForLaunchNETCA to Typical. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_icebrowserName to oracle_ice.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_icebrowser5Name to oracle_ice5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_i18nLib to i18n.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_helpName to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtcompatName to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtName to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtFile to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtCompat to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_emltName to oemlt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_cfgMethod to local. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpZhTwJar to ca_help_zh_TW.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpZhCnJar to ca_help_zh_CN.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpPtBRJar to ca_help_pt_BR.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpKoJar to ca_help_ko.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpJar to ca_help.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpJaJar to ca_help_ja.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpItJar to ca_help_it.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpFrJar to ca_help_fr.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpEsJar to ca_help_es.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpDeJar to ca_help_de.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_authAdaptors to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_NLSLANG to AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ps_netCA_Args_OverRide to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_setNLSLANG to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_removeOCI to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_net8ServerInstalling to true. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable b_javavmIsInstalling to true. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWindows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_cmanIsInstalling to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_anoIsInstalling to true. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable s_phaosDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/encryption/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oracleHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oracleClasses to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/classes. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netjlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcahelpLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools/help/ca. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netCA to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mgrHelpDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools/help/mgr/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mafLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_lioHelpLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm/jlib/help/elogin/help. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreBin to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jnlsLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_instLaunchFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/install/sbs/trcasst.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_computerName to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools/help/ca/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OracleHomeBin to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_JavaFlag to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostIPAddress
INFO: Query Returned:
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostNameForIPAddress

ipAddress =
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Setting variable b_isOPS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_windowsCommandLine to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_net8mgrFileToInstantiate to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/install/sbs/netmgr.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_net8mgrExecutable to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/netmgr. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_net8caFileToInstantiate to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/install/sbs/netca.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_net8caExecutable to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/netca. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_launchFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/trcasst. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getComponentInstallTypeName
INFO: Query Returned: Typical
INFO: Setting variable s_installTypeForNetCA to typical. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSNodeInfoString to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaUserDirArg to -Duser.dir=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netCAInstalledProducts to client,oraclenet,javavm,server,ano. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaClasspath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ewt3.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/netcfg.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib/netcam.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib/netca.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/help4.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/jewt4.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/oracle_ice.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/share.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/swingall-1_1_1.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvmhas.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvm.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ldapjclnt9.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ldapjclnt11.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/xmlparserv2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = 
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ordim.server installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia 
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia 
INFO: Setting variable s_version to Production. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable MDSYS_PASSWORD to *Protected value, not to be logged*. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable MD to md. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sourceOrdisys to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/admin/ordisys.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sourceOrdLib to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/im/admin/ordlib.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sourceImimdloc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/im/admin/imimdloc.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_destOrdisys to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/admin/ordisys.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_destOrdLib to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/im/admin/ordlib.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_destImimdloc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/im/admin/imimdloc.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable VIR_SHLIB to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/libordvir9.so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable IM_SHLIB to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/libordim11.so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.oci installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Call Interface (OCI) 
INFO: Processing Oracle Call Interface (OCI) 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHP to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isDec to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isAix to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OSDSharelibExt to .so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sdo.locator installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Locator 
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Locator 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sourceDeinstallScript to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/md/admin/mddins.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_destDeinstallScript to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/md/admin/mddins.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.assistants.netca.client installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Netca Client 
INFO: Processing Oracle Netca Client 
INFO: Setting variable s_swingallName to swingall-1_1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_shareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_runtimeLib to rt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_runTimeJar to rt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_responseFileName to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcfgName to netcfg.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcahelpName to NetCAHelp.zip. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaUpgradeFlag to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaClass to oracle.net.ca.NetCA. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netCA_Args to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netCAInstalledProtocols to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netAPIName to netcfg.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapclnt9 to ldapjclnt9.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapclnt11 to ldapjclnt11.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapclnt10 to ldapjclnt10.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion = 9.9.9

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreJarFile to i18n.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreJar to i18n.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jewtName to jewt4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getComponentInstallTypeName
INFO: Query Returned: Typical
INFO: Setting variable s_installTypeForLaunchNETCA to Typical. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_icebrowserName to oracle_ice.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_helpName to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtcompatName to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtName to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtFile to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtCompat to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_cfgMethod to local. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpZhTwJar to ca_help_zh_TW.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpZhCnJar to ca_help_zh_CN.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpPtBRJar to ca_help_pt_BR.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpKoJar to ca_help_ko.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpJar to ca_help.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpJaJar to ca_help_ja.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpItJar to ca_help_it.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpFrJar to ca_help_fr.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpEsJar to ca_help_es.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpDeJar to ca_help_de.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_authAdaptors to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ps_netCA_Args_OverRide to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_net8ServerInstalling to true. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable b_javavmIsInstalling to true. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWindows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_cmanIsInstalling to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_anoIsInstalling to true. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable s_xmlparservLoc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_skipharegistrationFlag to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ouiJlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_opsmJlib to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/opsm/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ntwkTools to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netjlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcahelpLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools/help/ca. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaJlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/netca/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaDocDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/netca/doc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netPropertiesFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools/NetProperties. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netCA to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_net8caFileToInstantiate to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/netca/netca.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jre15Location to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_inventoryPrereqOui to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/inventory/prereq/oui. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_emdwLibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/emdw/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_caHelpDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools/help/ca/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_assistantJlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_JavaFlag to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostIPAddress
INFO: Query Returned:
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getHostNameForIPAddress

ipAddress =
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Setting variable b_isOPS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_windowsCommandLine to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_srcOracleHome to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_net8caExecutable to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/netca. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaUserDirArg to -Duser.dir=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getComponentInstallTypeName
INFO: Query Returned: Typical
INFO: Setting variable s_installTypeForNetCA to typical. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaSilentFlag to  /silent. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netCAInstalledProducts to client,oraclenet,javavm,server,ano. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcaClasspath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ewt3.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/netcfg.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib/netcam.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib/netca.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/help4.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/jewt4.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/oracle_ice.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/share.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/swingall-1_1_1.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvmhas.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvm.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/tools:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ldapjclnt9.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/ldapjclnt11.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib/xmlparserv2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sqlplus installation
INFO: Processing SQL*Plus 
INFO: Processing SQL*Plus 
INFO: Setting variable s_version to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_systemDirectory to c:\winnt\system32. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_sqlpathExists to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_currentSqlpath to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sysman.agent installation
INFO: Processing Enterprise Manager Agent 
INFO: Processing Enterprise Manager Agent 
INFO: Setting variable s_webcachePort to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_virtualHostName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_schedulerDBAgent to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOS
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_platform to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installType to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iasName to NO_VALUE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_uploadInterval to 15. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_coldFailOverInstall to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_DRInstall to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SA_SETUP to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query unixQueries10.  getUidName
INFO: Query Returned: oracle
INFO: Setting variable ORACLE_OWNER to oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable OMS_HOME to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable OC4JLOC to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable LOGGING_LEVEL to WARN. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable IN_VOB to FALSE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getFullHostName
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Setting variable HOSTNAME to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_UPLOAD_DISABLE to ‘‘. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_REPOS_PROXYPORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_REPOS_PROXYHOST to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_OC4J_HOME to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_IAS_CONSOLE_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_HTTP_PORT to %EM_UPLOAD_PORT%. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_DB_CONSOLE_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_AGENT_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMPERLVER to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMLOC_OVERRIDE to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMD_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMD_EMAIL_GATEWAY to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMD_EMAIL_ADDRESS to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable CONTEXT_PATH to /em. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable CONSOLE_CFG to dbconsole. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable AGENT_SRVC_NAME to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getAllOracleHomes
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
INFO: Setting variable sl_oraclehomes to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.sysman.top.agent

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
Query Exception: ProductNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: Setting variable s_libDir to lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iasPortInfo to Enterprise Manager Agent Port = . Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OSDunixMakePath to /usr/bin/make. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_UNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable PERL_BIN to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable JAVA_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable HOST_SID_OFFSET_ENABLED to host_sid. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_UPLOAD_PORT to %EM_UPLOAD_PORT%. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_SERVLET_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_REPOS_HOST to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMDROOT to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getTotalPhysicalMemory
INFO: Query  getTotalPhysicalMemory from library generalQueries10. is not supported on the current platform Linux  . This query is skipped on the current platform. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getFreeSpace

driveName = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1

returnInMegaBytes = true
INFO: Query Returned: 31088
INFO: Setting variable AGENT_SEED to 445747008. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable PerlBin to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable PSEP to :. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.swd.oui.core

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui
INFO: Setting variable OUILOC to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable s_perl5Lib to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/lib/5.10.0/i686-linux-thread-multi:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/lib/5.10.0:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0/i686-linux-thread-multi:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/lib/site_perl/5.10.0:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/lib/site_perl:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/sysman/admin/scripts. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_javapOracleHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable JRE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable EMPERLOHBIN to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMD_TRUSTCERTS_DIR to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/sysman/config. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable CLASSPATH to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui/jlib/OraInstaller.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui/jlib/srvm.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query globalVarQueries11.  getGlobalVariable

variable = oracle.iappserver.b_coldFailOverInstall
Query Exception: VariableNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: false
INFO: Calling Query globalVarQueries11.  getGlobalVariable

variable = oracle.iappserver.b_disasterRecoveryInstall
Query Exception: VariableNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: false
INFO: Setting variable b_coldFailOverInstall to false. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting variable b_DRInstall to false. Received the value from a code block.
INFO: Setting value of child variable CONSOLE_CFG of oracle.sysman.common to dbconsole
INFO: Setting value of child variable AGENT_SRVC_NAME of oracle.sysman.common to 
INFO: Setting value of child variable JAVA_HOME of oracle.sysman.common to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting value of child variable HOST_SID_OFFSET_ENABLED of oracle.sysman.common to host_sid
INFO: Setting value of child variable JRE_HOME of oracle.sysman.common to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.util installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Database Utilities 
INFO: Processing Oracle Database Utilities 
INFO: Setting variable s_verifier12Name to verifier15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapjclntName to ldapjclnt11.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapName to ldap.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jssl12Name to jssl-1_2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jssl11Name to jssl-1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jndiName to jndi.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_javaxssl12Name to javax-ssl-1_2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_apJservStatement to # Advanced Queuing - AQ xml Servlet
<IfModule mod_jserv.c>
  ApJServMount /aqserv/servlet /root
  ApJServGroupMount /aqserv/servlet balance://group1/root
. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_setMshelp to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_verifierDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_rdbmsJlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jre14Location to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdk14Location to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdbcLibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdbc/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_aqxmlConfSbs to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/demo/aqxml.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_aqxmlConf to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/demo/aqxml.conf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_MSHELP_TOOLS to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isIntel_Solaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHP to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isDec to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isAix to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable JRE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable JAVA_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable APACHE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/Apache. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oracleApacheConfigFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/Apache/Apache/conf/oracle_apache.conf. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_aqxmlctlSrc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/aqxmlctl.template. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_aqxmlctlDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/aqxmlctl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_RDBMS81 to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\RDBMS81. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_PLSQL81 to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\PLSQL81. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OSDSharelibExt to .so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_linkLibagtsh to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.precomp installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Programmer 
INFO: Processing Oracle Programmer 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.hsodbc installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC 
INFO: Processing Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_gtwSID to dg4odbc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_gtwExe to dg4odbc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_gtwAdminDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/hs/admin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.hs_common installation
INFO: Processing Generic Connectivity Common Files 
INFO: Processing Generic Connectivity Common Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.plsql installation
INFO: Processing PL/SQL 
INFO: Processing PL/SQL 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.rman installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Recovery Manager 
INFO: Processing Oracle Recovery Manager 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.assistants.acf installation
INFO: Processing Assistant Common Files 
INFO: Processing Assistant Common Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_maxJreVersion to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreProductLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_swingName to swingall-1_1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_komodoName to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_kodiakName to kodiak.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_jewtName to jewt4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_iceBrowserName to oracle_ice5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_ewtcompatName to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_ewtName to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable cs_baliShareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_xmlparservLoc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_rconfigInstLaunchFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/bin/rconfig.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ouiJlibLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_opsmLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_minJreVersion to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_komodoLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jnlsLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_accLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/assistants/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_rconfigLaunchFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/rconfig. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.buildtools.common installation
INFO: Processing Buildtools Common Files 
INFO: Processing Buildtools Common Files 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ldap.admin installation
INFO: Processing Oracle LDAP administration 
INFO: Processing Oracle LDAP administration 
INFO: Setting variable s_oembaseName to oemlt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netAPIName to netcfg.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jewtName to jewt4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iceBrowserName to oracle_ice.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_helpNlsName to help4-nls.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_helpName to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtcompatName to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtNlsName to ewt3-nls.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtName to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbuiNlsName to dbui2-nls.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbuiName to dbui2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_baliShareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oidprovSrc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/install/oidprovtool.orc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldifmigSrc to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ldap/install/ldifmigrator.orc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_JDKHOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oidprovDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/oidprovtool. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldifmigDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/ldifmigrator. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.bali.ohw installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Help for the  Web 
INFO: Processing Oracle Help for the  Web 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.install.common installation
INFO: Processing Installation Common Files 
INFO: Processing Installation Common Files 
INFO: Setting variable setInstallFlag to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_systemDirectory to c:\winnt\system32. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query globalVarQueries11.  getGlobalVariable

variable = oracle.installer.silent
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable s_silent to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_runInstallerSourceLoc to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreProductLocation to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_validOUILoc to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query unixQueries10.  getUidName
INFO: Query Returned: oracle
INFO: Setting variable OwnerId to oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query unixQueries10.  getCurrentActiveUserGroup
INFO: Query Returned: oinstall
INFO: Setting variable OwnerGroup to oinstall. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_scriptExt to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_remotenodesArg to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_nodelistArg to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isSolaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_windowsCommandLine to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oratabloc to /etc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_localnodeArg to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.precomp.common installation
INFO: Processing Precompiler Common Files 
INFO: Processing Precompiler Common Files 
INFO: Setting variable s_windowsSystemRoot to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkRunCmd to java. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_precompHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/precomp. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkSSLclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/javax-ssl-1_2.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/jssl-1_2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkSQLJclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/sqlj/lib/runtime12.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/sqlj/lib/translator.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkOTTclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/precomp/lib/ottclasses.zip. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkNLSclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/orai18n.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkJVMclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/javavm/lib/aurora.zip. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkJDBCclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkJDKclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/lib/dt.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/lib/tools.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.has.common installation
INFO: Processing HAS Common Files 
INFO: Processing HAS Common Files 
INFO: Setting variable sl_denyInterfaceList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_denyDomainList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_allowDomainList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable slPrivateNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable slNewNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable slHostNames to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_silent to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_privatenamelist to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_paLocation to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netAPIName to netcfg.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_diskDiscoString to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_CssSrvc to OracleCSService. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_CSSLocalconfig to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable n_srvcState to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWindows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isASMSet to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_RemLocalOcr to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_LaunchCrsSetup to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_CssRunning to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query unixQueries10.  getCurrentActiveUserGroup
INFO: Query Returned: oinstall
INFO: Setting variable s_usergroup to oinstall. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_crsConfigParamsFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/crs/install/crsconfig_params. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OracleHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_DelFlg to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query unixQueries10.  getUidName
INFO: Query Returned: oracle
INFO: Setting variable OwnerId to oracle. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable ORA_HA_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_localConfigInstantiate to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/localconfig. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sysman.console.emcp installation
INFO: Processing Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files 
INFO: Processing Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getenv

name = PERL5LIB
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: Setting variable s_perl5lib to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOS
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_Windows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOS
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable b_UNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query clusterQueriesEx10.  getCRSLocation
Query Exception: CRSHomeNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: Setting variable CRS_HOME to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_perlBin to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_javapOracleHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.bali.cabo installation
INFO: Processing Oracle UIX 
INFO: Processing Oracle UIX 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.crs installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files 
INFO: Processing Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.has.common.cvu installation
INFO: Processing Cluster Verification Utility Common Files 
INFO: Processing Cluster Verification Utility Common Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWindows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUnix to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ldap.owm installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Wallet Manager 
INFO: Processing Oracle Wallet Manager 
INFO: Setting variable s_swingallName to swingall-1_1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_shareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpZhTwJar to owm_help_zh_TW.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpZhCnJar to owm_help_zh_CN.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpPtBrJar to owm_help_pt_BR.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpKoJar to owm_help_ko.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpJar to owm_help.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpJaJar to owm_help_ja.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpItJar to owm_help_it.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpFrJar to owm_help_fr.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpEsJar to owm_help_es.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpDeJar to owm_help_de.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oraclepkiName to oraclepki.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oemltName to oemlt.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oembaseName to oembase-10_1_0.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netcfgName to netcfg.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jewtName to jewt4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_icebrowser5Name to oracle_ice5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_helpName to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtcompatName to ewtcompat-3_3_15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ewtName to ewt3.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_pkiDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm/jlib/help/owm/help. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_owmHelpDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm/jlib/help/owm/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oracleClasses to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/classes. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_lioHelpLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm/jlib/help/elogin/help. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_orapki to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/orapki. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mkstore to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/mkstore. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_instorapki to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm/install/orapki.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_instmkstore to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/owm/install/mkstore.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ldap.security.osdt installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Security Developer Tools 
INFO: Processing Oracle Security Developer Tools 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.xdk.parser.java installation
INFO: Processing XML Parser for Java 
INFO: Processing XML Parser for Java 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jarLocation to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ncompDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/javavm/admin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ons installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Notification Service 
INFO: Processing Oracle Notification Service 
INFO: Setting variable s_sharedOH to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_opmnRemotePort to 6200. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_opmnLocalPort to 6101. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_onsDllBkpName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_localPortEntry to localport=. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_CRSInstalling to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWindows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.crs

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
Query Exception: ProductNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: Processing areasQueries.getProductHome. Query returned:
INFO: Setting variable b_crshome to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getAllOracleHomes
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
INFO: Setting variable sl_OracleHomes to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isSolaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHP to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SO_EXT to so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable PERL_BIN to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/bin/perl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.odbc installation
INFO: Processing Oracle ODBC Driver 
INFO: Processing Oracle ODBC Driver 
INFO: Setting variable s_windowsSystemRoot to foo. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_registryRoot to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oracleBin to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\BIN. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_odbcLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\ODBC. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_odbcKey to software\odbc\odbcinst.ini\Oracle in OraDb11g_home1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_netAdminFolder to null\Network Administration. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.bali.dbui installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Database User Interface 
INFO: Processing Oracle Database User Interface 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rsf installation
INFO: Processing Required Support Files 
INFO: Processing Required Support Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sqlplus.ic installation
INFO: Processing SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client 
INFO: Processing SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.nlsrtl.rsf installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Globalization Support 
INFO: Processing Oracle Globalization Support 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_cr9idata to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_perlexe to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/bin/perl . Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_plcmd to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/bin/perl /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/nls/data/old/cr9idata.pl  /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = 
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.nlsrtl.rsf.lbuilder installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Locale Builder 
INFO: Processing Oracle Locale Builder 
INFO: Setting variable s_swingallName to swingall-1_1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jewtName to jewt4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iceBrowserName to oracle_ice.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_help4Name to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_baliShareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_ParameterListForIcon to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1\nls\lbuilder,lbuilder.cl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.dbscripts installation
INFO: Processing Database SQL Scripts 
INFO: Processing Database SQL Scripts 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_xslLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/xml/xsl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_initmetaSource to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/install/sbs/initmeta.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_initmetaDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/admin/initmeta.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbmssmlSource to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/install/sbs/dbmssml.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dbmssmlDest to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/admin/dbmssml.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isSolaris to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isHP to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SO_EXT to so. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.oraolap.dbscripts installation
INFO: Processing OLAP SQL Scripts 
INFO: Processing OLAP SQL Scripts 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.wwg.plsql installation
INFO: Processing PL/SQL Embedded Gateway 
INFO: Processing PL/SQL Embedded Gateway 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.bali.kodiak installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Code Editor 
INFO: Processing Oracle Code Editor 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.csmig installation
INFO: Processing Character Set Migration Utility 
INFO: Processing Character Set Migration Utility 
INFO: Setting variable s_verifier12Name to verifier15.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ojdbc5Name to ojdbc5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapjclntName to ldapjclnt11.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ldapName to ldap.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jssl12Name to jssl-1_2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jssl11Name to jssl-1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jndiName to jndi.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_javaxssl12Name to javax-ssl-1_2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_verifierDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_rdbmsJlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jre14Location to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jlibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdk14Location to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdbcLibDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdbc/lib. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_umuSbsFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/install/sbs/umu.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_umuInstFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/umu. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.javavm.client installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Java Client 
INFO: Processing Oracle Java Client 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreRunCmd to java. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreJDBCclassfile to ojdbc5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkSQLJclassfile to runtime12.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkRunCmd to java. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkNLSclassfile to nls_charset12.zip. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkJDBCclassfile_g to ojdbc5_g.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkJDBCclassfile to ojdbc5.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_statusnc to statusnc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sessSh816 to sess_sh_816. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_sessSh to sess_sh. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_removeFile816 to remove_816. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_removeFile to remove. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_publish816 to publish_816. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_publish to publish. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ojvmtc to ojvmtc. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ojvmjava to ojvmjava. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ncomp to ncomp. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_modifyprops to modifyprops. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_loadjava to loadjava. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jisSbsInstallDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jis/install/sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_javavmSbsInstallDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/javavm/install/sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_java2rmiIiop to java2rmi_iiop. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_idl2java to idl2java. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ejbdescriptor to ejbdescriptor. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_dropjava to dropjava. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_deploywar to deploywar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_deploync to deploync. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_deployejb to deployejb. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_debugproxy to debugproxy. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_classSep to :. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_binDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreSSLclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/javax-ssl-1_1.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/jssl-1_1.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreJREclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre//lib/rt.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre//lib/i18n.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkSSLclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/javax-ssl-1_2.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/jssl-1_2.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkJDKclassfile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/lib/dt.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/lib/tools.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ordim.client installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Client Option 
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Client Option 
INFO: Setting variable s_ordimPropertiesFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/im/admin/ordim.properties. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oracleJservPropertiesFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.properties. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.dbjava.jdbc installation
INFO: Processing Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces 
INFO: Processing Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.dbjava.ucp installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Universal Connection Pool 
INFO: Processing Oracle Universal Connection Pool 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ldap.ssl installation
INFO: Processing Secure Socket Layer 
INFO: Processing Secure Socket Layer 
INFO: Setting variable s_passwordPrompt to Enter and confirm a password for the default Oracle wallet for this server.  A wallet is used with secure authentication to ensure the identity of a communication channel.. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreDirectory to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_exeExtension to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.network.rsf installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Net Required Support Files 
INFO: Processing Oracle Net Required Support Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSSelectedNodes to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = 
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.perlint installation
INFO: Processing Perl Interpreter 
INFO: Processing Perl Interpreter 
INFO: Setting variable s_perlVersion to 5.10.0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_perlArch to x86_64-linux-thread-multi. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWindows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_perlHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.javavm.containers installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Containers for Java 
INFO: Processing Oracle Containers for Java 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_instanceName to IAS-1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query netQueries10.  getFullHostName
INFO: Query Returned: cqbank.localdomain
INFO: Setting variable s_hostname to cqbank.localdomain. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_deployClassName to oracle.j2ee.tools.deploy.DbOc4jDeploy. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_apacheListenPort to 7777. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_launchOC4J to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_configureOC4J to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_targetsxml to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/j2ee/j2eetargets.xml. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_portalPrp to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/j2ee/properties/oc4j_portal.properties. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oc4jdir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/home. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jreBin to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre//bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jdkHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iniFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/deploy_db.ini. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_emconfigjar to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/emConfigInstall.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_demosPrp to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/j2ee/properties/oc4j_demos.properties. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_biFormsPrp to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/j2ee/properties/oc4j_bi_forms.properties. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_OPSNodeInfoString to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_javapOracleHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_classPath to ":/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvm.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jlib/srvmhas.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/db_oc4j_deploy.jar:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/home/oc4j.jar:". Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable FORMS_ORACLE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.javavm.companion installation
INFO: Processing JAccelerator (COMPANION) 
INFO: Processing JAccelerator (COMPANION) 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.perlint.modules installation
INFO: Processing Perl Modules 
INFO: Processing Perl Modules 
INFO: Setting variable s_perlVersion to 5.10.0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_perlArch to x86_64-linux-thread-multi. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWindows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_perlHome to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.wlm.em installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client) 
INFO: Processing Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client) 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.install.deinstalltool installation
INFO: Processing Deinstallation Tool 
INFO: Processing Deinstallation Tool 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.perlint.expat installation
INFO: Processing Expat libraries 
INFO: Processing Expat libraries 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWindows to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.sysman.common installation
INFO: Processing Enterprise Manager Common Files 
INFO: Processing Enterprise Manager Common Files 
INFO: Setting variable s_iasSrvcName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_centralSrvcName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_agentSrvcName to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_centralConsole to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable SA_SETUP to 0. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable PLATFORM to linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.swd.oui.core

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui
INFO: Setting variable OUILOC to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oui. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable OC4JLOC to oc4j/. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable JRE_EXTDIR to /jdk/jre. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable IN_VOB to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable HOST_SID_OFFSET_ENABLED to host_sid. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_STANDALONE to NOSTANDALONE. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_OC4J_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_IAS_CONSOLE_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query globalVarQueries11.  getGlobalVariable

variable = oracle.apache.SSLlisten
Query Exception: VariableNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: 4443
INFO: Setting variable EM_HTTPS_PORT to 4443. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_DB_CONSOLE_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EM_ADMIN_PORT to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMPRODVER to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMPERLVER to Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMPERLOHBIN to /perl/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMLOC_OVERRIDE to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable EMDW_EXTDIR to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query clusterQueriesEx10.  getCRSLocation
Query Exception: CRSHomeNotFoundException
Query Exception Class: class oracle.sysman.oii.oiil.OiilQueryException
INFO: Setting variable CRS_HOME to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable CONSOLE_CFG to dbconsole. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable AGENT_SRVC_NAME to ‘‘. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable b_UNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable PERL_BIN to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/perl/bin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable OHN to OraDb11g_home1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable JAVA_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: Setting variable EMDROOT to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getFreeSpace

driveName = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0

returnInMegaBytes = true
INFO: Query Returned: 31088
INFO: Setting variable s_freeDiskSpace to 30 GB. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable JRE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre. Received the value from variable association. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.install.plugins installation
INFO: Processing Installation Plugin Files 
INFO: Processing Installation Plugin Files 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.bali.help installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Help For Java 
INFO: Processing Oracle Help For Java 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.xdk.server installation
INFO: Processing XML Parser for Oracle JVM 
INFO: Processing XML Parser for Oracle JVM 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jarLocation to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_ncompDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/javavm/admin. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.xdk.xquery installation
INFO: Processing Oracle XML Query 
INFO: Processing Oracle XML Query 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.mgw.common installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Message Gateway Common Files 
INFO: Processing Oracle Message Gateway Common Files 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.install.seeddb installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Starter Database 
INFO: Processing Oracle Starter Database 
INFO: Setting variable s_isASM to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_unixConfigFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/lib/config.s. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.install.seeddb.sample_schema installation
INFO: Processing Sample Schema Data 
INFO: Processing Sample Schema Data 
INFO: Setting variable s_shPath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/sales_history/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_pmPath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/product_media/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_oePath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/order_entry/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_mkdirFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/mk_dir.sql. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_logPath to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/log/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_instMkdirFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/demo/schema/mk_dir.sql.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.oracore.rsf installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Core Required Support Files 
INFO: Processing Oracle Core Required Support Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = 
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.precomp.rsf installation
INFO: Processing Precompiler Required Support Files 
INFO: Processing Precompiler Required Support Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable sl_processList to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query RunningProcessQuery11.  getRunningProcess

multiParamName = 
INFO: Query Returned: 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.rdbms.locator installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files 
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_makeLogFile to make.log. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.dbjava.ic installation
INFO: Processing Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client 
INFO: Processing Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jservFile to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/Apache/Jserv/etc/jserv.properties. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ordim.annotator installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Annotator 
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Annotator 
INFO: Calling Query areasQueries10.  getProductHome

name = oracle.jdk

startVersion =

endVersion =

acceptCompatible = null
INFO: Query Returned: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk
INFO: Setting variable s_jreLocation to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/jdk/jre/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_jewtName to jewt4.zip. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_iceBrowserName to oracle_ice.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_help4Name to help4.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_baliShareName to share.jar. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_scriptSbs to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/Annotator/Annotator.sbs. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_script to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/ord/Annotator/Annotator.sh. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ordim.jai installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging 
INFO: Processing Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ordim.rdbms installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Database 11g Multimedia Files 
INFO: Processing Oracle Database 11g Multimedia Files 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.slax.rsf installation
INFO: Processing Parser Generator Required Support Files 
INFO: Processing Parser Generator Required Support Files 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ctx.rsf installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Text Required Support Files 
INFO: Processing Oracle Text Required Support Files 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = UNIX
INFO: Query Returned: true
INFO: Setting variable b_isUNIX to true. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable s_installLogDir to /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/install/. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable b_isWinX64 to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.ons.eons installation
INFO: Processing Oracle Notification Service (eONS) 
INFO: Processing Oracle Notification Service (eONS) 
INFO: *** Entering Component: oracle.owb.rsf installation
INFO: Processing Oracle 11g Warehouse Builder Required Files 
INFO: Processing Oracle 11g Warehouse Builder Required Files 
INFO: Setting variable wbapp_paramlist to ..\win32\owb.cl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable wbapp_itemName to Design Center. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable stoplocalservice_itemName to Stop Control Center Service. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable startlocalservice_itemName to Start Control Center Service. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable startdoc_itemName to Documentation. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  getOSName
INFO: Query Returned: Linux
INFO: Setting variable s_operatingSystem to Linux. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable repos_paramlist to ..\win32\orepo.cl. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable repos_itemName to Repository Assistant. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable owbInst to ‘‘. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable openDB_itemName to Repository Browser. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Setting variable omb_itemName to OMB Plus. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup

platGroup = WINDOWS
INFO: Query Returned: false
INFO: Setting variable b_isWINDOWS to false. Received the value from the variable calculation. 
INFO: Calling Query generalQueries10.  isCurrentPlatformInGroup


Oracle Install logs



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