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JSON RPC 为利用json数据格式来执行远程调用方式,
作用同xmlrpc,不过与xmlrpc相比, jsonrpc更加轻量,json更加节省数据量,更加可读性高。
JSON为一种字符串方式数据组织的格式,以便于传输, 其语法同JAVASCRIPT对象写法(JS Object Notation)。
下载 json lua实现代码包, 解压后,将json文件夹放到lua path下,即lua安装目录下。
其中example文件夹下有演示代码 example.lua, 演示了如何将 一个 lua table编码为JSON字符串, 又如何将此字符串,恢复为LUA table。
--[[ JSON4Lua example script. Demonstrates the simple functionality of the json module. ]]-- json = require(‘json‘) -- Object to JSON encode test = { one=‘first‘,two=‘second‘,three={2,3,5} } jsonTest = json.encode(test) print(‘JSON encoded test is: ‘ .. jsonTest) -- Now JSON decode the json string result = json.decode(jsonTest) print ("The decoded table result:") table.foreach(result,print) print ("The decoded table result.three") table.foreach(result.three, print)
lua json的下载安装包,已经包括 json rpc的实现, 只需要从example中测试 jsonrpc的 客户端和 服务器端例子即可。
客户端依赖 luasocket 来发起http请求。
服务器端代码经过改造, 宿主与xavante, 有连接到来时, 触发执行。
require ("json.rpc") result, error = json.rpc.call("http://localhost:12345","echo","Test echo!") print("echo call="..result) print("\n\n") result, error = json.rpc.call("http://localhost:12345","average", 1, 3) print("average="..result.average)
xavante = require("xavante") wsapi = require("wsapi") wsapi.xavante = require("wsapi.xavante") wsapi.request = require("wsapi.request") require (‘json‘) -- The Lua class that is to serve JSON RPC requests local myServer = { echo = function (msg) return msg end, average = function(...) local total=0 local count=0 for i=1, table.getn(arg) do total = total + arg[i] count = count + 1 end return { average= total/count, sum = total, n=count } end }
-- JSON RPC 服务器端处理主体程序 local function serve(luaClass, packReturn, req) local postData = req.POST.post_data -- SAPI.Request.getpostdata() --[[{ "id":1, "method":"echo","params":["Hi there"]}]] -- -- @TODO Catch an error condition on decoding the data local jsonRequest = json.decode(postData) local jsonResponse = {} jsonResponse.id = jsonRequest.id local method = luaClass[ jsonRequest.method ] if not method then jsonResponse.error = ‘Method ‘ .. jsonRequest.method .. ‘ does not exist at this server.‘ else local callResult = { pcall( method, unpack( jsonRequest.params ) ) } if callResult[1] then -- Function call successfull table.remove(callResult,1) if packReturn and table.getn(callResult)>1 then jsonResponse.result = callResult else jsonResponse.result = unpack(callResult) -- NB: Does not support multiple argument returns end else jsonResponse.error = callResult[2] end end -- Output the result -- TODO: How to be sure that the result and error tags are there even when they are nil in Lua? -- Can force them by hand... ? return json.encode( jsonResponse ) end --- WSAPI handler -- @param wsapi_env WSAPI environment function wsapi_handler(wsapi_env) local headers = { ["Content-type"] = "text/plain" } local req = wsapi.request.new(wsapi_env) local r = serve(myServer, nil, req) print("r="..r) headers["Content-length"] = tostring(#r) local function xmlrpc_reply(wsapienv) coroutine.yield(r) end return 200, headers, coroutine.wrap(xmlrpc_reply) end local rules = {{ match = ".", with = wsapi.xavante.makeHandler(wsapi_handler) }} local config = { server = {host = "*", port = 12345}, defaultHost = { rules = rules} } xavante.HTTP(config) xavante.start()
代码实现了, 客户端和服务通过JSONRPC调用,实现 echo 和 做平均计算的例子。
Lua JSONRPC学习笔记,布布扣,bubuko.com
标签:style blog http java color 文件