Python有Global Interpreter Lock,所以嘛……你懂的。
C++11开始才有多线程,使用共享内存方式的线程间通信,有低级的atomic operation和memory order,以及高级的lock, condition的,却没有提供消息队列。
然后,就去找GIL(Global Interpreter Lock)的定义,下面有一个定义,wiki的定义是这样的。在stackoverflow上看到了另外一个更通俗的解释:
Suppose you have multiple threads which don‘t really touch each other‘s data. Those should execute as independently as possible. If you have a "global lock" which you need to acquire in order to (say) call a function, that can end up as a bottleneck. You can wind up not getting much benefit from having multiple threads in the first place.
To put it into a real world analogy: imagine 100 developers working at a company with only a single coffee mug. Most of the developers would spend their time waiting for coffee instead of coding.
None of this is Python-specific - I don‘t know the details of what Python needed a GIL for in the first place. However, hopefully it‘s given you a better idea of the general concept.
说到C++,上文暖神说到atomic operation,就是原子锁啦,具体的在这里有一个清晰的说明,atomic是一个好东西。。。。至于memory order,表示没看懂。。。还是老老实实的取用mutex吧。。。。。。