上一篇文章 Office Add-in Model 为 Outlook Mail Add-in 提供的 JavaScript API 介绍 ,简单地在表格中列出了所有的 Object 定义,但是个人感觉表格仅适合列一些简单的内容,太多的话就不再直观了。本文沿着上篇的骨骼,对每个 Object 及 API 进行了扩展, 多数的东西都来自于官方文档( 尽量把分散在各地的补充说明归纳起来),我写这篇博文的目的并不是想把所有的 Object、方法、属性都涵盖,更多地是从 agile 开发的角度出发,这样我们在开发 Outlook Mail Add-in 的时候就能更快地找到合适的 API 及其定义了。
本文将从 Object Model 的角度更详细的罗列出 Mail Add-in 中可以访问的 Object 以及它所提供的方法和属性。
Office Object 表示 Add-in 的一个实例, 它是调用其它API相关的 Object (如Context等) 的入口。
代码示例(本文中所有代码示例如无特殊注明,均为 JavaScript 代码):
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入, 最后一次更新是在 v1.1中。
在哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or read)
最低权限要求: N/A
Context Object 表示 Add-in 的运行时环境信息,并提供调用关键 Object(如 Mailbox) 上 API 的入口
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入,后续无更新。
在哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or read)
最低权限要求: N/A
官方文档: https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/fp161104.aspx
RoamingSettings Object 用来存储per user,per add-in的custom settings。RoamingSettings 中的值只能被创建该值的用户所访问 ( 这也是 RoamingSettings 和 下文提到的 Office.context.mailbox.item.loadCustomPropertiesAsync()不同的地方),并且只能在被创建该值的 add-in 中访问到。Setting 的key是字符串类型的, value 的类型则可以是string、number、boolean、null、object或者array。
RoamingSettings Object是作为 Context 对象的一部分自动加载的, 当 add-in 被激活后,便可以通过访问 roamingSettings 来获得或设置其中的值。
var _settings; var _customerName; // The initialize function is required for all add-ins. Office.initialize = function () { // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function. $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run // Initialize instance variables to access API objects. _settings = Office.context.roamingSettings; // Set new settings _settings.set("customerName", "Paul"); _settings.saveAsync(saveMyAppSettingsCallback); // Load existing settings. _customerName = _settings.get("customerName"); // Remove an existing setting. _settings.remove("customerName"); _settings.saveAsync(saveMyAppSettingsCallback); }); } // Callback method after saving custom application roaming settings. function saveMyAppSettingsCallback(asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed) { // Handle the failure. } }
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入, 后续无更新。
哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or read)
最低权限要求: Restricted
一些实例:Persist metadata for the same mailbox by using roaming settings
Mailbox Object 是 Office Add-in Object Model 的入口, 所有与邮件甚至邮箱用户信息相关的操作都需要通过 Office.context.mailbox 来调用。
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入, 后续无更新。
在哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or read)
最低权限要求: ReadWriteMailbox, but some members accessible with lesser permissions
UserProfile Object 表示当前邮箱登录用户的信息, 它封装了用户的显示名称(Display Name)、邮箱地址、用户本地时区。
属性(Property) | 类型 | 描述 |
displayName | 字符串(string) | 用于显示的用户名. |
emailAddress | 字符串(string) | SMTP email address. |
timeZone | 字符串(string) | Host 当前 add-in 的应用程序( Outlook richlient, 或 OWA 等)中设置的时区信息。 |
// The initialize function is required for all add-ins. Office.initialize = function () { // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function. $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, addin-specific code can run. var userProfile = Office.context.mailbox.userProfile; // The user name to use for display. var name = userProfile.displayName; // The user‘s SMTP email address. var emailAdrress = userProfile.emailAddress; // The user‘s local time zone var timeZone = userProfile.timeZone; }); }
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入,后续无更新。
在哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or read)
最低权限要求: ReadItem
Item Object 表示 host 并激活当前 Add-in 的邮件信息条目或者约会条目。
Item Object 包含的方法和属性分别有:
方法(Method) |
Outlook 模式 |
描述 |
在什么版本引入 |
撰写、读邮件(Compose or read) |
为某个特定的邮件条目提供自定义的属性集合, 这些属性集合可以自由地添加或删除,他们保存在邮件服务器上。适用于存储一些针对于邮件条目的相关信息(可理解为邮件的 Property Bag)。 |
Version 1.0 |
撰写、读邮件(Compose or read) |
获得邮件主题或邮件正文中被选中的数据。 |
Version 1.2 |
撰写、读邮件(Compose or read) |
插入数据到邮件主题或正文中的当前选中区域中。 |
Version 1.2 |
撰写邮件(Compose) |
关闭正在编辑的邮件,关于如何处理未保存的邮件,请参考该函数页面的具体描述。 |
Version 1.3 |
撰写邮件(Compose) |
保存当前条目到草稿箱中。官网上说读邮件(Read)模式下也可用,但是个人理解,这个函数应该只是在撰写邮件模式下才可能调用。 |
Version 1.3 |
属性(Property) |
Outlook 模式 |
描述 |
在什么版本引入 |
读邮件(Read) |
获得当前邮件条目创建的日期和时间。 |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
获得当前邮件条目最后被修改的日期和时间。 |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
获得当前邮件条目的类别。对于邮件约会条目, 只有一个类别 IPM.Appointment; 对于邮件信息条目, 有如下几种类别: IPM.Note IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Neg IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Pos IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Tent IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Canceled |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
Gets the unique identifier for the item. |
Version 1.0 |
撰写、读邮件(Compose or read) |
Gets the type of the item. |
Version 1.0 |
Item Object 是一个 base Object,其他的“表示特定条目的Object”(如 Appointment 和 Message )都是它的扩展, 可以根据 itemType 属性来判断是 Appointment 还是 Message。
Item type |
Object |
Meeting |
Message |
关于 Appointment 和 Message, 以及 MettingRequest Object 它们分别特有的方法、属性,可以参考如下链接, 接下来一一罗列。
Appointment Object 表示当前约会条目
属性名 |
Outlook 模式 |
描述 |
从什么版本开始引入 |
读邮件(Read) |
获得邮件会议或约会的附件信息,下文也有针对 Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments 的介绍。 |
Version 1.0 |
撰写邮件(Compose) |
Gets a Body object that provides access the body text of the appointment. |
Version 1.1 |
Compose or read |
Gets a Date object that contains or a Time object that provides access to the date and time that the appointment is to end. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets a string that contains or a Location object that provides access to the location of the appointment. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets the subject of the appointment, with all prefixes removed (including "RE:" and "FWD:"). |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets the notification messages for an appointment. |
Version 1.3 |
Compose or read |
Gets an EmailAddressDetails object that contains or a Recipients object that provides access to optional attendees. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets an EmailAddressDetails object that contains the organizer of the appointment. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets an EmailAddressDetails object that contains or a Recipients object that provides access to required attendees. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets an EmailAddressDetails object that contains a list of resources required for the meeting. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets a Date object that contains or a Time object that provides access to the date and time that the appointment is to begin. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets a string that contains or a Subject object that provides access to the complete subject of the appointment with all prefixes. |
Version 1.0 |
Method name |
Outlook mode |
Description |
Introduced in |
Compose |
Adds files as attachments to the appointment. |
Version 1.1 |
Compose Read Read |
Adds mailbox items as attachments to the appointment. Displays a reply form including organizer and attendees. Displays a reply form including only the organizer. |
Version 1.1 Version 1.0 Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all entities recognized in the appointment. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all entities of the specified type recognized in the appointment. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all matches recognized in the appointment that meet the requirements of the named filter. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all regular expression matches recognized in the appointment. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all regular expression matches recognized in the appointment using the named regular expression. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose |
Removes a specified or all attachments from the appointment. |
Version 1.1 |
Message Object 表示当前邮件信息条目(区别于会议或约会)
Property name |
Outlook mode |
Description |
Introduced in |
Compose |
Gets an array of attachments for the message. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose |
Gets a Body object that provides access the body text of the message. |
Version 1.1 |
Compose |
Gets a Recipients object that provides access to each recipient on the Bcc line of the message. |
Version 1.1 |
Compose or read |
Gets a collection EmailAddressDetails object that contains or a Recipients object that provides access to each recipient on the Cc line of the message. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets the identifier for the conversation that the message is associated with. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets an EmailAddressDetails object for the message sender. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets the unique Internet message identifier for the message. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets the subject of the message, with all prefixes removed (including "RE:" and "FWD:"). |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets the notification messages for a message. |
Version 1.3 |
Read |
Gets an EmailAddressDetails object for the message sender. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets a string that contains or a Subject object that provides access to the complete subject of the message with all prefixes. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets a collection EmailAddressDetails object that contains or a Recipients object that provides access to each recipient on the To line of the message. |
Version 1.0 |
Method name |
Outlook mode |
Description |
Introduced in |
Compose |
Adds files as attachments to the message. |
Version 1.1 |
Compose Read Read |
Adds mailbox items as attachments to the message. Displays a reply form that includes the sender and all recipients of the selected message. Displays a reply form that includes only the sender of the selected message. |
Version 1.1 Version 1.0 Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all entities found in the message. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all entities of the specified type found in the message. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all matches recognized in the message that meet the requirements of the named filter. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all regular expression matches found in the message. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Returns all regular expression matches recognized in the message using the named regular expression. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose |
Removes a specified or all attachments from the message. |
Version 1.1 |
MeetingRequest Object 扩展了 Message Object,表示一个会议邀请
(The MeetingRequest object is returned as the item property of the Mailbox object. The MeetingRequest object extends the Message object. Represents a request to attend a meeting.)
Property name |
Outlook mode |
Description |
Introduced in |
Read |
Gets the time that the meeting is to end. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets the location of the meeting. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets the list of optional attendees for the meeting. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets the list of required attendees for the meeting. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets the list of resources needed for the meeting. |
Version 1.0 |
Read |
Gets the time that the meeting is to start. |
Version 1.0 |
Office.context.mailbox.item 的返回值取决于当前查看的邮件条目类型。例如,如果当前邮件条目是信息条目,返回值为一个Message Object;如果是一个约会条目,返回值为一个 Appointment Object。
注意: 下文中介绍的 Office.context.mailbox.item 的子 Object 或方法,有些是与当前邮件类型相关的。例如同样是Office.context.mailbox.item,如果当前邮件条目为约会条目,则它有 requiredAttendees 属性;而如果是邮件信息条目,则它会有 cc、to 等属性。
// The initialize function is required for all add-ins. Office.initialize = function () { /* Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function. */ $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run. var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; var subject = item.subject; // Continue with processing the subject of the current item, which can be a message or appointment. }); }
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入, 最后一次更新是在 v1.3中。
在哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or read)
最低权限要求: ReadItem
Item object:https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/fp142177.aspx
Message Object: https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/fp161175.aspx
MeetingRequest Object:https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/fp142237.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
Appointment Object: https://msdn.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/office/fp160964.aspx
AttachmentDetails Object 表示当前邮件条目中包含的附件信息,它封装了如下属性:
属性(Property) | 类型 | 描述 |
attachmentType | Office.MailboxEnums.AttachmentType | Gets one of the AttachmentType enumeration values that indicates whether the attachment is an Exchange item or a file. |
contentType | 字符串(string) | Gets the MIME content type of the attachment. |
id | 字符串(string) | Gets the Exchange Web Services (EWS) attachment identifier for the attachment. |
isInline | 布尔(boolean) | Gets a value that indicates whether the attachment is an inline attachment. The isInline property indicates whether an attachment, such as an embedded image, should be displayed in the item. |
name | 字符串(string) | Gets the name of the attachment. |
size | 整型(integer) | Gets the size of the attachment in bytes. An integer that contains the size of the attachment in bytes. |
其中 Office.MailboxEnums.AttachmentType 是个枚举类型,可取的值包括:
Enumeration | 值 | 描述 |
Office.MailboxEnums.AttachmentType.File | "file" | The attachment is a file. |
Office.MailboxEnums.AttachmentType.Item | "item" | The attachment is an Exchange item. |
// An array of AttachmentDetail objects is returned as the attachments property of an Item, // Appointment, or Message objects. Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入, 后续无更新。
在哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 读邮件 (Read)
最低权限要求: ReadItem
Body Object 表示当前邮件信息或约会条目的正文内容, 它提供了一些方法来为邮件信息或约会条目增加/更新正文内容,如下表所示。
方法(Method) | 描述 |
getAsync | 以指定的格式("html" 或 "text" )获得当前用户在邮件主题或正文中选择的数据,该API 从 Office.js v1.3 版本引入,在撰写邮件、读邮件(Compose or Read) 两种模式下均可调用。 |
getTypeAsync | 获得邮件正文内容格式,取值可以为 "html" 或 "text"。 V1.1 中引入。 |
prependAsync | 在邮件正文的前面添加指定的内容,This method was introduced in version 1.1. |
setAsync | 利用指定的内容替换掉邮件原有内容,在 v1.3 中引入。 |
setSelectedDataAsync | 利用指定的内容替换掉正文中选中部分,v1.1 引入。 |
TODO: 添加实例
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.1 中引入, 最后一次更新是在 v1.3中。
在哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件(Compose)
Subject Object 表示邮件信息或会议的主题。
方法(Method) | 描述 |
getAsync | 获得邮件信息或约会的主题。 |
setAsync | 设置邮件信息或约会的主题,overrides 原有的主题,但是原来的“转发”、“Fwd:”、“Re:”将会保留。 |
Office.initialize = function () { // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function. $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run. var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; // Get the subject of the item being composed. item.subject.getAsync( function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Successfully got the subject, display it. console.write(‘The subject is: ‘ + asyncResult.value); } } ); // Set the subject of the item that the user is composing. var today = new Date(); // Customize the subject with today‘s date. var subject = ‘Summary for ‘ + today.toLocaleDateString(); item.subject.setAsync( subject, { asyncContext: { var1: 1, var2: 2 } }, function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Successfully set the subject. // Do whatever appropriate for your scenario // using the arguments var1 and var2 as applicable. } } ); });// end $(document).ready }
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.1 中引入。
哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or read)
最低权限要求: ReadItem
Time Object 表示邮件约会的开始或结束时间,Office.context.mailbox.item.start 和 Office.context.mailbox.item.end 均是这种类型的 Object。该对象仅仅适用于邮件会议或约会,因为只有会议才有开始或结束时间,因此只有 Appointment 才有 start 或 end 属性( Message 和 MeetingRequest 对象都没有这些属性)。
方法(Method) | 描述 |
getAsync | Gets the value of a start or end time |
setAsync | Sets the value of a start or end time。 参数是一个表示 UTC 时间的 Date-Tme Object,可以利用 Mailbox.convertToUtcClientTime 获得相应的 UTC 时间 |
Office.initialize = function () { // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function. $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run. var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; // Get the start time of the item being composed. item.start.getAsync( function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Successfully got the start time, display it, first in UTC and // then convert the Date object to local time and display that. console.write (‘The start time in UTC is: ‘ + asyncResult.value.toString()); console.write (‘The start time in local time is: ‘ + asyncResult.value.toLocaleString()); } } ); // Set the start time of the item being composed. var startDate = new Date("September 27, 2012 12:30:00"); item.start.setAsync( startDate, { asyncContext: { var1: 1, var2: 2 } }, function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Successfully set the start time. // Do whatever appropriate for your scenario // using the arguments var1 and var2 as applicable. } } ); });// end $(document).ready }
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.1 中引入。
哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件会议或约会(Compose)、读邮件会议或约会(Read)
最低权限要求: ReadItem
Location Object 表示邮件会议或约会中的地点,它提供了方法来获取并设置会议地址, 该对象仅仅适用于邮件会议或约会, 因为只有邮件会议, 也即 Appointment Object 才有这个属性。
方法(Method) | 描述 |
getAsync | Gets the location of an appointment. |
setAsync | Sets the location of an appointment. |
Office.initialize = function () { // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function. $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run. var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; // Get the location of the item that the user is composing. item.location.getAsync( function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Successfully got the location, display it. console.write (‘The location is: ‘ + asyncResult.value); } } ); // Set the location of the item that the user is composing. item.location.setAsync( ‘Conference room A‘, { asyncContext: { var1: 1, var2: 2 } }, function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Successfully set the location. // Do whatever appropriate for your scenario // using the arguments var1 and var2 as applicable. } } ); });// end $(document).ready }
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.1 中引入。
哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or Read)
最低权限要求: ReadItem
Recipients Object提供了方法获取并设置邮件或约会的收件人。
对于 Message Object (即邮件信息条目),它的如下三个属性均是 Recipients 类型的 Object。 Office.context.mailbox.item.to,Office.context.mailbox.item.cc,Office.context.mailbox.item.bcc
对于 Appointment Object(即邮件约会条目),它的如下三个属性均是 Recipients 类型的 Object。 Office.context.mailbox.item.requiredAttendees, Office.context.mailbox.item.optionalAttendees, Office.context.mailbox.item.resources
Recipients Object 提供的方法有:
方法(Method) | 描述 |
addAsync | Adds recipients to the item. |
getAsync | Gets the recipients of an item. |
setAsync | Sets the recipients of an item. |
Office.initialize = function () { // Checks for the DOM to load using the jQuery ready function. $(document).ready(function () { // After the DOM is loaded, app-specific code can run. var item = Office.context.mailbox.item; // Get the email addresses of all the recipients of the composed item. // Local objects to point to recipients of either // the appointment or message that is being composed. // bccRecipients applies to only messages, not appointments. var toRecipients, ccRecipients, bccRecipients; // Verify if the composed item is an appointment or message. if (item.itemType == Office.MailboxEnums.ItemType.Appointment) { toRecipients = item.requiredAttendees; ccRecipients = item.optionalAttendees; } else { // For Message Object. toRecipients = item.to; ccRecipients = item.cc; bccRecipients = item.bcc; } // Use asynchronous method getAsync to get each type of recipients // of the composed item. Each time, this example passes an anonymous // callback function that doesn‘t take any parameters. toRecipients.getAsync(function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Async call to get to-recipients of the item completed. // Display the email addresses of the to-recipients. console.write (‘To-recipients of the item:‘); } }); // End getAsync for to-recipients. // Get any cc-recipients. ccRecipients.getAsync(function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Async call to get cc-recipients of the item completed. // Display the email addresses of the cc-recipients. console.write (‘Cc-recipients of the item:‘); } }); // End getAsync for cc-recipients. // If the item has the bcc field, i.e., item is message, // get any bcc-recipients. if (bccRecipients) { bccRecipients.getAsync(function (asyncResult) { if (asyncResult.status == Office.AsyncResultStatus.Failed){ console.write(asyncResult.error.message); } else { // Async call to get bcc-recipients of the item completed. // Display the email addresses of the bcc-recipients. console.write (‘Bcc-recipients of the item:‘); } }); // End getAsync for bcc-recipients. } });// end $(document).ready }
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.1。
哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件(Compose)
最低权限要求: ReadItem
Exchange Server 可以根据邮件内容检测出地理位置、邮箱地址、联系人信息、任务分配信息等, Entity 的识别依赖于自然语言的识别,而后者又要基于大量数据做机器学习才能做到,总的来说,entity的识别结果并不完全准确,识别的成功率很大程度上依赖于邮件中包含的特定语境信息。
我们可以利用 Office.context.mailbox.item.getEntities()/getEntitiesByType()/getFilteredEntitiesByName() 取出来这样一组信息集合,集合中包括如下几种类型的属性:
属性名 |
Outlook 模式
描述 |
从什么版本开始引入 |
读邮件(Read) |
Exchange Server 2013 服务在邮件条目中检测到的一条或多条地理位置信息;如果不存在, 返回 null。 |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
Exchange Server 2013 服务在邮件条目中检测到的一条或多条联系人信息;如果不存在, 返回 null。 |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
Exchange Server 2013 服务在邮件条目中检测到的一条或多条 SMTP 邮箱信息;如果不存在, 返回 null。 |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
Exchange Server 2013 服务在邮件条目中检测到的一条或多条“会议建议”信息;如果不存在, 返回 null。 |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
Exchange Server 2013 服务在邮件条目中检测到的一条或多条电话号码;如果不存在, 返回 null。 |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
Exchange Server 2013 服务在邮件条目中检测到的一条或多条“任务建议”;如果不存在, 返回 null。 |
Version 1.0 |
读邮件(Read) |
Exchange Server 2013 服务在邮件条目中检测到的一条或多条 Internet Urls;如果不存在, 返回 null。 |
Version 1.0 |
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入。
哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 读邮件 (ead)
最低权限要求: ReadItem 或 Restricted, 具体请查看每个 Entity 链接中的定义。
Diagnostics Object 提供用于 troubleshooting 的信息, Office.context.mailbox.diagnostics 的主要属性如下:
Property name |
Outlook mode |
Description |
Introduced in |
Compose or read |
Gets a string that represents the name of the host application for the mail app. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets a string that represents the version of either the host application or the Exchange Server. |
Version 1.0 |
Compose or read |
Gets a string that represents the current view of Outlook Web App. |
Version 1.0 |
Office.js版本:此 Object 在 Office.js v1.0 中引入。
哪些 Outlook 模式中可用: 撰写邮件、读邮件 (Compose or read)
最低权限要求: ReadItem
JavaScript API for Office Outlook Add-in - “一页纸文档“