标签:android des style blog http color
Android提供的dumpsys工具可以用于查看感兴趣的系统服务信息与状态,手机连接电脑后可以直接命令行执行adb shell dumpsys 查看所有支持的Service但是这样输出的太多,可以通过dumpsys | grep "DUMP OF SERVICE" 仅显示主要的Service的信息
> adb shell $ dumpsys | grep "DUMP OF SERVICE"
C:\Windows\System32>adb shell shell@m:/ $ dumpsys | grep "DUMP OF SERVICE" dumpsys | grep "DUMP OF SERVICE" DUMP OF SERVICE AtCmdFwd: DUMP OF SERVICE CustomFrequencyManagerService: DUMP OF SERVICE DirEncryptService: DUMP OF SERVICE Exynos.HWCService: DUMP OF SERVICE Exynos.IPService: DUMP OF SERVICE FMPlayer: DUMP OF SERVICE LEDService: DUMP OF SERVICE SecTVOutService: DUMP OF SERVICE SurfaceFlinger: DUMP OF SERVICE TvoutService_C: DUMP OF SERVICE accessibility: DUMP OF SERVICE account: DUMP OF SERVICE activity: DUMP OF SERVICE alarm: DUMP OF SERVICE android.security.keystore: DUMP OF SERVICE application_policy: DUMP OF SERVICE appops: DUMP OF SERVICE appwidget: DUMP OF SERVICE audio: DUMP OF SERVICE backup: DUMP OF SERVICE battery: DUMP OF SERVICE batteryinfo: DUMP OF SERVICE bluetooth_manager: DUMP OF SERVICE bluetooth_secure_mode_manager: DUMP OF SERVICE clipboard: DUMP OF SERVICE clipboardEx: DUMP OF SERVICE commontime_management: DUMP OF SERVICE connectivity: DUMP OF SERVICE container_service: DUMP OF SERVICE content: DUMP OF SERVICE country_detector: DUMP OF SERVICE cpuinfo: DUMP OF SERVICE dbinfo: DUMP OF SERVICE device_policy: DUMP OF SERVICE devicestoragemonitor: DUMP OF SERVICE diskstats: DUMP OF SERVICE display: DUMP OF SERVICE dreams: DUMP OF SERVICE drm.drmManager: DUMP OF SERVICE dropbox: DUMP OF SERVICE edmnativehelper: DUMP OF SERVICE enterprise_license_policy: DUMP OF SERVICE enterprise_policy: DUMP OF SERVICE entropy: DUMP OF SERVICE gfxinfo: DUMP OF SERVICE hardware: DUMP OF SERVICE harmony_eas_service: DUMP OF SERVICE input: DUMP OF SERVICE input_method: DUMP OF SERVICE iphonesubinfo: DUMP OF SERVICE isms: DUMP OF SERVICE license_log_service: DUMP OF SERVICE location: DUMP OF SERVICE lock_settings: DUMP OF SERVICE log_manager_service: DUMP OF SERVICE mdm.remotedesktop: DUMP OF SERVICE media.audio_flinger: DUMP OF SERVICE media.audio_policy: DUMP OF SERVICE media.camera: DUMP OF SERVICE media.player: DUMP OF SERVICE meminfo: DUMP OF SERVICE motion_recognition: DUMP OF SERVICE mount: DUMP OF SERVICE multiwindow: DUMP OF SERVICE netpolicy: DUMP OF SERVICE netstats: DUMP OF SERVICE network_management: DUMP OF SERVICE nfc: DUMP OF SERVICE nfccontroller: DUMP OF SERVICE notification: DUMP OF SERVICE package: DUMP OF SERVICE permission: DUMP OF SERVICE phone: DUMP OF SERVICE phone_restriction_policy: DUMP OF SERVICE phoneext: DUMP OF SERVICE power: DUMP OF SERVICE remoteinjection: DUMP OF SERVICE samplingprofiler: DUMP OF SERVICE samsung.smartfaceservice: DUMP OF SERVICE scheduling_policy: DUMP OF SERVICE search: DUMP OF SERVICE sec_analytics: DUMP OF SERVICE secontroller: DUMP OF SERVICE sensorservice: DUMP OF SERVICE serial: DUMP OF SERVICE servicediscovery: DUMP OF SERVICE simphonebook: DUMP OF SERVICE sip: DUMP OF SERVICE statusbar: DUMP OF SERVICE telephony.registry: DUMP OF SERVICE textservices: DUMP OF SERVICE tvoutservice: DUMP OF SERVICE uimode: DUMP OF SERVICE updatelock: DUMP OF SERVICE usagestats: DUMP OF SERVICE usb: DUMP OF SERVICE user: DUMP OF SERVICE vibrator: DUMP OF SERVICE voip: DUMP OF SERVICE wallpaper: DUMP OF SERVICE wfd: DUMP OF SERVICE wifi: DUMP OF SERVICE wifi_policy: DUMP OF SERVICE wifip2p: DUMP OF SERVICE window:
shell@m:/ $ dumpsys meminfo -h dumpsys meminfo -h meminfo dump options: [-a] [--oom] [process] -a: include all available information for each process. --oom: only show processes organized by oom adj. If [process] is specified it can be the name or pid of a specific process to dump.
名字 | 功能 |
account | 显示accounts信息 |
activity | 显示所有的activities的信息 |
cpuinfo | 显示CPU信息 |
window | 显示键盘,窗口和它们的关系 |
wifi | 显示wifi信息 |
batteryinfo $package_name | 电量信息及CPU 使用时长 |
package packagename | 获取安装包信息 |
usagestats | 每个界面启动的时间 |
statusbar | 显示状态栏相关的信息 |
meminfo |
内存信息(meminfo $package_name or $pid
diskstats | 磁盘相关信息 |
battery | 电池信息 |
alarm | 显示Alarm信息 |
Android 性能优化 五 性能分析工具dumpsys的使用,布布扣,bubuko.com
Android 性能优化 五 性能分析工具dumpsys的使用
标签:android des style blog http color