The copy constructor is a special kind of constructor which creates a new object which is a copy of an existing one, and does it efficiently.
Here below is a simple declaration of a copy constructor:
class string
string(const string &s)
Now you can use it as follow:
// create an object which is copy of another object
string s1("hello");
string s2(s1); // copy constructor activated
// create an object as a copy of a temporary object
string s3(string("abc"));
string s4 = s1;
// object s4 does not activate the constructor, but its copy constructor to make only a copy of s1, rather than building a new object
you have to use const in the argument at the copy constructor to create an object as a copy of a temporary object: e.g. string(const string &s).
to make things clear, you can create a new object as copy of a different object without using a copy constructor, like this:
string s4;
this is an example of inefficient code. Since s4 first call its constructor to build a new object and then it make a bit-wise copy of s1. The whole process of calling the constructor to build an object which next is being rewritten, is wasteful, takes time and resources. Copy constructor allow you to prevents this inefficiency.
Default copy constructor
If the programmer did not declared the copy constructor for a class, the compiler will add its own default copy constructor for the objects derived from that class.
Default copy constructor does a very simple operation, they will do a bit-wise (member-wise) copy of an object, which means that the object will be copied bit by bit.
string s1("hello");
string s2(s1);
string s2 = s1; //the same as above
There is a danger in copying an object bit by bit, if the object contains pointers since the pointer address will be copied in the process resulting in two different objects that share the same memory buffer. You can imagine what will happen when two copies of an object calls their destructors one after the other. The first object that call its destructor will have no problems, since it will try to deallocate the pointer and succeed, but the second objects destructor try to deallocate a pointer which does not exist anymore and the whole application crashes!
For a situation where an object contain pointers we have to write our own copy constructor that will prevent situations like those mentioned above.
There are 3 situations in which the copy constructor is called:
When we make copy of an object.
When we pass an object as an argument by value to a method.
When we return an object from a method by value.
we saw the first scenario above, and we will now look at the other two scenarios.
When objects are passed to a function as arguments by value, a bit wise copy of the object will be passed to the function and placed on the stack, therefor the constructor of the object will not be called. It make sense if you think of it, you want to pass an object in a certain state containing the data you need for the function to process, if you wanted it in the initialization state with its default data, you could just create it inside the function instead of passing it as an argument.
(当一个对象按值传递给一个函数作为参数,对象将会按位拷贝到函数中,并且置于栈中。所以此时对象的构造函数不会被 调用。当你希望传递的对象有初始化值的时候,你应该在函数的内部创建它来代替作为参数传给函数。)
When the function end, the constructor of the object will be called. This is also make sense since the object was passed by value and its data will not be needed outside the function scope.
No pay attention to this, the situation in which only the object destructor is called can make great deal of troubles. Think what will happen when the object holds a pointer to some address in the memory. When this object is passed as argument to a function the pointer in the new temporary created object will hold the same address as the original object, since its a bit wise copy. When the function ends, the destructor will free the address pointed by the pointer. From this point, if the destructor of the original object will be called it will try to free an address which already free, and we all know what it the consequences of that …
(没有注意到的是,对象的析构函数调用后会引起很大的麻烦。想想如果对象中包含了指向地址的指针会发生什么。由于是按位拷贝,当传递一个对象给函数作为参数的时候,新产生的临时性的对象的指针将会与 原来对象的指针指向同一个地址。当函数结束的时候,析构函数将会释放指针指向的地址。从这点来看,如果原来对象 的析构函数被调用,它将会释放已经释放的内存,我们都知道会发生什么样的后果。)
lets look at an example to make things clear.
Here we define string class which holds a char* pointer:
(让我们看看下面的例子,以便更加清楚 这里我们定义的string类包含了一个char*指针)
class string
// constructor
string(char* aStr)
str = new char[sizeof(aStr)];
strcpy (str,aStr);
// destructor
del str;
char *getChars(){ return str; }
char* str;
now we will write a function that receive a string object as an argument.
void function (string str)
// do somthing
Lets look what will happen when we call this function :
void main ()
string str("hello");
function(str); // program crush
The first time we call function(str) everything works properly, when the function ends, the input argument on the stack is destroyed, and its destructor will be called, and delete the pointer.
The second time we call the function , everything still works properly, but when the function ends, the constructor will try now to free the address pointed by str, and crash.
(第一次调用function函数的时候一切都很正常,当函数结束的时候,栈上的参数会被销毁,所以对象的析构函数会被调用,并且删除指针指向的内容。 第二次调用function函数的时候,一切似乎同样正常。但当函数结束的时候,析构函数会试图去释放指针str指向地址的内容,这样就会造成奔溃。)
The copy constructor come to help us solve this kind of problems. Here is a solution:
class string
// constructor
string(char* aStr)
str = new char[sizeof(aStr)];
strcpy (str,aStr);
string(string &strObj)
tmpStr = strObj.getChars();
str = new tmpStr[sizeof(tmpStr)];
strcpy (str,tmpStr);
// destructor
del str;
char* str;
The same way we can handle the third scenario where a method returns an object:
class string
string(char* aStr)
str = new char[ strlen(aStr) + 1 ];
strcpy (str,aStr);
string(string &strObj)
str = new char[ strObj.str ];
strcpy( str, strObj.str );
string &string::operator=(const string &s)
string temp( s );
std::swap( temp.str, str );
return *this;
// destructor
delete[] str;
char* str;
C++ Copy Constructor in depth (深入理解C++拷贝构造函数)