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搜索关键字:whole    ( 271个结果
HDU 6162 Ch’s gift
Mr. Cui is working off-campus and he misses his girl friend very much. After a whole night tossing and turning, he decides to get to his girl friend's ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-25 23:41:55    阅读次数:206
563. Binary Tree Tilt
Given a binary tree, return the tilt of the whole tree. The tilt of a tree node is defined as the absolute difference between the sum of all left subt ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-22 21:46:34    阅读次数:165
spark flink 技术交流感想
1、spark sql past,present,future 介绍了spark sql的历史,Catalyst优化器的一些优化(Tungsten内部数据编码格式,Whole Stage code gengeration,Vectorized Parquent reader)。Spark SQL未来 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-18 17:10:46    阅读次数:247
LeetCode 581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray (最短无序连续子数组)
Given an integer array, you need to find one continuous subarray that if you only sort this subarray in ascending order, then the whole array will be ...
分类:编程语言   时间:2017-10-15 21:30:34    阅读次数:213
线段树 or 并查集 (多一个时间截点)
There is a company that has N employees(numbered from 1 to N),every employee in the company has a immediate boss (except for the leader of whole compa ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-13 22:28:09    阅读次数:269
HDU-6216 A Cubic number and A Cubic Number[二分]
A Cubic number and A Cubic Number Problem Description A cubic number is the result of using a whole number in a multiplication three times. For exampl ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-10-02 18:24:53    阅读次数:128
使用Visual Studio扩展插件Visual assist X给代码插入注释模板
Visual Assist 是由Whole Tomato公司为Microsoft Visual Studio开发的一款插件。它对Visual Studio的智能提示功能和代码高亮功能进行了增强,同时还增加了代码提示功能和重构功能,并对程序注释加入了拼写检查功能。它还可以检测一些基本的语法错误,如使用 ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-09-24 12:41:15    阅读次数:129
lintcode447- Search in a Big Sorted Array- medium
Given a big sorted array with positive integers sorted by ascending order. The array is so big so that you can not get the length of the whole array d ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-09-23 10:31:39    阅读次数:135
HDU 6216 A Cubic number and A Cubic Number【数学思维+枚举/二分】
Problem Description A cubic number is the result of using a whole number in a multiplication three times. For example, 3×3×3=27 so 27 is a cubic numbe ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-09-18 00:26:14    阅读次数:262
There is a company that has N employees(numbered from 1 to N),every employee in the company has a immediate boss (except for the leader of whole compa ...
分类:其他好文   时间:2017-09-17 16:34:05    阅读次数:225
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